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Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 2
If we want to be participants in this moving of the Spirit of God that we say we're so anxious for, we're gonna have to be the ones willing to embrace change. We're gonna have to have a change of heart. We're gonna have to move out of that kind of [...]
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 1
I wanna start a series of talks under the general theme of a change of heart. I am convinced that our best future is dependent upon a change of heart in the midst of the people of God. I think it's far more important than economic cycles or election [...]
Robert Barron - A Wise and Discerning Heart
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Robert Barron - A Wise and Discerning Heart
Robert Barron - A Wise and Discerning Heart
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading is from the First Book of Kings, and it's one of my favorite passages in the entire Old Testament. And it's one that I think, if you're going on a retreat anytime soon, you're even spending some time in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
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Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
Baruch Hashem, blessed be the name of the Lord, beloved ones. We are continuing today to give our attention to the Word of God, because the Word of God strengthens us, cleanses us, confirms us, and establishes us in Him. Romans chapter two verse [...]
Robert Barron - To What Does Your Heart Belong?
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Robert Barron - To What Does Your Heart Belong?
Robert Barron - To What Does Your Heart Belong?
Peace be with you. Friends, last week I talked about the beautiful juxtaposition between a reading from Isaiah and a reading from Luke's Gospel. Well this week, a juxtaposition between Jeremiah and Luke's Gospel, and it's wonderful because each one [...]
Chris Hodges - A Matter of the Heart
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Chris Hodges - A Matter of the Heart
Chris Hodges - A Matter of the Heart
C'mon, give God praise for that. C'mon, give God a great praise for that, everybody. All right. Well, happy anniversary, Highlands, and also welcome to week number one of a five-part series that we're calling "ER," and the ER does not [...]
Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 3
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Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 3
Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 3
Here's what we're learning, and we're turning, I'm asking you to have open Luke chapter 6, verse 45. I wanna read it to you again, a good person, now, remember from our previous lesson, what we're talking about when we say good. It is that which [...]
Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 2
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Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 2
Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 2
Go with me to Luke 2, to perhaps the most familiar story in all of New Testament scripture to people because it is going to be the birth narrative. We're gonna go to the point in the narrative where the baby has been born, the angels have already [...]
Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 1
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Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 1
Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 1
You may be seated. I'd love to read to you out of Luke chapter 6 starting at verse 27. Now, our text that you and I are really going to be focused on isn't going to come into play until about verse 40, and then through that last portion that we'll [...]
Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 3
I'm gonna make a statement, a startling statement. Are you ready? Immorality is not the most dangerous problem that we're facing. I told you. Immorality is not the most dangerous threat to our Christian values. Immorality is not the most worrisome [...]
Allen Jackson - Heart Disease - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Heart Disease - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Heart Disease - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're gonna complete our study on "Stepping Out of the Crowd". We're talking about our heart condition. You know, the awkward truth of this is the condition of your heart is the greatest determining [...]
Allen Jackson - Heart Disease - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Heart Disease - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Heart Disease - Part 1
It's good to be with you today. We've been continuing the study on "Stepping Out of the Crowd" that I wanna talk to you a little bit about the condition of your heart. You know, I would submit to you that the circumstances of your heart [...]
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
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John Hagee - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
Note the brilliant sequence of the beatitudes. There are eight steps toward happiness and they are exact steps with exact consequences. Notice that the first four deal with man's relationship to God. And the last four deal with man's relationship to [...]
Charles Stanley - A Clean Heart
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Charles Stanley - A Clean Heart
Charles Stanley - A Clean Heart
Are you excited about your life, or do you find yourself just sorta existing and sorta drifting along and no sense of purpose and no sense of direction? Maybe there was a time when you were excited, but somewhere along the way it all faded away. And [...]
Derek Prince - God's Law Written On Our Hearts
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Derek Prince - God's Law Written On Our Hearts
Derek Prince - God's Law Written On Our Hearts
As I was sitting here before the meeting, before my part in the meeting began, I was very vividly reminded of something which I feel God wants me to share with you. I was reminded because I was thinking of the responsibility that rested upon me here [...]
Matt Hagee - Home is Where the Heart is
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Matt Hagee - Home is Where the Heart is
Matt Hagee - Home is Where the Heart is
Today we're going to ask and answer the question, "Where is your heart"? Because your heart will tell you what you're giving your life to. Matthew 6, Jesus said, "Where a man's treasure is, there will his heart be also". Some men [...]
Andy Stanley - Monitor Your Heart
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Andy Stanley - Monitor Your Heart
Andy Stanley - Monitor Your Heart
Hey, growing up in our home, and I bet your home was similar, there were certain words that were off limits in our home. And again, I grew up in a different generation than some of you, but here was one of the big ones. In fact, I, it's hard for me [...]
Allen Jackson - A Battle For Our Hearts and Minds
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Allen Jackson - A Battle For Our Hearts and Minds
Allen Jackson - A Battle For Our Hearts and Minds
But I want to take just a moment, I've been encouraging you for several months now to cultivate the practice of watching and listening, then thinking about what you're seeing and hearing, and then being prepared to act as you're led by the Spirit of [...]
Robert Jeffress - Prescription For A Healthy Heart
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Robert Jeffress - Prescription For A Healthy Heart
Robert Jeffress - Prescription For A Healthy Heart
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Whenever you share the gospel with somebody, there's no predicting how they're going to respond. Some people welcome Jesus with open arms, while others flat out reject him. Why do [...]
Derek Prince - An Undivided Heart
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Derek Prince - An Undivided Heart
Derek Prince - An Undivided Heart
Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart. - Psalm 86:11-12, NIV The psalmist there focuses on one thing that is necessary if [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Thankful Heart
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Creflo Dollar - The Thankful Heart
Creflo Dollar - The Thankful Heart
If you have your Bibles, 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 16 through 18. Every year I have an opportunity to look at this, it seems like I get something new, that really blesses and I hope it changes your life as well. 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, [...]
Robert Jeffress - Developing a Trusting Heart - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Developing a Trusting Heart - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Developing a Trusting Heart - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. As one of God's children, we're expected to obey him, but it's impossible to obey him if we don't trust him. So how do we cultivate our confidence in God? Today, we're going to talk [...]
Robert Jeffress - Developing a Trusting Heart - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Developing a Trusting Heart - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Developing a Trusting Heart - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. One of my favorite features on my TV remote is the fast forward button. Whenever a program gets a little too slow or a little too intense, I can just skip ahead. Now, wouldn't it be [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Language of The Heart
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Leon Fontaine - The Language of The Heart
Leon Fontaine - The Language of The Heart
As a young child, some of my earliest memories are my parents, teaching me Bible stories. My dad or mom would put me to bed at night, and depending upon my age, it was very age specific. They would teach me the stories of the Bible. Not just the [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Heart-Mind Connection
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Leon Fontaine - The Heart-Mind Connection
Leon Fontaine - The Heart-Mind Connection
As a young man, as a child actually, my mom and dad, they raised us and taught us the Bible in different ways for different ages. I remember as a little boy, my mom and dad teaching us, I have four brothers so there's five of us boys, so sometimes [...]
Derek Prince - Healing The Brokenhearted
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Derek Prince - Healing The Brokenhearted
Derek Prince - Healing The Brokenhearted
The LORD builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. — Psalms 147:2-3, NIV Those are beautiful words, but the exciting thing about them is that they are being fulfilled in this [...]
Derek Prince - Guard Your Heart
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Derek Prince - Guard Your Heart
Derek Prince - Guard Your Heart
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. — Proverbs 4:23, NIV There is one area of your personality that is more important than any other and that is your heart. The state of your heart will determine the course of your [...]
John Bradshaw - Unwrap My Heart
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John Bradshaw - Unwrap My Heart
John Bradshaw - Unwrap My Heart
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. It was a day like no other. Exactly when it was we don't know. But we do know that 2,000 or so years ago on a Middle Eastern evening, "the desire of all nations," as the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Developing a Regenerate Heart - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Developing a Regenerate Heart - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Developing a Regenerate Heart - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Even when we were dead in our sins God made us alive together with Christ, and such a radical inward transformation calls for an outward expression as well. Today, I'm going to show [...]
Robert Jeffress - Developing a Regenerate Heart - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Developing a Regenerate Heart - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Developing a Regenerate Heart - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. 2 Corinthians 5:17 promises that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new. And while that transformation may take [...]
Robert Jeffress - Heart Surgery 101 - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Heart Surgery 101 - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Heart Surgery 101 - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In our current series, "Seven Marks of a Disciple," we've discovered that the essence of discipleship is a changed life that comes from a transformed heart. So what does [...]
Robert Jeffress - Heart Surgery 101 - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Heart Surgery 101 - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Heart Surgery 101 - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. If you joined us last time, you heard me say, "That the essence of discipleship is a changed life that comes from a transformed heart". But why is that necessary to [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Heart of Discipleship
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Robert Jeffress - The Heart of Discipleship
Robert Jeffress - The Heart of Discipleship
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. The word disciple is one that gets thrown around a lot in church. We all know we're supposed to be disciples of Christ but what does it really mean to become a disciple? A hundred [...]
Joseph Prince - Perceive God's Wisdom In Your Heart
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Joseph Prince - Perceive God's Wisdom In Your Heart
Joseph Prince - Perceive God's Wisdom In Your Heart
Whoa, thank you, thank you. Hey, I like the boy. Thank you very much. I receive your love, people. You may be seated. How often does it happen, right, exactly on the birthday is a Sunday? It comes like, what? Every seven years? So I felt that I need [...]
Joseph Prince - Guard The Imaginations Of Your Heart
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Joseph Prince - Guard The Imaginations Of Your Heart
Joseph Prince - Guard The Imaginations Of Your Heart
Praise the Lord. What a wonderful testimony, Amen? Isn't God good, church? You know what God does for all these precious people means so much to them if you are the one going through it, Amen? And the whole purpose for us sharing miracles like this, [...]
Steven Furtick - We Protect Our Phones, But Not Our Hearts
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Steven Furtick - We Protect Our Phones, But Not Our Hearts
Steven Furtick - We Protect Our Phones, But Not Our Hearts
This is an excerpt from: Protect The Vessel I think a lot of my problems in my own psychology come from protecting the wrong thing too much and protecting the right thing not enough. I don't mind admitting that I'm defensive. I was telling a story [...]
Leon Fontaine - Heart Perceptions
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Leon Fontaine - Heart Perceptions
Leon Fontaine - Heart Perceptions
Your beliefs determine your perceptions and your ability to understand something. And so many people don't realize that we form beliefs by our own decisions, or people who have raised us. They help us to form beliefs and then these beliefs determine [...]
Jack Graham - Guard Your Heart
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Jack Graham - Guard Your Heart
Jack Graham - Guard Your Heart
Sexuality is a God-given gift. But sexual sin perverts and pollutes this gift. God has established marriage as the way to personal fulfillment, satisfaction and intimacy. One man, one woman committed to one another for life! One man, one woman [...]
Charles Stanley - Treasures of the Heart
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Charles Stanley - Treasures of the Heart
Charles Stanley - Treasures of the Heart
When you think about treasure what comes to your mind? Well, most people would say, "Well, money, prosperity, riches; all of those things come to mind". Well, if the only thing that comes to your mind when you think about riches is [...]
Craig Smith - Where The Heart Is
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Craig Smith - Where The Heart Is
Craig Smith - Where The Heart Is
Good morning. Welcome to Mission Hills and week number two of our six-part Easter series. We actually have three stages to the series, there’s dark, dawn and day. We’re kind of in the middle of the dark. Because as we follow along in the Gospel of [...]
Robert Jeffress - Matters of the Heart
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Robert Jeffress - Matters of the Heart
Robert Jeffress - Matters of the Heart
Hi I'm Robert Jefferson and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Jesus was no stranger to rejection. Some accepted his message of salvation with praise and thanksgiving, others ignored it or worse had him sentenced to death for his preaching. So why [...]
Leon Fontaine - Speaking From Your Heart
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Leon Fontaine - Speaking From Your Heart
Leon Fontaine - Speaking From Your Heart
Hey, everybody! Good to have you back with me. I'm going to finish off a message I started last time, and it's about your words. They come to pass. And we're talking about words. And I don't, I so badly want to go through what I taught on last time. [...]
Leon Fontaine - Persuading Your Heart
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Leon Fontaine - Persuading Your Heart
Leon Fontaine - Persuading Your Heart
Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that, I just, sometimes you think people understand things until they ask you questions and, and I want to give you a statement: heart faith must be developed. If you do not know how to develop heart faith, [...]
Robert Jeffress - Stopping the Barbarian at the Gate
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Robert Jeffress - Stopping the Barbarian at the Gate
Robert Jeffress - Stopping the Barbarian at the Gate
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Godly people rarely fall in one day, rather they dabble with temptation until one day they find themselves completely immersed in a lifestyle of sin. It's one of Satan's [...]
Billy Graham - A Cure for Heart Trouble
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Billy Graham - A Cure for Heart Trouble
Billy Graham - A Cure for Heart Trouble
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to the 22nd chapter of Matthew's gospel. And I want to speak on the subject "A Cure for Heart Trouble". "Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him and saying, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Is Your Heart Broken?
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Rabbi Schneider - Is Your Heart Broken?
Rabbi Schneider - Is Your Heart Broken?
We're looking at the 23rd Psalm and we're discovering how David knew God as the one that supplied every need he would ever have in life. You know, the Lord wants us to have such confidence in him that we look only to him to supply all our needs. [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Sanitize Your Spirit
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Jentezen Franklin - Sanitize Your Spirit
Jentezen Franklin - Sanitize Your Spirit
I'd like for you to turn with me to 2 Samuel 6. In verse 3. "So they set the Ark of God on a new cart, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab, which was on the hill". Everybody say the hill. "And Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of [...]
Victoria Osteen - Protect Your Heart From Offense
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Victoria Osteen - Protect Your Heart From Offense
Victoria Osteen - Protect Your Heart From Offense
You know, as long as we live, we're going to have to guard our hearts from taking in offense. You know, all through our life, people are going to hurt us, unfair things are going to happen, we'll be disappointed, people may say something that's not [...]
Beth Moore - Warm-Hearted In A Cold-Hearted World
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Beth Moore - Warm-Hearted In A Cold-Hearted World
Beth Moore - Warm-Hearted In A Cold-Hearted World
You may be seated. I've gotta tell you guys something. I have actual humans in the room with me today to teach for the first time in several months. What a wild thing to think that somehow over these last months the Lord has just brought us all back [...]
Leon Fontaine - Activate Your Heart
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Leon Fontaine - Activate Your Heart
Leon Fontaine - Activate Your Heart
Today I want to talk about getting your heart to work for you. Getting your heart to work for you. As I look around, the planet, and I recognize the distrust that has developed as never before. In all of us average, everyday people, and do we trust [...]
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