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Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
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Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Many of us are familiar with Psalm 139, where David talks about how he's been fearfully and wonderfully made and how precious are the thoughts of the Lord towards him. It's such a beautiful psalm. We've got a little background noise. A lawn is [...]
Bobby Schuller - How To Use Fear and Stress to Your Advantage
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Bobby Schuller - How To Use Fear and Stress to Your Advantage
Bobby Schuller - How To Use Fear and Stress to Your Advantage
Wow. What do you think? You guys like your teacher? Yeah, she's pretty awesome. Well, you guys just finished, you were at "AGT," "America's Got Talent" eight times on NBC, and you just finished. We just want to say, Sarah, thank [...]
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. You know, we're talking about God moving in the earth. It's happening with such intensity and such frequency, it's easy to miss. Middle East is in turmoil again, Israel is being besieged by the court of public [...]
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Fear - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. I've just returned from Israel. I had an opportunity to be in the southern part of Israel really standing on the border of Gaza and to be in the villages where the terror attack took place. It's an important time to [...]
Rick Warren - Seeing Your Future With Faith, Not Fear
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Rick Warren - Seeing Your Future With Faith, Not Fear
Rick Warren - Seeing Your Future With Faith, Not Fear
Happy new year everybody. The first thing I want to say in this brand new year is congratulations to you for surviving this last year. You did it, congratulations. 2020 was a difficult year, but you made it through. The second thing I want to say is [...]
Allen Jackson - No Fear - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - No Fear - Part 2
Allen Jackson - No Fear - Part 2
We have to guard our hearts and our minds. This is far from sloppy Christianity. This is an invitation to a more mature Christianity. We get this in other arenas. We get this with highly trained athletes that have to compete at the highest levels. [...]
Allen Jackson - No Fear - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - No Fear - Part 1
Allen Jackson - No Fear - Part 1
We've been working on this series called "What's Next"? It's really not a series, it's a study, and it's really an umbrella about prophecy. God has given us some insight into what he plans to do in the earth so that we can be prepared and [...]
Steven Furtick - Stop Giving Into Fear
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Steven Furtick - Stop Giving Into Fear
Steven Furtick - Stop Giving Into Fear
This is an excerpt from: I’m Not Stuck Unless I Stop God doesn't have to shout when he's close to you. So, if you can't hear him right now, if you can't feel him right now, if you can't see him right now, maybe you will hear the still, small voice [...]
Steven Furtick - It's Okay to Feel Afraid
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Steven Furtick - It's Okay to Feel Afraid
Steven Furtick - It's Okay to Feel Afraid
Pastor Steven God is not against me, but he's in it with me, working through me and fighting for me. And it would seem like I would know that at my core and never doubt it, but I was driving to the church to preach. This has been several months [...]
Joel Osteen - I Will Not Fear
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Joel Osteen - I Will Not Fear
Joel Osteen - I Will Not Fear
I want to talk to you today аbout: I Will Not Fear. There are so many opportunities to live anxious and afraid. You watch the news and see accidents, threats and violence. There's war in the Middle East, viruses, the pandemic. Even what happened [...]
Charles Stanley - When We Are Fearful
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Charles Stanley - When We Are Fearful
Charles Stanley - When We Are Fearful
Fear and anxiety have plagued the human race from the very beginning of time. Think about this, the first recorded conversation between God and the first man was like this: man, in that conversation said, "I was afraid". And all down [...]
Steven Furtick - How Fear Keeps You From Your Calling
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Steven Furtick - How Fear Keeps You From Your Calling
Steven Furtick - How Fear Keeps You From Your Calling
This is an excerpt from: Don’t Tap Out Tap In Have you noticed the Devil doesn't really respect your tap? Some of you have been trying to tap. "Okay. That's enough now. Okay. Quit picking on me, Devil. Pick on somebody else. I've got a few [...]
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From FOMO - Part 2
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Gregory Dickow - Freedom From FOMO - Part 2
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From FOMO - Part 2
Well you know, in times of uncertainty, we can absolutely be certain, and we can be sure about some things that will give us peace. We can be sure about some things that give us hope, give us faith, give us courage to move forward no matter what's [...]
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From FOMO - Part 1
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Gregory Dickow - Freedom From FOMO - Part 1
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From FOMO - Part 1
Father, I thank You that You are meeting every need. You meet all of our needs according to Your riches in glory. You meet our spiritual needs. You meet our emotional needs; You meet our relationship needs. We need You in the middle of our [...]
Rick Warren - God's Promises When You're Afraid of Failing
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Rick Warren - God's Promises When You're Afraid of Failing
Rick Warren - God's Promises When You're Afraid of Failing
Now, if you take out your message notes inside your program, this weekend I want us to continue our series on God's amazing promises. Over 7,000 of them in scripture. And I specifically this weekend want us to look at one that you may not think it's [...]
Charles Stanley - When Faith Gives Way to Fear
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Charles Stanley - When Faith Gives Way to Fear
Charles Stanley - When Faith Gives Way to Fear
Have you ever felt like God told you to do something, and you started out that way, and then somewhere along the way, you either got discouraged, something happened, and you just decided you would do it some other way? And you realized shortly [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Keep Fear and Worry Out of Your Heart
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Kenneth Copeland - Keep Fear and Worry Out of Your Heart
Kenneth Copeland - Keep Fear and Worry Out of Your Heart
Happy, blessed, absolutely wonderful 2024. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. I'll tell you, this is still just rather strange to me to have my name on a Bible college. I used to think, why would anybody want to know what I [...]
Michael Youssef - Overcoming Fear
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Michael Youssef - Overcoming Fear
Michael Youssef - Overcoming Fear
Never give up. Never give up on biblical truth. Never give up on the infallibility of the Word of God. Never give up on the faith that once delivered. Never give up on the biblical orthodoxy. And when you understand the backdrop to this epistle, [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Unbearable Weight of Fear
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Craig Groeschel - The Unbearable Weight of Fear
Craig Groeschel - The Unbearable Weight of Fear
Well, it seems to me like there are more things to be afraid of today than there were things to be afraid of years ago. Do any of you kind of agree with that? It seemed like there's more things that are just weighing on the hearts and the minds of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Faith is the Opposite of Fear
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Rabbi Schneider - Faith is the Opposite of Fear
Rabbi Schneider - Faith is the Opposite of Fear
I want to revisit today Isaiah, chapter 41, verse ten, the grass withers and the flowers fade. But beloved, the word of God abides forever. Hear God's word. Do not fear. For I am with you. Do not anxiously look about. For I am your God. Do not [...]
Michael Youssef - How To Live Without Fear
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Michael Youssef - How To Live Without Fear
Michael Youssef - How To Live Without Fear
Hello friends, you know the Covid lockdown has shown us that many of our leaders are eager to control us. It has also revealed that millions of our fellow citizens will comply without thinking. The world is being prepared for the one world ruler, [...]
Steven Furtick - Bring Jesus Your Fear
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Steven Furtick - Bring Jesus Your Fear
Steven Furtick - Bring Jesus Your Fear
This is an excerpt from: Navigating Not Enough Here are my two primary fears in life all in one Bible verse. The first one is the fear of running out, which runs deep for me. I don't know if there's any scarcity mentality in your life or some kind [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Fear-Less
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Dr. Ed Young - Fear-Less
Dr. Ed Young - Fear-Less
Jack was almost 6'4", weighed about a smooth, oh, 265 pounds, ex-marine, big, strong, bombastic, personality just everywhere. If you knew Jack you liked him, he was a man's man, he was everybody's friend, he loved life, and he expressed life [...]
Mike Novotny - From Fear to Peace
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Mike Novotny - From Fear to Peace
Mike Novotny - From Fear to Peace
There were people who went to church and they prayed the prayers and they read their Bibles at home and then one day, things changed. There were kids who sat in these same chairs, they went to these same churches, and they said they believed in [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Fear Cannot Cross the Covenant
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Kenneth Copeland - Fear Cannot Cross the Covenant
Kenneth Copeland - Fear Cannot Cross the Covenant
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. And we're here again today. How many broadcast have we done together? — I don't know. I don't know the exact number. It's been a few. Yes, it's been a [...]
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming The Fear of Disrespect
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Creflo Dollar - Overcoming The Fear of Disrespect
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming The Fear of Disrespect
We're gonna take some time to talk about "Overcoming the Fear of Disrespect". Overcoming the Fear of Disrespect. And basically understanding the respect game, because it's a pretty big issue. If you've ever been in a place where you've [...]
Gregory Dickow - Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
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Gregory Dickow - Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Gregory Dickow - Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Well, I want to welcome you to a very special edition of The Power to Change Today. Recently, God spoke to me and he said, tell my people perfect love casts out fear. And today's teaching is all about the perfect love of God that casts out all our [...]
Sid Roth - How to Destroy Fear and Become Satan's WORST Nightmare
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Sid Roth - How to Destroy Fear and Become Satan's WORST Nightmare
Sid Roth - How to Destroy Fear and Become Satan's WORST Nightmare
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. I surrender this platform totally to You. Have Your way. Jeremy Johnson pastors multiple churches in the LA area. Jeremy, I love the name of your church, Fearless. How did that come into being? Jeremy Johnson : [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Commander In Chief Doesn't Major in Fear
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Kenneth Copeland - The Commander In Chief Doesn't Major in Fear
Kenneth Copeland - The Commander In Chief Doesn't Major in Fear
Hello everybody. Welcome to Wednesday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and we're talking about the Healing Ministry of Jesus. And since he is the Commander in chief of the church, then everything he says [...]
Creflo Dollar - Don't Be Afraid of Pressure - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Don't Be Afraid of Pressure - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Don't Be Afraid of Pressure - Part 2
We've been talking about maturity through suffering. And sometimes it's the things that we go through that help to shape us and to mold us so we can be prepared to do the assignment that God has for us down the line. How many of you have ever been [...]
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Creflo Dollar - Don't Be Afraid of Pressure - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Don't Be Afraid of Pressure - Part 1
A couple of weeks ago, we began a new series of teachings on "Maturity Through Pressure". And this is so important because as Christian people, we got to understand that we cannot remain spiritual babes all while we're here. God intends [...]
Joseph Prince - Don't Be Afraid, God is Your Shield
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Joseph Prince - Don't Be Afraid, God is Your Shield
Joseph Prince - Don't Be Afraid, God is Your Shield
This is an excerpt from: Answers For Dark Nights And Difficult Seasons Now, even for us Word of faith people and we Word of grace people, we who are filled up with the Holy Spirit right now, we are excited. We have partaken of the Lord's Supper. We [...]
Steven Furtick - God, I'm Scared
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Steven Furtick - God, I'm Scared
Steven Furtick - God, I'm Scared
This is an excerpt from: The Facts Aren't Final Some of the stuff you're fighting with in your faith right now… It's not a lie, and that's what makes it so scary. It's a fact. It is a fact. I talked to three people in this church last night…one [...]
Rabbi Schneider - DEATH, The Mother of All Fears
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Rabbi Schneider - DEATH, The Mother of All Fears
Rabbi Schneider - DEATH, The Mother of All Fears
The bible teaches the mother of fears is the fear of death. I'm reading now from the Book of Hebrews, chapter number 2 verse number 14, speaking of Jesus, speaking of Yeshua. It says that he partook of flesh and blood like us, that he became one of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Confronting the Fears We Face
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Rabbi Schneider - Confronting the Fears We Face
Rabbi Schneider - Confronting the Fears We Face
The Word of God is living and active. It's a sword. The Word of God is living and active and sharper than a two-edged sword, able to pierce between the division of soul and spirit and the bone and its marrow. It's the Word of God, beloved, that [...]
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Fear
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Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Fear
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From Fear
Welcome to the power to Change today, are you going through a storm? We're all going through crisis like we've never had before. Well, I want to teach you today how to get through it, how to get to the other side. So I'm going to teach you out of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Why Fear Is a Training Ground
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Rabbi Schneider - Why Fear Is a Training Ground
Rabbi Schneider - Why Fear Is a Training Ground
You see, we need to turn the Word of God, Beloved, into prayer dialogue. Sometimes we're not profiting the way we should be by the words of God, by the words of Yeshua. Sometimes we're not receiving the full profit from them because we're just [...]
Allen Jackson - No Troubled Hearts, No Fear - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - No Troubled Hearts, No Fear - Part 2
Allen Jackson - No Troubled Hearts, No Fear - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. We're gonna complete our study on "No Troubled Hearts and No Fear". Now we live in a troubling world and there's a lot of frightening stuff happening, but Jesus said, we don't have to let our hearts [...]
Allen Jackson - No Troubled Hearts, No Fear - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - No Troubled Hearts, No Fear - Part 1
Allen Jackson - No Troubled Hearts, No Fear - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. Our topic is "No Troubled Hearts, and No Fear". You know, the reality is we live in a troubling world, a frightening world, but I have good news. Jesus said we don't have to let our hearts be troubled, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Fear Factor
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Rabbi Schneider - The Fear Factor
Rabbi Schneider - The Fear Factor
Fear is one of the greatest enemies that you and I face in our life. Most of us found that when we were young children, we were afraid to die. Do you know that the fear of death, we're going to be talking about this in the last broadcast in this [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Giant of Fear
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Skip Heitzig - The Giant of Fear
Skip Heitzig - The Giant of Fear
A special thanks to our worship group. They did such a good job. That was so inspiring and faith-building. Did you bring one of these? Yeah, hold it up. Let's see them. Let's see those babies. Oh, come on, that's beautiful. OK, let's turn in our [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Faith To Overcome Fear
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Rabbi Schneider - Faith To Overcome Fear
Rabbi Schneider - Faith To Overcome Fear
Most of us struggle in life with fear. We battle it daily. It's one of Satan's chief weapons against us. It began all the way back in the garden when Adam sinned and immediately he ran from the Lord, saying to the Lord in Genesis chapter 3, verse 9 [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Overcome Fear With Psalm 91
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Rabbi Schneider - Overcome Fear With Psalm 91
Rabbi Schneider - Overcome Fear With Psalm 91
Did you know that in the Book of Revelation, chapter 21, verse 8, Yeshua actually said that hell was for the fearful? Let me read that to you. The grass withers and the flowers fade but the Word of the Lord, hallelujah, bless his name, abides [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How to Let Go of Your Fear
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Rabbi Schneider - How to Let Go of Your Fear
Rabbi Schneider - How to Let Go of Your Fear
Did you know that the first words out of Adam's mouth, after he fell, after he ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was? I was afraid. I'm gonna go now to the Book of Genesis chapter number 3 verse number 9 and 10. Hear the Word of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Where You are Looking Makes all the Difference
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Rabbi Schneider - Where You are Looking Makes all the Difference
Rabbi Schneider - Where You are Looking Makes all the Difference
In the book of Matthew chapter 14, we read about the very familiar story of Yeshua, of Jesus, walking on the water. The disciples were on the boat and they saw Jesus at night walking upon the water. And we know Peter's personality, very impetuous. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Not Fear the Future
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Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Not Fear the Future
Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Not Fear the Future
Great scripture, beloved one, something that you and I really wanna warfare into through prayer. What do I mean by warfare into, through prayer? I mean like sometimes we hear scriptures and we say it's a great scripture, but we don't really meditate [...]
Steven Furtick - God's Working; Stop Stressing
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Steven Furtick - God's Working; Stop Stressing
Steven Furtick - God's Working; Stop Stressing
This is an excerpt from: A Troubled Mind And An Open Door Honestly, I can't last five minutes that somebody doesn't text me back that I don't start making up the most screwed-up scenarios in my head, so I feel for Paul. I'm serious. If Holly [...]
Derek Prince - Delivered From Fear
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Derek Prince - Delivered From Fear
Derek Prince - Delivered From Fear
I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. - Psalms 34:4-5, NIV That’s the testimony of personal experience. It’s not theory, it’s not [...]
Steven Furtick - Releasing Your Fear
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Steven Furtick - Releasing Your Fear
Steven Furtick - Releasing Your Fear
This is an excerpt from: From What If To What Is What if God is bigger than any of the things you just listed? What if Moses, the man who God called to deliver his people, is a murderer who has been a fugitive for 40 years? What if God picks that [...]
Sid Roth - This Revelation DESTROYS Fear and Anxiety
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Sid Roth - This Revelation DESTROYS Fear and Anxiety
Sid Roth - This Revelation DESTROYS Fear and Anxiety
My guest says, hidden in the darkness that many of you are facing right now, your mess is your message. My guest was set free and was given keys from Messiah that will launch you into the best part, into the greatest part of the rest of your life. [...]
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