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David Reagan - The Most Amazing Prophetic Development

David Reagan - The Most Amazing Prophetic Development
TOPICS: Prophetic

From the viewpoint of end time Bible prophecy, what do you consider to be the most amazing thing going on in the world today? I recently had the opportunity to ask 17 Bible prophecy experts that question. For their fascinating answers, stay tuned.

David Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. Each year I make it a point to attend the annual convention of what is called the Pre-Trib Study Group. This is a group of Bible prophecy experts who are united in their belief that the Rapture of the Church will occur before the Tribulation begins thus, the term, “Pre-Trib.” One of the questions I recently asked 17 of the experts attending the Pre-Trib Conference was a broad and general one about events going on in the world today. Specifically, I asked: “From the viewpoint of end time Bible prophecy, what do you consider to be the most amazing thing going on in the world today?” Nine of the 17 experts focused their remarks on the same event. I’d like to begin with their responses.

Part 2

Andy Woods: There are so many things to pick but the one that you know captures my attention is the regathering of the Jews into the land. You know sociologists and so forth tell us that when a nation is separated from its homeland within a couple of generations it losses it’s cultural distinctiveness and language. And here we are 2,000 years after the scattering of Israel and they are right back in the land exactly as God said. I like to ask people: How many Jebusites do you know? [laughing] They are mentioned in the Bible the Jebusites but they got absorbed into other cultures, but not so the Jews. So to me that is very powerful.

Gary Fisher: The restoration of Israel without question. Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden with a curse on the earth, and God promised that He would redeem that curse one day through a group of people; they are the Jewish people. In the interest of that He sent a Jewish Messiah to offer a plan to the world. And that Jewish Messiah has temporarily been suspended but He is at the right hand of God the Father. But He is going to come back to this earth with a redeemed Jewish people who say, “Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai,” “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.” The restoration of Israel is a sign that those people in the place of Israel today are preparing to say that very thing. And I cannot wait, I am going to be there in a glorified body to help them say it.

Bill Salus: Well at the top of my list is the rebirth, regathering, and continuing expansion of the nation of Israel. To me that proves that God is still in the miracle business. The nation of Israel is a miracle; it is a greater miracle than the parting of the Red Seas. Matter of fact we were told in Jeremiah 23:7 that a time would come where they would no longer say, the Jewish people, as the Lord lives who brought us out from Egypt, but as the Lord lives who led the descendants of Israel out from the north country, and from the south country, and you know from the corners of the world into Israel. The regathering that we are seeing going on right now since the rebirth of the nation in 1948 is phenomenal. The Lord–I’ll just take a moment on this–the Lord had to do these incredible things, He had to create the Zionist inclination within the Jewish people. He had to get rid of the Ottoman Empire which had ruled over the region so there could be a land of Israel. He had to defeat the Nazi Regime that wanted to prevent the return of the Jews into Israel. He had to empower the Allies to defeat the Nazi Regime. He had to legislate through the United Nations the partition plans so they could be in Israel. I mean you can see that this is a big, big miracle. He had to lift up the Israeli Defense Forces to defend the nation so its prosperity could stay. And He is going to prosper them as well. So this is a major miracle because we know at some point Russia is going to come in Ezekiel 38 & 39 for Israel’s prosperity. So, a lot of things going and converging but I think the rebirth and regathering of Israel is at the top of my list.

Jobe Martin: The most amazing thing is the fact of everything that is going on right now, but the key to that is the Jewish people are back in the land. And I think all of these things are supposed to start happening when the Jewish people get back in the land. And we are seeing almost everything the Bible describes as indications the Second Coming is near which means the Rapture is even closer. So, I would say the Jewish people. People would say yeah back in Hitler’s day everybody thought, “Oh, the Antichrist is here,” and it wasn’t, but the Jew wasn’t back in the land, but now we see everything coming along exactly as it is described in the Bible.

Don Perkins: Well, I would say the nation of Israel, but I want to say it in this light, we are witnessing an amazing event, Zechariah 12:2-3 talk about in the later days Jerusalem will become a cup of trembling and a burdensome stone to the world; in other words it would be unstable. So, the unstableness of that region again is before us. The Bible also says that the nations of the world would literally come against Israel. I think that is one amazing prophecy that is literally coming to pass today before our very eyes. I mean you see the nations, even America is turning against Israel but it is a prophecy. Now what I do like about the Scriptures though the Bible says that we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem. When we pray that prayer we are literally praying for Christ to come back to stabilize that region.

Al Gist: Well there is no doubt that Jesus Christ is definitely the focal point of the whole Bible including Bible prophecy. But when we look more specifically at Bible prophecy it’s always about Israel; Israel is the focal point of Bible prophecy. Perhaps the greatest miracle of the last century was the regathering of the Jewish people to their homeland, becoming a nation in 1948, recapture of Jerusalem in 1967 all of this prophesied in the Bible. And so, I would have to say that Israel continues, and will always be the focal point of Bible prophecy and it is to this very day. There are a lot of things going on in Israel, and around Israel that are related to Bible prophecy. When we look at the neighbors of Israel: Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon those countries all of them are moving more towards–even if it’s possible even to a much more Anti-Semitic stance toward Israel. And this is probably in the stage setting part of fulfillment of maybe Psalm 83 War. Certainly the national ties that are being developed in the Magog coalition of nations between Iran, and Russia, in these last few years have become so strong with the ongoing conflict between the international community with Iran and her nuclear program it has only strengthened the tie between Iran and Russia, and so we see that developing. We see in Turkey for instance which is of course will be a major part of that Magog Coalition of nations we see how they are leaving their Western ties and moving more towards connections with Russia. Turkey has for a number of years been trying to get into the European Union and they have never been able to accomplish that. Now, in just the last several years they have a very strong Muslim leader Prime Minister Erdogan who has lead the nations to leave its secularist government and move to a much more of a sharia law type government, a more Muslim type government which again means that there is more hatred toward Israel. So, Turkey is moving away from that western alliance and moving much towards an eastern alliance. And along with that I think with Iran and Russia we see the coalition of the Magog nations. And we could go on we could talk about Libya, we could talk about you know those Stan nations the ex-Soviet bloc nations, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, those nations that will be involved in the Magog War. All of that is coming together simultaneously perfectly setting the stage for what the Bible says is going to happen. And I think that is pretty exciting when we can live to see that.

David Hocking: Well, I would answer what is going on in Israel is always the amazing thing. There are many prophecies cites that gives us signs, multiple signs–in fact you did that at one of our conferences and it was remarkable. But to me the most amazing thing is still Israel. Everything God said about Israel is coming true in that land. And I think that what we have to do is just sit back for a moment and look at all the things that have happened in Israel.

Ed Hindson: I think the most amazing thing that is going on today is that God is moving incredibly in the nation of Israel. God is not only continuing to defend His ancient people and their right to the land but He is also opening their hearts to the Gospel. Tim LaHaye and I had the privilege just a few weeks ago to be in Israel and we preached at 2,000 people in a rally in Tel Aviv, saw 40 people accept Christ as their Savior. I am just thrilled with the freedom of religion that is allowed there, the openness to the Gospel. And many of the people that are living in Israel are realizing I need a personal relationship with God Himself and the only way to have that is through the person of Jesus Christ who is the Messiah for all people, Jew and Gentile alike.

Tim LaHaye: The amazing miracle of Israel going back into the land in our lifetime, and David you and I have lived about the same length of time and we have seen Israel recognized as a nation by the United Nations under incredible odds. And Jesus said, “Behold Israel as a symbol of a fig tree, the parable of the fig tree.” And I’ve gone back in history and found three biblical passages that prove Israel has been used as a symbol in the Old Testament, or a parable. And now we have the main theme of the coming of Christ is Israel coming back into the land and it is coming like a crescendo in our day and age. And who is behind it? Satan the archenemy of Jesus Christ of God, everything that we Christians stand for and he hates the Jews and he is doing everything he can to thwart them and to hinder Bible prophecy. And anyone who takes the Bible literally can see that. And those who don’t take the Bible literally are in real serious trouble.

Part 3

David Reagan: I hope you are finding the answers of our Bible prophecy experts to be as interesting as I did when I interviewed them. They have been responding to question, “From the viewpoint of end time Bible prophecy, what do you consider to be the most amazing thing going on in the world today?” Thus far, I have interviewed 9 of the 17, and all 9 have pointed to the rebirth of the nation of Israel.

I would agree with their emphasis on this development. I have written extensively about the fulfillment of end time prophecies in modern day Israel, including my latest book, “The Jewish People: Rejected or Beloved?” In fact, I would point to a total of 7 end time Bible prophecies that are being fulfilled in Israel today: First would be the regathering of the Jewish people from the four corners of the earth, which began in the late 19th century and continues to this day. The second is the re-establishment of the State of Israel which occurred on May 14, 1948. The third would be the reclamation of the land of Israel which had become a desolation during the Jews’ nearly 2,000 year absence from the land. The fourth the revival of the Hebrew language which had ceased to be spoken among the Jewish people during their exile from the land. Fifth, the re-occupation of the city of Jerusalem which occurred on June 7, 1967 during the Six Day War. Sixth, the resurgence of the Israeli military which continues to this day.

And seventh the refocusing of world politics on Israel which is being fulfilled before our very eyes this moment. But all these prophecies being fulfilled among the Jewish people today are not the only amazing fulfillments of end time Bible prophecy that are going on in the world.

Our other 8 Bible prophecy experts pointed to a variety of amazing prophetic fulfillments, here is what they had to say.

Part 4

Brian Thomas: Well a short time ago my answer would have been the nation of Israel and the events in and around the nation of Israel. Although I am still fascinated with the re-birth of Israel I must say today that I am most amazed at the apostasy in the Church. We are seeing what was prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 of the great falling away, and I think is the ultimate fulfillment will be during the seven year Tribulation. We are witnessing today in which many Christians and pastors, especially pastors are choosing to condone immorality; things that go against the Word of God. We are seeing the Deity of Christ as being questioned, the Virgin Birth is being questioned. And we see the acceptance of things like homosexuality in the name of tolerance and love and it is just a really heartbreaking thing to see. But the apostasy in the Church was something that was prophesied in Scriptures and we therefore can know that the Word of God is true. But we are in the age in which many today are looking to turn to fables, and it was also prophesied in the book of Timothy that the day would come when we would not endure sound doctrine and we are definitely seeing that fulfillment today.

Don McGee: Probably we could say that there are a lot of things going on that just amaze us, those of us who study prophecy and look for those things that the ancient prophets talked about that are relative to end times. But I would have to say that one of the most amazing things to me that is not surprising but is amazing is the almost–it is a growing attitude of hatred toward God and His Word, and His people. There was a time in the history of the world in Western Europe and even in our country where such things that are being said today would have been unthinkable. But because of the estrangement between the human race and God it’s no longer bad to talk about God and to say things that are said in movies and television and even in the political realm. Those things amaze me because they are so accurate regarding Bible prophecy.

Michael Norten: It is incredible to me how the apostasy, the anti-Israel and immorality going on in our country and how it is increasing exponentially and how it is tying in sync with all the other prophecies and signs at the same time. It is amazing, it shows me how quickly or how soon the Lord is coming. In fact Dr. John Walvoord used to say, “I always knew Thanksgiving was close because they were bringing out the Christmas decorations.” So we know because of the signs of the His Second Coming we know the Rapture is really close.

August Rosado: Apart from the modern day miracle of Israel I would have to say would be the rebuilding of a third Jewish Temple. Just recently on the Temple Institute website they said that they are opening a school for the kohanim; these Jewish men who are the descendants from Aaron to train them for service in a third Jewish temple. And we know according to Bible prophecy there will be a third Jewish temple. All one has to do is go to Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation 11:1-2, there will be a third Jewish Temple standing on the Temple Mount in the city of Jerusalem during Daniel’s seventieth week of prophecy. So, that is really, really exciting to see that happen.

Randall Price: I think from my perspective because God’s role and goal is to see the Jewish people ultimately come to faith that a revival of belief among the Jewish community is really astounding. You don’t see it so much in the United States, you do see it some in Messianic communities that are reaching out. But in other parts of the world in the former Soviet Union, and some of their satellite countries and Israel itself there is a great deal of this happening. Which by our standards is small in proportion but in terms of history is large. And the result is that God is preparing this remnant for the role that they are going to serve as we come into the Tribulation period and finally all of Israel is saved for the Millennial Kingdom. I think that it is an astounding thing to see, and many miss it because less than 1% of missions in our churches is devoted to Israel. We don’t know about the Jewish people, we don’t know what is going on. So a select handful of Jewish organizations that are reaching out to their own people that have some awareness of this, but it is really is quiet astounding.

Allan Walker: Israel has been restored as a nation since 1948 in an internal conflict over land and the city of Jerusalem has arisen and continued to move that direction for several decades. In addition we now have the capacity to destroy all life on planet earth with nuclear weapons, create 100 pound hailstones, burn 1/3 of the earth by fire, and then we see that all of this has come about in one generation. Knowledge and travel have increased, knowledge is now doubling every two years. We have the capacity to broadcast any event to a global audience, and track the buying and selling of all men everywhere. All of this has come about in the generation following World War II and is strong evidence for the inspiration of the Bible.

Terry James: I think it would be come down to the word I’ve heard batted around convergence; so many things happening at once. But, particularly I think the number one thing is Israel and the dealings of the entire international community with Israel with the peace process being at the center of all that because this gets right to the heart of Daniel 9:26-27 at some point there is going to be that covenant made. So, the most amazing thing is the developments that are taking place I believe with Israel. Secondly I think the coalition developing as outlined in Ezekiel 38 & 39 is very in the news I believe with Iran or ancient Persia that area part of it, and aligning with Russia and coming closer and closer allied with Russia. Even our own administration is seeming to want to placate Iran rather than turn to Israel. The whole world turning away from Israel, even America is very concerning to me. And then I think the economic situation would be the third most amazing development in that the whole world is obviously on the precipice of a complete economic change and this has been brought about in so many strange ways and so quickly that it is almost mind boggling. And of course what all this pertains to me is getting set up for I believe a Post-Rapture time and the economic collapse and so forth. In which the Antichrist system of Revelation 13:16-18 will come into view with an all-electronic funds transfer system of some sort, or people buy and sell by marks. And of course from that comes the mark that I believe will forever condemn man’s soul to Hell who takes it, man or woman. And those are the three major things that I see that are amazing as far as developments are concerned.

Nathan Jones: Well historically I would have answered Israel becoming a nation again, I mean 1948 a nation after 1,900 years rising out of the dust. Then the more I study Bible prophecy the more I see the signs of the times, these end time signs are kind of building up. For instance Daniel 12:4, knowledge growing and we’ve got a growth of knowledge. We have travel as the Bible says that travel will be growing. We have Israel being regathered into a nation again. Apostasy in the Church. We are seeing political alliances come together like Russia, and Iran and Turkey coming against Israel one day. All these things are happening so how do you pick one out of such an amazing array? Well I heard Dr. Ron Rhodes use this word convergence and then it was like a light came on, convergence that means all these signs at once are coming together pointing to the Lord’s soon return. So, I think that is the phenomenon to me in Bible prophecy that has the most impact.

Part 5

David Reagan: Well, there you have it the responses of 17 Bible prophecy experts in response to the question, “What is the most amazing prophetic development in the world today?” I have asked my colleague, Nathan Jones, to join me because I want him to expand on his comments about the sign of convergence. Now, Nathan you mentioned that briefly in your response to my question, expand on it.

Nathan Jones: Well when I think of convergence I kind of think of this: we can see say a truck on the railroad tracks, and we hear the train blowing and we know it is coming and a big disaster is going to happen. But imagine that you also looked into the sky and saw contrails of a plane heading right for that same spot. And at that same corner a farmer is in his farmhouse and there is a gas leak and he is about to light a match, all that happening all in the same place.

David Reagan: That is convergence.

Nathan Jones: That is convergence, right, all these disasters. Likewise the signs of the end times are disasters as well. For instance we’ve got the end time sign of famine, we also have wars and rumors of wars, we also have plagues. And of course Israel is the super sign and all the things that happen related to Israel. Politics, natural disasters, you name it all these different things as Jesus said happening more frequently and more intensely, but they are all happening at the same time. Hence their convergence or as some call it the convergence factor.

David Reagan: Well, it is a very important point and I for years I would have always said the most important sign of all of the end times is the re-establishment of Israel. But as we have moved beyond that and all these others have started coming together for the first time ever I just can’t think of a sign more important than convergence.

Nathan Jones: It is interesting because it is a sign in of itself, it is not a sign that the Lord said would happen per say.

David Reagan: That’s right.

Nathan Jones: But He said when all these signs, like say for Matthew 24 where He gives us 10 different signs of the end times. He said that all 10 of them would be happening at the same time. Over the last few decades we have seen different ones happening, but now it is like the whole earth is shaking as all these different signs shake up the earth. And that means that Jesus Christ is coming soon.

David Reagan: Amen. And you know folks, we recently published this particular book here called, “Living on Borrowed Time,” subtitled, “The Imminent Return of Jesus.” And in this book we asked 22 Bible Prophecy experts including Nathan to give us their opinions of the signs of the times. And they did so and one of the things that they really focused on was this point about convergence. So you might want to get a copy of that and see what they had to say.

Well folks, that’s our program for this week. I hope it has been a blessing to you, and I hope you will be back with us next week when we will be presenting more responses by our 17 Bible prophecy experts to the question, “Based on Bible prophecy, what do you think is going to happen to the nation of Israel?” Until then, Nathan and I would urge you to “Look up and be watchful, for our Redemption is coming soon.”