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Peter Tan-Chi - Victory Over Depression
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Peter Tan-Chi - Victory Over Depression
Peter Tan-Chi - Victory Over Depression
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We started a new series last week called Life Detox. Why is it important? Because toxic emotions affect our loved ones. It affects our family members. It affects our relationships. [...]
John Bradshaw - What Moved Me to Specialize in Depression and Anxiety
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John Bradshaw - What Moved Me to Specialize in Depression and Anxiety
John Bradshaw - What Moved Me to Specialize in Depression and Anxiety
John Bradshaw : Dr. Neil Nedley, thank you so much. I appreciate you being here. Dr. Neil Nedley : Oh, it's great being here, John. John Bradshaw : So you're a physician. You've been a physician for some years. Your specialty is internal medicine. [...]
Louie Giglio - Breathing Out The Weight of Depression
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Louie Giglio - Breathing Out The Weight of Depression
Louie Giglio - Breathing Out The Weight of Depression
If you have scripture today, we're gonna be looking at Ezekiel 37 and I'd love for you to open your copy of scripture if you have it. And obviously we're in this little journey of putting an x through anxiety. The title of this message might be [...]
Matt Hagee - Outgrowing Depression
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Matt Hagee - Outgrowing Depression
Matt Hagee - Outgrowing Depression
Today, I want you to see how you can outgrow depression. Just like an individual standing before you today, says, "Well, when I was a kid, I had asthma". Well, what happened? "I outgrew it". As a young and immature Christian, you [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
God is the maker of good days. You know, the Bible says that "He that will love life and see good days," and good days is always plural. "Good days," with an "s". But when it comes to the day that you go through a [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
If you are suffering mental depression, listen to what I'm gonna say, amen? Just live one day at a time. Get up, just do what you're supposed to do, the next thing, and the next thing, and the Holy Spirit will lead you first step by step by step. [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
I want to talk to you, I want to share with you about your night seasons. If you're going through something right now, even though right now you're on a high, you don't feel like you're going through anything. You know, you can tear a lion apart and [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Deal with Depression
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Adrian Rogers - How to Deal with Depression
Adrian Rogers - How to Deal with Depression
Take God's Word and find Psalm 42. What Psalm 42 deals with is depression and what to do when you're feeling depressed. When you say, "I have fallen and I can't get up"! Not physically, but emotionally. You're down in the dumps. You're in [...]
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
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John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
John Bradshaw : This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Depression and anxiety continue to be major problems in first-world nations. Around the world, it appears, in fact, it very much is, that depression and [...]
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
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John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
John Bradshaw : This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. For decades and decades, depression and anxiety have presented the United States and other first-world countries around the world with a major health care [...]
Mark Batterson - From Languishing to Flourishing
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Mark Batterson - From Languishing to Flourishing
Mark Batterson - From Languishing to Flourishing
On the morning of September 11th, 2001, four commercial airplanes were hijacked in a coordinated attack by the militant Islamic terrorist group, Al-Qaeda. The first plane, American Airlines Flight 11, flew into the North Tower of the World Trade [...]
Michael Youssef - From Depression to Mission
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Michael Youssef - From Depression to Mission
Michael Youssef - From Depression to Mission
You know, a few weeks ago, I read a news item that said, "Loneliness and Depression: The Next Big Pandemic Health Crisis". Some time ago, an article in "Wall Street Journal" declared that we have a pill for everything, but there [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Depression
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Dr. Ed Young - Depression
Dr. Ed Young - Depression
Now I want us to read this together. Would you do that? Listen to it. Read it with me: "Why are you down in the dumps..."? Time out! All twelve of you! Read it with me! Here we go! "Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are [...]
Mike Novotny - Anxiety and Depression, Where Is the Bible's Comfort?
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Mike Novotny - Anxiety and Depression, Where Is the Bible's Comfort?
Mike Novotny - Anxiety and Depression, Where Is the Bible's Comfort?
It seems that depression and anxiety are on the rise, especially with the Covid pandemic. That's true. What portions of the Bible can we point people to and, especially teens? Man, it's a great question. So I'm reading a book on, I'm about to have a [...]
Chris Hodges - Stepping into the Light
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Chris Hodges - Stepping into the Light
Chris Hodges - Stepping into the Light
All right, who's ready to study God's Word today? Anybody, anybody? Yeah, me, too, and I think you're really gonna enjoy this message a lot. And this service is gonna be streamed by... there's several dozen churches that are gonna be joining us in [...]
Chris Hodges - How We End Up in the Cave
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Chris Hodges - How We End Up in the Cave
Chris Hodges - How We End Up in the Cave
Who's glad to be in church today? Anybody, anybody, anybody? Awesome. Now, my voice is out. I like spring, but spring doesn't like me, y'all. So, the pollen's kind of got me a little bit. And I half-way thought about actually playing the message [...]
Mike Novotny - God's To Do List for Depression
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Mike Novotny - God's To Do List for Depression
Mike Novotny - God's To Do List for Depression
The word depression actually comes from a Latin word, depressio, and it literally means to press down on something; and if you have battled depression or walked with a loved one who has, you know what that's like. like all the optimism just gets [...]
Steven Furtick - Defeating The Devil's Deception
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Steven Furtick - Defeating The Devil's Deception
Steven Furtick - Defeating The Devil's Deception
This is an excerpt from: God's Got Your Back - Part 2 You're not weak; you're weary. With every step he took by himself without talking to the God who brought him this far, the Devil was able to delete different things that could have been in his [...]
James Merritt - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
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James Merritt - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
James Merritt - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Well, a wonderful and a great morning to all of you here at our room, to those of you who are watching online, watching by TV, computer, iPhone, whatever your iPad, thanks for watching today. Winston Churchill called it the black dog, and years ago [...]
Mike Novotny - God's To-Do List for Depression
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Mike Novotny - God's To-Do List for Depression
Mike Novotny - God's To-Do List for Depression
Dan's friends had never seen him depressed. But the day he lost his job, he seemed to lose everything they loved about him: his energy, his enthusiasm, his laughter, his jokes, his positive mindset, seemed to walk out the door when the boss shared [...]
Mike Novotny - Depression Is Real
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Mike Novotny - Depression Is Real
Mike Novotny - Depression Is Real
This week in our country, millions upon millions of people will celebrate the gift of freedom. That God has blessed us with a freedom from so many of the things that people struggle with around our world. But even more, we as Christians celebrate [...]
Mike Novotny - Jesus is Your Strength
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Mike Novotny - Jesus is Your Strength
Mike Novotny - Jesus is Your Strength
I got a really vulnerable and honest question from someone from our church. She wrote this: "I've been diagnosed with clinical anxiety and depression. My doctor says it's brain chemistry, yet I know the Bible says worry and despair are sins. I [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Avoiding Burnout
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Dr. Ed Young - Avoiding Burnout
Dr. Ed Young - Avoiding Burnout
Now, of all people that we could name in the Bible, or outside of the Bible, as to what we discovered about God's guy for the 8th century, Elijah, he'd be the last person on the list that I would ever think would be caught up in burnout or [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Get Up When You're Down
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Adrian Rogers - How to Get Up When You're Down
Adrian Rogers - How to Get Up When You're Down
Would you find please, Psalm 42? And in a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 5. And what we're going to do today is to have a session on depression. How to get up when you've fallen and think you cannot get up. I'm not talking about having [...]
John Bradshaw - He Hated Life
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John Bradshaw - He Hated Life
John Bradshaw - He Hated Life
I'll tell you what sin does: sin drew King Solomon away from God, it led him into idolatry and degrading practices. But this is what Solomon said sin led him to, we get this straight from the horse's mouth. After saying that he turned himself to [...]
Gregory Dickow - Uprooting the Spirit of Rejection
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Gregory Dickow - Uprooting the Spirit of Rejection
Gregory Dickow - Uprooting the Spirit of Rejection
Well, today, I want to talk to you about the solution to all of man's problems. That's right. All of man's problems can be summarized in one word. And today we're going to deal with that one word, that one thing that is causing our fears, our [...]
Craig Groeschel - Two Truths to Remember When You're Battling Depression
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Craig Groeschel - Two Truths to Remember When You're Battling Depression
Craig Groeschel - Two Truths to Remember When You're Battling Depression
Today, we're gonna talk about depression. And I wanna tell you about a good friend of mine that I'm going to call Tim. That's not his real name. Now, just so you'll know he is a real person and it's not me. Like at the end of the message, I'm not [...]
John Bradshaw - Depression and Mental Health
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John Bradshaw - Depression and Mental Health
John Bradshaw - Depression and Mental Health
Welcome to Take Charge of Your Health, brought to you by It Is Written. There's a major health care concern that often simply doesn't get talked about. It's one that many people don't want to discuss because in so many cases they don't want anyone [...]
Jack Graham - Help! I'm Depressed
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Jack Graham - Help! I'm Depressed
Jack Graham - Help! I'm Depressed
I was diagnosed ten years ago with prostate cancer. I'd never been sick in my life to speak of, and now there's a cancer diagnosis and I actually was prepared for the ensuing surgery and the follow-up. I was spiritually prepared. I was ready to go; [...]
Greg Laurie - Dealing With Depression
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Greg Laurie - Dealing With Depression
Greg Laurie - Dealing With Depression
Now, Lord, as we come to your word, we come with an open heart and an open Bible to hear what you have to say. Bless this time we ask in Jesus' name. Amen. Well, you can all be seated. Thank you very much for that warm welcome. When someone says [...]
Joyce Meyer - Overcoming Depression
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Joyce Meyer - Overcoming Depression
Joyce Meyer - Overcoming Depression
Ginger Stache : Hi, everyone. Come on in here, we've been waiting for you. This is Joyce Meyer's Talk It Out podcast, where Joyce teaches the Word of God in her wonderful, practical, no-nonsense way and my friends and I talk about the real stuff of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Love Stops Depression and Grief
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Love Stops Depression and Grief
Kenneth Copeland - God's Love Stops Depression and Grief
— Hello, everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And you ought to be in this studio sometime between doing takes. This is a wonderfully anointed place and a lot of fun. It's just wonderful. And one of [...]
Sid Roth - Overcoming the Spirit of Depression
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Sid Roth - Overcoming the Spirit of Depression
Sid Roth - Overcoming the Spirit of Depression
How could this attractive bright artist and architect have become so depressed, she mutilated herself, and was suicidal. Next on this edition of "It’s Supernatural"! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with [...]
Robert Jeffress - Dealing With Despair
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Robert Jeffress - Dealing With Despair
Robert Jeffress - Dealing With Despair
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. The journey of life is an erratic and unpredictable walk, filled with highs and lows, peaks and valleys. And when we step into one of those deep valleys, sometimes we sink to a point [...]
Sid Roth - Supernatural Freedom from Depression and Mental Illness with Lynda Stein and Richard Davis
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Sid Roth - Supernatural Freedom from Depression and Mental Illness with Lynda
Sid Roth - Supernatural Freedom from Depression and Mental Illness with Lynda Stein and Richard Davis
Sid Roth: Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter. I'm here with a Jewish woman, Linda Stein. I mean, it's almost outrageous. She's got everything going for her, a college degree. She's young, she's pretty and she's depressed, suicidal. [...]
Derek Prince - This Is How I Overcame Depression
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Derek Prince - This Is How I Overcame Depression
Derek Prince - This Is How I Overcame Depression
This is a clip from: God's Word Your Inexhaustible Resource All right, we'll go on to some other effects of God's word quite briefly. The next one is victory over sin. And in Psalm 119:11 David says to the Lord: Your word I have hidden in my heart, [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Guilt to Repentance - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Guilt to Repentance - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Guilt to Repentance - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. A famous Christian psychiatrist once said, the reason most people feel guilty is because they are guilty. Well, most people don't see it that way. Do they? As long as you and I try to [...]
Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way
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Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way
Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way
Shalom. Shalom, church. I always look forward to this time when I can just share the Word with all of you, and every week I want you to know that I seek the Lord to have the now-Word. And it's called the rhema Word in the Bible. You know, there's a [...]
Sid Roth - People Are Healed When He Plays His Violin
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Sid Roth - People Are Healed When He Plays His Violin
Sid Roth - People Are Healed When He Plays His Violin
Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter with Maurice Sklar. He started out at age four playing the violin. It looks like a who's who. He was really a child prodigy. He was selected by musical America as one of the top young ten [...]
Sid Roth - Ryan LeStrange Shares How to Overcome Depression, Fear and Lust
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Sid Roth - Ryan LeStrange Shares How to Overcome Depression, Fear and Lust
Sid Roth - Ryan LeStrange Shares How to Overcome Depression, Fear and Lust
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. Many believers are under spiritual attack and here's the thing. They don't know it. How can you fight an enemy if you don't even know you have an enemy, if you [...]
Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
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Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
Welcome to "The Overcoming Life". I want to talk to you today about freedom, and I want to talk you specifically about overcoming discouragement and depression. And some of you may be a little bit discouraged. And I think all of us get [...]
Creflo Dollar - Recovering From Heartbreak
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Creflo Dollar - Recovering From Heartbreak
Creflo Dollar - Recovering From Heartbreak
If you have your Bibles this morning, go with me to the book of Psalms 147 and verse 3. The book of Psalms 147 and verse 3 and today we're really gonna get in the Word. We've been talking about brokenness, but I wanna spend a lotta time showing you [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - Jezebel's Children
Jentezen Franklin - Jezebel's Children
I want you to look with me today in Revelation 2, and I'm going to begin reading with Revelation 2:17. "He who has an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying", I don't have time to read that. Revelation 2:18. "And the angel of the [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Understanding And Overcoming Depression With Linda Mintle
Joyce Meyer - Understanding And Overcoming Depression With Linda Mintle
I know that many people suffer from depression. I'm not at all being insensitive. If it's something medical that you cannot help, then keep looking for the help that you need until you get it, but almost everything that I read on this subject says [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Victims Of Suicide
Joyce Meyer - Victims Of Suicide
I want to talk specifically about depression because that's a deeper issue than just being a little bit sad, or having a bad day, or an unhappy day. And let me just start off by saying that there's a lot of different reasons for depression. And if [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Do I Overcome Depression?
Joyce Meyer - How Do I Overcome Depression?
Ginger: Joyce, we have so many questions, always people are asking about getting over a broken heart and feeling depressed. And we know that there are a lot of rough circumstances in life, people who are desperately hurting, but we also know that [...]
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Creflo Dollar - Left Empty
Creflo Dollar - Left Empty
What do you do when the person who you hold dearest to your heart suddenly dies? Our guest today, Kristi, is reeling from the sudden death of her mother, her rock, her confidant, and her best friend. Since then, Kristi has been battling thoughts of [...]
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Creflo Dollar - How to Win Over Depression
Creflo Dollar - How to Win Over Depression
Let's begin this morning in 3 John verse 2. We've been talking about mastering your emotions. We've been talking about overcoming and having authority over your emotions, and how it is the will of God for you to experience emotional stability in [...]
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Creflo Dollar - I'm Not Ok
Creflo Dollar - I'm Not Ok
We've discuss over several of our recent programs the epidemic of depression and suicide amongst our teenagers. It feels like it's out of control. So many of our youth are suffering from loneliness, stress, and suicidal thoughts, and our guest today [...]
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Creflo Dollar - Destiny
Creflo Dollar - Destiny
Creflo Dollar: Our guest today has tried to commit suicide many, many times and again most recently. This thing keeps happening. Please help me welcome Destiny to "Your World" today. Look at you. You wore the right color. Destiny Ward: [...]
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