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Joseph Prince - The Rapture and End-Time Tribulation Explained
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Joseph Prince - The Rapture and End-Time Tribulation Explained
Joseph Prince - The Rapture and End-Time Tribulation Explained
How are y'all doing? We are living in exciting times, amen? I mean, do you feel like there's an acceleration of time, people? Isn't it amazing? And we now have the blessing of hindsight, all right? Every time we look behind, we can see the goodness [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Is The Difference Between The Rapture And The Second Coming?
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Robert Jeffress - What Is The Difference Between The Rapture And The Second
Robert Jeffress - What Is The Difference Between The Rapture And The Second Coming?
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway To Victory". No event in biblical prophecy has caused more confusion among Christians than the rapture of the church. Today I'm going to clearly outline what the Bible says about the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?
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Jentezen Franklin - Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?
Jentezen Franklin - Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?
If you have your Bibles, I want you to open them to Matthew 24. "Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to Him privately saying, 'Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the signs of your coming and of the end of [...]
Greg Laurie - What Is The Rapture?
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Greg Laurie - What Is The Rapture?
Greg Laurie - What Is The Rapture?
I think even nonbelievers are concerned right now about the state of our world. The stakes are higher. As we're experiencing what the Bible describes is the time where there is distress of nations with no way out. Even secular futurologists are [...]
David Jeremiah - Live Like You Were Dying
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David Jeremiah - Live Like You Were Dying
David Jeremiah - Live Like You Were Dying
In Romans 13:11 through 14 there is a signature passage, "And do this knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. [...]
David Jeremiah - Will Children Be Raptured?
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David Jeremiah - Will Children Be Raptured?
David Jeremiah - Will Children Be Raptured?
I read a story about Ashley Irwin, who was slightly amused and slightly alarmed when her young son, Wyatt, asked her to pull down his Marvel-themed duffel bag, and he told his mom, "I've got a big trip tomorrow". At first Ashley thought [...]
David Jeremiah - The Noah Factor
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David Jeremiah - The Noah Factor
David Jeremiah - The Noah Factor
In one of his final messages, Dr. Billy Graham wrote in his "Decision Magazine," he said, "The days of Noah are returning to the earth and a catastrophe as great and terrible awaits those who refuse to enter into the ark of salvation, [...]
David Jeremiah - At Any Moment
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David Jeremiah - At Any Moment
David Jeremiah - At Any Moment
Robert Murray M'Cheyne was a brilliant, highly influential pastor. He was a poet in the 19th century, and he died of typhus before his 30th birthday, and many people thought that his life was wasted because he lived for such a short time, yet in [...]
David Jeremiah - A Great Day
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David Jeremiah - A Great Day
David Jeremiah - A Great Day
In all of his mansions, there's not room big enough for all of his awards. Sir Paul McCartney may go down in history as the greatest musician of all time, a founding member of the Beatles, and a man who became, as the Guinness Book of Records puts [...]
John Hagee - The Revelation of The Rapture
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John Hagee - The Revelation of The Rapture
John Hagee - The Revelation of The Rapture
If you have your Bibles, turn please to Psalm 12, and we'll read the first two verses together, as we talk today about "The Revelation of the rapture". King David places his pen to parchment in Psalm 12, and he begins with two of the most [...]
David Jeremiah - The Great Disappearance Interview
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David Jeremiah - The Great Disappearance Interview
David Jeremiah - The Great Disappearance Interview
Sheila Walsh : Welcome. So lovely to see you all. So let me ask you a question. Does the state of the world ever make you anxious, even fearful? The current political turmoil, economic uncertainty, and increasingly impassible ideological divides [...]
John Hagee - From Here to Eternity
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John Hagee - From Here to Eternity
John Hagee - From Here to Eternity
We welcome you to the prophetic teaching titled "From Here to Eternity". What does the Bible say about the future of the world? What does the Bible say about the future of America? Today I want to give you the Bible reasons why we are [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Midnight Cry and the Rapture of the Church
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Adrian Rogers - The Midnight Cry and the Rapture of the Church
Adrian Rogers - The Midnight Cry and the Rapture of the Church
The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is called what? "The Blessed Hope". Be finding Revelation chapter four. We're entering into the third grand division. John was told to write three things. "Write what you've seen," and [...]
John Bradshaw - Online Love, the Rapture, and a God Who Kills
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John Bradshaw - Online Love, the Rapture, and a God Who Kills
John Bradshaw - Online Love, the Rapture, and a God Who Kills
John Bradshaw : Welcome to "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw, with me, Wes Peppers, and together we get to answer your Bible questions. Are you ready to go? Wes Peppers : We're ready to go. John Bradshaw [...]
John Bradshaw - Baptism, the Rapture and Time of Trouble
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John Bradshaw - Baptism, the Rapture and Time of Trouble
John Bradshaw - Baptism, the Rapture and Time of Trouble
John Bradshaw : Thanks for joining us. This is "Line Upon Line" brought to you by "It Is Written" with Eric Flickinger. I'm John Bradshaw. We have a great program for you today. We're gonna be talking about the spirit world, and [...]
Jack Graham - Taken
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Jack Graham - Taken
Jack Graham - Taken
Now in the Revelation, chapter 1, verse 19, God gives us an outline in the Scripture as to what the Revelation is all about. It's really not all that difficult to know the various chapters and dividings of the book of Revelation because it's given [...]
David Reagan - The Rapture with Marsha Kuhnley
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David Reagan - The Rapture with Marsha Kuhnley
David Reagan - The Rapture with Marsha Kuhnley
What is the Rapture? When is it most likely to happen? What are likely to be the secular explanations of it? How can we prepare for it? Will there be any hope for those who are left behind? Stay tuned for a discussion of these and other questions [...]
David Reagan - The Rapture, Fact or Fiction?
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David Reagan - The Rapture, Fact or Fiction?
David Reagan - The Rapture, Fact or Fiction?
Have you been told that the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church is a silly, unbiblical concept? Have you been assured that if the Tribulation begins in your lifetime, that you, as a believer, will have to endure all the horrors of it, and that you [...]
David Reagan - The Rapture Kit with Scott Townsend
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David Reagan - The Rapture Kit with Scott Townsend
David Reagan - The Rapture Kit with Scott Townsend
Have you given any thought about providing information that would be available to your family and friends who might be left behind when the Rapture occurs? There is a ministry that has produced an amazing resource for those left behind. For details, [...]
David Reagan - The Pre-Trib Rapture Under Attack
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David Reagan - The Pre-Trib Rapture Under Attack
David Reagan - The Pre-Trib Rapture Under Attack
Is the concept of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture a genuine biblical hope, or is it wishful fantasy? Some say there is not one verse in the Bible that sustains it. Others claim that the concept is too new to be true. What about it? Is it a myth or a [...]
David Reagan - Q and A About the Rapture
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David Reagan - Q and A About the Rapture
David Reagan - Q and A About the Rapture
Is the Rapture of the Church a biblical reality, or is it just the result of hopeful imaginings that believers might be able to escape the horrors of the Tribulation? Is the Rapture fact or fiction? Stay tuned. Dr. Reagan : Greetings in the name of [...]
David Reagan - Newest Book on the Rapture
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David Reagan - Newest Book on the Rapture
David Reagan - Newest Book on the Rapture
Have you been told that the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church is a silly, unbiblical concept? Have you been assured that if the Tribulation begins in your lifetime, that you, as a believer, will have to endure all the horrors of it, and that you [...]
David Reagan - Tommy Ice and Don Perkins on the Rapture and Millennium
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David Reagan - Tommy Ice and Don Perkins on the Rapture and Millennium
David Reagan - Tommy Ice and Don Perkins on the Rapture and Millennium
Is the Rapture the same as the Second Coming? And, if not, then when is it most likely to occur? And what about the Millennium? Are we in it now, or is it a period of one thousand years that still lies a head of us? And why should the promise of [...]
David Reagan - Billy Crone on the Rapture
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David Reagan - Billy Crone on the Rapture
David Reagan - Billy Crone on the Rapture
Billy Crone, who is a pastor in Las Vegas, Nevada, has established himself as an outstanding and passionate preacher and teacher of Bible prophecy. We are privileged to have him today as our special guest. Stay tuned for an interview with him about [...]
David Reagan - James and Strandberg on Rapture Ready Website
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David Reagan - James and Strandberg on Rapture Ready Website
David Reagan - James and Strandberg on Rapture Ready Website
One of the foremost Bible prophecy websites on the Internet today is called Rapture Ready. It contains an incredible storehouse of information about every aspect of Bible prophecy, and not just the Rapture. But it does focus on the biblical promise [...]
David Reagan - Terry James on His New Book About the Rapture
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David Reagan - Terry James on His New Book About the Rapture
David Reagan - Terry James on His New Book About the Rapture
The latest book on the Rapture of the Church is really something special to behold. From its very hip cover to its highly imaginative chapter titles. Stay tuned for an interview with the remarkable author. David Reagan: Greetings in the name of [...]
David Reagan - Ron Rhodes on the Rapture
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David Reagan - Ron Rhodes on the Rapture
David Reagan - Ron Rhodes on the Rapture
One of the most fiercely debated topics in Bible prophecy today is the timing of the Rapture. Specifically, will the Rapture occur before, during or at the end of the Tribulation? For a thorough, biblical answer to this issue, stay tuned. David [...]
Derek Prince - The Rapture, Examined
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Derek Prince - The Rapture, Examined
Derek Prince - The Rapture, Examined
We’ve got to go on, press on. Please note, verse 29 note the word immediately. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened the moon will not give its light the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of heavens [...]
Derek Prince - We Shall Be Caught Up In The Air
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Derek Prince - We Shall Be Caught Up In The Air
Derek Prince - We Shall Be Caught Up In The Air
This is an excerpt from: Why Should We Be Longing for Jesus' Appearing? Not only will the coming of the Lord mark the consummation of our union with Him. It will also mark the consummation of our union with one another. If you turn to 1 [...]
Tony Evans - The Rapture of the Church
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Tony Evans - The Rapture of the Church
Tony Evans - The Rapture of the Church
The next event on God's prophetic calendar is the Rapture. That is the next thing that's going to happen. The word "rapture" means "to seize, grasp, or grab". And it refers to Christ coming to retrieve his church, believers who [...]
Derek Prince - What Will Happen When The Rapture Comes
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Derek Prince - What Will Happen When The Rapture Comes?
Derek Prince - What Will Happen When The Rapture Comes?
Now, let’s go on to the events that are associated with the return of Jesus. I’ll give you a little list of events, not necessarily in the correct order. Do you know why? Because I don’t really know what the correct order is. I’ve met some Bible [...]
Derek Prince - The Rapture Is Followed By The Judgment Of Christians
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Derek Prince - The Rapture Is Followed By The Judgment Of Christians
Derek Prince - The Rapture Is Followed By The Judgment Of Christians
The rapture is followed by the judgment of Christians. Some Christians don’t realize it but we will be the first to be judged. Peter said judgment must begin at the house of God. What is the house of God? The church. 2 Corinthians 5:10. We’ll come [...]
Joseph Prince - The Rapture, Your Blessed Hope In Dark Times
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Joseph Prince - The Rapture, Your Blessed Hope In Dark Times
Joseph Prince - The Rapture, Your Blessed Hope In Dark Times
Praise God. With all that we see happening around the world today, that I was telling the pastors just the other day that the devil is outplaying his hand. By causing the focus to be on Israel in these last days is actually helping to fulfill Bible [...]
John Hagee - What a Difference a Day Makes
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John Hagee - What a Difference a Day Makes
John Hagee - What a Difference a Day Makes
Your life can change forever in the fraction of a day. Look at America's history. What a difference a day makes. Remember the day of Pearl Harbor that changed our lives forever, December 7, 1941. How many of you were alive then? A precious few. [...]
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Sid Roth - The Hidden Rapture Prophecy
Sid Roth - The Hidden Rapture Prophecy
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. I just love the rarified air of Heaven, the supernatural of God, the presence of God. I have a question for you. Why are the Jewish feasts removed from [...]
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Greg Laurie - The Rapture And Revival
Greg Laurie - The Rapture And Revival
Why don't you grab your Bibles and turn to 1 Thessalonians chapter 4. If you don't know where that is, it's right after 1 Thessalonians chapter 3. The title of my message is the rapture and revival. So we're talking about what is known as the Jesus [...]
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John Hagee - The Final Farewell
John Hagee - The Final Farewell
Let me give you the Bible basis for the Rapture of the Church. John 14:2 and 3: in my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Say that with me, I go to prepare a place for you. And [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Rapture of the Redeemed
David Jeremiah - The Rapture of the Redeemed
I developed a friendship with a California pastor by the name of Tim LaHaye. Shortly after I met him, I actually was called to be his successor at what was then called the Scott Memorial Church in San Diego, California. Today, that church is called [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Rapture of the Church
David Jeremiah - The Rapture of the Church
The Bible tells us that there is coming a day when millions of people will be evacuated from this world in a moment. It will be a time of chaos never before experienced in this earth. Those of us who are watching what is happening in the world today [...]
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David Reagan — The Rapture
David Reagan — The Rapture
Dr. David R. Reagan and panel on the show Christ in Prophecy answer questions concerning the Rapture. [...]