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Joyce Meyer - Don't Blow a Fuse
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Joyce Meyer - Don't Blow a Fuse
Joyce Meyer - Don't Blow a Fuse
Well, welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm really glad that you've joined me today. I have a message for you that I think we're going to not only have a lot of fun with, but I think it's gonna really be beneficial [...]
Joyce Meyer - When Is Your Mind Normal? (Think Like God Thinks)
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Joyce Meyer - When Is Your Mind Normal? (Think Like God Thinks)
Joyce Meyer - When Is Your Mind Normal? (Think Like God Thinks)
Last night, we just tried to lay a foundation about how Satan starts so early in our life trying to build strongholds in our mind, which means that he lies to us in areas and entrenches himself in our thinking, or entrenches his lies and ideas into [...]
Joyce Meyer - Walking in Faith So You Can Run Your Race
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Joyce Meyer - Walking in Faith So You Can Run Your Race
Joyce Meyer - Walking in Faith So You Can Run Your Race
Well, I've been working on a series starting last night called, "Sit, Stand, Walk, and Run". SIT, enter the rest of God. STAND, strong in faith when you're waiting for your breakthrough, stand strong against the enemy because he [...]
Joyce Meyer - Learning To Receive
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Joyce Meyer - Learning To Receive
Joyce Meyer - Learning To Receive
We're talking about the subject of joy and enjoyment, in case this is your first session. Jesus said he came that we might have and enjoy our lives. Everybody say, "Enjoy my life". In abundance, to the full, until it overflows. So, we [...]
Joyce Meyer - Living Beyond Yourself
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Joyce Meyer - Living Beyond Yourself
Joyce Meyer - Living Beyond Yourself
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life", and we really want you to enjoy every day of your life, but even more important God wants you to enjoy every day of your life. And I'm sure some of you think, [...]
Joyce Meyer - With God, All Things Are Possible
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Joyce Meyer - With God, All Things Are Possible
Joyce Meyer - With God, All Things Are Possible
Well, I have a special word that I wanna bring you this afternoon, and I think it's gonna really help a lot of you, as well as, it'll help me, just by getting to preach it again and hear it. Back around I guess, November of last year, I [...]
Joyce Meyer - Judgment And Criticism
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Joyce Meyer - Judgment And Criticism
Joyce Meyer - Judgment And Criticism
Before we start giving everybody else lessons, we have to think about what we're not so good at. And everybody's good at a bunch of stuff and everybody is not good at a bunch of stuff. These are, in case you're wondering what this [...]
Joyce Meyer - It's Time to Flip Your Switch
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Joyce Meyer - It's Time to Flip Your Switch
Joyce Meyer - It's Time to Flip Your Switch
I'm gonna talk to you a fair amount tonight, part of the time at least, about this thing about excellence, because I'll tell you the truth, a lot of people don't even know what it is anymore. I mean, they really don't. It's [...]
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Simplify Your Life
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Joyce Meyer - Ways to Simplify Your Life
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Simplify Your Life
Well, thank you so much for joining us for this session of, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And you know, Jesus does want you to enjoy your life. It took me a long time to realize that because I didn't get to have much fun in my childhood. [...]
Joyce Meyer - God Is in Control
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Joyce Meyer - God Is in Control
Joyce Meyer - God Is in Control
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And some of you may think, "Well, I don't know how I could enjoy my life with everything that's going on in the world right now". Well, you know, if we [...]
Joyce Meyer - Be A Doer Of The Word
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Joyce Meyer - Be A Doer Of The Word
Joyce Meyer - Be A Doer Of The Word
Thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, we want to talk to you about the challenge of doing the right thing. You know, victory lies somewhere between what we know to do, and what we do. Let me say that again, [...]
Joyce Meyer - Why Is God Making Me Wait?
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Joyce Meyer - Why Is God Making Me Wait?
Joyce Meyer - Why Is God Making Me Wait?
I want to talk to you tonight about the difference in the gifts and the fruit. I want to talk to you about character development, because I think we have to understand how we have a tendency to look at gifts, compared to how God looks at gifts, and [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Sower
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Joyce Meyer - The Sower
Joyce Meyer - The Sower
And today I want to talk to you about the parable of the sower, that is so important in the Word of God, because really, it's a parable about four different kinds of, the Bible says, soil, but it's really talking about, four different [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Good Samaritan
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Joyce Meyer - The Good Samaritan
Joyce Meyer - The Good Samaritan
This is probably one of my very favorite because it's what we call, "The story of the good Samaritan". And so I get to teach you this morning about love, about walking in love and doing the things that God asks us to do. And I can [...]
Joyce Meyer - I'm Saved. Now What?
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Joyce Meyer - I'm Saved! Now What?
Joyce Meyer - I'm Saved! Now What?
A simple prayer of accepting Jesus into your life, what we call salvation is how we become a Christian. But, what's next? We sometimes refer to our relationship with God as a walk, or it could sometimes be described as a rollercoaster, or [...]
Joyce Meyer - Coronavirus Situation Encouragement
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Joyce Meyer - Coronavirus Situation Encouragement
Joyce Meyer - Coronavirus Situation Encouragement
With all of the information and news reports surrounding the coronavirus, it's easy to become fearful. - "What if I get sick"? - "Is this going to impact my job"? - "Are my loved ones going to be okay"? The [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Armor Of Righteousness
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Joyce Meyer - The Armor Of Righteousness
Joyce Meyer - The Armor Of Righteousness
We're gonna start in Ephesians 6, verse 10, and I wanna talk to you about the armor or you might say, "The warfare of righteousness". "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that [...]
Joyce Meyer - Resist The Devil And He Will Flee
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Joyce Meyer - Resist The Devil And He Will Flee
Joyce Meyer - Resist The Devil And He Will Flee
Most of you have heard that the Bible says, "Resist the devil and he will flee". How many of you have ever heard that? Okay. Well, it does say that, but that's only half of a scripture. And we really do have to be careful about just [...]
Joyce Meyer - How to Have Successful Relationships
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Joyce Meyer - How to Have Successful Relationships
Joyce Meyer - How to Have Successful Relationships
Welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life", and thank you for being with us today. I think what I'm gonna share today is gonna help every person who hears it. How to get along with people, or actually I'm gonna call it, "How to [...]
Joyce Meyer - How Does Your Mind Affect Your Joy?
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Joyce Meyer - How Does Your Mind Affect Your Joy?
Joyce Meyer - How Does Your Mind Affect Your Joy?
Alright, I'm doing a series on "Joy and enjoyment". Putting an emphasis on enjoying life, not just living life, not just making it through, but actually enjoying your life. Not just vacations, not just when you go shopping to get a [...]
Joyce Meyer - Joy and Enjoyment
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Joyce Meyer - Joy and Enjoyment
Joyce Meyer - Joy and Enjoyment
Alright, this weekend, I have three messages, tonight, tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, and I'm gonna teach on, "Joy and Enjoyment". But, more so even than joy, I'm gonna be talking about enjoyment. How to enjoy your life, [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Warfare of Rest
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Joyce Meyer - The Warfare of Rest
Joyce Meyer - The Warfare of Rest
It's so important to understand that we are in a battle. You can feel it. You can feel it. You know you feel war in your soul, one part of you wants to do what's right, one part of you wants to do what's wrong. One part of you is [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Warfare of Love
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Joyce Meyer - The Warfare of Love
Joyce Meyer - The Warfare of Love
I am so excited about what I'm gonna share with you tonight. Not because I've never shared it before, because i, in fact have, but I've been really praying that tonight, you're gonna finally hear it. You see, just because we sit [...]
Joyce Meyer - Walking By Faith (at Lakewood Church)
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Joyce Meyer - Walking By Faith
Joyce Meyer - Walking By Faith
Well, I've been working on a series starting last night, called "Sit, stand, walk and run". Sit - enter the rest of God. Stand - strong in faith when you're waiting for your breakthrough, stand strong against the enemy because he [...]
Joyce Meyer - How Thoughts, Words and Attitudes Affect Your Joy
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Joyce Meyer - How Thoughts, Words and Attitudes Affect Your Joy
Joyce Meyer - How Thoughts, Words and Attitudes Affect Your Joy
Point number one, when I say enjoying everyday life, the emphasis is on every day. It's not payday, or vacations, or getting a new outfit, or going to a party. It's every day, ordinary, sometimes mundane Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Parable Of The Talents
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Joyce Meyer - The Talents
Joyce Meyer - The Talents
Alright, we are talking today, I started, this morning, in the first service about the three parables that are found in Matthew chapter 25. And they are the parable of the ten virgins: the five wise and the five foolish. We found out this morning [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Parable of the Ten Virgins
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Joyce Meyer - The Ten Virgins
Joyce Meyer - The Ten Virgins
You know, the Parables of Jesus are just wonderful. They're stories, but they bring the Gospel to a level where we can fully and completely understand it. I don't like things that sound spiritual but they're way over my head, and when [...]
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Joyce Meyer - If at First You Don't Succeed, You're Normal
Joyce Meyer - If at First You Don't Succeed, You're Normal
If at first you don't succeed-you're normal. Amen? Everybody is gonna go outta here feeling better about yourself tonight than you did when you came in. How many of you walked in here tonight feeling guilty about something? Okay, [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Many Lies Do You Believe?
Joyce Meyer - How Many Lies Do You Believe?
The title of my message this morning, "Is how many lies do you believe"? How many lies do you believe? It's a serious subject because if you believe a lie, even though it's not true, it becomes true to you because that's [...]
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Joyce Meyer - 7 Ways the Devil Tries to Deceive People
Joyce Meyer - 7 Ways the Devil Tries to Deceive People
This morning, I wanna start off by talking to you about seven ways that the devil deceives people because you have to understand that the devil is a liar. He's the father of lies. He doesn't know how to do anything but lie. And deception [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Are You Frustrated with Yourself?
Joyce Meyer - Are You Frustrated with Yourself?
Well, welcome to enjoying everyday life, and we are so glad that you're with us here today. Today, this is what I'm gonna talk about. I don't know if you can see it from everywhere, but it simply says, "Are you frustrated with [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Do You Have a Heart Murmur?
Joyce Meyer - Do You Have a Heart Murmur?
How many of you really wanna have a perfect heart toward God? And we found out, last night, that if you wanna boil it all down to one thing: what does God consider a perfect heart? And that's somebody who loves him with all their heart, soul, [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Diligence
Joyce Meyer - Diligence
Well, welcome to "Enjoying everyday life". You know, I believe that we can enjoy everyday of our life, but not if we don't learn how to live by God's principles. And what we're gonna talk about today is the power of being [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Addictive Behavior
Joyce Meyer - Addictive Behavior
So, the first thing you have to do if you're gonna break any addiction, is stop saying, "I can't control this". Come on, now. Don't look at me like that. See, that becomes an excuse. "Well, you know, I can't help [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Changing Seasons of Our Lives
Joyce Meyer - The Changing Seasons of Our Lives
I want to talk to you this afternoon about the different seasons in our lives and how to discern when a season in your life is changing. You know, there's nothing worse than hanging on to something that God's done with. Amen? And you know, [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Hope Is Real
Joyce Meyer - Hope Is Real
What is hope? "Well, I hope for this. I hope for that. I hope it don't rain. I hope, I hope, I hope". Hope is not just kinda this wishy-washy vague, "Well, I wonder if it'll happen but I don't know if it will, and I [...]
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Joyce Meyer - God Is Not Mad at You
Joyce Meyer - God Is Not Mad at You
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying everyday life". And my prayer for you today, is that you will really enjoy the teaching, but not just enjoy it, put it to work in your life, right away. You know, the apostle James said, [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Fickle Feelings
Joyce Meyer - Fickle Feelings
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying everyday life". You know, the Word of God can help you enjoy your everyday life because it teaches you principles that will help you do that. And so, today, I wanna talk to you about [...]
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Joyce Meyer - When, God, When?
Joyce Meyer - When, God, When?
Well, I'm gonna be teaching this weekend a message called, "When, God, when"? Nobody ever has that question, do they? "Oh God, when will my breakthrough come"? And you know, if you're frustrated all the time because [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Press Past Guilt and Shame
Joyce Meyer - Press Past Guilt and Shame
So, let me tell you a little bit about my story. Some people battle with guilt more than others do. And because I was abused in my childhood by my dad, I grew up thinking something was wrong with me. 'cause I just thought, you know, there has [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Finding Peace Through Forgiveness
Joyce Meyer - Finding Peace Through Forgiveness
Well, thank you for joining us today for, "Enjoying everyday life". You know, there's so many decisions that we make that prevent us from enjoying life. And only we can make the opposite decisions if we really want to enjoy our lives. [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Defeating Giants
Joyce Meyer - Defeating Giants
I started last night talking to you about "Defeating giants". How many of you have a giant chasing you around right now? Now, you know, there's all kinds of giants. There's little giants, medium-sized giants. There's big [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Relieving Stress
Joyce Meyer - Relieving Stress
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying everyday life". I wanna talk to you today from a book that I've written called, "Overload", and the little subtitle here says, "How to unplug, unwind, and unleash [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Upside-Down Kingdom
Joyce Meyer - The Upside-Down Kingdom
Okay, I've been talking about the Kingdom of God, which is an invisible kingdom. The Bible talks a lot, in the New Testament, about the Kingdom of God. Jesus' first message was, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand". And [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Keys That Unlock the Door
Joyce Meyer - The Keys That Unlock the Door
I started last night, a three-part series about the invisible kingdom, it's called, "The Kingdom of God". The first thing that Jesus said in his public ministry is, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand". Matter of [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Invisible Kingdom
Joyce Meyer - The Invisible Kingdom
The invisible kingdom, learning to see into the unseen. You know, Paul talked about that all the time. And he said, with all the troubles and tribulations that he had, the reason why they didn't upset him was because he, "Looked not at [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Priorities
Joyce Meyer - Priorities
Well, we're so glad that you joined us today for, "Enjoying everyday life". Who doesn't want to enjoy every day of their life? But we also have an enemy and he has many different ways of trying to make us not enjoy our lives. And [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Press Past the Pain of Feelings
Joyce Meyer - Press Past the Pain of Feelings
So, we're talking about pressing in to new beginnings and that in order to do that, you have to always be willing to let go of what lies behind. How many of you have had something in your life that you put a lot of yourself into and it just [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Press Into A New Beginning
Joyce Meyer - Press Into A New Beginning
Alright, well, I'm gonna do a series this weekend called, "Pressing in and pressing on". You didn't clap, but I didn't expect you to. I started to call it, "Gliding in and gliding on," because I think we'd [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Healthy Boundaries
Joyce Meyer - Healthy Boundaries
Joyce: Well, there's a good chance that you have experienced feelings of sadness or emptiness. I know, I certainly have at times. Maybe you have trouble concentrating with too many things floating through your mind. Well, today, my special [...]
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