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Paul Daugherty - Uniting the Divided State of the Church
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Paul Daugherty - Uniting the Divided State of the Church
Paul Daugherty - Uniting the Divided State of the Church
The Bible says that in the last days, the love of many will grow cold and that offenses will turn rampant. This is among believers. This is among God fearing people. That people will get divided, defensive, will get into strife, there will be [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Unity in the Christian Chain of Command
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Kenneth Copeland - Unity in the Christian Chain of Command
Kenneth Copeland - Unity in the Christian Chain of Command
Welcome again, today we’re here in full class of Kenneth Copeland Bible College. That still has a strange ring to me. My name on a Bible College… well, glory to God. I didn’t start this, Jesus did. He knew this before the foundation of the world. [...]
David Jeremiah - The Diversity of Unity
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David Jeremiah - The Diversity of Unity
David Jeremiah - The Diversity of Unity
Ohio surgeon Michael S. Kavic once wrote in a medical journal that when interviewing candidates for a surgical residency, the qualifications he looked for were not necessarily the qualities you might expect: a high intellect, excellent hand-eye [...]
Robert Barron - What 'Unity in Diversity' Actually Means?
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Robert Barron - What 'Unity in Diversity' Actually Means?
Robert Barron - What 'Unity in Diversity' Actually Means?
Peace be with you. Friends, we come today to the marvelous Feast of Pentecost, the feast of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, who is the lifeblood of the Church. He’s the soul of the Mystical Body of Christ. I submit to you that the Holy Spirit is [...]
Michael Youssef - The Blessing of Unity
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Michael Youssef - The Blessing of Unity
Michael Youssef - The Blessing of Unity
About 20 years ago or so, the Lord began to teach my wife and I to study and practice what he said in Matthew chapter 18, verses 19 and 20, now, of course, known as the prayer of agreement. I have to tell you at the outset so you understand. I do [...]
James Meehan - Fighting for Unity in a Divided World
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James Meehan - Fighting for Unity in a Divided World
James Meehan - Fighting for Unity in a Divided World
So we're going to take a trip down memory lane. I remember last day of school when I'm in the sixth grade, I am walking to lunch for the last lunch of my sixth grade year. And because my sixth grade year was pretty hectic and crazy, I was [...]
Chris Hodges - We Need Each Other
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Chris Hodges - We Need Each Other
Chris Hodges - We Need Each Other
Who's glad to be in church today? Anybody, anybody? Me too, I know. I don't think I'll ever take it for granted again, you know, just the privilege of meeting together. And so, big hello to all of you, thank you for joining. And for [...]
Mike Novotny - Divide and Unite
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Mike Novotny - Divide and Unite
Mike Novotny - Divide and Unite
And if you consider yourself a church person or not so sure about church person, every Sunday kind of church person, zero experience in church kind of person, I think the church is going to burn down when I walk in kind of person, we want you to [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Who's Your Crew - Part 2
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Jentezen Franklin - Who's Your Crew? - Part 2
Jentezen Franklin - Who's Your Crew? - Part 2
Open your Bibles to Psalms 133. Verse one. Everybody read it out loud. "Behold, how good, how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity". Here in Gainesville, we have Lake Lanier, and during the Olympics in Atlanta, they had [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Who's Your Crew - Part 1
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Jentezen Franklin - Who's Your Crew? - Part 1
Jentezen Franklin - Who's Your Crew? - Part 1
I want yo welcome you to Kingdom Connection. I'm Jentezen Franklin and I deeply appreciate you joining us today. It's our prayer that God will speak to you through these messages. We still believe God speaks, we still believe He knows how [...]
Mike Novotny - United yet Unique
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Mike Novotny - United yet Unique
Mike Novotny - United yet Unique
The person next to you is ridiculously unique. Now we might be one united place in one church on one night. We might even share one faith, one salvation, one cross, one Jesus, but that doesn't stop the fact that you are very, very different. [...]
Mike Novotny - Unique but United
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Mike Novotny - Unique but United
Mike Novotny - Unique but United
There are few things more dangerous than putting two Christians into one room. Anyone know what I'm talking about? There are few things more dangerous for our hearts than putting two people who are different and unique and wired by God in [...]
Derek Prince - Gather Together to Give Thanks
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Derek Prince - Gather Together to Give Thanks
Derek Prince - Gather Together to Give Thanks
Jerusalem is built like a city that is closely compacted together; to which the tribes go up, even the tribes of the LORD – a testimony for Israel – to give thanks to the name of the LORD. - Psalm 122:3-4, NIV That's the way that God intends [...]
Derek Prince - Closely Compacted Together
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Derek Prince - Closely Compacted Together
Derek Prince - Closely Compacted Together
Jerusalem is built like a city that is closely compacted together. - Psalm 122:3, NIV That phrase there, "closely compacted together," gives us a revelation of how God's people are to be united. In the Hebrew language almost every [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Gathering an Army
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Rabbi Schneider - Gathering an Army
Rabbi Schneider - Gathering an Army
Beloved, today I want to talk to you about something that I think is critically important in this season. I want to talk to you about the theme of gathering an army. I remember some years back I was invited to a close meeting of somebody that was [...]
James Merritt - Keep It Together
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James Merritt - Keep It Together
James Merritt - Keep It Together
This is so great to have you with us today. There are two things I love about our church. Number one, I love our diversity. You probably don't realize it at our Sugarloaf Campus, we're one of the most diverse churches in our entire [...]
Robert Morris - Financial Unity
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Robert Morris - Financial Unity
Robert Morris - Financial Unity
Thank you, thank you so much. I am so honored to be here. This is my church, my home, church home away from church home, and you know, Pastor Chris always gets it wrong. He says you have 24 campuses, but he's not including the 10 campuses that [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Unifying and Edifying the Body of Christ
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Kenneth Copeland - Unifying and Edifying the Body of Christ
Kenneth Copeland - Unifying and Edifying the Body of Christ
Hello, everybody. It's Wednesday on the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Every believer has a voice and it is the Voice of Victory. Praise God. Victory should be in everything we think. I'm a poor loser. Well, I get mad when I [...]
Robert Jeffress - Unified, But Not Uniform
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Robert Jeffress - Unified, But Not Uniform
Robert Jeffress - Unified, But Not Uniform
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Whenever we bump heads with someone who has differing viewpoints, it's tempting to wish that everyone else would embrace our position. But God had other plans when he created [...]
Jack Graham - Better Together
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Jack Graham - Better Together
Jack Graham - Better Together
I want to encourage you to take your Bibles right now and turn with me to Romans chapter 12, the twelfth chapter of the book of Romans. And this is our ESSENTIAL GOSPEL series. Romans 12 is one of the great chapters in the Bible. I want to be a [...]
John Bradshaw - Unity
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John Bradshaw - Unity
John Bradshaw - Unity
It's a spectacular story. 50 days after Jesus' resurrection, the Holy Spirit descended upon the early church leaders, and enabled them to miraculously speak languages they didn't know. But notice that there was an important [...]
Jack Graham - The Body of Christ
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Jack Graham - The Body of Christ
Jack Graham - The Body of Christ
I absolutely love the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. God's Church. I grew up in church. In fact, I started going to church nine months before I was born, I'm told. And a little Baptist church in Arkansas where my parents—wonderful, [...]
Matt Hagee - The Power of Unity
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Matt Hagee - The Power of Unity
Matt Hagee - The Power of Unity
We live in a world that loves to discuss the topic of "Unity". Say, "We need to be unified," and people will agree with you. Talk about unity in church, and they'll say a good, loud "Amen". But when it comes to [...]
Derek Prince - Believers United To Christ
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Derek Prince - Believers United To Christ
Derek Prince - Believers United To Christ
At the end of our last session we came to the end of stage 9 of our pilgrimage. Stage 9 dealt with God’s program for the old man which we stated was execution and in the final session we dealt with how to apply that solution in our own lives. I [...]
Greg Laurie - What Happens When Christians Pray Together
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Greg Laurie - What Happens When Christians Pray Together
Greg Laurie - What Happens When Christians Pray Together
I heard a story about three men that were hiking through a forest and they came to a large raging river, so they decided to pray. Always a good idea, 'cause they needed to get over the river. So the first man prayed, "Lord, I pray that you [...]
Derek Prince - It Isn't The Sheep That Divide The Church. It Is The Shepherds
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Derek Prince - It Isn't The Sheep That Divide The Church. It Is The
Derek Prince - It Isn't The Sheep That Divide The Church. It Is The Shepherds
This is an excerpt from: Self-Humbling Through Fasting So, let’s look at some of the people that did it. Turn to the end of 1 Samuel, the last verse of 1 Samuel, it’s very interesting. I was already a pastor in England, in London, and I decided I [...]
Jentezen Franklin - One With Him So I'll Be One With Them
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Jentezen Franklin - One With Him So I'll Be One With Them
Jentezen Franklin - One With Him So I'll Be One With Them
If you have your Bibles I want you to open them with me. And I'm going to the Book of Matthew 24. Jesus said something that is powerful. He compares us to eagles. He calls Christians eagles, believers eagle. And He said, "Wherever the [...]
Craig Smith - Unified Diversity
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Craig Smith - Unified Diversity
Craig Smith - Unified Diversity
Welcome to all of our locations including those of you who are joining us Church Online, so glad you’re with us. We are three weeks deep into our Equipted Series, taking a look at all the ways that God has equipped and gifted us, equipted us to be [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Achieve Unity with God
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Rabbi Schneider - Achieve Unity with God
Rabbi Schneider - Achieve Unity with God
Welcome beloved ones. By the way, some people ask what this means, it's the Word of God. The scripture says, "The Word of God is living and active and sharper than a two edged sword". And I'm called, beloved, to release [...]
Robert Jeffress - Hooked On Others
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Robert Jeffress - Hooked On Others
Robert Jeffress - Hooked On Others
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose to hang out with the disciples? Wouldn't it have been easier to accomplish his mission alone and unencumbered than to drag [...]
Derek Prince - One Body by One Spirit
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Derek Prince - One Body by One Spirit
Derek Prince - One Body by One Spirit
Let’s look in Hebrews 2 for a moment. Hebrews 2:3-4 How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him. God, also bearing witness, both with signs [...]
David Jeremiah - Stay Connected
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David Jeremiah - Stay Connected
David Jeremiah - Stay Connected
In his book, "Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community", Robert Putnam observes that, since the 1960s, Americans have become 10% less likely to be churchgoers and 25% to 50% less likely to be involved in any religious [...]
Derek Prince - Satan's Primary Attack On The Church
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Derek Prince - Satan's Primary Attack On The Church
Derek Prince - Satan's Primary Attack On The Church
But I want to deal just with certain general basic requirements if the church is to be victorious. I’m going to deal with them briefly. I have actually listed seven; you could probably make it eight or you could make it six, but in my making of [...]
Victoria Osteen - Unity In The Body Of Christ
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Victoria Osteen - Unity In The Body Of Christ
Victoria Osteen - Unity In The Body Of Christ
Thank you, Lord. We bless you in this place. So, the other day, Joel and I, we needed to get out a little bit. It was in the evening and a lot of times we'll go ride bikes and get a little exercise, so we thought, "Well, let's just [...]
Victoria Osteen - Live Together in Unity
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Victoria Osteen - Live Together in Unity
Victoria Osteen - Live Together in Unity
Psalm 1:33, 1 and 3, "It is good and it is pleasant when God's people live together in unity". How many of you want to live in a good and pleasant place? I do. It is good and pleasant when God's people live in unity. That's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Family Agreement Activates Powerful Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Family Agreement Activates Powerful Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Family Agreement Activates Powerful Faith
It's so important to get the family in agreement. Now, let's talk about that. Let's go over to Matthew, the 18th chapter. Now, look at Jesus said this in the 18th verse. "Verily, I say unto you". Listen now, this is the way, [...]
Craig Groeschel - Stop the Division
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Craig Groeschel - Stop the Division
Craig Groeschel - Stop the Division
How many of you would agree that this has been one heck of a difficult year. All of our churches, you can just type in the chat, "yes I agree it's been a very, very difficult year". I wanna take a moment and just recap the obvious. By [...]
Andy Stanley - How Christians Should Approach Politics
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Andy Stanley - How Christians Should Approach Politics
Andy Stanley - How Christians Should Approach Politics
So today we are in Part Two of this series called Talking Points. The subtitle is, and I came up with the subtitle, you know, so blame me, The Perfect Blend of Politics and Religion, as if there could be a perfect blend, right? This is a series to [...]
Andy Stanley - What Is Jesus' Take On Politics?
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Andy Stanley - What Is Jesus' Take On Politics?
Andy Stanley - What Is Jesus' Take On Politics?
So today we begin this three part series, designed to make you uncomfortable and hopefully, better. It's entitled, "Talking Points", and I came up with the sub title myself, "The perfect blend of politics and religion". [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - The Power Of We
Jentezen Franklin - The Power Of We
I'm preaching this morning from Psalms 133, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for people to dwell together". You know, you can dwell and not be together. But to dwell together. Marriage and family. In church. On your job. Dwell [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Joy of Unity
David Jeremiah - The Joy of Unity
Our attitudes are important. In fact, they are more important than our actions. We're to work on our attitudes. How many of you know we could all work a little bit on our attitudes? Maybe you came to church today and you got a bad attitude. You [...]
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Levi Lusko - Beard Oil & Mountain Dew
Levi Lusko - Beard Oil & Mountain Dew
Welcome to the finale of the Happy Trails series. We began in the great state of Wyoming. We moved our way through Montana. We had ventured in Oregon, and we finally have come to the state of Utah. I want to say hello to everybody at every single [...]