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James Meehan - When Can I Start Living My Calling
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James Meehan - When Can I Start Living My Calling
James Meehan - When Can I Start Living My Calling
Fulfilling your God-given purpose of loving him with your whole self and loving others as you love yourself is a really big deal. And it can be very intimidating because it is so much more than what most of us do most of our lives. It is so much [...]
James Meehan - How to Fulfill Your Purpose
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James Meehan - How to Fulfill Your Purpose
James Meehan - How to Fulfill Your Purpose
Well, my name is James Meehan and we are currently in our series, The Calling, where we are learning how to actually discover our God-given purpose. Today we're answering two big questions. How do I find my purpose and how do I fulfill my purpose? [...]
James Meehan - Finding Direction in Your Life
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James Meehan - Finding Direction in Your Life
James Meehan - Finding Direction in Your Life
So what are you gonna do with your life? Like what are you gonna do after you graduate high school? Are you gonna go to college or straight into the workforce? Are you gonna pursue a career in ministry? Do you think that you're going to get married [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Vision Connects You to Your Calling by Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Vision Connects You to Your Calling by Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Vision Connects You to Your Calling by Faith
Open your Bible to Proverbs, Chapter 29, please. Verse 18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish". Now, that's serious. Where there is no vision, the people die spiritually. You perish. You finally come to a place where you just [...]
Gregory Dickow - Your Calling Is Found in Your Conquering
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Gregory Dickow - Your Calling Is Found in Your Conquering
Gregory Dickow - Your Calling Is Found in Your Conquering
Well, welcome to the 60th episode of Think Like a Champion and you know that we're dedicated to helping you win in every way and enjoy every day. I want to thank everyone who's written a review or shared this podcast on social media. Thank you. [...]
Gregory Dickow - 6 Words That Will Skyrocket You to Your Calling
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Gregory Dickow - 6 Words That Will Skyrocket You to Your Calling
Gregory Dickow - 6 Words That Will Skyrocket You to Your Calling
All right, welcome to another episode of, "Think Like a Champion". This is a podcast dedicated to helping you win in every way and for you to enjoy every day. God's called you to win. God's called you to experience joy and to enjoy the [...]
James Meehan - Prayer and Calling
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James Meehan - Prayer and Calling
James Meehan - Prayer and Calling
— Well, welcome to this week of "Switch Uncut". I am here with my friend, Caitlin Caffrey, I am... — Hello. — ...James Meehan, and today we're talking about the Bible, faith, following Jesus. We're going to explore, what? — The eyebrow [...]
Steven Furtick - How Fear Keeps You From Your Calling
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Steven Furtick - How Fear Keeps You From Your Calling
Steven Furtick - How Fear Keeps You From Your Calling
This is an excerpt from: Don’t Tap Out Tap In Have you noticed the Devil doesn't really respect your tap? Some of you have been trying to tap. "Okay. That's enough now. Okay. Quit picking on me, Devil. Pick on somebody else. I've got a few [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 4
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 4
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 4
The goal of it ultimately for us is that we would become conformed and transformed to the image of Christ. That we would become more like Jesus. And it's in those places where you feel contained, where you feel like you are trapped, where you feel [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 3
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 3
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 3
And the Lord says, "Sometimes I call you to do hard things, but my presence will be with you. My power will be with you. My anointing will be with you. My grace will be with you". So do you want comfort without the presence of the Lord or [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 2
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 2
What is the divine assignment that God is calling you to do today? What is the simple act of obedience that if you say yes today could open up doors of opportunity in your tomorrow that you never even imagined? I am so excited that you've joined me [...]
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 1
Christine Caine - Divine Assignment - Part 1
We want God's grace, we want God's mercy, we want God's forgiveness. But if someone has done something that you or I think, well, that's unforgivable, that's inexcusable, that's unredeemable. And then God extends exactly the same mercy and grace and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Watching Will Cause You to Smile
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Rabbi Schneider - Watching Will Cause You to Smile
Rabbi Schneider - Watching Will Cause You to Smile
You know, if you want your prayers to be answered, and beloved one, I say this to myself as well, if we want our prayers to be answered, you know what we should do? We should pray the prayers that the patriarchs of our faith prayed. For example, in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Called to be Priests
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Rabbi Schneider - Called to be Priests
Rabbi Schneider - Called to be Priests
The first thing I want to point out Yedidim, beloved ones, about the garb of the high priest is that there were long underwear that the priest wore under the robes. Under the garments, he had long underwear like breeches, like thermal long-johns. [...]
Leon Fontaine - Stick To Your Purpose
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Leon Fontaine - Stick To Your Purpose
Leon Fontaine - Stick To Your Purpose
Today, I want to talk about stick to your purpose. Stick to your purpose. In Hebrews 12, it talks about being surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. And it is talking about the men and women who have gone before us, who are now in heaven. I don't [...]
Derek Prince - When You're Saved You Are Also Called
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Derek Prince - When You're Saved You Are Also Called
Derek Prince - When You're Saved You Are Also Called
This excerpt is from: How To Find Your Place I believe this is a message which is important for every Christian. There are some messages from the word of God which only concern certain people, but I believe this message, How to Find Your Place, is [...]
Derek Prince - Order Your Priorities For Your Calling
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Derek Prince - Order Your Priorities For Your Calling
Derek Prince - Order Your Priorities For Your Calling
This excerpt is from: How To Find Your Place Going back to 1 Timothy 1:9, we find it’s even more exciting. It says: God has saved us and called us with a holy calling... I want to emphasize that your calling is holy. Once I realized what God had [...]
Derek Prince - How To Find Your Place
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Derek Prince - How To Find Your Place
Derek Prince - How To Find Your Place
My theme tonight is: How To Find Your Place. I believe this is a message which is important for every Christian. There are some messages from the word of God which only concern certain people, but I believe this message, How to Find Your Place, is [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Divine Destiny for You
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Divine Destiny for You
Rabbi Schneider - God's Divine Destiny for You
I love this series because it gives me understanding as to how I should pray and what my prayers should be focused on. And when I know that I'm praying according to God's will, I then have confidence that He's answering and, and giving me those [...]
Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 4
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Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 4
Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 4
We can trip over our own feet, we can trip over someone else's feet, and we can trip over Jesus's feet, and on the other side of that colon, what word do you have there? "Offense". Everybody, say it again. We can get offended by him. And I [...]
Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 3
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Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 3
Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 3
From Genesis to Revelation, if you're looking for what would be a common denominator of a calling, well, it is when God appoints, the immortal invisible appoints a mortal to make something about him visible. Number two, calling - I'm making up a [...]
Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 2
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Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 2
Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 2
One of the things that I will do very often with the Lord and very often on my face, is I will just say to him take it, take it all. Take it all. Take it all. Here's my physical body, use it up. Here is my mind. And Lord, we've only used, what, this [...]
Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 1
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Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 1
Beth Moore - The Caller and The Called - Part 1
Here's the beauty of the Word and you know it because if you have some seasoned time in the Scripture, you have this in your history. You have experienced this over and over again, that somehow, no matter how many times you've seen a passage, it [...]
Steven Furtick - How To Be Confident In Your Calling
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Steven Furtick - How To Be Confident In Your Calling
Steven Furtick - How To Be Confident In Your Calling
I know your confidence has been shaken lately. That's why you need some people. Would you tell the person next to you, "I need people like you in my life". I really do. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of [...]
Joel Osteen - Calling Over Comfort
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Joel Osteen - Calling Over Comfort
Joel Osteen - Calling Over Comfort
I want to talk to you today about Calling Over Comfort. It's easy to get comfortable in life with things that are less than God's best. We know there's more in us, but we don't want to have to stretch, we don't want to take that risk: what if it [...]
Craig Groeschel - Reclaim Your Calling
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Craig Groeschel - Reclaim Your Calling
Craig Groeschel - Reclaim Your Calling
I would love to invite you to stand at your local Life.Church location, if you're able to. And what I want to do is I want to talk to you with a little bit of a different tone today. I wanna have a little different vibe. This isn't pastor to church [...]
Craig Groeschel - Is God Calling You?
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Craig Groeschel - Is God Calling You?
Craig Groeschel - Is God Calling You?
Who's ready to hear from God's Word today? If you wouldn't mind today at all of our Life.Church physical locations, those who are able, would you just stand to your feet as we prepare our hearts for God's Word? What I'd like to do today is I wanna [...]
Craig Groeschel - Find Your Why
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Craig Groeschel - Find Your Why
Craig Groeschel - Find Your Why
How many of you know the purpose of an athletic cup? Just type in the chat I do, if you know the purpose. Raise your hand. How many of you know the purpose of an athletic cup? I thought about holding one up to demonstrate, but I thought that might [...]
Joseph Prince - Live Out Your High Calling
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Joseph Prince - Live Out Your High Calling
Joseph Prince - Live Out Your High Calling
I want to share with all of you something about who you are today, amen, of course, we'll preach about the Lord Jesus Christ because only in him can we see who we are but unless you know who you are, your doing is affected by your being. The [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Specialists Stay in Their Calling
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Specialists Stay in Their Calling
Father, thank you for what you spoken earlier today and what you've been talking to me about again for quite some time, several years in fact. Thank you for clarity, insight, ideas and concepts of the kingdom of God and God's way of doing things. [...]
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TD Jakes - Calling
TD Jakes - Calling
He called. He called what was his. He called what was his. Yeah. I only bother what's mine. I don't want anything that ain't mine. "If you're mine, come here. If you're really not mine, leave me alone. Go on about your business. I only want [...]
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Craig Groeschel - Different Calling in a Dark World
Craig Groeschel - Different Calling in a Dark World
Hey, I've been praying a lot about this week's message, because I really believe it has the potential to spark something significant in the lives of so many people in our church family. If you're just now joining us, we're actually in part three of [...]
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Steven Furtick - I'm Confused About My Calling
Steven Furtick - I'm Confused About My Calling
There is a passage of scripture that has always fascinated me and I knew it was the one to start this series with because most of my sermon ideas come from a text, usually a text in the Bible, but this whole series came to me through a text on my [...]
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Christine Caine — The Bridge to Your Calling
Christine Caine — The Bridge to Your Calling
Some of us are not growing into the purpose of God, and we're not walking in alignment with the call of God because we're not willing to do what we don't wanna do. We're just like, that's not my gift. That's not my talent, that's not my [...]
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Robert Morris — My Career Calling
Robert Morris — My Career Calling
This is the third part of a three-week series called "Why Am I Here"? and the title of today's message is, "My Career Calling" and most people already know their career and they're in their career. Some of the young people would [...]
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Robert Morris — My Committed Calling
Robert Morris — My Committed Calling
Alright, I want to ask you to turn to two passages of scripture, 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12. So I actually have a lot of scripture in the message. Those are the only two that I'm just asking you to turn to those two. But 1 Corinthians 12 and [...]
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Robert Morris — My Christian Calling
Robert Morris — My Christian Calling
So, let's begin the series, "Why Am I Here"? And if you want to, turn in your Bible's to Luke 9 and Mark 3. And what we're going to do, is we're going to start in Luke 9, we're going to go to Mark 3, and then we're going to come back to [...]
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TD Jakes — Coming into Your Calling
TD Jakes — Coming into Your Calling
Hey everybody, I'm excited to have this opportunity to share the Word of the Lord with you. I'm going to be talking about something that is important. The subject is called "Coming into your calling". A calling isn't something you just zap [...]
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TD Jakes — Called
TD Jakes — Called
Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm Bishop T.D. Jakes, The pastor of the Potter's House, here in Dallas, and I'm called to serve you. And I'm going to serve you by sharing with you a message that I shared with our [...]
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Joel Osteen — Run Your Race
Joel Osteen — Run Your Race
I want to talk to you today about "Running your race". In life, there will always be people that try to squeeze you into their mold, people that try to pressure want you to be, and they may be good people, they may mean well, but the [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Higher Calling
Kay Arthur — The Higher Calling
I’m standing in the midst of mountains that surround the Sea of Galilee, the place of Jesus’ main ministry. This is where He taught the Sermon on the Mount, where He taught us of what it’s like to belong to the kingdom of heaven. Today we’re going [...]
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Beth Moore — The Calling
Beth Moore — The Calling
I want you to see with me, Luke 5. I’d like to read verses one through eleven with you. Lord, let this word fall fresh on us. If all scripture is God-breathed and every breath of God is fresh then this can fall fresh upon us today. “On one occasion [...]
TD Jakes - Unfinished Business
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TD Jakes - Unfinished Business
TD Jakes - Unfinished Business
God is immutable, and I'm going to give you three ways that God is immutable. He is immutable, number one, in his essence. He is immutable in his essence. That word "immutable" means that he will not mutate, he will not change, he will not [...]
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Joel Osteen — Your Destiny is Calling
Joel Osteen — Your Destiny is Calling
I want to talk to you today about your destiny is calling. In the scripture, God called Abraham a father of many nations. At that time, he didn't have any children. He and his wife Sarah were too old to have kids. It looked like God made a mistake. [...]