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Robert Morris - Start Going To Church
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Robert Morris - Start Going To Church
Robert Morris - Start Going To Church
We've been in a three-week series called "Three Steps to Victory". The first week was "Stop Believing Lies". Last weekend was "Stay in the Word". Here's the third one. Last one in this series: "Start [...]
Robert Morris - Stay In The Word
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Robert Morris - Stay In The Word
Robert Morris - Stay In The Word
So, today's message is called, "Stay in the Word". We're talking about "Three Steps to Victory", and last week, "Stop Believing Lies". This one is "Stay in the Word". And I want you to think about [...]
Robert Morris - Stop Believing Lies
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Robert Morris - Stop Believing Lies
Robert Morris - Stop Believing Lies
Okay, so I'm going to do a three week series called, "Three Steps to Victory". And, you know we're in a war, and so when you're in a war, do you have a strategic plan for victory? How are you gonna win the war? And so, [...]