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Joseph Prince - The Secret to Exercising Faith: Speak!
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Joseph Prince - The Secret to Exercising Faith: Speak!
Joseph Prince - The Secret to Exercising Faith: Speak!
Are you ready for God’s Word? I wanna touch on something that only believers have, and it’s called the faith of God, the God kind of faith. Say it, «The God kind of faith». Now, many of us, we grew up in the word of faith circle, so we have heard [...]
Joseph Prince - How Words Shape Your Future
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Joseph Prince - How Words Shape Your Future
Joseph Prince - How Words Shape Your Future
Romans 10 is a very beautiful passage of Scripture. It tells us even how to be saved. Not only that, it is a message for believers and unbelievers as well. It starts with verse 4, «Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who [...]
Joseph Prince - Believe It, Speak It, See It
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Joseph Prince - Believe It, Speak It, See It
Joseph Prince - Believe It, Speak It, See It
I have a question to ask all of you and this is the question, ready? «Do you want to really live? Would you love to live a long happy life»? This is from the Bible, I love this translation because it brings out the Hebrew. In the King James’s days, [...]
Joseph Prince - What You Speak Could Change Your Life
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Joseph Prince - What You Speak Could Change Your Life
Joseph Prince - What You Speak Could Change Your Life
Faith is very simple. In the greatest gift of our salvation, it says in Romans chapter 10, verse 8, «What does it say? The Word is near you». Where? «In your mouth and in your heart (that is the Word of faith which we preach): that if you confess [...]
Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation
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Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation
Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation
There is no sin that God cannot forgive. There is no pain that God cannot touch, no disease that he cannot heal. Amen? He’s above it all. Where sin increase, grace super abounds. In a world where people are so conscious of sin, shortcomings, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Speak the Name of Jesus
I’m instructed by the Spirit of God this afternoon to go to the book of Romans, chapter 10. «Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved». Now, it is the word «sozo». It means saved, soundness. It means [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak the Words of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak the Words of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Speak the Words of Jesus
Now, let’s go to the fourth chapter of the book of Mark. Now, let’s go to the first verse, «And he, Jesus, began again to teach by the seaside, and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he entered into a ship, and sat in the sea, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak The WORD and Put Faith Into Motion
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak The WORD and Put Faith Into Motion
Kenneth Copeland - Speak The WORD and Put Faith Into Motion
Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. We've been studying our redemption from the curse of the law. It's amazing how... now over, you know, in 57 years you hear a lot of people [...]
Andy Stanley - What You Say Matters
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Andy Stanley - What You Say Matters
Andy Stanley - What You Say Matters
As you know, words are powerful. Words are extraordinarily powerful. In fact, your life has been shaped. Your life has been shaped. My life has been shaped. We have, all of our lives have been shaped by the words that were spoken to us, the words [...]
Kenneth Copeland - How To Speak Healing Words
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Kenneth Copeland - How To Speak Healing Words
Kenneth Copeland - How To Speak Healing Words
You're supposed to be healed today. You're supposed to be well. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Mark 10:46, "They came to Jericho and as they went out of Jericho with his disciples, a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of [...]
John Bradshaw - Words Are Important
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John Bradshaw - Words Are Important
John Bradshaw - Words Are Important
Words are important. I think you'd agree with that. Did you ever say something you wish you could take back? Of course, the better thing would be to not say it in the first place. Saying the wrong thing has got a lot of people into trouble, but [...]
Chris Hodges - Taming the Tongue
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Chris Hodges - Taming the Tongue
Chris Hodges - Taming the Tongue
Oh, it's so good to see all of you here today in church. Who's glad to be here today, anybody? Yeah. Oh, it's so good to see you. And now, for a couple of weeks and I miss you, it's always good to see you guys. And big hello to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak the End Result of God's WORD
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak the End Result of God's WORD
Kenneth Copeland - Speak the End Result of God's WORD
Now, notice this. When Jesus said what he said, "No man eat fruit..." Nine words. "No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it. And they come to Jerusalem:" He turned his back on it. As far as [...]
Greg Laurie - Talk This Way
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Greg Laurie - Talk This Way
Greg Laurie - Talk This Way
Our words really matter, what we say impacts people. What others say to us affects us in a great way. It's been said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". Actually, that's not true. Words really [...]
Joseph Prince - The Power Of Grace-Filled Words
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Joseph Prince - The Power Of Grace-Filled Words
Joseph Prince - The Power Of Grace-Filled Words
You all ready for God's Word? Okay, let's go right into the Word. I wanna share something that I left off last week and, don't forget, a church, people, is not a place of entertainment. You might get entertained in the process, but [...]
Matt Hagee - Words That Work For Fathers
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Matt Hagee - Words That Work For Fathers
Matt Hagee - Words That Work For Fathers
If you would, please stand for the reading of God's word and turn to the book of Micah, the 6th chapter and the 8th verse, as this morning we speak to fathers and continue in our series "Words that work and statements that don't" [...]
Matt Hagee - Words That Work And Sayings That Don't
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Matt Hagee - Words That Work And Sayings That Don't
Matt Hagee - Words That Work And Sayings That Don't
If you would, please stand for the reading of God's word. And if you brought your Bibles, turn them to Isaiah 55:11, as this morning we begin the first of three messages on the topic of "Words that work and sayings that don't". [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Power of Thoughts and Words - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - The Power of Thoughts and Words - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - The Power of Thoughts and Words - Part 2
So, reasoning. How many of you have a tendency to reason yourself right out of doing? Boy, we've got to be careful about that. There's a lot of areas that reasoning goes off into. But confusion is caused by reasoning. When you have a [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Power of Thoughts and Words - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - The Power of Thoughts and Words - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - The Power of Thoughts and Words - Part 1
Father, we thank you for the word tonight, and I pray that lives will be changed by the power of your word. Your word is anointed. And I believe that when we preach on something, that there's miracles for that thing. And I believe that people [...]
Skip Heitzig - Roar (Psalms 140-141)
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Skip Heitzig - Roar (Psalms 140-141)
Skip Heitzig - Roar (Psalms 140-141)
You know, your tongue is one of the most important parts of your body. It's small, but you depend on it, and so do we. Because without your tongue, you wouldn't be able to speak, and we wouldn't be able to know what you're [...]
Kenneth Copeland - What You Think Is What You Will Say
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Kenneth Copeland - What You Think Is What You Will Say
Kenneth Copeland - What You Think Is What You Will Say
— Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory. We're talking about words are spiritual containers. — Yes, sir. — The spoken Word. Words filled with faith, words filled with fear, words filled [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Consistently Speak The WORD
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Kenneth Copeland - Consistently Speak The WORD
Kenneth Copeland - Consistently Speak The WORD
— Now we're having a good time. Are you having a good time out of this? That words being spiritual containers? And so in today's lesson, let's go over to the Word of God in his Word in Hebrews. — Okay. — The letter to the Hebrews. — [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Your Words Set the Conditions
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Kenneth Copeland - Your Words Set the Conditions
Kenneth Copeland - Your Words Set the Conditions
— Hello everybody. Come on in here and sit down now. It's Wednesday and you do have your study notes, right? That you've been ordering on this. Good. Get your notes out. Now we're talking about words being spiritual containers. Monday [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Your Words Wisely
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Kenneth Copeland - Choose Your Words Wisely
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Your Words Wisely
— Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is our brother, Professor Gregory Stephens. Thank you. — Thank you. — You know, I kind of like you. — Thank you. I like you. — I appreciate you. — I like it that you like me. — Yeah. Good, good. — [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Words Are Spiritual Containers
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Kenneth Copeland - Words Are Spiritual Containers
Kenneth Copeland - Words Are Spiritual Containers
— Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And again, today, we have this guy. This has become a pretty regular thing, and it's ordained of the Lord, in the very beginning. [...]
Joel Osteen - Tongue Trouble
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Joel Osteen - Tongue Trouble
Joel Osteen - Tongue Trouble
I want to talk to you today about Tongue Trouble. One thing that can keep us from our destiny is our mouth. If we go around saying negative things about ourself, our family, our future, it will limit how high we can go. Things like, "I'll [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak Words of Life for Debt Freedom
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak Words of Life for Debt Freedom
Kenneth Copeland - Speak Words of Life for Debt Freedom
And so if you'll turn there with me this morning, Romans 13, we'll read this seventh verse. "Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor. Owe no man [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak Faith-Filled Words
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak Faith-Filled Words
Kenneth Copeland - Speak Faith-Filled Words
I'm instructed by the Spirit of God this afternoon to go to the book of Romans 10. "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved". Now, it is the word "sozo". It means saved, [...]
Jack Graham - Declare Your Victory
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Jack Graham - Declare Your Victory
Jack Graham - Declare Your Victory
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Romans chapter 7, the seventh chapter of Romans. And what I want us to do today is to declare our victory. The title of this message is "Declare Your Victory". And it's taken from the twenty-fifth [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speaking Faith Words Connects You to Your Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Speaking Faith Words Connects You to Your Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Speaking Faith Words Connects You to Your Healing
All right. Mark chapter five, we will look at a day in the life of the Master. "They came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes. And when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the [...]
Jack Graham - Taming the Tongue
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Jack Graham - Taming the Tongue
Jack Graham - Taming the Tongue
Your goal is spiritual maturity, that's what the Book of James is about, growing in your faith and becoming more mature in Christ. That's your goal. A true mark of Christian maturity, life maturity, is how you use your mouth, how you [...]
Joel Osteen - Kind Words Work Wonders
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Joel Osteen - Kind Words Work Wonders
Joel Osteen - Kind Words Work Wonders
I want to talk to you today about how Kind Words Work Wonders. When you say something kind: you give a compliment, you tell your spouse that you love them, you encourage your neighbor, it can seem like a simple thing, no big deal, but those words [...]
Joseph Prince - Speak Life Not Death
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Joseph Prince - Speak Life Not Death
Joseph Prince - Speak Life Not Death
Welcome to New Creation Church. Once again, we are getting closer and closer to the day the Lord comes for us, and why are we looking forward to that? Because the Bible says he's gonna "transform our lowly bodies like unto his glorious [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Chooses Life Words
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Chooses Life Words
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Chooses Life Words
Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. It's Tuesday. Isn't that wonderful? Had you ever realized that if Jesus walked into a place and said, "Is this a wonderful Thursday"? And somebody said, "Sir, no, it's [...]
Craig Smith - Mockery
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Craig Smith - Mockery
Craig Smith - Mockery
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills on this very historic weekend. For the first time ever, we are gathered as a church in three different ways. First off, this is the first weekend in about six months that both the En Español and the Littleton [...]
Craig Smith - Slander
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Craig Smith - Slander
Craig Smith - Slander
Well, hey, Mission Hills, so good to have you with us today. If, you’re just joining us, we’re in the midst of a series called Toxic, obviously where we’re tackling some of the kinds of toxic talk that we all struggle with. And I planned for this [...]
Craig Smith - Gossip
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Craig Smith - Gossip
Craig Smith - Gossip
Hey, Mission Hills, so good to have you with us, no matter where you are or how it is that you’re joining us. So glad that you are joining us for the beginning of a new series that I actually think may be one of those important series that we’re [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Creative Power of Words
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Creflo Dollar - The Creative Power of Words
Creflo Dollar - The Creative Power of Words
When I think about a person being born again, I think about how important it is for that person to understand the power that's been invested in his mouth. And I believe tonight, you're going see some things that will bless you. And, but [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How Words Control You
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Rabbi Schneider - How Words Control You
Rabbi Schneider - How Words Control You
I want to begin today with a foundational scripture. I'm reading now from the book of James chapter number 3. Hear the word of God. "For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man able to [...]
Leon Fontaine - Justified or Condemned?
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Leon Fontaine - Justified or Condemned?
Leon Fontaine - Justified or Condemned?
I'm going to read you a weird portion of Scripture. Now, the Bible has got some pretty different stuff. Like, I mean, other than just be good God. But there's sometimes little nuggets tucked away that you just miss all the time. And so I [...]
John Hagee - Speaking The Word of Faith
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John Hagee - Speaking The Word of Faith
John Hagee - Speaking The Word of Faith
There are people in this audience and millions that are watching by television across America and around the world that are going through a great personal storm. The winds of tragedy have crushed your dreams. The waves of sorrow and suffering have [...]
Leon Fontaine - Speak It And Believe It
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Leon Fontaine - Speak It And Believe It
Leon Fontaine - Speak It And Believe It
As you look at God's Word, I want to talk today about faith. And I've noticed that over the years, that a lot of people who were excited about faith at one time, and the fact that now they are, have believed on Jesus, and therefore they [...]
Joseph Prince - Change Your Words, Change Your Life
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Joseph Prince - Change Your Words, Change Your Life
Joseph Prince - Change Your Words, Change Your Life
This excerpt is from: Speak Life Not Death (25 Jul 2021) One time, Jesus was passing by a fig tree and the Bible says this fig tree gave an appearance like there were early first fruits, figs, but there was none. So Jesus came to it. It only had [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak Faith or Stay Silent
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak Faith or Stay Silent
Kenneth Copeland - Speak Faith or Stay Silent
Have faith in God. Have the God kind of faith. Have the faith of God, "For verily, I say unto you, that whosoever", I'm a whosoever, and you're a whosoever, "Shall say under this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Change Your Words, Change Your Life
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Jentezen Franklin - Change Your Words, Change Your Life
Jentezen Franklin - Change Your Words, Change Your Life
I want you to look with me in Isaiah 57:18. "I've seen his ways, and will heal him; I will also lead him, and restore comforts to him and to his mourners". Isaiah 57:19. "'I," God speaking: "create the fruit of [...]
Leon Fontaine - Listening and Speaking
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Leon Fontaine - Listening and Speaking
Leon Fontaine - Listening and Speaking
Good to have you with me today. We are on the second in this message of, "Listen and Speak". And we're talking about hearing from God. It's something that a lot of people have given up on. Now, years ago, people can always make [...]
Leon Fontaine - Your Words Will Come to Pass
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Leon Fontaine - Your Words Will Come to Pass
Leon Fontaine - Your Words Will Come to Pass
Hey, everybody. It is so good to have you with me. Today, I want to share and talk about. I'm going to slow down a little bit. Sometimes people will say to me, "You know, you bury so many thoughts into one message". And I love that [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Why Your Words Control Your Life
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Kenneth Copeland - Why Your Words Control Your Life
Kenneth Copeland - Why Your Words Control Your Life
In this 11th chapter, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Evidence of things not visible". Say it, "Evidence of things not seen, not visual". "For by it, the elders obtained a [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Spirit of Faith Wins the War of Words
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Kenneth Copeland - The Spirit of Faith Wins the War of Words
Kenneth Copeland - The Spirit of Faith Wins the War of Words
— Hello, everybody. I'm Jeremy Pearsons. This week on The Believer's Voice of Victory, we are sharing a teaching that Brother Copeland did on Mark and Trina Hankins' TV program. And as they taught on how faith speaks and how faith [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Refuses To Speak Words of Death
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Refuses To Speak Words of Death
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Refuses To Speak Words of Death
Let's open our Bibles to Isaiah 43:25. Now, I really had, I had trouble with this verse of scripture. And when I first began reading it, have you found it yet? Okay. "I, even I am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake [...]
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