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Joyce Meyer - The Pain of Rejection
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Joyce Meyer - The Pain of Rejection
Joyce Meyer - The Pain of Rejection
Well, thank you for joining me today on, «Enjoying Everyday Life». You know, I wanna talk to you today about a subject that many of you probably really need to hear. And even if you don’t need it right now, you could need it at some time in your [...]
Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 2
The challenge I think we faced is we've done these sinners parties and we've gathered to sympathize with their sin. We wanted to be sure they know we're empathetic, that we understand. Jesus met with them to call them to repentance, [...]
Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Rejecting Jesus - Part 1
We're in the midst of a discussion that is really a review of the Gospel of Luke. I've been encouraging you, inviting you, to join me in reading the Gospel of Luke. It's extracurricular activity, I know. "We're already on a [...]
Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 2
Ginger Stache : Hey, everyone. Rejection is rampant in our culture today. And it's one of the number one tools that satan uses to keep people from fulfilling the call of God on their life. It's not a question of if you'll face [...]
Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 1
Ginger Stache : Welcome. We're so glad you're here with us today. How do you handle rejection? Rejection can be incredibly painful. We all want to be accepted and when we are not, it can take us down some very difficult roads. And [...]
Steven Furtick - God, Why Did They Reject Me?
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Steven Furtick - God, Why Did They Reject Me?
Steven Furtick - God, Why Did They Reject Me?
This is an excerpt from: Trapped In Nazareth As a matter of fact, I want to help set somebody free who has been disappointed because someone rejected you. A lot of times they're not rejecting you. A lot of times what they are rejecting is [...]
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming The Fear of Disrespect
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Creflo Dollar - Overcoming The Fear of Disrespect
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming The Fear of Disrespect
We're gonna take some time to talk about "Overcoming the Fear of Disrespect". Overcoming the Fear of Disrespect. And basically understanding the respect game, because it's a pretty big issue. If you've ever been in a place [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Rejected
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Dr. Ed Young - Rejected
Dr. Ed Young - Rejected
Another aside I practice that a little bit and I put that down and Winston thought it was a big bone he'd been looking for all his life. Shofar. Read your Bible, look in your concordance, look up shofar and you'll see that all the way [...]
Gregory Dickow - Radical Acceptance
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Gregory Dickow - Radical Acceptance
Gregory Dickow - Radical Acceptance
Hi, I'm Gregory Dickow, and welcome to the Power to Change today and today we're going to get to the universal root to all of mankind's problems. Have you ever thought to yourself, I feel sad, I feel lonely, I feel depressed, I feel [...]
Gregory Dickow - Uprooting the Spirit of Rejection
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Gregory Dickow - Uprooting the Spirit of Rejection
Gregory Dickow - Uprooting the Spirit of Rejection
Well, today, I want to talk to you about the solution to all of man's problems. That's right. All of man's problems can be summarized in one word. And today we're going to deal with that one word, that one thing that is causing [...]
Allen Jackson - Freedom From Rejection - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Freedom From Rejection - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Freedom From Rejection - Part 2
It's good to be with you today. We're gonna complete our discussion on "Freedom from Rejection". All of us know what it feels like to be left out, to feel like everybody else got invited in, and somehow, we weren't given the [...]
Allen Jackson - Freedom From Rejection - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Freedom From Rejection - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Freedom From Rejection - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. Our topic is "Freedom From Rejection". And it seems to me that rejection is an epidemic in our nation far more prevalent than COVID ever imagined to be and it is such a limiting force in our lives, [...]
Allen Jackson - Freedom From Guilt, Shame and Rejection
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Allen Jackson - Freedom From Guilt, Shame and Rejection
Allen Jackson - Freedom From Guilt, Shame and Rejection
It's an honor to be with you again. Our topic today is freedom from guilt, shame and rejection. You know, so many times I think we imagine that our faith is a limit on our lives. That somehow God has conspired against us to take things away [...]
Levi Lusko - The Gift of Rejection
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Levi Lusko - The Gift of Rejection
Levi Lusko - The Gift of Rejection
Well, welcome to week two of The Last Supper on the Moon. We are so glad to welcome you at every single Fresh Life location, church online, and then partner churches all around the world. Through our friendship with the Open Network, we're [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Rejected Messiah
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Rabbi Schneider - The Rejected Messiah
Rabbi Schneider - The Rejected Messiah
Sometimes in Israel Yeshua is not referred to as Yeshua but Yeshu which is like a curse word towards Him. He was despised and rejected of men. What I'm going to be talking about today is that the Hebrew Bible very specifically told us in [...]
Derek Prince - Ultimately, It Was Rejection That Killed Jesus
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Derek Prince - Ultimately, It Was Rejection That Killed Jesus
Derek Prince - Ultimately, It Was Rejection That Killed Jesus
This excerpt is from: Overcoming Guilt, Shame And Rejection . Another common reason for rejection, all too common today, is the break-up of a marriage. A woman has given herself unreservedly to a man and like Brother Ed Cole was telling, a pastor [...]
Derek Prince - Not Being Loved Is The Worst Sickness
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Derek Prince - Not Being Loved Is The Worst Sickness
Derek Prince - Not Being Loved Is The Worst Sickness
This excerpt is from: Overcoming Guilt, Shame And Rejection . Now we come to the last of these three problems. I’ve dealt with guilt. I’ve dealt with shame. I’ll deal with rejection. Now I consider rejection to be the deepest wound of the human [...]
Derek Prince - Overcoming Guilt, Shame And Rejection
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Derek Prince - Overcoming Guilt, Shame And Rejection
Derek Prince - Overcoming Guilt, Shame And Rejection
My theme tonight is: Overcoming guilt, shame and rejection. I would suppose that there are, maybe at least 25 percent of the people here this evening have one or other of those three problems: guilt, shame or rejection. And there is a place where [...]
Derek Prince - His Rejection for Our Acceptance
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Derek Prince - His Rejection for Our Acceptance
Derek Prince - His Rejection for Our Acceptance
Now just one more and we’re going to close. That’s not the end of the list but it’s the end for tonight. The final exchange is between rejection and acceptance. And here again in ministering to people I have come to the conclusion that rejection is [...]
Steven Furtick - Rejection Is Redirection
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Steven Furtick - Rejection Is Redirection
Steven Furtick - Rejection Is Redirection
I want to speak for a moment to every unloved and lonely Leah. I'm not just talking about women here. I'm talking about every man, every woman, every boy, every girl who doesn't get invited to most of the parties on Friday nights, who [...]
TD Jakes - Rejoicing in Rejection
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TD Jakes - Rejoicing in Rejection
TD Jakes - Rejoicing in Rejection
God help the innkeeper that tells me you don't have room. You don't have what? You mean to tell me, after 90 miles and 7 days, that I finally got there and now, what do you mean don't have room for me? How you handle rejection [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Rejection
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Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Rejection
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Rejection
God the Father on the cross turned his back on Jesus Christ. Let me say this: he rejected Jesus once for all 2,000 years ago so he'll never, ever reject us again in eternity. Those of us who have put our faith in Christ, "My God, why have [...]
Steven Furtick - Why Do You Push People Away?
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Steven Furtick - Why Do You Push People Away?
Steven Furtick - Why Do You Push People Away?
Everybody wants to get back to normal. Let's get back to normal for a minute. Adam and Eve are naked in a garden, and they can eat anything they want, and they don't have to Uber Eats it or DoorDash it. It's just there, and that was [...]
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John Hagee - Rejection and Resentment
John Hagee - Rejection and Resentment
The majority of the people in this audience and the millions who are watching by television over 200 nations have experienced personal rejection, rejection that has left a scar on your soul, rejection that has embittered your mind. It has robbed you [...]
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David Jeremiah - Disapproval: The Fear of Rejection
David Jeremiah - Disapproval: The Fear of Rejection
From being the last one picked for a team on the playground, to being overlooked for a promotion, everybody has experienced rejection to some degree and it's never any fun. You see, rejection can make us feel unworthy, even unlovable. [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Rejected By Christians
Creflo Dollar — Rejected By Christians
Welcome, my guest today is a young woman who was forced out of the Christian university she attended because of a bad decision to appear in an adult video. She was so discouraged, she gave up on God and moved to California, where she became a very [...]
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Steven Furtick — The Blessing of Rejection
Steven Furtick — The Blessing of Rejection
So, my oldest son, Elijah, comes up to me the other day and said: — "Dad, I figured out what, like one of my greatest strengths is" — "Well, what is it? You know, you have so many". — "I know, but there's one in [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Overcoming Rejection
Creflo Dollar — Overcoming Rejection
The first step to overcoming feelings of rejection is accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. When we become born again, we become new creatures in Christ! Instead of being connected to sin, we are reconnected to the nature of God. We become [...]
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Sid Roth — Removing Hurt and Rejection
Sid Roth — Removing Hurt and Rejection
Doctors said a woman only had a few hours to live. See how she suddenly got up and went home miraculously. Plus, Jesus appeared at the foot of this woman's bed. See how He reached down inside her and took away every hurt and rejection she ever [...]
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Charles Stanley - Victory over Rejection
Charles Stanley - Victory over Rejection
Many people are living in bondage and not even aware of it. Not talking about bars and chains, but there are other forms of bondage besides things that you and I can see. And sometimes the worst form of bondage is something emotional in a [...]