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Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 2
I would compare that to David, Solomon's father. He didn't come from a notable family of power and wealth. David came from a pretty typical family structure. Now, he wasn't in the optimum position. He was the youngest. He had several [...]
Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Legacy, Eternity and You - Part 1
The title for this talk is, "Legacy, Eternity, And You," and it's really a bit of a reflection on the readings we're doing. I hope you do the daily Bible reading with us. If you don't, I would like to invite you to. You [...]
Derek Prince - An Eternal Transaction
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Derek Prince - An Eternal Transaction
Derek Prince - An Eternal Transaction
I believe we closed our last session at Hebrews 9:10 which, on your outline, is on Page 9/3. We'll continue now with verses 11–14 and we'll be consistently following the outline all the way through. First of all, I'll translate verses [...]
Tony Evans - The Criteria of the Judgement
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Tony Evans - The Criteria of the Judgement
Tony Evans - The Criteria of the Judgement
Any NFL player will tell you that during the season, Monday is judgment day because that's the day where the tape is revealed from Sunday's game. And you go in with your position coach and the position coach analyzes the tape from your [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
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Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
So what's the hottest place on Earth? Guinness World Records list the official winner as the Death Valley, California. On July 10th, 1913, the mercury there skyrocketed to 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Some parts of Death Valley have an average [...]
Derek Prince - At Home In Eternity
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Derek Prince - At Home In Eternity
Derek Prince - At Home In Eternity
Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by or like a watch in the night. - Psalms 90:2,4 (NIV) [...]
John Bradshaw - Eternal Fire, Jesus' Brothers, and Salvation by Diet
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John Bradshaw - Eternal Fire, Jesus' Brothers, and Salvation by Diet
John Bradshaw - Eternal Fire, Jesus' Brothers, and Salvation by Diet
John Bradshaw : Welcome. Thanks for joining us. This is "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we get to answer your Bible questions. The "we" being myself, I'm John Bradshaw, and my friend and [...]
Robert Jeffress - Our Bodies In Heaven
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Robert Jeffress - Our Bodies In Heaven
Robert Jeffress - Our Bodies In Heaven
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In 1 Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul writes that one day all Christians will receive a new heavenly body to inhabit for all eternity. That's some wonderful news. So what [...]
Kenneth Copeland - How To Receive Eternal Life
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Kenneth Copeland - How To Receive Eternal Life
Kenneth Copeland - How To Receive Eternal Life
Open your Bibles with me, please to the 10th chapter of the book of Mark. Mark, chapter ten. And we'll come down to verse 17. "And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running," running up here, "running and [...]
Skip Heitzig - A Rock-Solid Finish
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Skip Heitzig - A Rock-Solid Finish
Skip Heitzig - A Rock-Solid Finish
Father, we turn our hearts toward you. We know this is essentially a Bible study and we believe you to be the inspired originator of the text. Though you used human authors with their own styles and personalities, nevertheless, you superintended [...]
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Eternal Destiny
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Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Eternal Destiny
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Eternal Destiny
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". We can't possibly predict when or where, but the day is coming for every one of us. One day, our hearts will stop beating, and we'll be on the threshold of [...]
Allen Jackson - Preparing For Eternal Judgment
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Allen Jackson - Preparing For Eternal Judgment
Allen Jackson - Preparing For Eternal Judgment
I think we should start by the acknowledgement that the Bible tells us that God is the Judge of all. Not a popular statement these days in contemporary culture. Look in Genesis 18. I've told you on many occasions that in the early chapters of [...]
John Bradshaw - You Can Live Forever
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John Bradshaw - You Can Live Forever
John Bradshaw - You Can Live Forever
It's good to be with you today. We have an opportunity together to open the Bible and explore God's Word and hear from God through His Holy Spirit. So let's pray together that the Lord will speak to our hearts today. Our Father in [...]
Jack Graham - The Eternal Security of the Gospel
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Jack Graham - The Eternal Security of the Gospel
Jack Graham - The Eternal Security of the Gospel
Well, let me tell you something greater than knowing that you have eternal life. You say, "What on earth can be greater than knowing that you have eternal life"? It's this: Knowing that you have eternal life and that you can never [...]
Jack Graham - Homeward Bound
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Jack Graham - Homeward Bound
Jack Graham - Homeward Bound
Life is a journey that leads home. We do have an eternal destiny. So no day for the Christian is without meaning or purpose. Every day matters! The proverbs say that "the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn which shines brighter and [...]
Jack Graham - Where Will You Spend Eternity?
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Jack Graham - Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Jack Graham - Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Most people today believe in the afterlife, so when I ask this question, and the message is a question, "Where will you spend eternity", I want to draw you in today to the Scripture because the Bible definitely tells us that what we decide [...]
Sid Roth - In Eternity, You Will Be Judged Based on This
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Sid Roth - In Eternity, You Will Be Judged Based on This
Sid Roth - In Eternity, You Will Be Judged Based on This
Sid Roth : Hello Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with Peter Wyns I don't know about you but I remember as a young boy focusing on a subject what happens when you die, and I started to try to visualize what it be like if I was dead, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Living in the Light of Eternity
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Rabbi Schneider - Living in the Light of Eternity
Rabbi Schneider - Living in the Light of Eternity
You see, the truth is that even those of us that call ourselves believers, most of us are much more worldly than we think that we are. Some of us think that we're good Christians because we know the right language, we go to church, we're [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Receive an Eternal Perspective
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Rabbi Schneider - Receive an Eternal Perspective
Rabbi Schneider - Receive an Eternal Perspective
Beloved, the words and I'm going to deliver today in this series, truly, if they cut deep, they will change your outlook, they'll change your attitude. You can be lifted to perceiving life in a whole different way. The Lord has been [...]
David Reagan - Questions About Eternity
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David Reagan - Questions About Eternity
David Reagan - Questions About Eternity
What happens when you die? That is a question we hear over, and over. And this program is going to be dedicated to answering it. Stay tuned. David Reagan : Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope and welcome to Christ in Prophecy! I have my [...]
David Reagan - Andy Woods on the Eternal State
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David Reagan - Andy Woods on the Eternal State
David Reagan - Andy Woods on the Eternal State
Are Christians going to live eternally in Heaven or on a new earth? Will they have bodies, or will they be ethereal spirits? And will they have meaningful things to do? These and other questions will be addressed in our program today. Stay tuned. [...]
Billy Graham - Life After Death
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Billy Graham - Life After Death
Billy Graham - Life After Death
Now tonight I want you turn with me to Job the fourteenth chapter and the fourteenth verse, Job the fourteenth chapter, and the fourteenth verse. Now Job is in the Old Testament and it’s the oldest book in the world. There is no known book in the [...]
Jimmy Evans - Prepared For Eternity
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Jimmy Evans - Prepared For Eternity
Jimmy Evans - Prepared For Eternity
I'm so glad that you joined us for this week and I'm going to be finishing up the Essential Foundations series that I started several weeks ago. Another very important message today. Before I bring the message, let me tell you a couple of [...]
David Jeremiah - Invest: Outlive Your Life
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David Jeremiah - Invest: Outlive Your Life
David Jeremiah - Invest: Outlive Your Life
Not far from my home is a little black and white shop called, "See's Candies". They have amazing displays of chocolates. Over 200 of these stores dot California and a few other states along with hundreds of kiosks in airports and [...]
David Jeremiah - Celebrate: Turn Your Forward Into Forever
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David Jeremiah - Celebrate: Turn Your Forward Into Forever
David Jeremiah - Celebrate: Turn Your Forward Into Forever
You might say that Luke Pittard relished his job at McDonalds in Cardiff, Wales, but he walked away from it after winning the UK national lottery. After all, he was an overnight millionaire. He celebrated his good fortune by marrying his girlfriend [...]
David Jeremiah - Tough-Minded About Heaven
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David Jeremiah - Tough-Minded About Heaven
David Jeremiah - Tough-Minded About Heaven
Often, people tell me, when they know that we're gonna be talking about this subject or even after they've been here to hear the teaching on it, that perhaps we are not really being very practical. The way they say it is usually something [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Truth About Eternity
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Robert Jeffress - The Truth About Eternity
Robert Jeffress - The Truth About Eternity
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Have you ever wondered what happens the moment after you die? Because none of us has actually stepped into eternity, we are entirely unqualified to give our own personal opinion [...]
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Robert Morris - Why?
Robert Morris - Why?
The title of the series, by the way, is, Eternity: Your Choice. So, I want to nail it down that God did not choose some people to go to heaven and some people to go to hell, that it is completely your choice where you spend eternity. So we talked [...]
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John Hagee - There is No Hell?
John Hagee - There is No Hell?
The world media reported that the pope made the shocking statement that there is no hell: that in eternity, you just simply disappear. The Vatican was greatly alarmed and the world was stunned, as they should be. Theologically, if there is no hell, [...]
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John Hagee - The Eternal Question
John Hagee - The Eternal Question
Today, "The eternal question" from Mark 8:36 and 37. We live in a world of urgent questions. There are unfair questions that wives ask their husband. They go to the closet and put on a brand new dress, stand in front of you, and ask, [...]
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Greg Laurie - The Biblical Worldview on the Afterlife
Greg Laurie - The Biblical Worldview on the Afterlife
The title of my message is the Biblical World View on the Afterlife. You know, I had a vision yesterday where I was taken to heaven and greeted at the pearly gates by Simon Peter, of course. And so, he took me to a large room. And in this large [...]
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Greg Laurie - How Eternity Can Bring Focus to What Really Matters
Greg Laurie - How Eternity Can Bring Focus to What Really Matters
I read an interesting article in the paper this last week about some predictions made by scientist Isaac Asimov. Fifty years ago scientist Isaac Asimov predicted, "There would be electroluminescent panels that would be in common use". I [...]
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Greg Laurie — How to Find Eternal Life
Greg Laurie — How to Find Eternal Life
What is the most important goal in your life? When the current generation was asked this question, these three answers were at the top: to get rich, be famous, and have power. Pastor Greg uses the story of a commander named Naaman who had all of [...]
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Patricia King — Time and Eternity
Patricia King — Time and Eternity
Joshua Mills joins Patricia King on this episode of Everlasting Love TV to discuss the topic of time and eternity. This is not just a conceptual discussion of what is, but a practical revelation of how we can step into our dominion power. [...]
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Sid Roth — What Happens When We Die?
Sid Roth — What Happens When We Die?
Dr. Reggie Anderson demystifies what happens when we die. The award winning medical doctor was once an atheist. But since his own heaven experiences, he can't keep quiet about what awaits us in eternity. [...]
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Greg Laurie — What We Will Do in Heaven?
Greg Laurie — What We Will Do in Heaven?
When we've had a great worship experience at church, that may just be a slice of what we can expect in heaven. Pastor Greg Laurie points out how worship will be a mainstay of our heavenly experience. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — We Are Not Temporary, We Are Eternal
Jesse Duplantis — We Are Not Temporary, We Are Eternal
Jesse's compelling message will propel you into another level of God's strength and might which is available to you today. Your circumstances are not meant to last for a lifetime. Focus on His promises and watch God move. [...]
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Greg Laurie — How Eternity Brings Focus to What Really Matters
Greg Laurie — How Eternity Brings Focus to What Really Matters
As a new year begins, we are usually amazed at how fast the previous year passed by. Pastor Greg offers some biblical advice on maintaining a "heavenly perspective" to help us make this year count for eternity and keep us from suddenly [...]
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Sid Roth — Eternity Invading Time
Sid Roth — Eternity Invading Time
Renny McLean was translated to heaven where God showed him how YOU can enter into "The Eternal Zone" where time is no longer a barrier where the supernatural is natural where heaven's miracles are part of your everyday experience! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — What You Do in Life Echoes Into Eternity
Jesse Duplantis — What You Do in Life Echoes Into Eternity
God's appointed you for a wonderful purpose to manifest victory in your lifetime, but also to echo throughout eternity and into the halls of Heaven! Jesse teaches how to recognize and yield to God’s voice, and live a life that impacts others [...]
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Tony Evans - Preparing for Eternity
Tony Evans - Preparing for Eternity
Jesus Christ speaks to why having a future perspective, an eternal perspective, is absolutely critical for your earthly life now, so Jesus wanted to explain to his disciples, both then and now, both there and here, how they were to function during [...]
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Tony Evans - The Reassurance of a Heavenly Perspective
Tony Evans - The Reassurance of a Heavenly Perspective
Jesus tells a story to the crowd, a story about a man who wanted Jesus to redistribute the wealth so that this man could get an inheritance from his brother. Jesus then tells them the parable in verses 13 through 21 of Luke about a rich man who had [...]
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David Reagan — The Eternal State
David Reagan — The Eternal State
Chapter 21 introduces us to a vision of the eternal state, something we're not told a lot about. But what we're told here is very interesting. John says, "I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth." What happens is that God burns up the [...]
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Tony Evans - Living in Light of Eternity
Tony Evans - Living in Light of Eternity
I am seeking to for me, you, and us to make a radical shift in your expectation, which will create a radical shift in our behavior and be transforming for our lives. The principle that we are sharing with you is simply this: The greater your [...]