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TD Jakes - Real Men Pour In
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TD Jakes - Real Men Pour In
TD Jakes - Real Men Pour In
Jesus does not discuss how the Father made him rich or famous. He talked about how the Father loved him. When you take the father's love from the child or the father doesn't know how to give love to the child outside of the woman, the child is [...]
Gregory Dickow - Father, Father Me
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Gregory Dickow - Father, Father Me
Gregory Dickow - Father, Father Me
Well, I believe today is a very special day where we can get to know God better as our father. God is all about family. And it's not just necessarily your family, your immediate family, because there's a lot of brokenness in many of our immediate [...]
James Merritt - Father Figure
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James Merritt - Father Figure
James Merritt - Father Figure
Well, today we are in a series that you probably know about that we're calling "Family Ties". Now I wanna tell you a story. About 22 years ago, I took the plunge, I took up golf. And the reason I took up golf, even though I was in my late [...]
John Bradshaw - Bad Dads and What They Teach Us
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John Bradshaw - Bad Dads and What They Teach Us
John Bradshaw - Bad Dads and What They Teach Us
This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. You know when Father's Day rolls around, we love to celebrate Dad: Dad who took me fishing when I was a boy, Dad who came to all my games, Dad who was always there with an [...]
Allen Jackson - Masculinity That Honors God - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Masculinity That Honors God - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Masculinity That Honors God - Part 2
You see, this notion of the fatherhood of God gives us identity and a place in the unfolding purposes of God. It gives you a confidence when you pray, when you talk to him, when you imagine inviting God into your life. It helps you understand God's [...]
Allen Jackson - Masculinity That Honors God - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Masculinity That Honors God - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Masculinity That Honors God - Part 1
Do not accept the premise that, as a rule of thumb, we should think of masculinity as toxic. If somebody's coming through your front door in the middle of the night, you want somebody in the house that's more than empathetic, a promise. You know, we [...]
Adrian Rogers - Dads Who Shoot Straight
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Adrian Rogers - Dads Who Shoot Straight
Adrian Rogers - Dads Who Shoot Straight
Be finding the book of Psalms, please, and open your Bibles to Psalm 127. And as you're finding it, may I tell you what you probably already know: that Satan has unleashed an all-out war on the family. When I say the family, I'm talking about the [...]
TD Jakes - Not Many Fathers
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TD Jakes - Not Many Fathers
TD Jakes - Not Many Fathers
What does it mean to be a man today? - We're always talking about the greatest men in history, and so we set ourselves up to want to be a great man. - Being a man today is challenging because of the times that we're living in. - You want to be [...]
Charles Stanley - Making a Good Connection
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Charles Stanley - Making a Good Connection
Charles Stanley - Making a Good Connection
What are the most important words you ever heard from your father? Did you ever hear your father say I love you? What was your feeling the first time you ever heard your dad say I love you? How old were you when you heard it? How old was your father [...]
Matt Hagee - Taking Care of the Home Team
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Matt Hagee - Taking Care of the Home Team
Matt Hagee - Taking Care of the Home Team
Today we choose this theme of sports because there's so many applications that come from it that we can apply to the purpose and the plan that God has for fathers. Today we set aside this service and this moment to encourage some of the most [...]
Matt Hagee - Words That Work For Fathers
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Matt Hagee - Words That Work For Fathers
Matt Hagee - Words That Work For Fathers
If you would, please stand for the reading of God's word and turn to the book of Micah, the 6th chapter and the 8th verse, as this morning we speak to fathers and continue in our series "Words that work and statements that don't" with a [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Legacy of a Godly Dad
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Skip Heitzig - The Legacy of a Godly Dad
Skip Heitzig - The Legacy of a Godly Dad
Good morning. Boy, didn't our Hamilton actors do great this morning? Wasn't that great? And I'm especially grateful for them leaving me this Hamilton pulpit to preach from. So would you turn in your Bibles please? Happy Father's Day, by the way, [...]
John Bradshaw - A Father's Love
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John Bradshaw - A Father's Love
John Bradshaw - A Father's Love
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Father's Day rolls around once every year. It's a time when we celebrate our dads, or our grandfathers, too, for that matter. And it's an opportunity to reflect on the blessing that [...]
John Bradshaw - History's Most Hated Father
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John Bradshaw - History's Most Hated Father
John Bradshaw - History's Most Hated Father
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Well, there are sunnier subjects, I guess, but I'm not sure there are too many that are more important. We're going to take a few moments together to talk about history's most hated [...]
Jack Graham - A Father's Faith
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Jack Graham - A Father's Faith
Jack Graham - A Father's Faith
Today is a story of a desperate dad and a dying son, in John chapter 4. It's the story about a man who came to experience genuine faith and the power of that faith in his life and in his family. And, dads, this message in great part is to you. If [...]
TD Jakes - The Legacy of Fatherhood
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TD Jakes - The Legacy of Fatherhood
TD Jakes - The Legacy of Fatherhood
Because he sees you as his child and you can come boldly to the throne of grace and find grace to help in the time of need. And when God got ready to make his first son, his first-made son, he created Adam out of the dust of the earth with his own [...]
Jimmy Evans - Every Great Father
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Jimmy Evans - Every Great Father
Jimmy Evans - Every Great Father
It saved me from performance and condemnation and all of that. That's what we'll be talking about. If you turn in your Bibles to Ephesians five, however you read the Bible there, this message is called "Every great father". And I want to [...]
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming the Regret of Fatherhood Failures - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Overcoming the Regret of Fatherhood Failures - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming the Regret of Fatherhood Failures - Part 2
While the voice of shame wants men and fathers to meditate on their failures, a man of God refuses to live in this state, and as a man of God, refuse to live in that state. By the power of the Holy Spirit, he will instead get up, this man of God, [...]
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming the Regret of Fatherhood Failures - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Overcoming the Regret of Fatherhood Failures - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming the Regret of Fatherhood Failures - Part 1
If you have your Bibles this morning, go with me to the book of Exodus, chapter 20 and verse 12. I'm gonna be reading out of the New Living Translation. Exodus chapter 20 and verse 12. I thought about showing a lot of pictures of fathers, perfect [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Does Being Children of God Mean
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Rabbi Schneider - What Does Being Children of God Mean?
Rabbi Schneider - What Does Being Children of God Mean?
More than anything else, beloved one, you and I need to know Father God as our own Daddy, and to understand that we are the children of his own loins. You know what John the apostle said in the Book of 1 John, chapter 3, verse 1? He said this: [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Is the Role of a Father?
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Rabbi Schneider - What Is the Role of a Father?
Rabbi Schneider - What Is the Role of a Father?
I want to talk with you now about what are the roles of a father. As we're developing this relationship with our God and Father, I want to help us to understand what does this relationship mean to us? In other words, many of us grew up without [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Discover Your Identity in Christ
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Rabbi Schneider - Discover Your Identity in Christ
Rabbi Schneider - Discover Your Identity in Christ
You know the Bible tells us in the Book of Romans, that when we received Jesus that we received, get it now, the spirit of sonship. The spirit of adoption, by which we cry out, Abba Father. Daddy Father. The Hebrew word Abba is a very affectionate, [...]
Tony Evans - Begging For A Blessing
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Tony Evans - Begging For A Blessing
Tony Evans - Begging For A Blessing
Fatherlessness dominates our cultural landscape today. Forty percent of all children in our country are raised without their biological father. In the African-American community, 72% of children born are born to single parents. Now, fatherlessness [...]
Derek Prince - The Father As A Prophet
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Derek Prince - The Father As A Prophet
Derek Prince - The Father As A Prophet
Let’s look at the father’s responsibility as prophet. You can put it this way. As priest he represents his family to God. As prophet he represents God to his family. That again is the special unique privilege of every father. Let’s look in Ephesians [...]
Derek Prince - The Father As A Priest
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Derek Prince - The Father As A Priest
Derek Prince - The Father As A Priest
Let’s go a little step further now in this picture of what it is to be a father. I think I need to say at this point that I’m not providing merely theory. I have experience. When I married my first wife I inherited eight adopted daughters on the [...]
Derek Prince - The Father As A King
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Derek Prince - The Father As A King
Derek Prince - The Father As A King
All right, we’re going on now to the father as king or governor. 1 Timothy 3:4–5. speaking about an elder: One who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence. For if a man does not know how to rule his own house, [...]
Derek Prince - How To Be A Christian Father
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Derek Prince - How To Be A Christian Father
Derek Prince - How To Be A Christian Father
There is nothing in the Bible more important than the revelation of fatherhood. It really is the central theme of the whole Bible. To discover this, let’s turn to a beautiful prayer of the apostle Paul recorded in Ephesians 3:14–15. This is only the [...]
Derek Prince - Fatherhood Of God
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Derek Prince - Fatherhood Of God
Derek Prince - Fatherhood Of God
There is nothing in the Bible more important than the revelation of fatherhood. It really is the central theme of the whole Bible. To discover this, let’s turn to a beautiful prayer of the apostle Paul recorded in Ephesians 3:14–15. This is only the [...]