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Jonathan Bernis - Why Satan Hates the Jews?
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Jonathan Bernis - Why Satan Hates the Jews?
Jonathan Bernis - Why Satan Hates the Jews?
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I wanna thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined, once again, by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Well, anti-semitic incidents rose to historic levels in 2022 with over [...]
Derek Prince - What Will Happen to The Jews In The End Times?
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Derek Prince - What Will Happen to The Jews In The End Times?
Derek Prince - What Will Happen to The Jews In The End Times?
The next series of questions is about Israel. And naturally, there are a number of questions. How are the church and Israel related? Does Galatians 3:29 not mean that believers are Abraham's seed adopted Jews? We better look at Galatians 3:29. [...]
John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
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John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
In Romans 9, Paul presents eight distinctive features of Israel. First one: Romans 9:4, Paul says at the beginning of the verse, "My kinsmen, who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, and the covenants". Let's go to the [...]
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
And then I brought you just a quick sampling. I think it's worth noting that, what Jesus told his friends about, they got to see. But I think it's extraordinarily naive and a very poor application of Biblical interpretation to suggest it was only a [...]
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. We're walking through this series on learning to do difficult things in this session, we're gonna talk about the hatred of God's people. It's uncomfortable, it's unpleasant, but it's a reality of our world. Right [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
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Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
Baruch Hashem, welcome today to the Seeds of Revelation. You know, all this doesn't happen without a team, okay. I mean, this is not something, it's just rabbi schneider doing all this stuff, I got an awesome anointed God-called team around me. [...]
Adrian Rogers - Is God Through with the Jews?
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Adrian Rogers - Is God Through with the Jews?
Adrian Rogers - Is God Through with the Jews?
Turn to Romans chapter 11 if you will; Romans chapter 11. May I tell you while you're finding this, these are dangerous days in which we're living. And many of us can see the storm clouds of Armageddon that are already beginning to gather. And if [...]
Sid Roth - Warning! Many Believers Are Now God's Enemy
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Sid Roth - Warning! Many Believers Are Now God's Enemy
Sid Roth - Warning! Many Believers Are Now God's Enemy
Hey, you are one of the best studio audiences I've had in a long time. I was just telling everyone here before we went on the air, the Holy Spirit is awesome in this place. I will never find that old. It is so wonderful to know I'm not alone. I'm [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Was Adam Jewish?
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Jonathan Bernis - Was Adam Jewish?
Jonathan Bernis - Was Adam Jewish?
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Thank you so much for joining us today. In our ministry we often get calls from our viewers asking interesting [...]
Derek Prince - Everything About The Jewish People Is Foretold In The Bible
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Derek Prince - Everything About The Jewish People Is Foretold In The Bible
Derek Prince - Everything About The Jewish People Is Foretold In The Bible
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Now I'm going to point out to you another unique fact about the Jewish people, absolutely unique. Their whole history was foretold in prophecy. That's not true of any other nation, but the whole history of the [...]
Skip Heitzig - God, the Jew, and You
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Skip Heitzig - God, the Jew, and You
Skip Heitzig - God, the Jew, and You
Good morning. Hey, I come bearing gifts, but not for myself. This is a gift for some child somewhere in the world. There is a football in it. There's a dinosaur in it. A little car. I'm guessing it's for a boy. Play-Doh, bar of soap. I'm pretty sure [...]
Allen Jackson - Jew and Gentile
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Allen Jackson - Jew and Gentile
Allen Jackson - Jew and Gentile
You know, it wasn't too long ago, a couple of years or so, that there were historic peace accords being made in the Middle East on a very regular basis. Israel and her surrounding nations that had never had formal peace processes were signing [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
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Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
Did you know that Jesus was Jewish? You might be asking, "What does that mean for your christian faith"? Watch today and discover how understanding the Jewish roots of your faith, and your connection to Israel and the Jewish people can [...]
Jonathan Bernis - The Fallacies of Replacement Theology
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Jonathan Bernis - The Fallacies of Replacement Theology
Jonathan Bernis - The Fallacies of Replacement Theology
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to "Jewish Voice". I'm so glad you're with us today! I'm Jonathan Bernis. Well, today we're gonna be talking about a topic that you already might have signed on the dotted line for. Others of you will [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Significance of the Jewish Calendar
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Jonathan Bernis - Significance of the Jewish Calendar
Jonathan Bernis - Significance of the Jewish Calendar
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to "Jewish Voice," and thank you for joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Did you know that Moses, all the prophets, the apostles, even Jesus [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. When Jesus died on the cross, he opened the door for everyone to have a relationship with God, Jew and gentile alike. But now that salvation is available to all, does that mean [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. The Old Testament is filled with detailed prophecies about the coming of Messiah. And yet when Jesus finally arrived, the majority of Jews failed to receive him as their king. Today, [...]
Sid Roth - Amazing! These Jews, Hidden in Plain Sight, Are Fulfilling This End Times Prophecy
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Sid Roth - Amazing! These Jews, Hidden in Plain Sight, Are Fulfilling This End
Sid Roth - Amazing! These Jews, Hidden in Plain Sight, Are Fulfilling This End Times Prophecy
Are there 60 million hidden Jews ready to return to Israel? What will this mean to the world? Next on this edition of it's supernatural. Sid Roth : Hello. Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with Dell Sanchez. Dell, absolutely outrageous, but [...]
Sid Roth - Why Don't Jewish Rabbis Believe in Jesus As Messiah with Ron Cantor
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Sid Roth - Why Don't Jewish Rabbis Believe in Jesus As Messiah with Ron Cantor
Sid Roth - Why Don't Jewish Rabbis Believe in Jesus As Messiah with Ron Cantor
If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, why don't the Jewish rabbis believe in him? A Jewish agnostic who says he loved sin explains. Next on this edition of “It's Supernatural!” Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter. I'm here with Ron [...]
Sid Roth - Jesus Came to Me in Jerusalem and Said One Word with Geoffrey Cohen
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Sid Roth - Jesus Came to Me in Jerusalem and Said One Word with Geoffrey Cohen
Sid Roth - Jesus Came to Me in Jerusalem and Said One Word with Geoffrey Cohen
Is Jesus appearing to Jewish people in Israel? Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter. Are Jewish people actually seeing appearances of Jesus in Jerusalem? My guest Geoffrey Cohen comes [...]
David Reagan - Tom McCall on Jewish Evangelism
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David Reagan - Tom McCall on Jewish Evangelism
David Reagan - Tom McCall on Jewish Evangelism
In our program today we are going to be talking with an amazing man who has spent most of his life involved in Jewish evangelism. I’m going to ask him how a Gentile like him got involved in such a ministry, and how his efforts lead to a ministry [...]
David Reagan - Book Israel in Bible Prophecy
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David Reagan - Book Israel in Bible Prophecy
David Reagan - Book Israel in Bible Prophecy
Have you ever wondered why end time Bible prophecy seems to focus on the Jewish people and the nation of Israel? And why should a Gentile Christian be concerned about what is happening among the Jewish people today? For a discussion of these [...]
Derek Prince - What Happens To The Jewish People During The Great Tribulation
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Derek Prince - What Happens To The Jewish People During The Great Tribulation
Derek Prince - What Happens To The Jewish People During The Great Tribulation
This is an excerpt from: Pressures, Tests & Challenges Now, I have just time to point out one more thing. If you turn to 1 Corinthians 10 verse 32, 1 Corinthians 10:32. It says to believers: Give no offense, either to the Jews or to the Greeks [...]
David Reagan - The Preservation of the Jews
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David Reagan - The Preservation of the Jews
David Reagan - The Preservation of the Jews
The greatest miracle in history was the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. What would you say is the second greatest miracle? Well, the miracle I’m going to talk with you about today would certainly be a contender. Stay tuned. David Reagan: [...]
David Reagan - Steve Jaslow on the Meaning of Messianic Judaism
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David Reagan - Steve Jaslow on the Meaning of Messianic Judaism
David Reagan - Steve Jaslow on the Meaning of Messianic Judaism
What is Messianic Judaism? Is it a legitimate expression of Christianity, or is it a manifestation of modern day Judaizing, in violation of the Scriptures? Stay tuned for an interview with a Messianic Jewish spiritual leader. David Reagan: Greetings [...]
David Reagan - Jewish Aliyah
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David Reagan - Jewish Aliyah
David Reagan - Jewish Aliyah
The Hebrew word, Aliyah, means going up, and it is used in Israel to refer to a person going up to Jerusalem since that city is located on one of Israel’s high hills. The term is also used to refer to people immigrating to Israel. Thus a person [...]
David Reagan - The Evil of Replacement Theology, Part 2
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David Reagan - The Evil of Replacement Theology, Part 2
David Reagan - The Evil of Replacement Theology, Part 2
Did you know that one of the greatest heroes of the Christian faith wrote a booklet that Hitler praised in his book, Mein Kampf, and which became the blueprint for the Holocaust? And did you know that the thoughts he expressed in that booklet were [...]
David Reagan - The Evil of Replacement Theology, Part 1
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David Reagan - The Evil of Replacement Theology, Part 1
David Reagan - The Evil of Replacement Theology, Part 1
Did you know that the Jewish people blame Christianity for the horror of the Holocaust? Did you know why? Would you be surprised to learn that there is justification for their viewpoint? For a detailed presentation regarding this important matter, [...]
David Reagan - New Book on the Jewish People
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David Reagan - New Book on the Jewish People
David Reagan - New Book on the Jewish People
Did you know that for almost 2,000 years the Church, both Catholic and Protestant has taught that God washed His hands of the Jewish people in the First Century because “they crucified Jesus?” And did you know that another aspect of this teaching is [...]
Sid Roth - How Did a Jewish Jesus Become So Gentile?
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Sid Roth - How Did a Jewish Jesus Become So Gentile?
Sid Roth - How Did a Jewish Jesus Become So Gentile?
Sid Roth: Have you ever wondered why the Jewish Messiah became so gentile? Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth: Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter. I'm here with Jeffrey Weiss, a Jewish man that had a radical encounter [...]
Sid Roth - North American Curses Linked to Jewish People with David Demian
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Sid Roth - North American Curses Linked to Jewish People with David Demian
Sid Roth - North American Curses Linked to Jewish People with David Demian
My guest is an Egyptian who proves supernatural curses on North America are connected with the Jewish people. Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter. I'm here with David Demian. He's an [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Plan for Jewish People
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Plan for Jewish People
Rabbi Schneider - God's Plan for Jewish People
We as Jewish people, oftentimes we think of ourselves as God's chosen people. But we have to understand what it means to be chosen. We were chosen to be the carriers through which Messiah would come to the entire world through. And so we need to [...]
Derek Prince - First The Jews, Then The Gentiles
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Derek Prince - First The Jews, Then The Gentiles
Derek Prince - First The Jews, Then The Gentiles
Then God will judge the other nations. Joel 3:1-2. Time is running out, I’ll have to go quickly. Joel 3:1-2: For behold, in those days and at that time when I bring back, the exiles of Judah and Jerusalem. Notice this refers to the same period. The [...]
John Hagee - The War Against the Jews
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John Hagee - The War Against the Jews
John Hagee - The War Against the Jews
Open the pages of God's word and consider God's love for Israel and Jerusalem. What does Jerusalem mean to God Almighty? Here it is in 2 Chronicles 7:16, "I (God) have chosen Jerusalem: that my name might be there forever, and my eyes and my [...]
Sid Roth - This Is Why Jewish People Are So Important to God
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Sid Roth - This Is Why Jewish People Are So Important to God
Sid Roth - This Is Why Jewish People Are So Important to God
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. Now, most of us understand why, at the first coming of Jesus, the devil tried to kill the Jewish people, because he didn't want Jesus to come! However, why is [...]
Derek Prince - This Is What Happens If You Curse The Jewish People
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Derek Prince - This Is What Happens If You Curse The Jewish People
Derek Prince - This Is What Happens If You Curse The Jewish People
We’re going on from this list, Genesis chapter 12, we have God’s call to Abraham. We need to look at that because it has something significant in it. God calls Abraham out, promises various things, and in verse three (this is the end of the call) He [...]
John Hagee - Why Do Christians Support Israel?
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John Hagee - Why Do Christians Support Israel?
John Hagee - Why Do Christians Support Israel?
Why do Christians support Israel? Say that with me. "Why do Christians support Israel"? Now that we have received this massive amount of global media attention, people are asking a question. We're going to answer it today, because it is [...]
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Sid Roth - Understanding the End Times
Sid Roth - Understanding the End Times
Why, throughout every generation, is the Jew persecuted wherever we go, wherever we live? Now I can understand why that occurred before the Messiah of Israel came, because it was from the seed of a Jew that the Messiah would come. But why after? I [...]
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Sid Roth - End Times Supernatural Blessing
Sid Roth - End Times Supernatural Blessing
Hello. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. I just love that rarified air of Heaven. Don't you? I'm going to teach you how to communicate the Messiah with Jewish people. And what you don't understand is when you do this, it's going [...]
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Kay Arthur — What Advantage Does the Jew Have
Kay Arthur — What Advantage Does the Jew Have
We’re studying the book of Romans and at this point in this book we are about to confront sin. We are about to see what it’s all about and we’re about to see who are sinners. And the question is, do you qualify? What would you do if I said to you: [...]
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Patricia King — Jesus Is Igniting Jews
Patricia King — Jesus Is Igniting Jews
Rabbi Jason Sobel, a born-again, Holy Spirit filled, lover of Jesus joins Patricia. Watch and discover for yourself why we so love, honor and appreciate this wonderful man of God. [...]
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David Reagan — Will the Antichrist be a Jew?
David Reagan — Will the Antichrist be a Jew?
Will the Antichrist be a Jew or a Gentile? And is there any possibility that he could be a Muslim? For a fascinating discussion of these issues with 11 different Bible prophecy experts. Stay tuned. Greetings in the name of Jesus our blessed hope, [...]
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Sid Roth — Jewish Method of Praying the Bible
Sid Roth — Jewish Method of Praying the Bible
After several supernatural encounters, Sid Roth, Wesley and Stacey Campbell rediscovered the ancient Jewish method of praying the Bible. Now they have been launched into a worldwide ministry of prayer, healing and prophecy, and have prophesied to [...]
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David Reagan — The Messianic Jewish Movement
David Reagan — The Messianic Jewish Movement
Is it really possible for a Jew to believe in Jesus as his Messiah and still remain a Jew? That’s what Messianic Jews say. What is Messianic Judaism and how does it relate to the end times? For a fascinating interview with one of the foremost [...]
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Sid Roth — History of the Jewish Church
Sid Roth — History of the Jewish Church
Sid Roth and Robert Heidler details the history of the Jewish church. [...]
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David Reagan — The Jews in Prophecy
David Reagan — The Jews in Prophecy
Dr. David R. Reagan and panel on the show Christ in Prophecy answer questions concerning the Jews in Bible prophecy. [...]