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James Merritt - How Do You Get to Heaven?
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James Merritt - How Do You Get to Heaven?
James Merritt - How Do You Get to Heaven?
One of my greatest privileges in life, I’ve got to meet a lot of famous people. I don’t think I’ve ever been more honored in my life than when I got to meet Dr. Billy Graham. Some of you, many of you know who Dr. Graham is. Greatest evangelists in [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Renewing Your Mind to Receive the Salvation of the Cross
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Kenneth Copeland - Renewing Your Mind to Receive the Salvation of the Cross
Kenneth Copeland - Renewing Your Mind to Receive the Salvation of the Cross
We want to live by faith, and we serve the God that is more than enough. Thank You, Jesus. Father, we come before the reading of the Word of the living God, and we thank you for blessing it and blessing us. And we give You praise and honor for the [...]
Jeff Schreve - The Divine Rescue
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Jeff Schreve - The Divine Rescue
Jeff Schreve - The Divine Rescue
At Christmas time, you’ll often hear the phrase, «Jesus is the reason for the season,» but do you really understand what that means? I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and today I’m gonna share three discoveries concerning the real meaning of Christmas and [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Are You For Real? The Test of True Salvation
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Peter Tan-Chi - Are You For Real? The Test of True Salvation
Peter Tan-Chi - Are You For Real? The Test of True Salvation
Today, we will discuss the test of true salvation, according to the Apostle John. Before I tell you what John has to say, will you please read this together? The Bible tells us, everybody together, «Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; [...]
Jack Graham - Saved, Certain and Secure
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Jack Graham - Saved, Certain and Secure
Jack Graham - Saved, Certain and Secure
It’s essential that you live with confidence and certainty in your Christian life. The blessed assurance of knowing that your sins are forgiven, that you’re on your way to heaven, that you have eternal life and that you can never lose it. That we [...]
Creflo Dollar - Sin Will Never Be Greater Than Grace - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Sin Will Never Be Greater Than Grace - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Sin Will Never Be Greater Than Grace - Part 2
Sometimes we talk as if sin is greater than grace. Sin is not greater than grace. We have more faith in sin to send us to hell than faith for grace to send us to heaven. Somehow or another we think sin is more powerful than grace. "Oh, you know [...]
Creflo Dollar - Sin Will Never Be Greater Than Grace - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Sin Will Never Be Greater Than Grace - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Sin Will Never Be Greater Than Grace - Part 1
If you are a man, and this may not just be men, it may be everybody. But you found yourself struggling, with sin, and you feel like every time God looks at you, he looks at you and sees the sin in your life. And that's a very interesting thing [...]
Billy Graham - Are You Prepared to Die?
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Billy Graham - Are You Prepared to Die?
Billy Graham - Are You Prepared to Die?
I'm going to ask you to turn with me to the third chapter of the book of Genesis. And at the end of that chapter it says this: "And the Lord God said, behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Gift of Grace
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Rabbi Schneider - The Gift of Grace
Rabbi Schneider - The Gift of Grace
Ephesians 2:8-9 says this: "For by grace you have been saved through faith". And even the faith that saves us, Paul tells us, is not the result of our own works. It's the gift of God. Sometimes people get a funny idea that faith is a [...]
Charles Stanley - The Confession of Our Sin
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Charles Stanley - The Confession of Our Sin
Charles Stanley - The Confession of Our Sin
One of the most familiar verses in all the Bible is found in First John, the little epistle toward the back of the Bible. And one of the reasons it is so familiar is because it is something we have to deal with every day. It goes like this: If we [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Owning Your Salvation
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Rabbi Schneider - Owning Your Salvation
Rabbi Schneider - Owning Your Salvation
Yeshua said, "You did not choose me, I chose you". To really give a powerful example, think about the Apostle Shaul, we call him in Hebrew, the Apostle Paul. Here he is on his way to Damascus, right, to arrest any Jew that believed in [...]
Derek Prince - What Do We Have to Do to Stay Saved?
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Derek Prince - What Do We Have to Do to Stay Saved?
Derek Prince - What Do We Have to Do to Stay Saved?
Now I want to turn the tables on you. I want to ask you the final question. And I won't embarrass you, I really want a response. I'm not trying to draw you out; I just want to know as a matter of interest. The second question was will the [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - How Can I Enter Heaven?
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Peter Tan-Chi - How Can I Enter Heaven?
Peter Tan-Chi - How Can I Enter Heaven?
The most important question that I believe you can ever ask is this: if there's a heaven, how can I enter heaven? Today if you notice, modern people, whether you like it or not, have this mindset: life someday will be judged. There will be a [...]
Derek Prince - Are We Predestined or Do We Choose to be Saved?
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Derek Prince - Are We Predestined or Do We Choose to be Saved?
Derek Prince - Are We Predestined or Do We Choose to be Saved?
Let's come now to predestination. And it's not surprising because this is probably one of the most difficult areas of Christian truth, fully to understand and rightly to divide. Let me say at the beginning that I don't believe in the [...]
Jack Graham - A Know-So Salvation
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Jack Graham - A Know So Salvation
Jack Graham - A Know So Salvation
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Take your Bibles and turn with me to 1 John, and we'll begin with the fifth chapter. There's a tombstone in [...]
David Jeremiah - Salvation Pure and Simple
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David Jeremiah - Salvation Pure and Simple
David Jeremiah - Salvation Pure and Simple
On May 26, 2013, 4:30 p.m., a massive ocean swell slammed into the Jascon-4, a tugboat towing a oil tanker off the coast of Nigeria. The waves sprayed sheets of water across the deck, cracking a piece of the hull and flipping the vessel over on its [...]
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 2
So, she takes her son, she lays him in the bed of the prophet. You heard the saying, "You've made your bed now, lie in it". Well, that's what she did. She was so filled with faith because she didn't wait for the tragedy to [...]
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 1
Verse 32, "Elisha came into the house, there was the child, lying dead on his bed. He went in therefore, shut the door behind the two of them, and prayed to the Lord. And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
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Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
In Genesis 7, "The Lord said to Noah, 'Come into the Ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation.'" Now watch this, "'You shall take with you [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
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Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
Baruch Hashem, blessings to you, my beloved friends. Thank you for letting me minister to you today. We're looking at the Gospel of John, two foundational scriptures from John chapter one. Reading the Word of God, chapter one verse three says [...]
Robert Barron - How Many Will Be Saved?
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Robert Barron - How Many Will Be Saved?
Robert Barron - How Many Will Be Saved?
Peace be with you. Friends, I'm going to admit something to you. I'm a little bit reluctant to talk about the topic of our Gospel for today, because it's this famously controversial matter of how many will be saved. So someone asks [...]
James Meehan - Do I Need to be Baptized to be Saved?
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James Meehan - Do I Need to be Baptized to be Saved?
James Meehan - Do I Need to be Baptized to be Saved?
Well, today on Bible Nerds, we are talking about baptism, that thing where somebody gets dunked underwater by somebody else, and it's all for the name and glory of Jesus, and people go crazy, that's what we're talking about today, [...]
Derek Prince - The Cross Is An All Sufficient Sacrifice
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Derek Prince - The Cross Is An All Sufficient Sacrifice
Derek Prince - The Cross Is An All Sufficient Sacrifice
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 1 I want to give you a number of different reasons why we need the cross at the center, why nothing else must ever be allowed to take the place of the cross in the church in general, and in [...]
Robert Barron - How to Get to Heaven
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Robert Barron - How to Get to Heaven
Robert Barron - How to Get to Heaven
Peace be with you. Friends, for this fourth Sunday of Easter, our first reading is from one of the magnificent early kerygmatic sermons of St. Peter. The "kerygma" means the basic proclamation. So here's Peter, in the earliest days, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Help Bring Salvation to Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - Help Bring Salvation to Israel
Rabbi Schneider - Help Bring Salvation to Israel
I began in Romans chapter 9 as I described the urgent prophetic anointing that Paul had to reach Jewish people. I'm continuing today now with Romans 10. 1. Brethren, Paul says, "My heart's desire and my prayer to God for them," [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer for Loved Ones To Be Saved
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer for Loved Ones To Be Saved
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer for Loved Ones To Be Saved
So, Mark chapter 11, if you come around to the fourth verse, "They went their way and found a colt tied by the door", and so forth, just like he said. "Certain of them stood there and said, 'What do we do to loosen the [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Sure of Your Salvation
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Sure of Your Salvation
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Sure of Your Salvation
Today I want to share with you the importance of making choices. Tell me, make good choices. The truth is, whether you like it or not, we make thousands of decisions every day. I was shocked. You Google the internet and you'll find out. In [...]
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
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Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
Beloved, labels have never saved anyone. Labels have never taken anyone to heaven. And our passage for today in Luke 13 beginning at verse 23, some unknown person asked Jesus, "Lord, will those who are saved be few"? Listen carefully to [...]
Adrian Rogers - Simplicity of Salvation
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Adrian Rogers - Simplicity of Salvation
Adrian Rogers - Simplicity of Salvation
Take God's Word and find First John, not the Gospel of John, but First John chapter 5 and verse 13. I've been working on my memory work a little bit, so I want you to look at it. I'm using the King James Version of the Scripture. You [...]
Charles Stanley - Saved by Grace
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Charles Stanley - Saved by Grace
Charles Stanley - Saved by Grace
Why is it that so many people who've trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior spend their entire Christian life struggling and feeling defeated in their Christian life? Well, probably one of the reasons is, they don't understand what happened [...]
Mike Novotny - Saved
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Mike Novotny - Saved
Mike Novotny - Saved
There is a Bible right next to my laptop in my office. I got it back in 2003. So just before I said I do and got married. And if you can somehow page through this Bible after church, you would find some pages that look you know not brand new but [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Purposeful Disobedience
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Rabbi Schneider - Purposeful Disobedience
Rabbi Schneider - Purposeful Disobedience
Jesus sat down began to teach. "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, having set her in the center of the court, they said to Him, 'Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act.' Now in [...]
Derek Prince - Do This To Receive Complete Salvation
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Derek Prince - Do This To Receive Complete Salvation
Derek Prince - Do This To Receive Complete Salvation
This is an excerpt from: Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 2 What I've described is what God has done, the provision He's made. I've told you already it's perfectly perfect, it's completely complete. But, it [...]
Derek Prince - If You Think You Are Earning It, God Will Not Give It To You
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Derek Prince - If You Think You Are Earning It, God Will Not Give It To You
Derek Prince - If You Think You Are Earning It, God Will Not Give It To You
This is an excerpt from: Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 2 The second side of identification is we identify ourselves with Jesus. This we do by faith. We do it because the Bible says it's true. Here are the five steps of [...]
Derek Prince - The Only Way Out of Our Fallen Nature
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Derek Prince - The Only Way Out of Our Fallen Nature
Derek Prince - The Only Way Out of Our Fallen Nature
This is an excerpt from: Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 2 Let's look, first of all, at this glorious two titles that were given to Him in 1 Corinthians 15:45. Now these are often misquoted by Christians. It's important to [...]
Derek Prince - Deliverance And Healing Are Part of Salvation
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Derek Prince - Deliverance And Healing Are Part of Salvation
Derek Prince - Deliverance And Healing Are Part of Salvation
This is an excerpt from: Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 1 I want to draw your attention to something which probably is not familiar to most of you because it does not come out in any translation of the Bible that I know. But there [...]
Derek Prince - Your Salvation Is An Ongoing Process
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Derek Prince - Your Salvation Is An Ongoing Process
Derek Prince - Your Salvation Is An Ongoing Process
This is an excerpt from: Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 1 Now, our appropriating the benefits of the sacrifice is progressive. I don't believe there's one person here this evening, myself included, who has appropriated as [...]
Derek Prince - Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 2
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Derek Prince - Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 2
Derek Prince - Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 2
We're continuing now with the theme 'Complete Salvation and How To Receive It.' In the previous session I explained that salvation is not just having your sins forgiven, though that's marvelous. It's not even just being born [...]
Charles Stanley - Eternal Life, You Can Be Sure
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Charles Stanley - Eternal Life, You Can Be Sure
Charles Stanley - Eternal Life, You Can Be Sure
If you were to die today, are you sure you have eternal life? Does that question disturb you a little bit? Does it make you feel sort of restless, maybe a little insecure, uncertain, maybe a little doubtful, maybe a little fearful, maybe even a [...]
Charles Stanley - Is Salvation Enough?
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Charles Stanley - Is Salvation Enough?
Charles Stanley - Is Salvation Enough?
Why is it that so many people who have trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior continually live in rebellion against Him? And why is it that so many people who name the name of Jesus as their Savior refuse to serve Him and their church, among other [...]
Mike Novotny - Does Baptism Save You?
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Mike Novotny - Does Baptism Save You?
Mike Novotny - Does Baptism Save You?
Does baptism save you? The other day in church I was talking about the blessings of baptism, reading certain Bible passages. And someone texted me the question, I want to get it word for word, they said, "Salvation comes through your [...]
Mike Novotny - Can a Person Lose Their Salvation?
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Mike Novotny - Can a Person Lose Their Salvation?
Mike Novotny - Can a Person Lose Their Salvation?
So here's the toughest question I've had to answer in a long time. Can a person lose their salvation? Can someone who's forgiven, saved, adopted into the family of God, like if they took their last breath, boom. They're out of [...]
Mike Novotny - Why Did Jesus' Blood Save Us?
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Mike Novotny - Why Did Jesus' Blood Save Us?
Mike Novotny - Why Did Jesus' Blood Save Us?
Why does Jesus' blood and death save us from hell? Why such suffering to save us and how does this allow us to have a relationship with God? Perfect ending. The short answer is, all right, let's pretend for a second that I'm God and [...]
David Jeremiah - Salvation in the Tribulation
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David Jeremiah - Salvation in the Tribulation
David Jeremiah - Salvation in the Tribulation
When you study prophecy, you know there's a certain kind of a major outline that holds it all together. If you've been around here very long, you kind of know the next thing that happens is the Rapture. After the Rapture, there's [...]
Adrian Rogers - Predestined for Hell? Absolutely Not!
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Adrian Rogers - Predestined for Hell? Absolutely Not!
Adrian Rogers - Predestined for Hell? Absolutely Not!
Would you take your Bibles and turn to Romans chapter 9. Let me ask you a very serious and a very somber question. Has God created, has God predestined, has God ordained that some people are born to go to Hell? That there's nothing they can do [...]
Adrian Rogers - You Can Be Sure
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Adrian Rogers - You Can Be Sure
Adrian Rogers - You Can Be Sure
Turn to Romans chapter 8. Have you ever been in a department store and seen a little child, maybe a boy, generally it will be a boy about eight, who is trying to run up the down escalator? The escalator's coming down and he's just trying [...]
David Jeremiah - Will Children Be Raptured?
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David Jeremiah - Will Children Be Raptured?
David Jeremiah - Will Children Be Raptured?
I read a story about Ashley Irwin, who was slightly amused and slightly alarmed when her young son, Wyatt, asked her to pull down his Marvel-themed duffel bag, and he told his mom, "I've got a big trip tomorrow". At first Ashley [...]
Michael Youssef - Does God Predestine People to Hell?
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Michael Youssef - Does God Predestine People to Hell?
Michael Youssef - Does God Predestine People to Hell?
Does God Predestine People to Hell? Absolutely not. God does not predestine people to hell. As a matter of fact, when people say, "How can a loving God send people to hell"? I say God is not gonna send anybody to hell; they're gonna [...]
Michael Youssef - Can Someone Get into Heaven By Being a Good Person?
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Michael Youssef - Can Someone Get into Heaven By Being a Good Person?
Michael Youssef - Can Someone Get into Heaven By Being a Good Person?
You know, some years ago when I was a very young preacher at the age of 26, I used to tell people I was in a very secular culture and I would say to them, "Do you know that all good people are going to hell and all the bad people are going to [...]
Derek Prince - Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 1
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Derek Prince - Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 1
Derek Prince - Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 1
My theme this evening is 'Complete Salvation and How To Receive It.' I want to emphasize the word complete because I believe so many Christians who've experienced salvation have experienced only an incomplete salvation. They're [...]
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