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Bill Johnson - Valuing The Prophetic
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Bill Johnson - Valuing The Prophetic
Bill Johnson - Valuing The Prophetic
People will often say, «I just don’t hear his voice, but I feel his peace». In John 1:14, it says of Jesus: he is the Word of God made flesh. Anytime you sense presence, the word is there. It may not have touched your intellect, but it is touching [...]
Bill Johnson - The Heart of a Prophet
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Bill Johnson - The Heart of a Prophet
Bill Johnson - The Heart of a Prophet
I want you to go to and, what I wanna do is today I’m gonna use the Christmas theme to indicate what I believe is a season, I don’t know if I can call it a season change, if it’s something that God is accelerating, I don’t know. But, there’s [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Is Trump the Last President?
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Jonathan Bernis - Is Trump the Last President?
Jonathan Bernis - Is Trump the Last President?
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom, and welcome to Jewish Voice as we embark on a truly intriguing journey. I'm Jonathan Bernis. Troy Anderson is a dynamic force in the world of journalism and publishing known for his Pulitzer prize nominated [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Prophetic Warnings for 2025 (Charisma Media Interviews)
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Rabbi Schneider - Prophetic Warnings for 2025 (Charisma Media Interviews)
Rabbi Schneider - Prophetic Warnings for 2025 (Charisma Media Interviews)
John Matarazzo : Rabbi Kirt Schneider, it’s great to have you back here on Charisma, to share what God is speaking to you about 2025. But before we get into that, we talked last year about what God was saying for 2024. And one of the things you [...]
Sid Roth - God Warned Me of The Major Blackout
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Sid Roth - God Warned Me of The Major Blackout
Sid Roth - God Warned Me of The Major Blackout
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit! Go and flow. My guest, Joshua Giles, is known for his very accurate and very precise prophecy. He has been called on by government officials, dignitaries, national leaders, business leaders seeking counsel and to [...]
Sid Roth - America, Prepare for THE RESET (It's All About to Change)
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Sid Roth - America, Prepare for THE RESET (It's All About to Change)
Sid Roth - America, Prepare for THE RESET (It's All About to Change)
Sid Roth : I’ve thought for myself in every area of life, but one. I knew nothing until I discovered a realm where the truth isn’t what it seems, a realm where the truth becomes reality. I’ve spent over 50 years investigating the world of the [...]
TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
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TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
In our text today, the king of Syria and his army are at war with the king of Israel. They're at war. This is kingly stuff. God is dealing with kingly stuff, not common stuff. Stop bringing God down into common stuff when God wants to deal with [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw Angels Ripping Pages from YOUR BOOKS
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Sid Roth - I Saw Angels Ripping Pages from YOUR BOOKS
Sid Roth - I Saw Angels Ripping Pages from YOUR BOOKS
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit, go and flow. My guest, Emma Stark, is known worldwide as the Celtic Prophet. She saw the most amazing library in Heaven filled with books. And she was shocked when she saw angels ripping pages out of the books that [...]
Sid Roth - What John Paul Jackson Saw Coming in the Future
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Sid Roth - What John Paul Jackson Saw Coming in the Future
Sid Roth - What John Paul Jackson Saw Coming in the Future
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, John Paul Jackson, is a proven prophet. As a matter of fact John Paul, uh before we tell them of what you've seen, which is the next 10 [...]
Tony Evans - God's Prophetic Calendar
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Tony Evans - God's Prophetic Calendar
Tony Evans - God's Prophetic Calendar
Many of you remember many years ago, there was a TV show called "Early Edition," and that's where a man would get tomorrow's newspaper today, so he knew what was coming because he got the future given to him in advance. And so he [...]
Sid Roth - I Received This Prophetic Word Inside a Dream
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Sid Roth - I Received This Prophetic Word Inside a Dream
Sid Roth - I Received This Prophetic Word Inside a Dream
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit! Go and flow. My guest, Corey Russell, was raised in a Christian home, but like most Christians, did not know God experientially. So at 13, he got into drugs and sex, but in your college parking lot, something [...]
Sid Roth - 2024, Get Ready, I Hear THE ROAR (Prophetic Word)
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Sid Roth - 2024, Get Ready, I Hear THE ROAR (Prophetic Word)
Sid Roth - 2024, Get Ready, I Hear THE ROAR (Prophetic Word)
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. To God be all of the glory. My guest, Tom Hardiman, oversees a worldwide network of more than 400 pastors. His story proves God can use even the darkest of circumstances, no matter what, for His Glory. Tom, you were [...]
Sid Roth - God Showed Me the Coming Crisis (Prophetic Warning)
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Sid Roth - God Showed Me the Coming Crisis (Prophetic Warning)
Sid Roth - God Showed Me the Coming Crisis (Prophetic Warning)
Sid Roth : I'll tell you, I'm in awe of the presence of God on this set. Holy Spirit, you are our most welcome guest, takeover! My guest, Alwyn Uys had goals to be a professional rugby player, but in his last game of the season he was [...]
Jonathan Bernis - End Times (Josiah Manifesto) - Part 2
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Jonathan Bernis - End Times (Josiah Manifesto) - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis - End Times (Josiah Manifesto) - Part 2
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I wanna thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis. Now, I know that you'll be excited to see who my guest is again today. He's one of our most popular guest, and God is [...]
Sid Roth - God Said TELL MY PEOPLE
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Sid Roth - God Said TELL MY PEOPLE
Sid Roth - God Said TELL MY PEOPLE
Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest will tell you why the first 325 years of the church had miracles, had power, had glory, and why it left. And better yet, how you can get it back. Sid Roth : [...]
Allen Jackson - A Prophetic Perspective
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Allen Jackson - A Prophetic Perspective
Allen Jackson - A Prophetic Perspective
I have entitled this study "God Bless America" because the field in which God has planted us is in this nation. We certainly have a voice beyond. and we have a heart for things beyond the boundaries of our nation, but this is our first [...]
Sid Roth - We Are Entering a Season of Suddenlies (Prophetic Word)
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Sid Roth - We Are Entering a Season of Suddenlies (Prophetic Word)
Sid Roth - We Are Entering a Season of Suddenlies (Prophetic Word)
Sid Roth : I am so excited! The Holy Spirit is so strong in this studio right now. Oh, I plead the blood of the Messiah of Israel over everyone watching. I surrender this platform totally to You, Holy Spirit. God, take over. Show us Your glory! [...]
Sid Roth - Warning! This is Coming in the Next 10 Years
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Sid Roth - Warning! This is Coming in the Next 10 Years
Sid Roth - Warning! This is Coming in the Next 10 Years
My guest, a proven prophet, said four years before COVID, a virus never seen before was coming, and it was developed in a lab. Now he's been shown a total global reset in every sector of your life. Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Make this [...]
Sid Roth - THIS is Coming in 2022
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Sid Roth - THIS is Coming in 2022
Sid Roth - THIS is Coming in 2022
My guest, a prophetic general, gathered one hundred of the most accurate prophets in the world to tell what God will do in 2022. Sid Roth : I'm so excited about the timing of this show and the guest of this show. Cindy Jacobs, she just finished [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prophetic Patterns for the Future
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Kenneth Copeland - Prophetic Patterns for the Future
Kenneth Copeland - Prophetic Patterns for the Future
— Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. And this is the Believer's Voice Of Victory broadcast. And this is my partner, Greg Stephens, Gregory Stephens. — Yes, sir. That's correct. — Thank you very much. And he is, and has been [...]
Sid Roth - This Was Foretold by the Ancient Jewish Prophet
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Sid Roth - This Was Foretold by the Ancient Jewish Prophet
Sid Roth - This Was Foretold by the Ancient Jewish Prophet
Can an ancient Jewish prophet open mysteries to understand what is happening to our world right now? Yes! Join Sid for this edition of "It's Supernatural"! Sid Roth : Well, my friend Mark Biltz is here, and Mark is a pastor. He is [...]
Sid Roth - God's End Time Prophetic Plan for America and Israel
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Sid Roth - God's End Time Prophetic Plan for America and Israel
Sid Roth - God's End Time Prophetic Plan for America and Israel
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth you investigative reporter here with John McTernan. And he has spotted something so phenomenal. It appears as though every time there are three things that occur in the United States of America there are horrific [...]
Sid Roth - End Time Prophetic Mysteries Hidden in Plain Sight with Michael Rood
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Sid Roth - End Time Prophetic Mysteries Hidden in Plain Sight with Michael Rood
Sid Roth - End Time Prophetic Mysteries Hidden in Plain Sight with Michael Rood
Has our calendar been intentionally changed to prevent us from knowing future events? Next on this edition of "It's Supernatural"! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with Rabbi Michael Rood. Now Rabbi [...]
David Reagan - Panel on Prophetic Issues
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David Reagan - Panel on Prophetic Issues
David Reagan - Panel on Prophetic Issues
We at Lamb & Lion Ministries are constantly bombarded with questions about Bible prophecy, and we welcome those questions. In today’s program, some Bible prophecy experts are going to join me in responding to some of these questions. Stay tuned. [...]
David Reagan - Reagan's Prophetic Manifesto, Part 2
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David Reagan - Reagan's Prophetic Manifesto, Part 2
David Reagan - Reagan's Prophetic Manifesto, Part 2
Jesus is about to return, and the Church at large seems to be oblivious to the fact. In the Church today, Bible prophecy is neglected, abused or scorned. Most pastors simply ignore it as irrelevant or too controversial. Many abuse it by [...]
David Reagan - Reagan's Prophetic Manifesto, Part 1
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David Reagan - Reagan's Prophetic Manifesto, Part 1
David Reagan - Reagan's Prophetic Manifesto, Part 1
What is the Bible’s end time message for America and for the Church? I recently summed it up in a booklet called A Prophetic Manifesto. It is not a comforting message, but it is one that is very much needed. Stay tuned as I share it with you. David [...]
David Reagan - The Most Amazing Prophetic Development
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David Reagan - The Most Amazing Prophetic Development
David Reagan - The Most Amazing Prophetic Development
From the viewpoint of end time Bible prophecy, what do you consider to be the most amazing thing going on in the world today? I recently had the opportunity to ask 17 Bible prophecy experts that question. For their fascinating answers, stay tuned. [...]
David Jeremiah - A Biological Prophecy, Pandemic
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David Jeremiah - A Biological Prophecy, Pandemic
David Jeremiah - A Biological Prophecy, Pandemic
On January 11, 2020, the first COVID-19 death was reported in Wuhan, China. Two months later, on Wednesday, March the 11th, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic after the virus had spread to 114 countries and [...]
David Jeremiah - An International Prophecy, Globalism
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David Jeremiah - An International Prophecy, Globalism
David Jeremiah - An International Prophecy, Globalism
A story recently spread over the Internet saying that the United Nations was quietly working on a shadowy plan to create a New World Order and a One World Government. Among other items under discussion was a global currency, a central bank, the end [...]
Jentezen Franklin - On A Prophetic Journey
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Jentezen Franklin - On A Prophetic Journey
Jentezen Franklin - On A Prophetic Journey
If you have your Bibles, I'd like for you to open them with me to the Book of 1 Samuel. Going to 1 Samuel 9:15, "Now the Lord had told Samuel in his ear that day before Saul saying tomorrow about this time I will send you a man from the [...]
John Hagee - Releasing And Receiving The Prophetic Blessing
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John Hagee - Releasing And Receiving The Prophetic Blessing
John Hagee - Releasing And Receiving The Prophetic Blessing
Saint Paul introduced the New Testament church to the concept that in the Word of God, there are the unsearchable riches of Christ. Today I'm going to open the pages of the Word of God and reveal to you the hidden treasure of releasing and [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Herald
David Jeremiah - The Herald
The book of Daniel has, up to this point, been pretty much about the Gentiles. And now, in the 9th chapter, Almighty God has a word for his people. Let me set the context of the message. Daniel has been in Babylon for almost 70 years. He went there [...]
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John Hagee - Israel: Gods Prophetic Clock
John Hagee - Israel: Gods Prophetic Clock
Today we open the Word of God and take a look at the world tomorrow. The world is fascinated about the future of planet earth. The rich and the powerful are digging underground cities, looking over their shoulders at the possibility of a nuclear [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Prophetic Times
David Jeremiah - The Prophetic Times
I don't have to tell you that this has been about the strangest year we've ever had. Just about everywhere you can imagine, we have been reminded that life is uncertain. Serious people are asking everywhere you go, "If these things [...]
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Sid Roth — Prophetic DNA
Sid Roth — Prophetic DNA
God has imparted to Kynan Bridges how to partner with the Holy Spirit in “prophetic prayer” and shown him keys to breakthrough. In Jesus, we have prophetic DNA and it is time to use it! [...]
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Sid Roth — Prophetic Countdown
Sid Roth — Prophetic Countdown
Rich Vera found himself in the spirit, supernaturally in the White House for 8 hours observing what is going on behind the scenes. Then God showed him a prophetic countdown for many nations of the world. [...]
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Patricia King — Take Prophetic To The Streets
Patricia King — Take Prophetic To The Streets
Patricia Kings takes the prophetic to the streets of Vegas, London, & Kelowna Canada. Various street encounters [...]
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Sid Roth - Understand the End Times
Sid Roth - Understand the End Times
Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. I have a question for you. Why, throughout every generation, is the Jew persecuted wherever we go, wherever we live? Now I can understand why that occurred before the [...]
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Patricia King — Prophetic Wisdom
Patricia King — Prophetic Wisdom
Graham shares prophetic wisdom he's learned from the Lord and reveals how we can enter into deeper prophetic experiences, too. [...]
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Patricia King — Prophetic Surges
Patricia King — Prophetic Surges
What is a prophetic surge? What happens when God releases one? What is the coming greater glory going to look like? Randy DeMain answers all these questions, and as he does a prophetic realm opens up and he and Patricia King begin to prophesy! [...]
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Patricia King — Prophetic Revival
Patricia King — Prophetic Revival
Patricia King and Dr. Michael Maiden share how the prophetic helps us see as God sees, allowing us to speak forth revival into the earth. [...]
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Patricia King — Prophetic Release
Patricia King — Prophetic Release
Dr. Clarice Fluitt joins Patricia to address the issue of women who still suffer under the misconception that they are disqualified from being used by the Lord. [...]
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Patricia King — Prophetic Ministry
Patricia King — Prophetic Ministry
Patricia King and James Goll talk about God encounters and prophetic ministry. [...]
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Patricia King — Prophetic Evangelism
Patricia King — Prophetic Evangelism
Patricia King and Stacey Campbell talk about how they got started taking the prophetic to the streets. Street encounters. [...]
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Patricia King — Prophetic Evangelism in Action
Patricia King — Prophetic Evangelism in Action
Patricia King interviews Samuel Robinson & Faytene Kryskow on the power of prophecy on the streets. Street encounters included. [...]
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Patricia King — Prophetic and Apostolic Mentoring
Patricia King — Prophetic and Apostolic Mentoring
Patricia King, Stacey Campbell, Julie Meyer. Receive life-transforming mentoring Patricia King, Stacey Campbell & Julie Meyer. If you are interested in growing in prophetic and apostolic anointing and ministry this video series is a must see. [...]
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Patricia King — Outrageous Prophetic
Patricia King — Outrageous Prophetic
Patricia King & Stacey Campbell talk about Stacey's sovereign visitation that released her into her prophetic gift of prophecy [...]
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Bill Winston — The Prophetic Season
Bill Winston — The Prophetic Season
Dr. Bill Winston reminds you that operating on a new level of faith will require strong stewardship which includes a desire for what Jesus died for, to provide to you- it's alright to ask BIG. And most importantly understanding the power of the [...]
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Patricia King — 7 Prophetic Words
Patricia King — 7 Prophetic Words
Patricia King releases 16 prophetic words [...]