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Bill Johnson - Valuing The Prophetic
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Bill Johnson - Valuing The Prophetic
Bill Johnson - Valuing The Prophetic
People will often say, «I just don’t hear his voice, but I feel his peace». In John 1:14, it says of Jesus: he is the Word of God made flesh. Anytime you sense presence, the word is there. It may not have touched your intellect, but it is touching [...]
Steven Furtick - God Is Trying to Speak to You
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Steven Furtick - God Is Trying to Speak to You
Steven Furtick - God Is Trying to Speak to You
This is an excerpt from: God's Got Your Back - Part 1 God’s got your back. We get so distracted by what we’re walking into and what other people have and what they look like. Come on, man. They didn’t even buy that Gucci bag with cash. They [...]
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Bill Johnson - Listening to the Spirit - Part 2
Bill Johnson - Listening to the Spirit - Part 2
In Luke, chapter 8. And I’ve talked on this a I was just with the crones, here, which I loved going down there this last weekend. I talked about this, there, so forgive me for repeat, but, this is what’s been on my heart of late. So, Luke 8. And [...]
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Bill Johnson - Listening to the Spirit - Part 1
Bill Johnson - Listening to the Spirit - Part 1
In Mark 14 is a story of Jesus walking on water. And I look at this story, oftentimes, and think it’s amusing and funny, because Jesus is walking on the water and the disciples are terrified. And then, Jesus says, «Don’t be afraid,» which seems to [...]
Bill Johnson - Following His Voice
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Bill Johnson - Following His Voice
Bill Johnson - Following His Voice
The challenge of our faith is our willingness to hear other voices. And instead of emphasizing our inability or our weakness in hearing God’s voice, it would be wiser for us to emphasize his ability to be heard. The challenge with our faith is not [...]
Greg Ford - Listening to God
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Greg Ford - Listening to God
Greg Ford - Listening to God
We're gonna talk about listening to God today, which let's just be honest, it's confusing. It's not super clear. Sometimes church folk, you know, they make it over simple, you know? "Hey, I'm trying, man, I just [...]
Robert Barron - Listen to the Voice of God
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Robert Barron - Listen to the Voice of God
Robert Barron - Listen to the Voice of God
Peace be with you. Friends, I never want to pass up the opportunity to preach on the book of the prophet Jonah. I know I've done it before, you've heard me on it. But there's something inexhaustible about Jonah, and though it's a [...]
Sid Roth - Simple Method to Hear God (Even Works for Atheists)
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Sid Roth - Simple Method to Hear God (Even Works for Atheists)
Sid Roth - Simple Method to Hear God (Even Works for Atheists)
Sid Roth : My favorite part of the show. Welcome, Holy Spirit, go and flow. My guest, Ed Rush, a top gun fighter pilot, started badly. He failed kindergarten which he says is impossible, except for him. Tell us how that happened. Ed Rush : So I was [...]
Craig Groeschel - Hearing God's Voice
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Craig Groeschel - Hearing God's Voice
Craig Groeschel - Hearing God's Voice
Do you ever find it difficult to hear God's voice? For example, if you have a decision that you need to make and so you think, well, maybe I should pray about it. And so you pray about it and you might say, okay, God, I wanna do what You want. [...]
Robert Barron - God Is Speaking, But Are We Ready to Listen?
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Robert Barron - God Is Speaking, But Are We Ready to Listen?
Robert Barron - God Is Speaking, But Are We Ready to Listen?
Peace be with you. Friends, we've moved now through the Advent and Christmas season and with the whole Church around the world, we return to Ordinary Time. And what I want to do is pick up my sermonizing on the Old Testament text. And we have a [...]
Mike Novotny - God Told Me
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Mike Novotny - God Told Me
Mike Novotny - God Told Me
You ever had an experience, where it just felt, it just seem like God was speaking directly to you? Like, not necessarily you're in church, open Bible, you know, reading the Word of God, but there's just, there's something about the [...]
James Meehan - What Does God's Voice Sound Like?
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James Meehan - What Does God's Voice Sound Like?
James Meehan - What Does God's Voice Sound Like?
Dominique : What's up, Culture Makers? We are so excited to have you today. My name's Dominique and we have James with us today and we're gonna be talking... James Meehan : AKA, the Professor. Dominique : Oh Lord. And we're [...]
Adrian Rogers - When the Spirit Speaks
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Adrian Rogers - When the Spirit Speaks
Adrian Rogers - When the Spirit Speaks
Take your Bibles, turn to John chapter 16, and in just a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 7. The title of the message, "When the Spirit Speaks". There're some things that you will never learn in school, some things [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Follow the Inward Witness for Protection
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Kenneth Copeland - Follow the Inward Witness for Protection
Kenneth Copeland - Follow the Inward Witness for Protection
— Welcome, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is Friday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. The inward witness, Professor. The local church is the most powerful thing on the face of this earth. Jesus said [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Whispers From God - Part 2
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Jentezen Franklin - Whispers From God - Part 2
Jentezen Franklin - Whispers From God - Part 2
If you have your Bibles, I invite you to open it up to the Book of 1 Samuel 3. I'll begin reading in verse 8, "And the Lord called Samuel again a third time. So, he arose and went to Eli and said, 'Here I am for you did call me.' [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Whispers From God - Part 1
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Jentezen Franklin - Whispers From God - Part 1
Jentezen Franklin - Whispers From God - Part 1
Hello. Thank you for joining me today on Kingdom Connection. I really believe that you're watching by divine design. I always pray that God will use this telecast to bring the right message to the right people at the right time, and [...]
Robert Jeffress - God's Thundering Silence
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Robert Jeffress - God's Thundering Silence
Robert Jeffress - God's Thundering Silence
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Is there anything more frustrating than calling up a company only to be met with a maze of never ending menu options? It's easy to lose patience waiting for a real person to [...]
Robert Jeffress - The God Who Speaks - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - The God Who Speaks - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - The God Who Speaks - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Have you ever tried to talk to someone over the noise that's blasting from a television set? It's frustrating to say the least. Yet many of us expect to hear God's [...]
Robert Jeffress - The God Who Speaks - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - The God Who Speaks - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - The God Who Speaks - Part 1
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Few things are more frustrating than trying to speak to somebody who's clearly not listening. It makes you wonder why you're bothering to talk to them at all. Well, though [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Consider Jesus, Hear His Voice Today!
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Kenneth Copeland - Consider Jesus, Hear His Voice Today!
Kenneth Copeland - Consider Jesus, Hear His Voice Today!
Begin the application of faith confession before you have it. Believe you receive when you pray. Hebrews 4:11 Hebrews, in my opinion, other than Matthew, Mark, Luke and John is the most important book in the Bible. 4:11 "Let us labour therefore [...]
Derek Prince - How To Hear From God
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Derek Prince - How To Hear From God
Derek Prince - How To Hear From God
This is an excerpt from: The Headship of Jesus - Part 2 I'd like to turn to Psalm 95 which I believe probably would appeal to our worship leaders here. To me this is a pattern psalm. How to hear from God, how to get into God's presence [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Whispers of God (From Galilee)
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Jentezen Franklin - Whispers of God (From Galilee)
Jentezen Franklin - Whispers of God (From Galilee)
Welcome to a very special edition of Kingdom Connection. I'm coming to you from the Sea of Galilee. Behind me is where Jesus taught on the hills behind me, The Beatitudes, and just a little bit down, in a few moments the picture as we cruise [...]
Allen Jackson - Listening And Preparing - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Listening And Preparing - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Listening And Preparing - Part 2
What an honor to be with God's people. Our topic is "End Time Pressures". Specifically, we wanna talk about listening and preparing. Folks, we are watching an unleashing of evil that is unprecedented in recent decades. So how do we [...]
Allen Jackson - Listening And Preparing - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Listening And Preparing - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Listening And Preparing - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. Our topic is "End Times Pressure". We're going to talk about listening to the Lord. You know, the closer we get to the end of the age, the more imperative it will be to be able to recognize the [...]
Derek Prince - Hearing And Obeying God
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Derek Prince - Hearing And Obeying God
Derek Prince - Hearing And Obeying God
We have arrived at Page 3/1. We'll look very briefly at the outline before we go on. This first verse of chapter 3 focuses on Jesus in two aspects: apostle and high priest. As apostle He was sent forth to perform the task of redemption. Having [...]
Gregory Dickow - What To Do When God Seems Silent
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Gregory Dickow - What To Do When God Seems Silent
Gregory Dickow - What To Do When God Seems Silent
Well, merry Christmas, happy Christmas, thank you for joining me today. Remember that name of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. You know God's with us right now. He's with you, he's with me, he's with our connection here. Right now, [...]
Allen Jackson - Listening and Learning - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Listening and Learning - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Listening and Learning - Part 2
It's good to be with you again. We're gonna complete our session on "Listening and Learning". There's no more important characteristic in your toolbox than learning to recognize God's directions in your life. He speaks [...]
Allen Jackson - Listening and Learning - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Listening and Learning - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Listening and Learning - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. Our topic in this session is listening and learning. There's no characteristic throughout scripture that identifies God's people more specifically than those who will listen to him. Jesus said, "My [...]
Steven Furtick - Do You Need Clarity And Direction?
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Steven Furtick - Do You Need Clarity And Direction?
Steven Furtick - Do You Need Clarity And Direction?
This is an excerpt from: The Restriction Has Been Lifted God never changes. Thank God that he never changes. However, our relationship with him does. God is always leading you. God is always leading me, but he will lead me through different things [...]
Skip Heitzig - Say Something (Psalm 19)
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Skip Heitzig - Say Something (Psalm 19)
Skip Heitzig - Say Something (Psalm 19)
I trust that you brought your Bible this morning, so would you turn to Psalm 19. There was a couple that was married. They had been married for sixty years and they loved each other deeply. They shared everything together. They kept no secrets from [...]
Doug Batchelor - Hearing the Voice of God
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Doug Batchelor - Hearing the Voice of God
Doug Batchelor - Hearing the Voice of God
One of the greatest male voices, not talking about singers, that might be Caruso, but one of the greatest male voices according to history was a preacher by the name of George Whitfield. George Whitfield was a friend of the Wesleys. Early in life, [...]
John Bradshaw - Seeing The Voice of God
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John Bradshaw - Seeing The Voice of God
John Bradshaw - Seeing The Voice of God
The great American, George Washington Carver, once said: Reading about nature is fine. But if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn about more than what's in books because the woods speak with the voice of God. Psalm [...]
Sid Roth - The Secret to Hearing God's Voice Every Day
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Sid Roth - The Secret to Hearing God's Voice Every Day
Sid Roth - The Secret to Hearing God's Voice Every Day
Sid Roth : I gravitate to people that speak what God tells them to say. They're called prophets. In the Jewish scriptures we call these people seers. Hearing God, speaking what he says is better than the best thing you've ever seen on [...]
Sid Roth - Tapping into Heaven's Divine Knowledge Database
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Sid Roth - Tapping into Heaven's Divine Knowledge Database
Sid Roth - Tapping into Heaven's Divine Knowledge Database
Sid Roth : Listen, my guest has taught hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world how to hear God for themselves and speak predictions, and events in people's, to people with their mouth. And Steve, you believe that everyone can do [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God is Speaking
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Rabbi Schneider - God is Speaking
Rabbi Schneider - God is Speaking
Right now in this series I'm looking at the phenomenon of prophecy, dreams and visions. In Joel chapter 2, verse number 28 and 29, Joel prophesied that in the last days the Father would pour forth his spirit on all flesh. He said the result of [...]
Steven Furtick - I Wish God Would Tell Me What To Do
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Steven Furtick - I Wish God Would Tell Me What To Do
Steven Furtick - I Wish God Would Tell Me What To Do
This is an excerpt from: Making Moves. There comes a time in your life when you must stop mourning. Nobody can tell you when that is. Only God can tell you when you've cried over Saul long enough. That's what the prophet Samuel had to [...]
David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
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David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
Elijah was an extraordinary man, one of the greatest men in all of the Bible, and we've stood with him in this series on Mount Carmel, when in one 30-second prayer, he called down fire from heaven and proved, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that [...]
Joel Osteen - Listening To The Whisper
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Joel Osteen - Listening To The Whisper
Joel Osteen - Listening To The Whisper
I want to talk to you today about Listening To The Whisper. We don't always realize how God speaks to us. We've seen in the movies where God spoke to Moses, and the voice boomed out of the heavens, sounded like thunder, was so powerful and [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Take Time To Listen
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Kenneth Copeland - Take Time To Listen
Kenneth Copeland - Take Time To Listen
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Father, we thank You for these two weeks. Oh, we're just so blessed. And it's thrilling in Your Word, in Your covenants of promise. And we take it and we receive it in the name of Jesus. And [...]
Jack Graham - Hearing with Your Heart
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Jack Graham - Hearing with Your Heart
Jack Graham - Hearing with Your Heart
The story of Jesus is the most powerful story of all! And interestingly enough, when God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ, God's Son came, telling stories, and they're known as parables. And if you'll recall in our first [...]
Sid Roth - Atheist Hears Audible Voice of God Say These Words
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Sid Roth - Atheist Hears Audible Voice of God Say These Words
Sid Roth - Atheist Hears Audible Voice of God Say These Words
On December 31st, 2010, my guest was a drunken atheist. Two weeks later, just two weeks later he could see supernaturally into the invisible realm, was holding prayer meetings in his own living room and casting demons out of people. Sid Roth : You [...]
Sid Roth - You Can Hear God's Voice AND Prophesy!
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Sid Roth - You Can Hear God's Voice AND Prophesy!
Sid Roth - You Can Hear God's Voice AND Prophesy!
My guest has absolute proof that all believers can prophesy, and that means you, next. Sid Roth : Now, my guest, Michael Maiden, says all believers can prophesy. How can you be so certain? Michael Maiden : Well, first of all, the Bible says so in 1 [...]
Sid Roth - She Hears God's Voice Every Day! This is What He Says!
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Sid Roth - She Hears God's Voice Every Day! This is What He Says!
Sid Roth - She Hears God's Voice Every Day! This is What He Says!
Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest fights to set people free with a warrior Celtic power. Ready to be released to a new level? Sid Roth : You are going to love my guest. Emma Stark is a [...]
Sid Roth - God Spoke 9 Words to Me and I Was Instantly Healed with Rick Amato
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Sid Roth - God Spoke 9 Words to Me and I Was Instantly Healed with Rick Amato
Sid Roth - God Spoke 9 Words to Me and I Was Instantly Healed with Rick Amato
He had Crohn's disease and peritonitis, which resulted in a colostomy. After hearing a voice, he was instantly healed. Next on this edition of "It's Supernatural"! Sid Roth : Hello. Sid Roth your investigative reporter. It seems [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw Jesus Being Whipped. I'll Never Forget What He Said to Me with Lana Vawser
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Sid Roth - I Saw Jesus Being Whipped. I'll Never Forget What He Said to Me
Sid Roth - I Saw Jesus Being Whipped. I'll Never Forget What He Said to Me with Lana Vawser
Hello, Sid Roth here, welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural! My guest is a prophetic voice to the nations, but she's also one that hears God's voice for individuals! She says God is always speaking, and more [...]
Charles Stanley - A Pattern Of Powerful Prayer
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Charles Stanley - A Pattern Of Powerful Prayer
Charles Stanley - A Pattern Of Powerful Prayer
If someone should ask you, "How can I pray for you"? what would you say? Would you be able to give them a very clear answer and say, "I want you to pray for me in this area or that area of my life"? Or would you because maybe of, [...]
Creflo Dollar - Five Hindrances to Hearing From God
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Creflo Dollar - Five Hindrances to Hearing From God
Creflo Dollar - Five Hindrances to Hearing From God
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Proverbs chapter 20, and verse 27. Of course, we are continuing another segment of this message and teaching on how to hear from God. It's important that we know that it is God's will to [...]
Creflo Dollar - 7 Ways To Get Better Hearing
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Creflo Dollar - 7 Ways To Get Better Hearing
Creflo Dollar - 7 Ways To Get Better Hearing
I'm not too sure that we ought to be rushing through this series, but this is, I think, the third time, but this is important, how to hear from God. And we should know that it is God's will for us to hear from him. And so tonight, I [...]
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Creflo Dollar - How to Hear From God
Creflo Dollar - How to Hear From God
Let's begin tonight in Proverbs chapter 20 and verse 27, as we deal with what I believe is a vital series concerning hearing from God. Imagine some of the things that you could accomplish because you can hear from God. Imagine some of the traps [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The True Voice of God
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Rabbi Schneider - The True Voice of God
Rabbi Schneider - The True Voice of God
Haverim, we're gonna continue today, haverim is the Hebrew word for friends and those of you that love the Lord we are friends and we'll always be friends. And God's Spirit is working within us a deep sense of love and a deep sense of [...]
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