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Joyce Meyer - Disappointment with People - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Disappointment with People - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Disappointment with People - Part 2
You know, there’s some things that we just kinda, we’ve known 'em for so long, we take 'em for granted. And it’s good to just stop and think about. I mean, really, if you’re a Christian what do you really ever have to complain about? And [...]
Joyce Meyer - Disappointment with People - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Disappointment with People - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Disappointment with People - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining me today on, «Enjoying Everyday Life». I really like the title of our program, and I called it that because I spent so many years of my life not enjoying my life. I grew up in a very dysfunctional home where you just [...]
Michael Youssef - When God Says "NO"
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Michael Youssef - When God Says "NO"
Michael Youssef - When God Says "NO"
Everything in us, everything that we have learned, everything that the world tells us, everything we've been taught, is not to be poor in spirit. Feeling helpless or hopeless or unworthy, feeling totally empty is not what is going to make you a [...]
Kerry Shook - From Disappointment
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Kerry Shook - From Disappointment
Kerry Shook - From Disappointment
A classic science project in junior high is the egg drop challenge. How many of you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Of course, the egg drop challenge involves each student attempting to devise a contraption that will protect an egg from [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
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Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
You are watching Great Commission Church of Christ Changing Lives for Eternity This morning I want to share with you something very important related to disappointment. How many of you have been disappointed at least once in your life? Show your [...]
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Disappointment Stop You
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Steven Furtick - Don't Let Disappointment Stop You
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Disappointment Stop You
This is an excerpt from: There's Another Door! Sometimes God lets something in your life die, but don't worry when it dies. Resurrection is who he is and what he does. If you can get the stone rolled away long enough to believe for a [...]
Steven Furtick - For Anyone Holding A Disappointment
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Steven Furtick - For Anyone Holding A Disappointment
Steven Furtick - For Anyone Holding A Disappointment
This is an excerpt from: Knocking Through The No I learned something about God's opportunities, about the love he'll bring into your life, about the blessings, about the extensions he will give to you of a new season of purpose. I learned [...]
Steven Furtick - Avoiding Disappointment Isn't a Solution
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Steven Furtick - Avoiding Disappointment Isn't a Solution
Steven Furtick - Avoiding Disappointment Isn't a Solution
Disappointment can be a disease. It can eat away our ability to dream, our ability to hope and, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick," one Proverb says, the King James version. And when you think about the disease of disappointment is [...]
Allen Jackson - Disaster, Disappointment, and Hope - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Disaster, Disappointment, and Hope - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Disaster, Disappointment, and Hope - Part 2
It's good to be with you today. We're gonna conclude our study on 'Disaster, Disappointment, and Hope.' You know, disappointment is an appointment you didn't make, it's an appointment that arrives in your life that you [...]
Allen Jackson - Disaster, Disappointment, and Hope - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Disaster, Disappointment, and Hope - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Disaster, Disappointment, and Hope - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you today. Our topic is, 'Disaster, Disappointment and Hope.' Now we're walking through a difficult season, we've just completed another election cycle, and no matter where you stand on the [...]
Steven Furtick - Facing Your Disappointment
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Steven Furtick - Facing Your Disappointment
Steven Furtick - Facing Your Disappointment
This is an excerpt from: When Never Meets Now Some of you feel like Martha. You sent for Jesus, and he never came. You prayed, and he never came. You asked, and it never changed. You tried, and it never works. You did it, and it never made sense. [...]
Creflo Dollar - How To Never Be Hurt Again - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - How To Never Be Hurt Again - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - How To Never Be Hurt Again - Part 2
I like the last part of Luke chapter 10, verse 19. Let's look at that, Luke chapter 10, verse 19. If you're always going around expecting to be hurt, and so even your decisions are governed by your fear of being hurt again, look at what it [...]
Creflo Dollar - How To Never Be Hurt Again - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - How To Never Be Hurt Again - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - How To Never Be Hurt Again - Part 1
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the Book of Proverbs 18, and verse 14. I'm gonna read out of the New Living Translation and then the Message translation. This is our text. I was praying earlier this week about, all right, what do we do [...]
Levi Lusko - Where Disappointment Grows Best
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Levi Lusko - Where Disappointment Grows Best
Levi Lusko - Where Disappointment Grows Best
We are going to jump into our final message, the final message in our series that we've been in, 35 days of hope. We're learning to look up when we find ourselves in the middle of a pit. And this week, we want to talk about the pit of [...]
Charles Stanley - Looking Beyond Our Disappointments
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Charles Stanley - Looking Beyond Our Disappointments
Charles Stanley - Looking Beyond Our Disappointments
When you experience disappointments in your life, how do you respond? Do you respond by suddenly, immediately blaming yourself? What did you do wrong? If I'd-a this, or if I'd-a that. Or do you look around to see somebody else you can [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You're Disappointed by God
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Craig Groeschel - When You're Disappointed by God
Craig Groeschel - When You're Disappointed by God
I wonder, how many of you remember New Year's Eve last year? How many of you remember New Year's Eve last year? You know, like seven years ago, New Year's Eve last year? How many of you were incredibly optimistic as you looked forward [...]
Steven Furtick - Making Sense of Life's Disappointments
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Steven Furtick - Making Sense of Life's Disappointments
Steven Furtick - Making Sense of Life's Disappointments
Have you ever survived anything? Have you ever given up hope, and just when you gave up hope, hope didn't give up on you and grabbed hold of you in the depths? I've been preaching this all weekend, but I feel something special happening [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Disappointment Of Unrealistic Expectations
Joyce Meyer - The Disappointment Of Unrealistic Expectations
Tonight, I want to talk about the disappointment of unrealistic expectations. I want you to think about what that means because I tell everybody all the time, "To be full of hope," and that means to expect that God is going to do something [...]
Joyce Meyer - How To Overcome Disappointment And Discouragement?
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Joyce Meyer - How To Overcome Disappointment And Discouragement?
Joyce Meyer - How To Overcome Disappointment And Discouragement?
I wanna talk to you this afternoon about How to Overcome Disappointment and Discouragement. You know, we all have times in our life when we get disappointed and the answer to being disappointed is to get reappointed. We all have times when [...]
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David Jeremiah - Joseph: Overcoming Disappointments
David Jeremiah - Joseph: Overcoming Disappointments
God takes our setbacks and he turns them into comebacks. He takes our disappointments and he turns them into his appointments. And he could even take our misfortunes and turn them into a ministry. Based on the life of Joseph, I want to give you six [...]
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Charles Stanley - Overcoming Discouragement
Charles Stanley - Overcoming Discouragement
Are you discouraged? Do you know why? What's going on in your life that would cause you to be depressed, lost hope, don't see anything in your future whatsoever? What's going on inside of you? What causes you to be distressed? What [...]
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Joseph Prince - Win Over Discouragement, Depression and Burnout
Joseph Prince - Win Over Discouragement, Depression and Burnout
One of the subtle weapons of the enemy against the body of Christ, especially now so more than ever against the ministers, pastors, leaders, evangelists, apostles, you know, people that are going out there and really pouring out their heart for the [...]
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Steven Furtick — How To Deal With Disappointment
Steven Furtick — How To Deal With Disappointment
We all have parts of our lives that aren’t turning out quite like we planned. But how do we know when it’s time to keep pushing or just cut our losses? And how can our disappointment help direct us to the life God designed for us all along? [...]