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Allen Jackson - When Judgement Begins
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Allen Jackson - When Judgement Begins
Allen Jackson - When Judgement Begins
It’s good to be with you today. We’re gonna continue our study on what do we do, and I wanna particularly talk to you about when God’s judgment begins. I suspect you’ve heard me say that I think it’s a very plausible explanation that God’s judgment [...]
James Merritt - Don't Rush to Judgement
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James Merritt - Don't Rush to Judgement
James Merritt - Don't Rush to Judgement
If you’re a guest of ours today, you’re watching online for the first time. We started a series back in September that we’ve been calling Get Used to Different, and it’s based on the greatest sermon ever preached, a sermon on the Mount. And what [...]
Louie Giglio - Do Believers Face Judgment?
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Louie Giglio - Do Believers Face Judgment?
Louie Giglio - Do Believers Face Judgment?
The collection of talks is called, "A Matter of Life and Death". And the title we're coming under today is, "Do Believers in Christ Face Judgement"? And if I can, I'd like to just shift into teaching mode today. Be a [...]
Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 2
God withdrew his protection from his people. They were vulnerable to those who hated them because God withdrew his protection. I want to suggest something: that God is our protector. God is our protector. We cannot protect ourselves from evil, apart [...]
Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Judgement and Deliverance - Part 1
I want to begin a new series. At least for two or three sessions, I wanna talk about something that seems so apparent. I think it's important that we not just walk past it, and that's that God is moving. God's moving in the earth. [...]
Mike Novotny - Who Am I to Judge?
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Mike Novotny - Who Am I to Judge?
Mike Novotny - Who Am I to Judge?
Imagine if every mom and every dad would only focus on their own behavior and never judge their own children. Moms, dads, what do you think about that? You know, little Billy, smacking little Johnny in the face. And mom says to dad, "Should we [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Makes Me More Merciful and Less Judgmental
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Makes Me More Merciful and Less Judgmental
Rick Warren - A Faith That Makes Me More Merciful and Less Judgmental
Hi everybody. I'm Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church, Author of the Purpose Driven Life and speaker at the Daily Hope Broadcast. Welcome back to our special series on principles for living through a pandemic. Now, today is our 17th study [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Final Judgment
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Adrian Rogers - The Final Judgment
Adrian Rogers - The Final Judgment
There is coming, ladies and gentlemen, a judgment. There's coming a time when all that men have dreamed for and schemed for and sold their souls for will have turned to rust and dust and mold and corruption. There is coming a time when God will [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Judge
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Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Judge
Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Judge
The Sermon on the Mount is God's own way of telling us how to live. What was the message last Sunday? Don't worry. That was last Sunday. God gives us commands for our protection and for our good. Because the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew [...]
James Meehan - Judgmental, Bigoted Hypocrites... and Jesus
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James Meehan - Judgmental, Bigoted Hypocrites... and Jesus
James Meehan - Judgmental, Bigoted Hypocrites... and Jesus
So the other day, I was having a conversation with a pastor friend of mine who in this conversation they're recounting something that they had talked about with their high school daughter. Their high school daughter comes to them and says, [...]
Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 8
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Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 8
Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 8
Today, we come to the very last in a series of messages which I entitled it "Appropriating the Happiness That's Already in You," and we're gonna see this "By Judging Carefully". What is this judging that Jesus is [...]
Joyce Meyer - Jealousy, Envy, and Judgmental Attitudes
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Joyce Meyer - Jealousy, Envy, and Judgmental Attitudes
Joyce Meyer - Jealousy, Envy, and Judgmental Attitudes
When I first made my mind up many, many years ago that I was gonna have peace, I kinda had to back into it. I had to start by paying attention to what caused me to lose my peace. And I found out, for example, you'll see some very practical [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Refusing To Judge Yourself, God and Others
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Frankie Mazzapica - Refusing To Judge Yourself, God and Others
Frankie Mazzapica - Refusing To Judge Yourself, God and Others
Thank you for tuning in today, my name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of the message is "Refusing to Judge Yourself, God, and Others". Refusing, and I know that the center one, the second one, is the one that kind of perks most of your [...]
John Bradshaw - Judgment Is Easy
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John Bradshaw - Judgment Is Easy
John Bradshaw - Judgment Is Easy
Judgment is easy: you see someone break a commandment, that person is a commandment breaker simple. In fact, that person has judged themselves. But there's often far more to a situation like that than meets the eye. That person may well be [...]
Allen Jackson - When Judgment Begins - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - When Judgment Begins - Part 2
Allen Jackson - When Judgment Begins - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're gonna complete our study on what do we do, especially when God's judgment begins? The goal's not just to endure or to hide or to hope it goes away. We began with Josiah, a king who led a [...]
Allen Jackson - When Judgment Begins - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - When Judgment Begins - Part 1
Allen Jackson - When Judgment Begins - Part 1
It's good to be with you today. We're gonna continue our study on "What Do We Do"? And I wanna particularly talk to you about when God's judgment begins. I suspect you've heard me say that I think it's a very [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, Lessons In Restoration and Judgment - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Israel, Lessons In Restoration and Judgment - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Israel, Lessons In Restoration and Judgment - Part 2
Well, I want to follow this through, because I'm thinking if Jesus has pronounced judgment on the land that the future is bleak, that there are storm clouds on the horizon, you can see the lightning, there's a storm warning on [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, Lessons In Restoration and Judgment - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Israel, Lessons In Restoration and Judgment - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Israel, Lessons In Restoration and Judgment - Part 1
It's good to be with you today. Our topic is "Israel Lessons And Restoration And Judgment". They go together. God's a God who restores, he redeems, he renews. But typically the reason there's a need for that is we've [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Lost World
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Adrian Rogers - The Lost World
Adrian Rogers - The Lost World
Would you take God's Word; God's holy, inerrant Word; the Bible, and would you open to Romans chapter 1. We're continuing our series, "Foundations for Our Faith". The book of Romans has been called, and well it should, the [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Final Judgment of the Unsaved Dead
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Adrian Rogers - The Final Judgment of the Unsaved Dead
Adrian Rogers - The Final Judgment of the Unsaved Dead
Be finding in the book of the Revelation chapter 20. We're talking about "The Final Judgment of the Unsaved Dead". There is a judgment day coming. There's coming a time when God will put the final period upon the final paragraph, [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Final Judgment
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Dr. Ed Young - The Final Judgment
Dr. Ed Young - The Final Judgment
I invite you to open your Bibles with me, if you would to "One" Corinthians, I Corinthians, Chapter Number 5. I'll read Verse 9 and 10. I Corinthians 5, Verse 9 and 10: "Therefore, we also have our ambition, whether at home or [...]
Tony Evans - The Responsibility of Judgement
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Tony Evans - The Responsibility of Judgement
Tony Evans - The Responsibility of Judgement
All of us want what we invest to expand. All of us want what we invest to grow. We do not want what we invest to lose or be wasted, and neither does God. When God gave us the free gift of salvation, that can never ever be taken away. He says, [...]
Tony Evans - The Choices of Judgement
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Tony Evans - The Choices of Judgement
Tony Evans - The Choices of Judgement
When it comes to our standing before the Lord at the judgment seat of Christ, what will matter will be choices. And to help us out in this life and in the life to come, the apostle Paul writes about choices so that the young people here get to make [...]
Michael Youssef - Faithfulness vs Performance
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Michael Youssef - Faithfulness vs Performance
Michael Youssef - Faithfulness vs Performance
Jesus taught many times about the importance of faithfulness, of diligence, of hard-work, faithfulness without resources, prudent with our investments of life; all of life. Not just money. Faithful worship, faithful stewardship with all of our [...]
Tony Evans - The Losses of Judgement
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Tony Evans - The Losses of Judgement
Tony Evans - The Losses of Judgement
Last week we looked at the fact that there will be rewards given at the judgment seat of Christ for those Christians who lived for the glory of God and served the kingdom of God. And those rewards are going to be blow-your-mind kind of awards and [...]
Tony Evans - The Rewards of Judgement
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Tony Evans - The Rewards of Judgement
Tony Evans - The Rewards of Judgement
Christ has different kind of Christians. He has casual Christians. Those who've accepted Christ at some point in their lives will reference him. They will say their grace. They will do a bedtime prayer. They will make sure they don't miss [...]
Tony Evans - The Criteria of the Judgement
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Tony Evans - The Criteria of the Judgement
Tony Evans - The Criteria of the Judgement
Any NFL player will tell you that during the season, Monday is judgment day because that's the day where the tape is revealed from Sunday's game. And you go in with your position coach and the position coach analyzes the tape from your [...]
Tony Evans - The Purpose of Judgement
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Tony Evans - The Purpose of Judgement
Tony Evans - The Purpose of Judgement
This is your life. God will distinguish between that which was gold and that which was only gold plated. Now you can never lose your salvation. If you've accepted Christ, you've won legally your eternal destiny, but you could lose [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Judging Others
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Dr. Ed Young - Judging Others
Dr. Ed Young - Judging Others
Duck Dynasty! Phenomenal thing! All the pseudo-entertainment people look at that and say, "Why do millions watch"? But we get it around here, don't we? We pretty well understand that. By the way, we have a Bible study class named Duck [...]
James Merritt - You Be The Judge
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James Merritt - You Be The Judge
James Merritt - You Be The Judge
So let me begin by telling you today about a man named David that is in heaven but Teresa and I met him back when we were young in fact we would have been married a couple of years. I was in seminary full-time and I was pastoring full-time. I'd [...]
James Merritt - Flying Standby
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James Merritt - Flying Standby
James Merritt - Flying Standby
So I want you to, in your mind, you're in church. Two 20-year old men walk into church, they're the same height, same weight, same build. First man that walks in, he's got this crisply starched long sleeve Polo shirt, freshly ironed [...]
Allen Jackson - Risk, Reward, and Judgement - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Risk, Reward, and Judgement - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Risk, Reward, and Judgement - Part 2
So we very seldom come to desperate points. We come to desperate points sometimes when there's a breach in a family system, or a breach in our health and the scientific community can't help us, or the healthcare community can't help [...]
Allen Jackson - Risk, Reward, and Judgement - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Risk, Reward, and Judgement - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Risk, Reward, and Judgement - Part 1
I was invited to a small group, not uncommon for me, I don't get to do as much as I once did, but this was some months back. Wasn't a long time ago, but it's been a few months. I was invited to a group, and I didn't know it when [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
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Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
So what's the hottest place on Earth? Guinness World Records list the official winner as the Death Valley, California. On July 10th, 1913, the mercury there skyrocketed to 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Some parts of Death Valley have an average [...]
Skip Heitzig - Taking Down a Nation
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Skip Heitzig - Taking Down a Nation
Skip Heitzig - Taking Down a Nation
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to First Kings Chapter 12 in your Old Testament. First Kings, find that book, First Kings Chapter 12. A few years ago, I was doing a series on the 10 Commandments. And it was the second week where I was [...]
Derek Prince - Let Us Not Judge One Another
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Derek Prince - Let Us Not Judge One Another
Derek Prince - Let Us Not Judge One Another
Going back then to Romans 14 verse 13. And this is a therefore. Do You remember what I said about therefore? You begin to find out why it’s there. Well, this therefore is there because we’re all going to have to stand before the judgment seat of [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Great Judgment Day - Part 2
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Doug Batchelor - The Great Judgment Day - Part 2
Doug Batchelor - The Great Judgment Day - Part 2
During World War II, a 29-year-old engineer named Tsutomu Yamaguchi was on a trip to Hiroshima, Japan on the very day when the U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb. As he stepped off a street car, the atomic bomb detonated less than two miles away. [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Great Judgment Day - Part 1
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Doug Batchelor - The Great Judgment Day - Part 1
Doug Batchelor - The Great Judgment Day - Part 1
Did you know about 5,000 stars can be seen with the naked eye? Yet, with a small telescope you can see hundreds of thousands of stars. The largest telescopes on earth reveal millions of galaxies packed with stars, whereas the Hubble Space Telescope [...]
Jack Graham - No Condemnation
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Jack Graham - No Condemnation
Jack Graham - No Condemnation
Take your Bibles and turn with me, please, to the eighth chapter of the book of Romans. This is THE ESSENTIAL (and eternal) GOSPELof the Lord Jesus Christ. And we’re not ashamed of this Gospel! We boldly proclaim and present the claims of Christ [...]
Allen Jackson - Preparing For Eternal Judgment
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Allen Jackson - Preparing For Eternal Judgment
Allen Jackson - Preparing For Eternal Judgment
I think we should start by the acknowledgement that the Bible tells us that God is the Judge of all. Not a popular statement these days in contemporary culture. Look in Genesis 18. I've told you on many occasions that in the early chapters of [...]
Allen Jackson - Appearing Before The Judge - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Appearing Before The Judge - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Appearing Before The Judge - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you again. We're working through this series on how we establish a foundation so that we can flourish in the midst of turmoil. We live in a very unique season in history. Lawlessness is exploding. Violence is [...]
Allen Jackson - Appearing Before The Judge - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Appearing Before The Judge - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Appearing Before The Judge - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. We're living in a season of tremendous turmoil and confusion, propaganda, censorship. I mean the list goes on and on. But in the midst of that, we can flourish. We can have a foundation of faith that [...]
Rabbi Schneider - True Judgement
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Rabbi Schneider - True Judgement
Rabbi Schneider - True Judgement
Now I want to say this before we go on today: homosexuality is a huge problem, that's an understatement, in our society today, and it's getting worse and worse and worse. But I want to make these comments, because I know that there are [...]
Jack Graham - Blacklist
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Jack Graham - Blacklist
Jack Graham - Blacklist
There's a popular television show called "The Blacklist". Here's the story line of "The Blacklist". A former fugitive, criminal by the name of Raymond Reddington (ie Red) surrenders to the FBI and makes the authorities [...]
Robert Morris - Judgment
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Robert Morris - Judgment
Robert Morris - Judgment
We're in a series called "Good News", and we've talked about how the gospel, the word gospel means good news, and how, because Jesus came, he take words that were bad news before and changes them to good news. For instance, the [...]
Jack Graham - Jesus and Judgement
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Jack Graham - Jesus and Judgement
Jack Graham - Jesus and Judgement
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the Gospel of Luke, chapter 6. And in just a moment we're going to look at verses 37 to 42, but first, Happy Birthday, America! And we celebrate America today. It has been my birthday this weekend. I always [...]
Sid Roth - In Eternity, You Will Be Judged Based on This
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Sid Roth - In Eternity, You Will Be Judged Based on This
Sid Roth - In Eternity, You Will Be Judged Based on This
Sid Roth : Hello Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with Peter Wyns I don't know about you but I remember as a young boy focusing on a subject what happens when you die, and I started to try to visualize what it be like if I was dead, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Is Judgement Coming?
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Rabbi Schneider - Is Judgement Coming?
Rabbi Schneider - Is Judgement Coming?
I want to pick up immediately now where I left off in verse 9 of chapter 2 of the book of 1 Samuel. Hannah is praising God after God opened her womb and she gave birth to the prophet Samuel. She came to the temple dedicated him there in the presence [...]
David Reagan - America Under Judgment
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David Reagan - America Under Judgment
David Reagan - America Under Judgment
Is America doomed? Has God already delivered us from judgment to destruction? What hope, if any, do we have for our nation? The Bible teaches that God never pours out His wrath on a nation without first sending remedial judgments and prophetic [...]
Robert Jeffress - No Excuse - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - No Excuse - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - No Excuse - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again, to Pathway to Victory. Every day on this program, I'm committed to presenting the whole counsel of God, not just the parts of the Bible we like, or the parts that make us feel good about [...]
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