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James Merritt - Built to Last
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James Merritt - Built to Last
James Merritt - Built to Last
Hey, I’m so glad you came. Thanks for being here today. It was intended to be a one of the most beautiful developments in the Canadian province of British Columbia. They call it the SeaWatch subdivision, It was going to be this exclusive community [...]
James Merritt - Don't Kid Yourself
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James Merritt - Don't Kid Yourself
James Merritt - Don't Kid Yourself
I wanna begin by asking you a question. How many of you have ever heard of what’s called the placebo effect? How many of you have heard of that? How many of you don’t have a clue what that is? All right. Let me explain it to you. The placebo effect [...]
James Merritt - Counterfeit Prophets
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James Merritt - Counterfeit Prophets
James Merritt - Counterfeit Prophets
It would be fair to say that there have been hundreds of thousands if not millions of sermons that have been preached. And yet by common consensus, if you were to ask anybody, «What is the greatest sermon ever preached»? common consensus would tell [...]
James Merritt - How Do You Get to Heaven?
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James Merritt - How Do You Get to Heaven?
James Merritt - How Do You Get to Heaven?
One of my greatest privileges in life, I’ve got to meet a lot of famous people. I don’t think I’ve ever been more honored in my life than when I got to meet Dr. Billy Graham. Some of you, many of you know who Dr. Graham is. Greatest evangelists in [...]
James Merritt - Keep On Keeping On
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James Merritt - Keep On Keeping On
James Merritt - Keep On Keeping On
I wanna ask you a question. I kept two of my grandkids over the weekend. And I’m tired. But I kept two of my grandkids over the weekend. And so we asked them yesterday, when they come, my goal is always to make sure they have such a great time, they [...]
James Merritt - Don't Rush to Judgement
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James Merritt - Don't Rush to Judgement
James Merritt - Don't Rush to Judgement
If you’re a guest of ours today, you’re watching online for the first time. We started a series back in September that we’ve been calling Get Used to Different, and it’s based on the greatest sermon ever preached, a sermon on the Mount. And what [...]
James Merritt - The Domino Effect
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James Merritt - The Domino Effect
James Merritt - The Domino Effect
The domino effect actually refers to this cumulative effect that’s pronounced when one event sets off a series of related events and it causes a chain reaction. I’ll give you a perfect example, classic example. Matter of fact, it was the domino [...]
James Merritt - Prayer 301
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James Merritt - Prayer 301
James Merritt - Prayer 301
If you Google the word, list, and I’m a Google guy, but if you google the word, list, you’ll find the most popular list on Google or what is called top 10 list. And that really shouldn’t surprise you in a way because in a way, if you think about it, [...]
James Merritt - Prayer 201
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James Merritt - Prayer 201
James Merritt - Prayer 201
I wanna begin by showing you a picture of a wall that you may recognize. It’s an ancient wall, dates back about 2,000 years. It’s the most famous wall, the most visited wall in the world. Matter of fact, it’s kind of strange to think that people go [...]
James Merritt - Holy New Year
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James Merritt - Holy New Year
James Merritt - Holy New Year
Well, to those of you who are watching online and to those of you in the building today, Happy New Year to all of you. You know, it is the start of a new year and we’re all in the same boat. It’s called social jet lag, I call it holiday hangover. [...]
James Merritt - Prayer 101
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James Merritt - Prayer 101
James Merritt - Prayer 101
I want you to imagine something, I want you to imagine you have a son that plays basketball. And I want you to imagine that Michael Jordan comes to you and says, «I’ll voluntarily teach your kid how to play basketball». You’d be so excited. Or [...]
James Merritt - Perfect Love
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James Merritt - Perfect Love
James Merritt - Perfect Love
I came across an online article with the title, «10 Tips for Life’s Greatest Challenge». And those kind of things always intrigue me. And so I thought, «Okay, what does this person think is the greatest challenge that we face in this life»? Now, you [...]
James Merritt - Over and Above
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James Merritt - Over and Above
James Merritt - Over and Above
All over this country, and you probably work with some of these people, you may not know it, but all over this country, there are people who, they moved here from other parts of the world to work here. They’re not citizens, they keep their [...]
James Merritt - Christmas to The Rescue
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James Merritt - Christmas to The Rescue
James Merritt - Christmas to The Rescue
When I was a senior in high school, I went to church with a man. God rest his soul. He’s not here. That’s one reason I waited to tell the story. His name… I’m not making this up. His name was Grover Dover. That was his name, Grover Dover. Rumor has [...]
James Merritt - Standing Strong
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James Merritt - Standing Strong
James Merritt - Standing Strong
Well, first of all, Merry Christmas to everybody, and turn to your neighbor right now and just wish 'em a Merry Christmas. Would you do that? Love those two words. I love this time of the year, so thankful for you being here. Glad that [...]
James Merritt - Stepping Up
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James Merritt - Stepping Up
James Merritt - Stepping Up
How many of you like to travel? Okay, not a lot of home bodies in here. I do, I love to travel, and one of the most difficult trips I've ever taken, while I'll ever wanna do again, I'm glad I did it once, but Theresa and I flew from [...]
James Merritt - Jump For Joy
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James Merritt - Jump For Joy
James Merritt - Jump For Joy
There are two times every year when even people that don't go to church, they know what the preacher's gonna talk about. They know it. In the spring, we call it Easter. So they know the preacher's gonna be preaching on the [...]
James Merritt - Thank You Very Much (Thankfulness)
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James Merritt - Thank You Very Much (Thankfulness)
James Merritt - Thank You Very Much (Thankfulness)
Well, I wanna say good morning to those of you who are watching online, and those who are watching by television. And this is one of the largest crowds we’ve had in a long time. And I don’t get really jacked up too much. I was preaching one time at [...]
James Merritt - Do the Right Thing
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James Merritt - Do the Right Thing
James Merritt - Do the Right Thing
A few years ago, there was this really fascinating movie that came out called «A Quiet Place». How many of you have seen the movie «A Quiet Place»? Okay, some of you have. It’s a great movie. It’s really, it’s interesting. It’s a story of how these [...]
James Merritt - Take My Word for It
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James Merritt - Take My Word for It
James Merritt - Take My Word for It
There was a guy who was applying for a high-profile job at a major corporation and they’re gonna pay him like a half a million dollars a year. I mean, it was a big deal. So he submitted his resume and I mean, submitted it one day. And that afternoon [...]
James Merritt - What God Joins Together
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James Merritt - What God Joins Together
James Merritt - What God Joins Together
Now, if you’re a politician or you know anything about politics, you’re going to be familiar with this phrase. It’s called «The Third Rail». And if you’re not familiar with that, lemme just tell you, there are some things that politicians know. They [...]
James Merritt - The Look That Kills
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James Merritt - The Look That Kills
James Merritt - The Look That Kills
I want you to imagine that you’re standing outside of your house on April 8th of this year, 2024, and you’re gazing up at the sky. Now if you do that, here’s what you’re going to see. You’re gonna see something very, very rare. You’re going to see a [...]
James Merritt - God and the Government
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James Merritt - God and the Government
James Merritt - God and the Government
If you're watching online for the first time or you're a guest of ours today, we are in the second part of a little mini two part series that we've called Political Correctness. Now, if you weren't here last week then I hope [...]
James Merritt - God and the Governor
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James Merritt - God and the Governor
James Merritt - God and the Governor
I just got some bad news for all of us over the next three or four months. Unless you move to the Amazon rainforest or you get into a soundproof bunker, over the next several months you're gonna be reminded again and again and again, there is a [...]
James Merritt - It's Murder
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James Merritt - It's Murder
James Merritt - It's Murder
So let me begin by asking you a question. Did you know that the first crime ever recorded in human history is actually in the Bible? It's true. And it was not a minor misdemeanor. It is the most serious of all crimes. As a matter of fact, there [...]
James Merritt - Rule of Law
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James Merritt - Rule of Law
James Merritt - Rule of Law
Let me begin by telling you a story of something that happened in history that affects us right now. History lesson, in the ninth century, there was an Anglo-Saxon King named Alfred, Alfred the Great. And he did something that no king had ever done [...]
James Merritt - Under the Influence
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James Merritt - Under the Influence
James Merritt - Under the Influence
There is a catchphrase, and it's the best phrase of our generation. It's used millions of times every day. It generates almost 1.5 billion hits on Google. It's completely changed the game in the way that we market products, the way we [...]
James Merritt - No Fine Print - Part 2
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James Merritt - No Fine Print - Part 2
James Merritt - No Fine Print - Part 2
We don't have to worry about being kidnapped from our homes or our workplace, or paraded in front of the world, either to deny our faith or to die for our faith. But at the same time, I just wanna remind all of us, that doesn't mean that [...]
James Merritt - No Fine Print - Part 1
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James Merritt - No Fine Print - Part 1
James Merritt - No Fine Print - Part 1
One of the signs that you have reached full-fledged adulthood is not just when you turn 18 or when you turn 21. You know that you have really reached adulthood when you are asked to sign a contract, 'cause only adults can sign contracts. Now, [...]
James Merritt - Peace Process
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James Merritt - Peace Process
James Merritt - Peace Process
You know, when I talk to young pastors about preaching and about preparing sermons, I tell 'em, I say, you know, the two most important parts of a sermon are the introduction and the conclusion. And the introduction is the most important part [...]
James Merritt - A Heart for God
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James Merritt - A Heart for God
James Merritt - A Heart for God
You know that two million people celebrated September 29th as a holiday, really. Yeah, it's called World Heart Day. In the year 2000, the World Heart Foundation started World Heart Day to raise awareness about heart disease. Whether you know [...]
James Merritt - Mercy Me
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James Merritt - Mercy Me
James Merritt - Mercy Me
We're in a culture right now that's into nostalgia, and they, we got people wanna go back to the 70's and the 80's and the 90's. It's really kind of a cool thing for me. And there are movies, as you know, that are [...]
James Merritt - A Healthy Appetite
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James Merritt - A Healthy Appetite
James Merritt - A Healthy Appetite
We're a nation that is afflicted with harmful appetites, unhealthy appetites for things that at worse will kill you and at best will debilitate you. And when you're gonna leave here in just a little while and get in your car. You're [...]
James Merritt - I Surrender All
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James Merritt - I Surrender All
James Merritt - I Surrender All
Well, if you know anything about the historical figure named Jesus, anything at all, there's one thing about him nobody denies, even people that don't believe he was the son of God, they don't believe he came back from the dead. [...]
James Merritt - Glad to Be Sad
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James Merritt - Glad to Be Sad
James Merritt - Glad to Be Sad
Now, like a lot of men, I was raised kinda the old-fashioned way. I was raised that grown men don't cry, big boys don't cry, and so I haven't really been much of a crier in my life. I had just not given in to that. And, you know, for [...]
James Merritt - Declaring Bankruptcy
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James Merritt - Declaring Bankruptcy
James Merritt - Declaring Bankruptcy
I've been thinking probably 10, 11, 12 years actually about doing what we're gonna do beginning today. Lemme go ahead and tell you that for the next nine months, we're gonna be doing this, we're gonna be preaching through the [...]
James Merritt - There's More to Come
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James Merritt - There's More to Come
James Merritt - There's More to Come
Gertrude Stein, you may have not have heard of her. Maybe some of you do if you like to read. She was one of the most popular American novelists in the 20th century. In 1946, she was riding in a car in a city right outside of Paris, and she got [...]
James Merritt - Only One Way
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James Merritt - Only One Way
James Merritt - Only One Way
So as we begin today, welcome those who are watching online, those who are in the room. If you walk down the average street in America and you ask two very important questions, you get the following responses. If you were walk down, just take an [...]
James Merritt - He Gets Us
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James Merritt - He Gets Us
James Merritt - He Gets Us
If you're new or you're joining us for the first time, we're in a series we're calling, "I Doubt It". And we've been dealing with major doubts that both believers and unbelievers have about God, about Jesus, about [...]
James Merritt - Good God Almighty
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James Merritt - Good God Almighty
James Merritt - Good God Almighty
When I was a small boy, my mom and dad taught me a prayer and I bet a lot of you were taught that same prayer. And it goes like this. "God is great. God is good. Let us thank Him for our food". How many of you prayed that prayer as a kid? [...]
James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
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James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
So I want you to take your Bibles right now, get 'em out, get your iPad, phone, whatever. I want you to turn to the book of Romans, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans. Lemme tell you about a guy you've never heard of. I didn't [...]
James Merritt - Yes, God Is
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James Merritt - Yes, God Is
James Merritt - Yes, God Is
So here's what we're gonna do today. I'm a fan, I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of detective shows. I watch "Forensic Files," I watch "Dateline". I just kind of get into that stuff. And so this [...]
James Merritt - Taking God at His Word
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James Merritt - Taking God at His Word
James Merritt - Taking God at His Word
Well, again, I wanna say good morning to those who are watching online and those here in the building. And let's just kind of get right into it today. There's an evangelistic organization known as Cru, and they ask college students all [...]
James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
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James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
A few years ago, the Barna Research Group conducted a poll that found that spiritual doubt is much more common among Christians than we might have considered. About 65% of Christians said they had questioned what they believed about religion and [...]
James Merritt - Taking Care of Business
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James Merritt - Taking Care of Business
James Merritt - Taking Care of Business
Lemme tell you what I learned. You know, you get to look back when you do your daily days and you realize that one of the greatest and hardest jobs that parents have is to teach kids to take things seriously. Because one of the things that would [...]
James Merritt - Carpe Diem Praying
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James Merritt - Carpe Diem Praying
James Merritt - Carpe Diem Praying
Not long ago, I came across this statement and it convicted me. You see how you respond to it. You could tell what a person likes by what they do, you could tell what a person thinks by what they say, but you can tell what a person is by how they [...]
James Merritt - Growing Up in Your Going Up
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James Merritt - Growing Up in Your Going Up
James Merritt - Growing Up in Your Going Up
You know, if you were a child, you know this, and every child knows this, you get asked a question, you get asked it so many times, you get tired of hearing it, and everybody asks you the question your parents will ask you, your grandparents will [...]
James Merritt - Know God
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James Merritt - Know God
James Merritt - Know God
I am just glad that you're here. Just before World War II, a school fire broke out in the town of Itasca, Texas. It killed 263 children. It was the only school in town. And because of the war, the town went without any school for seven years. [...]
James Merritt - Gender Reveal
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James Merritt - Gender Reveal
James Merritt - Gender Reveal
Well, in 2008, a mother named Jenna did what many expectant mothers do. So she had an ultrasound to discover the gender of her unborn baby. But after she discovered the baby's sex, she decided to do something at the time that was novel, no one [...]
James Merritt - Pro-Life for Life
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James Merritt - Pro-Life for Life
James Merritt - Pro-Life for Life
Every year, the Oxford English dictionary declares a word of the year. It's a word that they say, and I'm quoting, has lasting potential as a word of cultural significance. Well, in 2016, the Oxford English dictionary declared that the [...]
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