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Allen Jackson - Why Israel Matters? - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Why Israel Matters? - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Why Israel Matters? - Part 2
And then there’s this whole notion of prophetic confirmation. And this is really fascinating, we’re gonna do this very quickly because if we get into it, I’d have a hard time getting back out. But the history of the Jewish people from Abraham onward [...]
Allen Jackson - Why Israel Matters? - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Why Israel Matters? - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Why Israel Matters? - Part 1
We’re gonna pick up a study on Why Israel Matters because Israel does matter, and I don’t believe that you can understand the Bible, to be candid, if you don’t have some insight and understanding into the role of Israel and the Jewish people. I [...]
Allen Jackson - Develop a Strategy - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Develop a Strategy - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Develop a Strategy - Part 2
Acts chapter 5 is a good example. The friends that we have in the New Testament, these were the men and women that Jesus recruited and then trained, he left in Acts chapter 1, he returned to heaven and they begin their assignment in Acts chapter 2 [...]
Allen Jackson - Develop a Strategy - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Develop a Strategy - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Develop a Strategy - Part 1
We’re working on a little study called «When Kingdoms Collide», really built around this idea that there are multiple kingdoms that the Bible invites us to be aware of that exist simultaneously. You know, we tend to think in terms of the nation [...]
Allen Jackson - The Tipping Point - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Tipping Point - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Tipping Point - Part 2
Matthew is describing an event in Jesus’s life and ministry, but he’s gonna quote Isaiah 53, which is the great Messianic chapter in the prophet Isaiah. Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, Isaiah wrote about the Messiah and what he would do. [...]
Allen Jackson - The Tipping Point - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Tipping Point - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Tipping Point - Part 1
We began this in the previous session, and we’ll continue for at least one more. So don’t get too stressed about the outline. What I don’t do, we will get to. That’s probably a pretty good survival tip around here on most weekends, so. But we are [...]
Allen Jackson - When Kingdoms Collide - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - When Kingdoms Collide - Part 2
Allen Jackson - When Kingdoms Collide - Part 2
In the current environment, I keep this kind of running list in my head between the theater of the absurd and the truth of God’s Word 'cause they seem to be in focus all the time depending on the messaging you listen to and how they spin what [...]
Allen Jackson - When Kingdoms Collide - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - When Kingdoms Collide - Part 1
Allen Jackson - When Kingdoms Collide - Part 1
I want to begin a discussion that I know we’re gonna spend two or three sessions on under the general theme of «When Kingdoms Collide». And please don’t let the outline be too cumbersome for you tonight. I’m gonna try to not to do that myself. So, [...]
Allen Jackson - Spiritual Warfare In The Workplace - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Spiritual Warfare In The Workplace - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Spiritual Warfare In The Workplace - Part 2
Good to be with you again. I wanna give you an invitation. You may have heard me do this before, but we've started a podcast. It's called "Culture & Christianity". I interview people who are making a difference in our culture [...]
Allen Jackson - Spiritual Warfare In The Workplace - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Spiritual Warfare In The Workplace - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Spiritual Warfare In The Workplace - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. I wanna give you an invitation today. We do a weekly podcast called "Culture & Christianity". I sit down with friends who are making a difference in our culture or who have experienced God in a very [...]
Allen Jackson - Compassion, Compromise, Conflict - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Compassion, Compromise, Conflict - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Compassion, Compromise, Conflict - Part 2
Now, the challenge in every generation is this issue of compromise. People of God don’t typically just say, «God, I want nothing to do with you». We don’t typically say, «I no longer want to be a Christian, I think I’ll be Buddhist,» or, «I think I [...]
Allen Jackson - Compassion, Compromise, Conflict - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Compassion, Compromise, Conflict - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Compassion, Compromise, Conflict - Part 1
The topic for this session is «Compassion, Compromise, and Conflict». I’m gonna see if we can understand those three ideas from a biblical perspective with a little bit more clarity. God is moving in the Earth in a way I’ve never seen, to be quite [...]
Allen Jackson - When Judgement Begins
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Allen Jackson - When Judgement Begins
Allen Jackson - When Judgement Begins
It’s good to be with you today. We’re gonna continue our study on what do we do, and I wanna particularly talk to you about when God’s judgment begins. I suspect you’ve heard me say that I think it’s a very plausible explanation that God’s judgment [...]
Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 2
The assignment biblically is to remove the high places. It’s a much larger topic than we can process in this session. Judges 6 is Gideon, one of the judges, the people have done evil in the sight of the Lord again. You see, God will raise up a godly [...]
Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 1
We’re working through a series on how to stormproof the foundations of our lives. Jesus told a parable about that. Jesus told us, forewarned us that storms come to everyone, nobody is exempt. But that in the midst of that, we can prepare ourselves [...]
Allen Jackson - A Battle In The Mind - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Battle In The Mind - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Battle In The Mind - Part 2
There’s some ideas in the battle in your mind you’ll have to avoid: they’re toxic. They will completely derail you and if you embrace them fully, they will destroy you. I don’t have time to unpack them in detail, but I’m gonna hand them to you [...]
Allen Jackson - A Battle In The Mind - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Battle In The Mind - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Battle In The Mind - Part 1
I’m gonna extend it one more time that invitation. We’ve been reading our Bibles around here for a long time. That’s not new. I hope you’ve joined us in that. If you haven’t, come on. But this year, I changed the invitation just a bit. I said let’s [...]
Allen Jackson - How MLK's Family Found Forgiveness
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Allen Jackson - How MLK's Family Found Forgiveness
Allen Jackson - How MLK's Family Found Forgiveness
It’s a privilege to be with you today. I’ve had the honor of meeting and interviewing Dr. Alveda King a number of times, but recently she visited our congregation and we had such a remarkable conversation that I wanted to share it with you. I [...]
Allen Jackson - A New Beginning - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A New Beginning - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A New Beginning - Part 2
The devil is a tactician. Now, if he has a strategy for you, if he has game-planned for you, I would humbly suggest perhaps you should have a plan of your own. Now, we’re given one. I gave you Luke 4 just as a little support for that. It says, this [...]
Allen Jackson - A New Beginning - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A New Beginning - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A New Beginning - Part 1
I want to extend the invitation. I’ve only got a few more days left before we’re gonna move on, but for a long time now, for several years, I invite you at the beginning of the year to read your Bible with us and certainly I wanna extend that. But [...]
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 2
I want to take two or three passages. How much time have I got? I got a bit. It’s a confusing topic, and I’m going to take just a minute. It’s a less formal service. I said one time to a group of people with whom I was traveling to Israel that the [...]
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 1
No, I’m grateful you’re here. I wanna extend the invitation from the video personally to read the gospels with us. I’m really inviting you to read the Bible, but I wanna ask you to begin the year, if you’ve never done the Bible reading with us [...]
Allen Jackson - Lessons From Matthew - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Lessons From Matthew - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Lessons From Matthew - Part 2
Some of you say, you know, «I work in a place where it’s difficult to be a Christian,» «I live in this neighborhood and it’s filled with godless people,» or «My kids go to a school and it’s not», yeah. «I’m sending you out like sheep amongst wolves. [...]
Allen Jackson - Lessons From Matthew - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Lessons From Matthew - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Lessons From Matthew - Part 1
If you’ve been around here for very long, you know the invitation to read your Bible at the beginning of the year is not a new idea. I don’t apologize for revisiting that. It is transformational. And I’m happy for you to read on another agenda. I’m [...]
Allen Jackson - Stormproof Foundations - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Stormproof Foundations - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Stormproof Foundations - Part 2
The things Matthew tells us the devil knows are intriguing to me. He knows Jesus is the Son of God. He knows the words of scripture. The devil knows that the angels will follow God’s commands. We got all of that from reading those three or four [...]
Allen Jackson - Stormproof Foundations - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Stormproof Foundations - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Stormproof Foundations - Part 1
It’s not a new thing to invite you to read through the Bible with us. We’ve been doing that for many years now and there are stories all over the building about the changes and the benefits and the transformations that have come with that. This [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 2
In our head, there’s a leaving behind, there’s some separation that has to come. It’s a disciplined life. The kingdom of God, Jesus said, «It’s difficult to enter». You gotta live with that, a little bit, and expect it to be difficult. You not [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 1
We’ve been working through a study on breakthroughs, those points where God intervenes in our lives. Outcomes that can only be explained by God’s participation, when you arrive at a place in your life and there’s really no imagined outcome that’s [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 2
So we’re gonna look at some people that don’t get it right and maybe it’ll help us gain some momentum in saying yes. Acts chapter 13, the church is just trying to get their legs underneath them. The pressure in Jerusalem has grown to the point that [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 1
We’ve been doing a series on breakthroughs. I’ve done several sessions prior to Christmas around these ideas of breakthroughs and how to open our lives more fully to these interventions of God, because I don’t understand them to be random. I believe [...]
Allen Jackson - The Lord Is With You - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Lord Is With You - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Lord Is With You - Part 2
If you’ll allow me… I know it’s in the Bible and it’s a wonderful story and we celebrate Mary and Joseph and they’re in our pageants and they’re venerated because we’re looking back on them from two millennia’s perspective. But I would submit to [...]
Allen Jackson - The Lord Is With You - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Lord Is With You - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Lord Is With You - Part 1
We’re working through a study on breakthroughs. And I really began this because I was so aware of how many people amongst us (and you can put me on that list) we’re in places where we need breakthroughs from the Lord, those places where only God’s [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Alone In The Desert - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Alone In The Desert - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Alone In The Desert - Part 2
That’s really the question on the table today. To what extent are you willing to grow in the Lord? I’m gonna suggest that it has an impact, not only for you, but for the generations who follow you. In fact, if we start with Zachariah and Elizabeth, [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Alone In The Desert - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Alone In The Desert - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Alone In The Desert - Part 1
We’ve been doing a study on breakthroughs and I want to continue that series another session or two. The title for this session is «Alone in the Desert,» and it’s really a companion piece with the previous session. We looked at Zechariah and [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... New Wine - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... New Wine - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... New Wine - Part 2
You know, one of the things I get to do is try to help be engaged in creating a community of faith that welcomes people. And the most unhappy stories are the ones that usually make it to me and I’m always a bit amused. People say, «You know, I [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... New Wine - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... New Wine - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... New Wine - Part 1
We’ve been working through a series called «Breakthrough,» and in this session, I want to talk to you about new wine. There are no samples in the building. I’ve been encouraging you to revisit this little paradigm that we have lived with for some [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Immovable Barriers - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Immovable Barriers - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Immovable Barriers - Part 2
Some of you know the order of march as it unfolds. They crossed the Jordan river and God piles up the water in a manner similar to what happened at the Red Sea. They paused for a time of consecration and physical preparation before they begin the [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Immovable Barriers - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Immovable Barriers - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Immovable Barriers - Part 1
We’re walking through a series on breakthroughs. The real goal is to try to understand the components that are present when God brings breakthroughs because I’m very certain that in all of our lives, there are places where we need God’s help. [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting America - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting America - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting America - Part 2
I wanna give you some examples of how I imagine America is being looted today. One, is they’re looting our heritage. America is the greatest experiment in self-government our world has ever seen. That’s the truth. We are bound together not by [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting America - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting America - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting America - Part 1
We’re walking through a series under the general theme of «Breakthroughs». Interventions, God’s interventions in our lives. Those times where God steps into time and makes a difference in our experience. I don’t believe that we can fulfill God’s [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting Interrupted - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting Interrupted - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting Interrupted - Part 2
And so, I’m concerned about our generation and what we’re doing. I made a list of some things happening. Looting has become so prevalent, I think we’re almost immune to it. I think we’ve accepted as a normal way of living. I’m not talking about some [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting Interrupted - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting Interrupted - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Breakthrough... Looting Interrupted - Part 1
We’re talking about breakthroughs, trying to understand the nature of breakthroughs, so that we can participate in them more fully, gain the benefit of God’s interventions in our lives. When I say «breakthrough,» what I mean is God’s intervention, [...]
Allen Jackson - Joy and Strength
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Allen Jackson - Joy and Strength
Allen Jackson - Joy and Strength
The third week of Advent is traditionally celebrated with a focus on joy, and I would like to honor that this weekend. We’re starting Luke chapter 2 in verse 10 with a verse that is a part of the Christmas narrative. It says: «The angel said to the [...]
Allen Jackson - Seasons of Change - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Seasons of Change - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Seasons of Change - Part 2
Galatians 1, «I’m astonished that you are», again, this is not unique to us. It wasn’t unique to just one church, it wasn’t unique to the Corinthian church or the church at Thessaloniki. It’s a persistent problem against the communities of faith in [...]
Allen Jackson - Seasons of Change - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Seasons of Change - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Seasons of Change - Part 1
We’ve been working through kind of a continuation of a theme we’ve had for a while now, leading with our faith. You are remarkable leaders in a whole variety of ways; business, technology, in the hobbies of your choice, in families. In all those [...]
Allen Jackson - They Soon Forgot - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - They Soon Forgot - Part 2
Allen Jackson - They Soon Forgot - Part 2
For all of our talk about abortion, the abortion numbers have not diminished. It really wasn’t a legal issue. It wasn’t because it was the law of the land. It was the condition of our hearts. How abortions are performed changes dramatically, the [...]
Allen Jackson - They Soon Forgot - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - They Soon Forgot - Part 1
Allen Jackson - They Soon Forgot - Part 1
I wanna continue the study we’ve been doing on leading with our faith, and the title for this session is «They Soon Forgot». I had something I felt like the Lord put on my heart, but it was hard to get it to paper. I have rewritten this more than is [...]
Allen Jackson - The Response Team - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Response Team - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Response Team - Part 2
I believe God is a healer. He can do it with medicine. Sometimes he does it without, I’m most grateful for both. This is not just some Old Testament thing. In Matthew 8, and verse 16, «When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to [...]
Allen Jackson - The Response Team - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Response Team - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Response Team - Part 1
I wanna continue the theme we picked up for the last couple of sessions, talking about leading with faith. It’s a very important principle. All of you are leaders in a variety of arenas. Some of you have great significance and great accomplishment [...]
Allen Jackson - Nominated for Assignment - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Nominated for Assignment - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Nominated for Assignment - Part 2
I would submit to you that serving the Lord is an expression of gratitude and a display on our part of an awareness of his glory. Now, I wanna go back to the Moses narrative because God provides Moses with all the tools that he’s going to need for [...]
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