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Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 2
The assignment biblically is to remove the high places. It’s a much larger topic than we can process in this session. Judges 6 is Gideon, one of the judges, the people have done evil in the sight of the Lord again. You see, God will raise up a godly [...]
Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 1
We’re working through a series on how to stormproof the foundations of our lives. Jesus told a parable about that. Jesus told us, forewarned us that storms come to everyone, nobody is exempt. But that in the midst of that, we can prepare ourselves [...]
Kerry Shook - Raising Giant Killers
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Kerry Shook - Raising Giant Killers
Kerry Shook - Raising Giant Killers
I get to talk this weekend about something Chris and I are so passionate about. In fact, it's really our life's passion, and that is to live our lives and to live out our faith in such a way that our kids and their kids see that God is [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Generation to Come
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Adrian Rogers - The Generation to Come
Adrian Rogers - The Generation to Come
Would you take God's Word and turn to Psalm 78. And I want to say, that the great American dream was placed in the heart of our founding fathers, I believe, by Almighty God. No nation, no nation ever had such a Christian beginning as America. I [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Treasury of Snow
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Jentezen Franklin - The Treasury of Snow
Jentezen Franklin - The Treasury of Snow
Job 38:22, this is a revelation that I want you to never forget. Listen to this, verse 23, "Have you entered the treasury of snow, or have you seen the treasury of hail," which is rain that is frozen into ice, "Which I," this is [...]
Joel Osteen - Generational Breakthrough
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Joel Osteen - Generational Breakthrough
Joel Osteen - Generational Breakthrough
I want to talk to you today about Generational Breakthroughs. Some of the things we struggle with didn't start with us, they were passed down from those that went before us. We don't get to choose our battles, we show up and have things to [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faith for the Family
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Adrian Rogers - Faith for the Family
Adrian Rogers - Faith for the Family
Would you take God's precious Word and turn to Hebrews chapter 11 please, and we're going to begin reading in verse 23 as we make our way through this Hall of Fame and the champions of faith. Today we come to verse 23 and let's read [...]
Michael Youssef - Interceding For Next Generation
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Michael Youssef - Interceding For Next Generation
Michael Youssef - Interceding For Next Generation
We have been looking about the importance of transferring the whole truth, the whole counsel of God, as the old biblical translation says, the whole counsel of God to the next generation, and that is probably the most important thing about this [...]
Michael Youssef - Engaging Future Generations
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Michael Youssef - Engaging Future Generations
Michael Youssef - Engaging Future Generations
Throughout the Scripture, you see that God did not just design the family as a shield to protect the children from the evil influence of culture, but there's more than that. He created the Christian family as a beachhead and a mission force to [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Be the Father of a Wise Child
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Adrian Rogers - How to Be the Father of a Wise Child
Adrian Rogers - How to Be the Father of a Wise Child
Take your Bibles and turn if you would to Proverbs chapter 1. Sometimes children are caught up in the mistakes and the pride and the arrogance of their parents. And more than often it's the pride and the arrogance of the father. Twas the [...]
Mike Novotny - Even When Church Hurts
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Mike Novotny - Even When Church Hurts
Mike Novotny - Even When Church Hurts
Now thankfully, Jesus actually answered that question. And he answered it with a series of verses that I actually shared with you about six months ago at this church. Ironically, we were in the middle of a sermon series called "Out of [...]
Mike Novotny - Embrace Your Role
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Mike Novotny - Embrace Your Role
Mike Novotny - Embrace Your Role
No matter what your age, no matter what the year of your high school graduation, let's remember what Jesus taught in Matthew 18. He said, "In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should [...]
Mike Novotny - Start Young
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Mike Novotny - Start Young
Mike Novotny - Start Young
There is a picture in my office that keeps me passionate about the next generation. I brought that picture with me to show you and I even took a picture of the picture just in case you're sitting in the back. Here's my picture. This is my [...]
Mike Novotny - Leave No One Behind, The Next Generation
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Mike Novotny - The Next Generation
Mike Novotny - The Next Generation
Last fall, my little eight year old dressed up as an 80 year old woman. And she stepped out onto a stage with about 50 of her peers who were also dressed as elderly people; gray-haired, cardigan-wearing, walker-pushing people. And they raised up [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Leaving a Legacy
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Dr. Ed Young - Leaving a Legacy
Dr. Ed Young - Leaving a Legacy
What will be your legacy, Dad? What will be your legacy? Everybody has a legacy. So, the question is, Dad, what will be your legacy? Imagine, for a moment, that you're attending a funeral service and you're seated in the back, and the [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Generation to Come and the America of Tomorrow
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Adrian Rogers - The Generation to Come and the America of Tomorrow
Adrian Rogers - The Generation to Come and the America of Tomorrow
Lord, as we open Your Word, we pray, dear Lord, that we will find in Your Word those elements, those truths, those directions, those exhortations that will bring our repentance and our obedience that, Lord, You might feel free to come and bless [...]
Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're gonna continue our study on the choices that are necessary to change a generation. You know, we have lived for too long with the imagination that you make a profession of faith in Jesus and [...]
Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 1
I wanna start a new series with you under this theme of "A Determined Faith," because I spent some time thinking about that and that really was the best capsule of what is in my heart as I'm looking at our world and looking at the [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - The Fate of the Next Generation
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Samuel Rodriguez - The Fate of the Next Generation
Samuel Rodriguez - The Fate of the Next Generation
The presence of God changes everything. We have to experience. We have to be recommitted to facilitating an environment where every single individual will have an encounter with Jesus through the presence of the Holy Spirit. We have to be [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - The Faith of Generation Now
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Samuel Rodriguez - The Faith of Generation Now
Samuel Rodriguez - The Faith of Generation Now
Traveling from California on the flight yesterday, from San Francisco, all the way to Washington DC for this conference, I was just writing and writing and writing and writing and writing and hearing from the spirit regarding this conference. So let [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Generational Integrity, Generational Influence
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Samuel Rodriguez - Generational Integrity, Generational Influence
Samuel Rodriguez - Generational Integrity, Generational Influence
Samuel Rodriguez : 1 Kings 19:19, Elijah finds Elisha pushing a plow, pushing a plow. Elijah places his mantle, the cloak, across the shoulders of Elisha, and the Bible says he walked away. 1 Kings 19:19. It changed the trajectory of Israel. The [...]
Allen Jackson - Life, Values, Experiences - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Life, Values, Experiences - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Life, Values, Experiences - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. Our topic is the importance of community. It's a real challenge. How do we instill in each following generation the values of our lives? For those of us who are Christ followers, it's a biblical [...]
Allen Jackson - Life, Values, Experiences - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Life, Values, Experiences - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Life, Values, Experiences - Part 1
But this whole lesson started in my heart a few days ago. Somebody shared something with me. I didn't hear it from the participants themselves, so this is secondhand, but the person that shared it with me is trustworthy and not given to [...]
Jentezen Franklin - God's Economy System
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Jentezen Franklin - God's Economy System
Jentezen Franklin - God's Economy System
If you have your Bible, I want you to open it with me to the book of 2 Corinthians 12. This is the apostle Paul speaking and he says, "I will very gladly spend, and be spent for your souls though the more abundantly I love you, the less I feel [...]
Robert Morris - A Generational Church
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Robert Morris - A Generational Church
Robert Morris - A Generational Church
You are here today on a very, very special day because I just finished a ten-week, ten-message series on Dream to Destiny, Joseph, and today I'm going to share with you about the future and I'm going to share with you where we're [...]
Doug Batchelor - Fruits and Nuts in the Family Tree
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Doug Batchelor - Fruits and Nuts in the Family Tree
Doug Batchelor - Fruits and Nuts in the Family Tree
You know one of the most popular websites and it's also become a billion dollar business right now is It's the world's largest online collection of family history records and they got three million subscribers. [...]
Jack Graham - A Faith for the Ages
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Jack Graham - A Faith for the Ages
Jack Graham - A Faith for the Ages
I am calling this message from Romans Chapter four "A Faith for the Ages". You might say that Abraham is the goat the greatest of all times. Regarding people of faith. Three Primary, or three major religions celebrate Abraham, Islam, [...]
Charles Stanley - How to Pass on Our Faith
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Charles Stanley - How to Pass on Our Faith
Charles Stanley - How to Pass on Our Faith
People are very, very careful and oftentimes go to a great deal of expense in order to be sure that they leave their wealth or the things that they treasure and value to their children, their family, their friends, great expense oftentimes. And [...]
Allen Jackson - Generational Life Lessons
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Allen Jackson - Generational Life Lessons
Allen Jackson - Generational Life Lessons
The two people who have made the most profound impact upon the development of my faith have been my parents, more than any professor, any school, any academic setting, any university. When I was young, my parents were not believers and when they [...]
Allen Jackson - Generational Faith - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Generational Faith - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Generational Faith - Part 2
It's good to be with you again. We're going to conclude our study today on generational faith. We're going to look specifically at Jesus and his attitudes towards children and what he had to say for the people who stood between him [...]
Allen Jackson - Generational Faith - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Generational Faith - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Generational Faith - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. We're continuing our study on "There Is a God". We're gonna look at generational faith. You know, we spent decades in American evangelicalism focused on salvation and conversion. I believe [...]
Jentezen Franklin - How to Build a Godly Inheritance for Your Family - Part 2
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Jentezen Franklin - How to Build a Godly Inheritance for Your Family - Part 2
Jentezen Franklin - How to Build a Godly Inheritance for Your Family - Part 2
The story is centered around a man named Naboth. Naboth appears in this chapter, but his origin goes back for generations of faith. He was given the name because it was in the family and his name is Naboth which means to sprout or to be fruitful and [...]
Jentezen Franklin - How to Build a Godly Inheritance for Your Family - Part 1
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Jentezen Franklin - How to Build a Godly Inheritance for Your Family - Part 1
Jentezen Franklin - How to Build a Godly Inheritance for Your Family - Part 1
Everybody in this room, everybody in every room sing: "We are standing on holy ground. And I know that there are angels all around. Let us praise Jesus now. We are standing in his presence. We are standing in his presence. We are standing in [...]
Jack Graham - All in, All the Way
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Jack Graham - All in, All the Way
Jack Graham - All in, All the Way
Psalm 112, verse 2 is a kind of family verse for the Graham family. It says: "The generation of the upright will be blessed, the generation and the generations of the upright, (those who know and follow the Lord) will be blessed". The [...]
Jack Graham - Generation Next
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Jack Graham - Generation Next
Jack Graham - Generation Next
It's been the same for every generation, from biblical times to this day, through all the great generations, to us Baby Boomers, to Busters, to Millennials and Digitals and whatever generation you may be a part of. From generation to generation [...]
TD Jakes - The Legacy of Fatherhood
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TD Jakes - The Legacy of Fatherhood
TD Jakes - The Legacy of Fatherhood
Because he sees you as his child and you can come boldly to the throne of grace and find grace to help in the time of need. And when God got ready to make his first son, his first-made son, he created Adam out of the dust of the earth with his own [...]
David Jeremiah - Passing the Torch
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David Jeremiah - Passing the Torch
David Jeremiah - Passing the Torch
It was a shot that essentially sealed the NBA finals for the 2017 edition of the Golden State Warriors. And even at that time, it seemed to mean more than it actually was. When Kevin Durant hit a 3-pointer with under a minute left in Game 3, giving [...]
Jack Graham - Passing the Torch
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Jack Graham - Passing the Torch
Jack Graham - Passing the Torch
The title of the message in this our LEGACY series is "Passing the Torch". Every generation has the responsibility to pass the torch of truth to the succeeding or the coming generation, the next generation. We, of course, know that we are [...]
Jack Graham - Man Up
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Jack Graham - Man Up
Jack Graham - Man Up
Now take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Acts chapter 13 and one verse which is really a summation of the life of the great King David, one of the greatest men who ever lived on the face of the earth; described in the Scriptures as a man [...]
TD Jakes - Advice For The Next Generation
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TD Jakes - Advice For The Next Generation
TD Jakes - Advice For The Next Generation
Integrity, loyalty, friendship, and don't give it to everybody, 'cause everybody ain't worth it. Find somebody that is worth the investment of the level of what you have. When I buried Holloway Gray the other day, we'd been [...]
Leon Fontaine - A Powerful Example
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Leon Fontaine - A Powerful Example
Leon Fontaine - A Powerful Example
Holy Spirit. The Bible says it's one God, in three persons. But so few people seem to understand that Holy Spirit is here. And that, Jesus died on the cross so that you could become this purified, forgiven, new life vessel that He could fill [...]
Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In one respect, faith is something deeply personal. It's a private relationship between you and your Creator. But in another way, faith is something that should be openly [...]
Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. As a Christian parent, you're responsible for more than just your child's physical and emotional well-being, you're responsible for your child's spiritual [...]
Joseph Prince - Where You Are In God's Prophetic Timetable
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Joseph Prince - Where You Are In God's Prophetic Timetable
Joseph Prince - Where You Are In God's Prophetic Timetable
This excerpt is from: The Significance Of This Generation (preached at NCC Leadership Conference in 2019) God is raising you up in this generation. Amen. To be part of the Benjamin Generation. I said the Benjamin Generation! "What is the [...]
Tony Evans - Patriarchs, The Legacy of Faith
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Tony Evans - Patriarchs, The Legacy of Faith
Tony Evans - Patriarchs, The Legacy of Faith
Our particular message today as we work our way through Hebrews 11 on faith talks about the patriarchs and the legacy of faith. Hebrews chapter 11, verses 20 to 22. It says, "By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau, even regarding things to come. [...]
Tony Evans - Stones of Remembrance
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Tony Evans - Stones of Remembrance
Tony Evans - Stones of Remembrance
The number 40 is major in Scripture. Forty is a time of transition in the Bible. Jesus is in the wilderness 40 days as he transitions into his public ministry. There was 40 years in the wilderness of preparation before Israel was ready to go into [...]
Tony Evans - Begging For A Blessing
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Tony Evans - Begging For A Blessing
Tony Evans - Begging For A Blessing
Fatherlessness dominates our cultural landscape today. Forty percent of all children in our country are raised without their biological father. In the African-American community, 72% of children born are born to single parents. Now, fatherlessness [...]
Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 2
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Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 2
Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 2
Hi, everybody, welcome back, and if this is your first time joining us, we certainly hope it's not the last time. If you were with us last week, you know that today is the second part of the two-part interview with my dad, Dr. Charles Stanley. [...]
Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 1
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Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 1
Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 1
Hi, everybody. Welcome back. If this is your first time joining us, you could not have picked a better time. Today. I begin a two-part interview with one of my favorite people on the planet, my dad. As you may know, my dad is a pastor but you may [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Transferable Faith
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Jentezen Franklin - Transferable Faith
Jentezen Franklin - Transferable Faith
I want to talk to you about transferable faith. In 2 Timothy 1:5, "When I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice, I am persuaded," this is Paul speaking to [...]
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