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Mark Batterson - Stop Lying To Yourself
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Mark Batterson - Stop Lying To Yourself
Mark Batterson - Stop Lying To Yourself
When I was 22, newly married, Laura and I went to grad school. I had already taken a ton of theology undergrad, so I decided to carb load on psychology. Now listen, if all truth is God's truth and every ology is a branch of theology, so I love [...]
James Meehan - The Lie You Think is True
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James Meehan - The Lie You Think is True
James Meehan - The Lie You Think is True
Hello and welcome to this week of Switch. My name is James Meehan, and we are continuing in our series, "Tear Down the Idols". This week we are talking about the idol of desire. And to kick things off, I'm going to share with you some bad [...]
John Bradshaw - Little White Lies
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John Bradshaw - Little White Lies
John Bradshaw - Little White Lies
Research on lying, conducted by the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, showed that 21% of lies are told to avoid people, 20% are told as humor, 14% to protect oneself, only 2% of lies are told to hurt someone else, which is good I guess, or bad, who [...]
Mike Novotny - Why Does God Love Liars?
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Mike Novotny - Why Does God Love Liars?
Mike Novotny - Why Does God Love Liars?
If there is one thing that soccer lovers and soccer haters can agree on, it's that lying is bad. And no one on planet earth lies more than a bunch of soccer players in an important game. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Diving, the Hollywood [...]
Joyce Meyer - Lies We Believe
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Joyce Meyer - Lies We Believe
Joyce Meyer - Lies We Believe
Ginger Stache : Hello, friends. We are glad that you are here because this will be an eye-opener for you. The four of us, today, are going to be talking about some of the lies that we have believed and how they've impacted our lives. Because, [...]
Craig Groeschel - 4 Lies That Destroy Marriages
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Craig Groeschel - 4 Lies That Destroy Marriages
Craig Groeschel - 4 Lies That Destroy Marriages
So when it comes to dating or marriage, I'm curious, what do you say to yourself? What thoughts go through your mind when you think about someone you might potentially pursue as a spouse? Or what thoughts go through your mind when you think about [...]
Steven Furtick - Stop Trading The Truth For Lies
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Steven Furtick - Stop Trading The Truth For Lies
Steven Furtick - Stop Trading The Truth For Lies
This is an excerpt from: Devil You've Held Me Long Enough. Every time you go to change… There are two lies when you go to change. First, you can't change. Second, you don't need to. Either way, the Devil has you trapped. "Oh, no. They need to [...]
Steven Furtick - Confronting The Lies Of The Enemy
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Steven Furtick - Confronting The Lies Of The Enemy
Steven Furtick - Confronting The Lies Of The Enemy
This is an excerpt from: When Never Meets Now I think the Lord put me up here this week, and Peter, to let you know it does get better. It does get better. It does get better. I said it three times like the angel, because the Devil says, [...]
Joyce Meyer - Don't Believe These Lies - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Don't Believe These Lies - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Don't Believe These Lies - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining me, today, on, "Enjoying Everyday Life," where every day, I teach the Word of God. And I believe very much that the Word of God has the power inherent in it to heal us, to deliver us, to set us free from [...]
Joyce Meyer - Don't Believe These Lies - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Don't Believe These Lies - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Don't Believe These Lies - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining me, today, on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, I wanna teach you about, "What the devil doesn't want you to know". Well, the first thing he doesn't want you to know is that he even exists. And I don't [...]
Robert Morris - Stop Believing Lies
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Robert Morris - Stop Believing Lies
Robert Morris - Stop Believing Lies
Okay, so I'm going to do a three week series called, "Three Steps to Victory". And, you know we're in a war, and so when you're in a war, do you have a strategic plan for victory? How are you gonna win the war? And so, I'm gonna give you [...]
Robert Jeffress - You Never Have To Explain What You Don't Say
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Robert Jeffress - You Never Have To Explain What You Don't Say
Robert Jeffress - You Never Have To Explain What You Don't Say
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me". That childhood chant probably ranks as the greatest all-time lie only surpassed by our parent's speech: this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you. Before they [...]
Robert Jeffress - Satan's Four Favorite Lies
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Robert Jeffress - Satan's Four Favorite Lies
Robert Jeffress - Satan's Four Favorite Lies
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Jesus once said that satan "Is a liar and the father of lies. There is no truth in him". After all, didn't satan ultimately trick Adam and Eve into disobeying God by telling [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Many Lies Do You Believe?
Joyce Meyer - How Many Lies Do You Believe?
The title of my message this morning, "Is how many lies do you believe"? How many lies do you believe? It's a serious subject because if you believe a lie, even though it's not true, it becomes true to you because that's what you believe. [...]
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Craig Groeschel - Lying
Craig Groeschel - Lying
I hope you sing that song during the week because it kind of gets stuck in your mind. Welcome to part three of the message series called My Big Fat Mouth. Next week we will conclude this teaching series, and then two weeks from now we're gonna do [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Battle Between Truth and Lie
Kay Arthur — The Battle Between Truth and Lie
Do you feel like there’s a contest going on, or would you even call it a conflict, or a war between people over truth and a lie? Some are saying, “That’s a lie!” Others are saying, “No, it’s not.” And others are saying “Why did you call him liar? [...]
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Kay Arthur — Confronting the Lie
Kay Arthur — Confronting the Lie
How I pray that you have been with me all week. What we are studying is so absolutely critical. And it’s critical because we live in a world of vast information, and much of that information is anti-God, much of that information is anti-Bible. They [...]
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Kay Arthur — Buying the Lie
Kay Arthur — Buying the Lie
Have you ever bought a lie? I mean, someone sold you a lie and you bought it. You went to them for advice. You went to them for counsel. You wanted to know: Is this true? Should I do this? They looked at you, and they were so nice, and they [...]