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Watch 2024-2025 online sermons » Tag cloud » The Power Of Proclamation
Derek Prince - The Cause Of The Anti-Christian Power In The Middle East
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Derek Prince - The Cause Of The Anti-Christian Power In The Middle East
Derek Prince - The Cause Of The Anti-Christian Power In The Middle East
This is excerpt from: The Power Of Proclamation All right, now we're going to do in closing some things that relate to the Middle East, which is one of the areas that we pray most about. You might not have the same burden, but you can take the [...]
Derek Prince - The Spiritual Power Of Proclamation In International Affairs
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Derek Prince - The Spiritual Power Of Proclamation In International Affairs
Derek Prince - The Spiritual Power Of Proclamation In International Affairs
This is excerpt from: The Power Of Proclamation Now we're coming into a more aggressive area. We're going to talk about intervention in national and international affairs. Ruth and I spend a lot of time praying outside our own needs [...]
Derek Prince - 4 Biblical Guidelines To Healing
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Derek Prince - 4 Biblical Guidelines To Healing
Derek Prince - 4 Biblical Guidelines To Healing
This is excerpt from: The Power Of Proclamation And then suppose that you're challenged with something that you can't do, it's too much. You're not capable, you don't have the education you don't have the strength; it [...]
Derek Prince - The Only Power Strong Enough To Overcome Evil
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Derek Prince - The Only Power Strong Enough To Overcome Evil
Derek Prince - The Only Power Strong Enough To Overcome Evil
This is excerpt from: The Power Of Proclamation Now we're going to take some pattern proclamations. But first of all remember it must be the breath with the Word. In other words, it has to be the Holy Spirit. And secondly what we do - a very [...]
Derek Prince - You've Got To Go On Proclaiming Until You Think It
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Derek Prince - You've Got To Go On Proclaiming Until You Think It
Derek Prince - You've Got To Go On Proclaiming Until You Think It
This is excerpt from: The Power Of Proclamation So I'm going to take now a whole number of potential situations beginning with those that are personal and going on to those that are national and international and I'm simply going to show [...]
Derek Prince - The Most Effective Way To Release God's Authority Over A Situation
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Derek Prince - The Most Effective Way To Release God's Authority Over A
Derek Prince - The Most Effective Way To Release God's Authority Over A Situation
This is excerpt from: The Power Of Proclamation Now, that's trembling at the Word. That's the first thing that happened with Moses. He suddenly realized the power that was in his rod and he ran from it. He was overawed. The second thing [...]
Derek Prince - Our First Reaction To The Word Should Be Fear And Trembling
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Derek Prince - Our First Reaction To The Word Should Be Fear And Trembling
Derek Prince - Our First Reaction To The Word Should Be Fear And Trembling
This is excerpt from: The Power Of Proclamation Now I want to parallel with Moses' experience the way that we can make the Word of God effective by proclaiming it. Proclaiming it is releasing it into a situation. It takes confidence. It takes [...]
Derek Prince - The Word And The Spirit Always Go Together
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Derek Prince - The Word And The Spirit Always Go Together
Derek Prince - The Word And The Spirit Always Go Together
This is excerpt from: The Power Of Proclamation I want to take an example now from Moses when God called him to go back and be the deliverer of Israel out of Egypt. You remember God appeared to him in the burning bush. Then God said to him in [...]
Derek Prince - The Tremendous Power Of Proclaiming God's Word In Faith
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Derek Prince - The Tremendous Power Of Proclaiming God's Word In Faith
Derek Prince - The Tremendous Power Of Proclaiming God's Word In Faith
This is excerpt from: The Power Of Proclamation Ruth and I, when I'm ministering, we always begin this way. God has taught us this and we've discovered that proclaiming the Word in faith at the beginning of a meeting makes a tremendous [...]