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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
Be finding Malachi chapter 3 if you would. That’s the last book in the Old Testament; Malachi chapter 3. Keep it open in your hand because I want you to see that the message today is coming right from the pages of God’s wonderful Word. We’re talking [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Gave You the Authority to Be Debt Free
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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Gave You the Authority to Be Debt Free
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Gave You the Authority to Be Debt Free
And so, if you’ll turn there with me this morning, Romans 13. We’ll read this, seventh verse. «Rendered, therefore, to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. Owe no man anything [...]
Rick Warren - Transforming How I See and Use Money - Part 2
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Rick Warren - Transforming How I See and Use Money - Part 2
Rick Warren - Transforming How I See and Use Money - Part 2
God's favorite tool to test you, listen, is finances, it tests all kinds of it. In fact, it tests three things, write these down. Number one, money tests, it shows what I love most, how I spend my money shows, reveals to God and everybody else, [...]
Rick Warren - Transforming How I See and Use Money - Part 1
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Rick Warren - Transforming How I See and Use Money - Part 1
Rick Warren - Transforming How I See and Use Money - Part 1
I wanna welcome you to "50 Days of Transformation". We're glad you're here. For seven weeks, we're looking at seven different dimensions of your life. Now, we've looked at your spiritual health, we've looked at [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Budget Always Tight?
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Peter Tan-Chi - Budget Always Tight?
Peter Tan-Chi - Budget Always Tight?
What does it mean to have Financial Freedom? Can you whisper to your neighbor quickly, in your own understanding, what does it mean to have Financial Freedom? For most people, Financial Freedom means "I am free..." of course, "...from [...]
Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 2
Well, I brought you the Financial Ten Commandments. These are not in Deuteronomy or Levit... well, they're probably there, but they're not arranged in the way I have done them. I took "thou shalt" and "thou shalt not" [...]
Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Money and Power - Part 1
I wanna do a couple of sessions on a topic of money and power. And I think this really came from what's been on our televisions lately. The political conventions are over for a season. Hallelujah, I'm okay with that. It was a little [...]
Andy Stanley - How to Decrease Financial Pressure
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Andy Stanley - How to Decrease Financial Pressure
Andy Stanley - How to Decrease Financial Pressure
Hi everybody. Welcome to "Your Move" where we help you make better decisions and live with fewer regrets. I'm Andy Stanley, and today we're talking about the relationship between happiness and your money. And fear not, I [...]
Chris Hodges - Beyond the Numbers
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Chris Hodges - Beyond the Numbers
Chris Hodges - Beyond the Numbers
So awesome. Well, welcome today to week number three of a five-part series that we're simply calling "Life, Money, Hope". I'll tell you more about that in just a second, but let me look straight into the camera and say hello to [...]
Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 2
James Madison was our fourth president, often referred to as the father of our constitution. He made this statement, I want you to know how much this is a part of our heritage. We have not always been pagan to the degree we are. He said this, our [...]
Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 1
I have been talking to more people far beyond middle Tennessee for the last few days. It has been my habit for a while, talking about what's happening in our world and in our nation. I talked to a man this week in Burma who works on behalf of [...]
Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Financial Regrets
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Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Financial Regrets
Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Financial Regrets
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Few things weigh more heavily on the hearts of Americans than money problems. When prices go up, we feel the pressure. And when the economy falters, we fear for our [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Wise
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Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Wise
Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Wise
Several years ago in the "Wall Street Journal," a writer penning words that went something like this. He said, "Money is the passport that will take you anywhere you want to go, except to Heaven". And said, "Money also is a [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Fools
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Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Fools
Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Fools
Proverbs 25:11, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold inbaskets of silver". Beautiful, flowing Verse, isn't it? A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in baskets of silver. The picture here we receive in Proverbs is one that [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Your Money Can Keep You Out of Heaven
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Dr. Ed Young - Your Money Can Keep You Out of Heaven
Dr. Ed Young - Your Money Can Keep You Out of Heaven
Once every generation or so, you have just an outstanding young man come along. He was graduated from high school top of his class, played four sports. Was an excellent athlete. Received a full academic scholarship to Rice University, and there he [...]
Michael Youssef - The Truth About Money
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Michael Youssef - The Truth About Money
Michael Youssef - The Truth About Money
Lorna Dueck : Dr. Youssef, you have challenged us with Nehemiah that he was a man of sacrifice. Dr. Michael Youssef : Yes. Lorna Dueck : He knew that if something is worth doing, put your grit into it. Tell me about that. Tell me about what kind of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Divine Health In Your Finances
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Kenneth Copeland - Divine Health In Your Finances
Kenneth Copeland - Divine Health In Your Finances
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Anyway, we just walked up on her dad's porch. This is our first date. We walked up on her porch and I said, "Gloria, will [...]
James Merritt - Financial Freedom
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James Merritt - Financial Freedom
James Merritt - Financial Freedom
I wanna begin by telling you a little bit about my financial history. Neither my Mom nor my Dad went to college. My Dad was a gas truck driver. Mom mother was what we called back in the day, a beautician, a hairdresser. The largest paycheck my Dad [...]
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 3
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Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 3
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 3
What's going on my friends? My name is Michael, and I want to thank you for tuning in to today's program. And I've just got a question for you: are you ready to put God first? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, over what you eat, over your [...]
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 2
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Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 2
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 2
What's going on, everybody? And welcome to today's program. I want to let you know something you may not know about me. I have kids. And my little girls always want me to watch frozen with them. We watch it at least 2 times every day and [...]
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 1
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Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 1
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 1
Hey, what's going on friends. Thank you so much for joining today's program. And today we're about to dive into a message from a series that is changing so many people's lives. It's called "Paper Chasers". And [...]
Michael Todd - Where The Money Resides - Part 3
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Michael Todd - Where The Money Resides - Part 3
Michael Todd - Where The Money Resides - Part 3
Hey, what's going on, my friends? Welcome to today's message. I am so excited that you showed up, and I believe that the word I have to share with you today has the chance to change your life and produce a huge harvest. See the seed is [...]
Michael Todd - Where The Money Resides - Part 2
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Michael Todd - Where The Money Resides - Part 2
Michael Todd - Where The Money Resides - Part 2
Hey, what's going on, friends? I am so excited that you made it to today's program, and I just want to let you know that we have decided we're not going to be paper chasers. We're not going after the money. We're not going [...]
Michael Todd - Where The Money Resides - Part 1
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Michael Todd - Where The Money Resides - Part 1
Michael Todd - Where The Money Resides - Part 1
Welcome to this week's message and I am so excited 'cause we are continuing in our series called "Paper Chasers". Yes, we are talking about finances, we are talking about generosity. And we are talking about stewardship, because [...]
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 3
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Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 3
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 3
Hey, you made it back to the show that I believe is going to transform your life. I'm so grateful for you, I'm so grateful for your family, we've been praying for you. And today I believe the principles I'm going to share, have [...]
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 2
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Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 2
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 2
Hey, my friends. I am so glad you made it to today's program, and I am so excited because I know what we're about to talk about, and it's something that can change the trajectory of your life, your church, your family, and it has [...]
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 1
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Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 1
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 1
Hey, what's going on, my friends. I am so glad that you tuned in to hear today's message. And I got a good one for you. I got a question for you. Are you a paper chaser or a purpose chaser? See, a lot of people in today's society are [...]
Robert Morris - Financial Unity
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Robert Morris - Financial Unity
Robert Morris - Financial Unity
Thank you, thank you so much. I am so honored to be here. This is my church, my home, church home away from church home, and you know, Pastor Chris always gets it wrong. He says you have 24 campuses, but he's not including the 10 campuses that [...]
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Out of Debt
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Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Out of Debt
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Out of Debt
Kenneth Copeland : Hello everybody. Hasn't this been a wonderful week? Glory to God. And the thoughts of people and the decisions that people make. And like one man, like this one woman said, "The people that some people marry". [...]
Joseph Prince - Trust In The Lord, Not In Riches
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Joseph Prince - Trust In The Lord, Not In Riches
Joseph Prince - Trust In The Lord, Not In Riches
This is an excerpt from: Prosper God's Way During Recession Now, I am not for, listen, I am not for love of money. Let's establish that once and for all. And the Bible says it's the love of money that's a problem, all right? 1 [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 2
Let's look at the characteristics of subtlety that comes from demonic spirits. Matthew 16, verse 21 and 23. I want to show you the subtlety of a spirit. So in other words, you know, if you're not careful, it's like, "How do I [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 1
Now, tonight what we're going to talk about is we're going to talk about three spirits of mammon. Spirits have a tendency to hang out together. And we're going to look at some things and I want to go over some stuff that I didn't [...]
Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 2
Well, welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I am so glad you've joined us today and I believe that you're gonna enjoy today's teaching. You know, the Word of God is so powerful. It's not like regular words. And I [...]
John Bradshaw - The Love of Money
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John Bradshaw - The Love of Money
John Bradshaw - The Love of Money
John Bradshaw : Thanks for joining me today. This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. If you were to rate some of the most curious texts in the Bible, if you were to make a list of odd or challenging or head-scratching texts, this verse would [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak Words of Life for Debt Freedom
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak Words of Life for Debt Freedom
Kenneth Copeland - Speak Words of Life for Debt Freedom
And so if you'll turn there with me this morning, Romans 13, we'll read this seventh verse. "Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor. Owe no man [...]
John Bradshaw - Follow the Money
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John Bradshaw - Follow the Money
John Bradshaw - Follow the Money
The apostle Paul found himself in considerable strife in Ephesus, when a man named Demetrius started complaining that Paul's teaching meant fewer people were buying shrines to the goddess Diana or Artemis. It was a lucrative business, and poor [...]
Robert Morris - Passing the Prosperity Test
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Robert Morris - Passing the Prosperity Test
Robert Morris - Passing the Prosperity Test
All right, we are continuing the Dream to Destiny series. I know that you think this is an eternal series, but this is the eighth message, and there are ten. So I have two more after this week that I'll be doing the next two weeks. All right? [...]
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Money
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Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Money
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Money
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Can you remember the thrill of receiving your first paycheck? Remember the exciting realization that you could buy almost anything, that is, until the bills came due. [...]
John Bradshaw - Money, Money, Money
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John Bradshaw - Money, Money, Money
John Bradshaw - Money, Money, Money
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Everybody wants it. I think the truth is most everybody needs it. And when people get it, it seems that what they want next is more. It seems as though we can never be satisfied [...]
Derek Prince - What Happens When We're Stingy With God
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Derek Prince - What Happens When We're Stingy With God
Derek Prince - What Happens When We're Stingy With God
This is a clip from the full sermon The Christian And His Money. Now let's turn to Malachi for a closing analysis of this theme. Malachi 3:8 and following. I don't have time in this short talk but if you have access to the Living Bible I [...]
Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
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Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
This is a clip from the full sermon The Christian And His Money. We might think, some of us, that a tenth is a lot to give to God. You know, if I earn 200 pounds, I've got to give God 20 pounds. That sounds a lot. Well, let's look at [...]
Derek Prince - Giving Starts With Giving Yourself
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Derek Prince - Giving Starts With Giving Yourself
Derek Prince - Giving Starts With Giving Yourself
The second principle is that we do not gain God's favor by giving. God doesn't want us to give first of all of our material means. He wants us to give ourselves to Him. Again, the Corinthians were an example. Or rather an example is [...]
Derek Prince - If God Touches Your Heart, He Will Also Touch Your Bank Account
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Derek Prince - If God Touches Your Heart, He Will Also Touch Your Bank Account
Derek Prince - If God Touches Your Heart, He Will Also Touch Your Bank Account
In this talk, I want to lay out five important principles of right giving, all of them based on Scripture. The first one is that what we as Christians do with our money is not a matter of law. It's not based on commandment. But, it is by grace [...]
Derek Prince - Use Your Money To Make Friends For Eternity
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Derek Prince - Use Your Money To Make Friends For Eternity
Derek Prince - Use Your Money To Make Friends For Eternity
And then in Luke 16, Jesus had more to say along this line. I'll begin at verse 9: And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail - or the alternative reading is, when it fails - they may receive you [...]
Derek Prince - If You Love Money, You Hate God
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Derek Prince - If You Love Money, You Hate God
Derek Prince - If You Love Money, You Hate God
Jesus Himself had a lot to say about money. I want to just turn to a couple of passages in the gospels where He deals with this question of money. The first is in the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 6:24: No one can serve two masters; for either he [...]
Derek Prince - You Cannot Separate Your Love From Your Money
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Derek Prince - You Cannot Separate Your Love From Your Money
Derek Prince - You Cannot Separate Your Love From Your Money
The next thing I want to say is brought out in a statement in the prophet Haggai, just before the prophet Zechariah, if you know where he lives. Haggai 2, just one or two verses. The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, says the LORD of hosts. [...]
Derek Prince - Is Money Good Or Evil?
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Derek Prince - Is Money Good Or Evil?
Derek Prince - Is Money Good Or Evil?
This will be the first in a series of three short talks on the theme: The Christian and His Money. This particular first talk, the subtitle which I have given it, is: Money is Important. I think it's necessary to stress that because some [...]
Derek Prince - The Christian And His Money
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Derek Prince - The Christian And His Money
Derek Prince - The Christian And His Money
This will be the first in a series of three short talks on the theme: The Christian and His Money. This particular first talk, the subtitle which I have given it, is: Money is Important. I think it's necessary to stress that because some [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 3
Well, I tell you what. What we're gonna talk about today, I don't know if it's ever been discussed in the lengths that we're gonna talk about it. I don't even know if I'll finish it today. But it is so big, it is so [...]
Craig Smith - Where's Your Treasure?
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Craig Smith - Where's Your Treasure?
Craig Smith - Where's Your Treasure?
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills, so glad to have you with us this weekend. We are starting a new series, really excited about this series, it’s called “Travel Light.” It’s all about getting free of some of the weight that we’re carrying through [...]
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