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Jeff Schreve - Idolatry and Divine Jealousy
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Jeff Schreve - Idolatry and Divine Jealousy
Jeff Schreve - Idolatry and Divine Jealousy
God says, «You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the water under the earth». Hi, I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and we’re in my series, «Written in Stone,» learning what the second [...]
Jeff Schreve - God Alone
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Jeff Schreve - God Alone
Jeff Schreve - God Alone
So, today, we want to start with commandment number one. Exodus chapter 20, it says, «Then God spoke all these words, saying, 'I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no [...]
James Merritt - Idol Hands, Devil's Workshop
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James Merritt - Idol Hands, Devil's Workshop
James Merritt - Idol Hands, Devil's Workshop
It will be difficult for some of you to not check out about two minutes in when I tell you what we're gonna talk about today. Because most of us think that what I'm gonna talk about, you think, "That's not my problem. I [...]
Robert Jeffress - Worship The True God
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Robert Jeffress - Worship The True God
Robert Jeffress - Worship The True God
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Humans are creative by nature. It's one of the many ways in which we reflect the image of our Creator and as a result, human history is marked by great periods of art, music, [...]
John Bradshaw - Modern Idolatry
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John Bradshaw - Modern Idolatry
John Bradshaw - Modern Idolatry
There are places people give offerings of food and so forth to idols. People have shrines in their homes or in their front yard sometimes, shrines they believe will bring the blessing of God, or of the gods. That you don't have to have a graven [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Politics
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Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Politics
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Politics
From 1892 to 1934, Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty right in the middle of it, was the port of entry for people who came from all over the world. Little plaque there, "Bring me your huddled masses," and the rest of it, "yearning to [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Greed
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Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Greed
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Greed
Charlotte, North Carolina, a man bought a box of rare cigars, very, very expensive cigars, and he insured them. And before he made his first payment for covering those cigars by insurance, he reported a fire in which a series of little fires [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Self
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Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Self
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Self
Luke chapter 15 is something. It can be outlined, all three parables, by lost, found, celebrate. First parable's the story of lost, found, celebrate. Second parable, lost, found, celebrate. Third parable, lost, found, celebrate. And the [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Non-commitment
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Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Non-commitment
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Non-commitment
When Jesus came, the theme of what he was about, what he brought into being was the kingdom, the kingdom of God. And in the Bible, the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven, in the New Testament for sure, is interchangeable. So you read Matthew, [...]
Creflo Dollar - How To Walk Free From Mammon
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Creflo Dollar - How To Walk Free From Mammon
Creflo Dollar - How To Walk Free From Mammon
If you have your bibles go with me to the book of Luke, the book of Luke chapter 16 and verse 10. The book of Luke chapter 16 and verse 10. Just for a little review, wanna get everybody on the same page and then we'll begin to talk about, [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - I'm Still Standing
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Samuel Rodriguez - I'm Still Standing
Samuel Rodriguez - I'm Still Standing
Walk, worship and win, risk like Rahab. I like that the way and the way maker. That's good. All right, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be in the back. This book is now discounted. So, I just ripped some pages off the book that we wrote and God [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 2
Let's look at the characteristics of subtlety that comes from demonic spirits. Matthew 16, verse 21 and 23. I want to show you the subtlety of a spirit. So in other words, you know, if you're not careful, it's like, "How do I [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Spirits of Mammon - Part 1
Now, tonight what we're going to talk about is we're going to talk about three spirits of mammon. Spirits have a tendency to hang out together. And we're going to look at some things and I want to go over some stuff that I didn't [...]
Skip Heitzig - Taking Down a Nation
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Skip Heitzig - Taking Down a Nation
Skip Heitzig - Taking Down a Nation
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to First Kings Chapter 12 in your Old Testament. First Kings, find that book, First Kings Chapter 12. A few years ago, I was doing a series on the 10 Commandments. And it was the second week where I was [...]
Skip Heitzig - When Work Becomes an Idol
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Skip Heitzig - When Work Becomes an Idol
Skip Heitzig - When Work Becomes an Idol
How are you today? Good. You look good. This service always looks alert. Yeah. It's really good. Good to see you. Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to the Book of Psalms today, Psalm 127. I'm going to talk to you about your favorite [...]
Jonathan Bernis - The Return Of The False Ancient Gods
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Jonathan Bernis - The Return Of The False Ancient Gods
Jonathan Bernis - The Return Of The False Ancient Gods
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom, and welcome to Jewish Voice. We're so glad that you've decided to join us today. I'm your host Jonathan Bernis, and with me today is a long-time friend, in fact, we've known each other for over 30 [...]
Matt Hagee - A Nation On It's Knees
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Matt Hagee - A Nation On Its Knees
Matt Hagee - A Nation On Its Knees
Israel, for generations, recognized that it was God who had created them: that it was God who had sustained them: that it was God who delivered them from Egypt: that it was God who brought them through the wilderness: that it was God that gave them [...]
Greg Laurie - No Other Gods
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Greg Laurie - No Other Gods
Greg Laurie - No Other Gods
Well, why don't you all grab your Bibles or your phones or your tablets or whatever you access Scripture on, and turn in it to Exodus chapter 20. The title of my message today is "No Other Gods". Let me begin with a question: Are you [...]
Jack Graham - The Battle of the Gods
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Jack Graham - The Battle of the Gods
Jack Graham - The Battle of the Gods
The title of today's message is the "Battle of the Gods". And so I would invite you to take your Bible and turn with me to 1st Kings, chapters 17 and 18. We find our story, it's really a show-down kind of a story. I think most [...]
Craig Smith - gods on the Ground (Psalm 82)
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Craig Smith - gods on the Ground (Psalm 82)
Craig Smith - gods on the Ground (Psalm 82)
Welcome to all of our campuses. So glad you are here for week number two for our interlude in the Book of Psalms. I will be honest with you, I picked the Psalm we are going to look at today because I have never understood it. I have read it many [...]
Beth Moore - The Seduction of Babylon
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Beth Moore - The Seduction of Babylon
Beth Moore - The Seduction of Babylon
You and I cannot fully appreciate any part of what's happening in Revelation 21, unless we get some of Revelation 17, because he is meaning to contrast the two. He is saying, "Come, I will show you the prostitute. Come, I will show you the [...]
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 6
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 6
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 6
I tell you, the greatest freedom I realized is that I am free to be who God called me to be. I will not diminish my calling to try to impress somebody else. What does that mean? I'm not going to call myself a life coach or what do you call [...]
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 5
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 5
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 5
You don't wanna miss this today. I'm gonna do part three of "Understanding Modern-Day Idolatry," but we're gonna focus on the subject dealing with worship at the altar of self. And this is gonna be, I believe, eye-opening [...]
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 4
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 4
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 4
Matthew chapter 6, verse 24 through 23... I mean, 24 through 33. Let's read it. I want to show you the whole thing. Matthew 6:24 through 33. Now remember here's how you stay out of idolatry. Always allow God to be first, foremost, greatest [...]
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 3
Let's look at, once again, our key Scriptures for this series. I wanna look at three areas. Acts chapter 17 and 16. Acts chapter 17 and 16, and then 1 Corinthians 10 and 14. We're talking about understanding modern- day idolatry. Now, in [...]
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 2
Look at this in the New Living Translation, Jeremiah 16:19 through 21. Jeremiah 16:19 through 21, and look at the warning where God gives us to just stay away from this. He says, "Lord, you are my strength and fortress, you're my refuge in [...]
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Understanding Modern Day Idolatry - Part 1
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Acts. The book of Acts, chapter 17. Now, one of the things that we're gonna look at here today is it's gonna show us just where we are in time, and it's gonna show us a lot of things [...]
Billy Graham - When the Chips Are Down, Can You Survive?
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Billy Graham - When the Chips Are Down, Can You Survive?
Billy Graham - When the Chips Are Down, Can You Survive?
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to the third chapter of Daniel. Now, at this time, Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon and he was the greatest of all the kings probably that ever lived. And he conquered Jerusalem. and he takes some Jewish [...]
David Jeremiah - Elijah: Overcoming an Intimidating Culture
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David Jeremiah - Elijah: Overcoming an Intimidating Culture
David Jeremiah - Elijah: Overcoming an Intimidating Culture
Tonight, I wanna talk with you about an overcomer who the Bible says is just like you, and just like me. You say, "There's somebody in the Bible like that"? Absolutely. The Bible says of this person that he is a person of like [...]
Derek Prince - The Worship of Satan Throughout The World
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Derek Prince - The Worship of Satan Throughout The World
Derek Prince - The Worship of Satan Throughout The World
Alright, now I want to give you just a little closing summation of Satan’s ambitions, his purposes. He has very definite purposes. He has two main ambitions: to dominate the whole human race. You remember one of the phrases used in Ephesians 6:12: [...]
Tony Evans - Religion
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Tony Evans - Religion
Tony Evans - Religion
Paul is writing to a Christian church, the church at Corinth. He calls them, when he opens up the book of 1 Corinthians, saints. They're believers. Even in verse 14, he says, "My beloved, my fellow men and women in the family of God". [...]
Tony Evans - Culture
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Tony Evans - Culture
Tony Evans - Culture
This series is on American idols. One of the things that the Bible makes clear is that, when we choose competing gods, we jeopardize ourselves, our families, and even our nation. America was founded on the premise that faith in God would have to be [...]
Tony Evans - Greed
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Tony Evans - Greed
Tony Evans - Greed
There is an idol called greed, and it is a big deal as you will see. Now, let me define my term so that we are talking about the same thing. When we talk about greed or being greedy, greed is the illegitimate and unauthorized desire, pursuit, or [...]
Tony Evans - Idol Eyes
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Tony Evans - Idol Eyes
Tony Evans - Idol Eyes
This series is on American idols. One of the things that the Bible makes clear is that when we choose competing gods, we jeopardize ourselves, our families, and even our nation. America was founded on the premise that faith in God would have to be a [...]
Leon Fontaine - What Is Idolatry?
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Leon Fontaine - What Is Idolatry?
Leon Fontaine - What Is Idolatry?
The book of Ecclesiastes is an interesting book in the Bible. It's depressing. If you've ever read the book of Ecclesiastes, you've probably never read it more than once. Bible scholars disagree on its purpose, why it's in the [...]
Leon Fontaine - Idolatry And Chaos
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Leon Fontaine - Idolatry And Chaos
Leon Fontaine - Idolatry And Chaos
Ecclesiastes is a book that Bible scholars disagree on. I mean, as to why it's in the Bible. If you wanna ever read a book that is just depressing, just read Ecclesiastes. I mean, every chapter is depressing. Every verse is depressing. There [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Fire Men
David Jeremiah - The Fire Men
Scholars believe that there's at least a 20-year gap between the events of the second and third chapters of Daniel, and during this time, something has drastically changed in the heart of King Nebuchadnezzar. Because as you remember, at the end [...]
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Robert Morris — His Plan
Robert Morris — His Plan
We're in a series called, "Living in His Presence". And my burden for this series has been that we would not just enter God's presence once a week at church, but that we would live in His presence all during the week. And so, [...]
Tony Evans - A Challenge To Higher Standards
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Tony Evans - A Challenge to Higher Standards
Tony Evans - A Challenge to Higher Standards
How do you become an overcomer and what can you expect as you function as an overcomer, not an undercomer? One who is operating in victory and not operating in defeat. Now, in order to be an overcomer, that means there's got to be something [...]