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Robert Barron - Give Expecting Nothing Back
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Robert Barron - Give Expecting Nothing Back
Robert Barron - Give Expecting Nothing Back
Peace be with you. Friends, our Gospel for today is from the Sermon on the Plain, that’s Luke’s version of Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount. So we’re getting the essential teaching of Jesus, which means our ears have to perk up. It means we’ve got to [...]
Joel Osteen - Seeing From a Distance
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Joel Osteen - Seeing From a Distance
Joel Osteen - Seeing From a Distance
I want to talk to you today about Seeing From a Distance. We all have promises in our heart and dreams we're believing for, but sometimes they seem so far off and so unlikely. We don't see how we could get well, or how we'll meet the [...]
Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
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Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
I want to talk to you today about Peace With The Plan. What causes a lot of frustration is when our plans don't work out. We thought by this time we'd be further in our career, we would have met someone by now, we still wouldn't be [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Daily Load of Good Things
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Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Daily Load of Good Things
Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Daily Load of Good Things
— Join me again today in welcoming Brother Jerry Savelle to this broadcast. Jerry, we had a great time last week. — We did. — It's still just going over and over and over. He loads me up. I got up this morning and said, "I'm [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Expect God To Fulfill His Promises
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Kenneth Copeland - Expect God To Fulfill His Promises
Kenneth Copeland - Expect God To Fulfill His Promises
— Would you join me again today in welcoming Jerry Savelle to this broadcast? Jerry, this has been a dynamite two weeks. I just have, I'm telling you. — We've got some fun, haven't we? — Oh, it's just so rich and so good. And [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Expectancy for THE BLESSING
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Kenneth Copeland - Expectancy for THE BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland - Expectancy for THE BLESSING
— Father, thank You so much for Your presence, for Your Word. We thank You for the life that You have given us. It is just marvelous in our eyes. We open our hearts and minds to receive revelation from heaven. We take it by faith and we give You [...]
Michael Youssef - Facing the Future with Confidence
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Michael Youssef - Facing the Future with Confidence
Michael Youssef - Facing the Future with Confidence
You know, every New Year, these fortunetellers, that's really what I call them, future-predictors, they come out of the woodworks, every year. And through the years I've really tracked some of them and I gotta tell you that at least, and I [...]
Rick Warren - Seeing Your Future With Faith, Not Fear
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Rick Warren - Seeing Your Future With Faith, Not Fear
Rick Warren - Seeing Your Future With Faith, Not Fear
Happy new year everybody. The first thing I want to say in this brand new year is congratulations to you for surviving this last year. You did it, congratulations. 2020 was a difficult year, but you made it through. The second thing I want to say is [...]
James Meehan - The Weight of Expectations and the Gift of Grace
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James Meehan - The Weight of Expectations and the Gift of Grace
James Meehan - The Weight of Expectations and the Gift of Grace
Have you ever felt the weight of other people's expectations just bearing down on you? Maybe your parents expect you to be really well-behaved and also make stellar grades in school, but you're feeling so overwhelmed that you're [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 2
So, I think about reading our Bibles and the challenge that represents. It's 66 books written by dozens of authors over an extended period of time in different cultures. It's not arranged chronologically. There's a variety of [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 1
I really built the weekend to try to add a little momentum to the Bible reading. You know, it's so easy to put that in the category of something else to do and I'd rather not do that. It's an invitation to spend some time with God. [...]
Michael Youssef - When God's Plans Differ from Ours in Timing
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Michael Youssef - When God's Plans Differ from Ours in Timing
Michael Youssef - When God's Plans Differ from Ours in Timing
Everywhere I go, people are praying for revival. Don't stop, don't stop. Some see revival, or actually more accurately a Holy Spirit awakening that is needed because our world has been sliding into moral abyss. They're praying for a [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Fulfillment of Hoshanna Rabbah
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Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Fulfillment of Hoshanna Rabbah
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Fulfillment of Hoshanna Rabbah
This is during the Feast of Sukkot. Now we're in John 7. John 7 is about Jesus going into the temple. He was teaching in the temple during the Feast of Tabernacles. So we're going to pick up now in verse 37. "Now on the last day, the [...]
Mark Batterson - The Best Is Yet To Come
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Mark Batterson - The Best Is Yet To Come
Mark Batterson - The Best Is Yet To Come
When I was 21 years old, I was at a stadium with about 10,000 pastors, listening to the pastor of the largest church in the world, he said something I will never forget. He said, "Show me your vision, and I'll show you your future". [...]
Joel Osteen - Upstream Blessings
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Joel Osteen - Upstream Blessings
Joel Osteen - Upstream Blessings
I want to talk to you today about Upstream Blessings. We all have situations where we're praying and believing, but we don't see anything happening. Our health isn't improving, child isn't turning around, we haven't met the [...]
Joel Osteen - The Promise is Coming (NEW)
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Joel Osteen - The Promise is Coming (NEW)
Joel Osteen - The Promise is Coming (NEW)
I want to talk to you today about The Promise Is Coming. We're all waiting for something: waiting for a dream to come to pass or waiting for a health to improve, waiting for a child to turn around. When it's taken a long time, and we [...]
Joseph Prince - Have a Confident Expectation of Good in Your Future
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Joseph Prince - Have a Confident Expectation of Good in Your Future
Joseph Prince - Have a Confident Expectation of Good in Your Future
This is an excerpt from: Power To Renew Your Youth Recently, in the Harvard Gazette, I just read this yesterday, but I know about this for quite some time, but in case those of you who are wondering about this, whether it's backed up and all [...]
Joseph Prince - Your Best Days are Ahead of You
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Joseph Prince - Your Best Days are Ahead of You
Joseph Prince - Your Best Days are Ahead of You
This is an excerpt from: Pray For Good Success Today What is kairos again? The opportune time, a time of favor, amen? So God has declared for us, amen, in this church, in this ministry, and those who follow this ministry, amen, the year, the kairos [...]
James Merritt - Exceeding All Expectations
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James Merritt - Exceeding All Expectations
James Merritt - Exceeding All Expectations
What I want to share with you today is there is a third dimension of Christmas, and what the third dimension of Christmas tells us is not only did God keep His promise, He more than kept His promise. And what He gave exceeded all expectations, and [...]
Joel Osteen - Your Future is Set
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Joel Osteen - Your Future is Set
Joel Osteen - Your Future is Set
I want to talk to you today about Your Future Is Set. It's easy to worry about tomorrow, and how is everything going to work out, "I'm concerned about my children. I have this problem at work". The uncertainty can bring anxiety, [...]
Gregory Dickow - 5 Reasons You Can Be Full of Faith and Hope Today
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Gregory Dickow - 5 Reasons You Can Be Full of Faith and Hope Today
Gregory Dickow - 5 Reasons You Can Be Full of Faith and Hope Today
Well, we're living in some really difficult and challenging times, and we know the Bible says in the last days there will be all manner of negative things, and we're seeing so much negative news and negative experiences that people have. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Healing Miracle
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Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Healing Miracle
Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Healing Miracle
Turn with me to Exodus 23:20. Exodus 23:20. "Behold," or look "I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he [...]
Gregory Dickow - Expect Increase, 7 Things God Wants to Increase in Your Life
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Gregory Dickow - Expect Increase: 7 Things God Wants to Increase in Your Life
Gregory Dickow - Expect Increase: 7 Things God Wants to Increase in Your Life
Man, I'm telling you, God said, "Believe me for increase", he said, "Believe me for increase, not decrease", because we all went into this mode. I think all over the world, we went into this mode like, "OK, we got to [...]
Steven Furtick - Holiday Season Survival Guide
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Steven Furtick - Holiday Season Survival Guide
Steven Furtick - Holiday Season Survival Guide
This is an excerpt from: Something Good Is Coming From This! The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. So, how is God going to bring forth that kind of fruit? [...]
Steven Furtick - Get Ready For Something Better
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Steven Furtick - Get Ready For Something Better
Steven Furtick - Get Ready For Something Better
This is an excerpt from Stop Crying, It's Coming! In John 11:35, Jesus is going to see these sisters named Mary and Martha. Their brother died, and Jesus didn't show up when they thought he would or when they thought he should. And he [...]
Joel Osteen - Expecting A Favor-Filled Future
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Joel Osteen - Expecting A Favor-Filled Future
Joel Osteen - Expecting A Favor-Filled Future
I want to talk to you today about Expecting a Favor-Filled Future. It's easy to lose our passion in life. When we've gone through disappointments, dreams are taking longer than we thought or we're dealing with the challenge, if [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Miracles by Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Miracles by Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Miracles by Faith
Hello everybody. Come on in here. Take your chair right there. Well, they're all full but just come on in anyway, because we're having a good time on the fundamentals of faith. I'll say it again. These two airplanes fundamentally are [...]
Joel Osteen - It's Still Going To Happen
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Joel Osteen - It's Still Going To Happen
Joel Osteen - It's Still Going To Happen
I want to talk to you today about It's Still Going to Happen. We all have things that we're believing for. And we prayed, we've done our best, but the medical report hasn't improved, we didn't get to a promotion, we [...]
Matt Hagee - The Power of Your Expectations
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Matt Hagee - The Power of Your Expectations
Matt Hagee - The Power of Your Expectations
Recently, research was written that stated that 80% of people, who go to church, do not openly share their faith. They go to church. They believe that Jesus Christ is the way to heaven. But when they leave church, eight out of ten do not do anything [...]
Matt Hagee - Great Expectations
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Matt Hagee - Great Expectations
Matt Hagee - Great Expectations
If we're going to receive the unexpected, overwhelming, beyond what we could ask, think, or imagine goodness of God in our tomorrows, we're going to have to willingly let go of what we're holding onto today, and take a leap of faith [...]
Matt Hagee - Expect The Unexpected
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Matt Hagee - Expect The Unexpected
Matt Hagee - Expect The Unexpected
Whenever it comes to the things that you are expecting in your life, most of the time you begin your expectations based on the depth of your relationship. For example, when you meet a stranger, you have very few expectations of that stranger or from [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Expects
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Expects
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Expects
So open your Bibles to the fifth chapter of the book of Mark. And I want to point out something to you. And I inquired to the Lord of whether I was to preach on this tonight and teach on it or not, and my direction was to just point this out to you [...]
TD Jakes - The Unexpected
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TD Jakes - The Unexpected
TD Jakes - The Unexpected
And it's the clashing of kingdoms. A true evangelist disrupts things, changes lives, marriages are reconciled, people are gettin' breakthroughs, people are getting delivered, people are getting help. You got these gunslingers with Bibles [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Love Expects God's Results
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Kenneth Copeland - Love Expects God's Results
Kenneth Copeland - Love Expects God's Results
Kenneth Copeland : Hello everybody. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Greg Stephens : Amen. Kenneth Copeland : Oh, glory to God. Greg Stephens : Victory that overcame the world. Kenneth Copeland : Victory that overcame the [...]
Craig Smith - The Power of Expectation
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Craig Smith - The Power of Expectation
Craig Smith - The Power of Expectation
Throughout this series, we’ve been seeing that God’s love for us is too deep for him to leave us lost in our sin, our heartache, our pain, our suffering. No matter where you are or what you’re facing, you need to understand that his love has come [...]
Joel Osteen - Stay Thirsty
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Joel Osteen - Stay Thirsty
Joel Osteen - Stay Thirsty
I want to talk to you today about Stay Thirsty. Our body is made up of 70 water - it's essential to ourselves, our organs, our skin. So, God put in us a natural instinct to drink water. There's a mechanism that sends a signal to our brain, [...]
Andy Stanley - Great Expectations
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Andy Stanley - Great Expectations
Andy Stanley - Great Expectations
Today we actually begin a brand new series entitled Your Integrity, Our World. Your Integrity, Our World. And I will explain the title in just a minute. And next week, I'm gonna give you our official definition for integrity for this series. [...]
Joel Osteen - Something New Is Coming
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Joel Osteen - Something New Is Coming
Joel Osteen - Something New Is Coming
I want to talk to you today about Something New Is Coming. It's easy to get stuck in life. When we've gone through disappointments, had a setback, tried and our dream didn't work out, we can settle where we are and think "This is [...]
Steven Furtick - When People Don't Meet Your Expectation
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Steven Furtick - When People Don't Meet Your Expectation
Steven Furtick - When People Don't Meet Your Expectation
I've noticed I spend a lot of my time fighting stuff that God is actually sending into my life. I spend a lot of my time fighting against people I'm not really mad at. It's really not them. Tell the person next to you, "It's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Always Prepares for What It Expects
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Always Prepares for What It Expects
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Always Prepares for What It Expects
Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland and this is The Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Father we thank You today for the Word. Oh God, You are so good to us and we love You with all of our hearts and all of our soul and all of our [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Expects Victory Over Darkness
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Expects Victory Over Darkness
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Expects Victory Over Darkness
Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Let's have a word of prayer and we'll get right into today's Bible lesson. Father, we just thank You and praise You. So we seek You, Sir, for revelation knowledge, knowledge revealed, [...]
Joseph Prince - The Power Of Positive Expectations
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Joseph Prince - The Power Of Positive Expectations
Joseph Prince - The Power Of Positive Expectations
Shalom, friends. It's so good to be with all of you once again, and I want to start off by sharing a wonderful testimony that just came in. And this is a sister in our church, and she's sharing about how faithful God is during this time. [...]
Joel Osteen - The Best is Next
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Joel Osteen - The Best is Next
Joel Osteen - The Best is Next
I want to talk to you today about The Best Is Next. It's easy to get satisfied where we are. When we've seen blessing and favor, God's protected us, promoted us, open doors, we can start thinking that we've seen our best days. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Expecting Covenant Results
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Kenneth Copeland - Expecting Covenant Results
Kenneth Copeland - Expecting Covenant Results
Let's look at this in the fifth chapter of Mark. And if we do what and follow these same examples then we can expect the same results. Verse 25, "And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood 12 years". She was a shut-in for 12 [...]
#602 Joseph Prince - Expect Good In Times Of Trouble
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Joseph Prince - Expect Good In Times Of Trouble
Joseph Prince - Expect Good In Times Of Trouble
Hello, church. Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I trust you had a great week and I'm believing God that good days are ahead of you, amen? The Bible does promise that, you know? The Bible says: "For he that will love life and [...]
Joseph Prince - Having A Confident Expectation Of Good
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Joseph Prince - Having A Confident Expectation Of Good
Joseph Prince - Having A Confident Expectation Of Good
Today I want to share with you like last week I shared the two emphasis of the Apostle Paul that will give us a confident expectation of good, amen. Get that teaching, it's gonna bless you. Today I want to share the two main obstacles to a [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - The Power Of Expectation
Jentezen Franklin - The Power Of Expectation
I want to talk to you about the power of expectation. There had been 400 years of silence, 400 years the Old Testament ends in the Book of Malachi, with silence. God refuses to speak, no prophets, no words from the Lord. And we move 400 years ahead [...]
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Steven Furtick - Invisible Prisons
Steven Furtick - Invisible Prisons
Let's get into the scripture now. The Book of Matthew 11:2-3. And as I share this with you today, I pray that it'll be a very personal experience for you. Matthew 11:2 and 3, "When John, who was in prison, heard about the deeds of the [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - And Then Some
Jentezen Franklin - And Then Some
Look with me in Genesis 24. Genesis 24. I want to talk to you about a principle in life from God's word that will guarantee success in your life, in your family, in your relationships, in your business. It is a Bible principle found from [...]
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Joel Osteen - Supersized
Joel Osteen - Supersized
I wanna talk to you about "Supersized". A few years ago I went to a fast food restaurant with our children, and we pulled into the drive thru and placed our order. And just when I was about to pull up to the main window where you pay, the [...]
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