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Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 2
The assignment biblically is to remove the high places. It’s a much larger topic than we can process in this session. Judges 6 is Gideon, one of the judges, the people have done evil in the sight of the Lord again. You see, God will raise up a godly [...]
Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Generational Choices - Part 1
We’re working through a series on how to stormproof the foundations of our lives. Jesus told a parable about that. Jesus told us, forewarned us that storms come to everyone, nobody is exempt. But that in the midst of that, we can prepare ourselves [...]
James Meehan - Choose Who You'll Become in 2025
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James Meehan - Choose Who You'll Become in 2025
James Meehan - Choose Who You'll Become in 2025
I think one of the most important lessons that a young person like you can learn is that the choices you make today determine the person you become tomorrow. The choices you make right now determine the life that you will live in the future because [...]
Craig Groeschel - Small Choices That Keep You Stuck
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Craig Groeschel - Small Choices That Keep You Stuck
Craig Groeschel - Small Choices That Keep You Stuck
How many of you would say, that generally speaking, you want to do what’s right? Raise your hand. You can type in the comment section, I wanna do what’s right. You wanna obey God. I wish I could say I always wanna do what’s right, but a lot of times [...]
Kerry Shook - The Choice
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Kerry Shook - The Choice
Kerry Shook - The Choice
You know, life doesn't always go the way we want it to, and many things in our lives are out of our control. They're just beyond our control. There are many things in life we don't get to choose. You don't get to choose most of [...]
James Meehan - Why Small Choices Change Who You Become
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James Meehan - Why Small Choices Change Who You Become
James Meehan - Why Small Choices Change Who You Become
Well, how many of you know those people who are different in all of the right ways? Like, they are kind, they are patient, they are confident, they are selfless. Like, how many of you know those kinds of people? When I think about that person in my [...]
Derek Prince - Are We Predestined or Do We Choose to be Saved?
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Derek Prince - Are We Predestined or Do We Choose to be Saved?
Derek Prince - Are We Predestined or Do We Choose to be Saved?
Let's come now to predestination. And it's not surprising because this is probably one of the most difficult areas of Christian truth, fully to understand and rightly to divide. Let me say at the beginning that I don't believe in the [...]
Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 2
I would submit to you that God has placed before us an open door, an open door, and there's a decision to be made as I have said. What will we do? We're all at different life stages and different seasons, and we have different ambitions [...]
Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. We're working through a series looking at our nation and what God is doing in our midst. The reality is, America, we have a choice to make, what our future is going to be. I think we've mistakenly been [...]
Robert Barron - You Can't Be Neutral About Jesus
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Robert Barron - You Can't Be Neutral About Jesus
Robert Barron - You Can't Be Neutral About Jesus
Peace be with you. You know, friends, something that I find really puzzling: whenever people say, "Old Christianity, ordinary old-fashioned, everyday old Christianity". The one thing Christianity is not is runof-the-mill or ordinary. In [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
In Exodus chapter 3, God is recruiting Moses. You know, we all want to think if God recruited us, we'd go, "Well, yeah! Let's go! I'm in"! We wanna think that. Well, if I knew it was God. You know, I kind of had a thought. I [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
I wanna start a new study with you. This session we're gonna talk about "Let's Choose Truth". I know you know enough English on this one. "Let's" is just a contraction, two words: let us. It's an interesting [...]
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Rick Warren - Changing Always Starts With Choosing
Rick Warren - Changing Always Starts With Choosing
Hello everybody. Today We're going to continue in our series on Resetting My Life with Part 2. Now, this weekend I'm actually visiting a couple campuses, but I wanted to begin by saying, I love you all. I love you so much; in fact, let me [...]
Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 2
Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 2
If you're gonna be a Jesus disciple, one of the requirements is daily taking up your cross. Now, we know the cross to be jewelry. You hang it around the neck, you put it in an earring, you decorate clothing with it. In the Roman world, the [...]
Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 1
Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 1
Working through a little study under the title of, "Let's Please God". I got a little overwhelmed a few days ago with everything that was happening and it seemed like it was, it was too much and there were too many fronts and too many [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life, Choose BLESSING
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Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life, Choose BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life, Choose BLESSING
— Brother Jerry, welcome to this broadcast again today, man. You know, yesterday when we closed, I've known this, I've believed this for over 46 years, but yesterday's broadcast, it just got bigger. You were talking about when God was [...]
Robert Barron - The Hardest Choice You'll Ever Have to Make
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Robert Barron - The Hardest Choice You'll Ever Have to Make
Robert Barron - The Hardest Choice You'll Ever Have to Make
Peace be with you. Friends, for this second Sunday of Lent, the Church gives us the awful reading from the twenty-second chapter of Genesis about the binding of Isaac by his father Abraham. In Hebrew called the "akeda". It's at the [...]
Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
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Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
I want to talk to you today аbout: Feed Your Faith. You get to choose what grows in your life. What you're feeding is getting stronger. If you're feeding doubt, thinking about what you can't do, and how the obstacles are too big, and [...]
Chris Hodges - Choose to Follow God's Plan For Rest
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Chris Hodges - Choose to Follow God's Plan For Rest
Chris Hodges - Choose to Follow God's Plan For Rest
All right, who's glad to be in church today? Anybody out there? Yeah, awesome. So glad you're here today. Big hello to all of our locations, our campuses. We are one church that meets all over the state of Alabama and right into Columbus, [...]
Chris Hodges - Choose to Be Generous
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Chris Hodges - Choose to Be Generous
Chris Hodges - Choose to Be Generous
All right, who's glad to be in church today? Oh, me, too. Thanks for coming, everybody. I know it's a little stormy outside, but welcome to church. A big hello to all of our campuses today. We are one church that meets in 23 locations all [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life, Choose THE BLESSING
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Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life, Choose THE BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life, Choose THE BLESSING
— Hello, everybody and happy after Christmas, before New Year's. I know from the supernatural way the Lord's been leading us. He's setting up 2024 and we'll go into this aware of certain things that I no more intended came out [...]
Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 7
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Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 7
Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 7
Don't ever forget the privilege of being able to choose is deeply rooted in the Christian faith. This privilege of choosing is a hallmark of biblical Christianity. In fact, the Bible from cover to cover is a book of choice. From cover to cover [...]
Allen Jackson - Which Side Are You On? - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Which Side Are You On? - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Which Side Are You On? - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you again. We're continuing our study on "Spiritual Warfare," and we're gonna talk with a question today. We wanna begin with a question. Which side are you on? Folks, it's time to make a [...]
Allen Jackson - Which Side Are You On? - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Which Side Are You On? - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Which Side Are You On? - Part 1
We're working through a series under the theme of "Spiritual Warfare And The End Times". The Bible is a presentation of spiritual conflict from the opening chapters of Genesis to the conclusion in the book of Revelation. But there are [...]
Michael Youssef - Does God Predestine People to Hell?
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Michael Youssef - Does God Predestine People to Hell?
Michael Youssef - Does God Predestine People to Hell?
Does God Predestine People to Hell? Absolutely not. God does not predestine people to hell. As a matter of fact, when people say, "How can a loving God send people to hell"? I say God is not gonna send anybody to hell; they're gonna [...]
Derek Prince - Choose Life
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Derek Prince - Choose Life
Derek Prince - Choose Life
"I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done." (Psalm 118:17, NIV) It is so important that we have a positive attitude towards life – that we are not negative, that we are not pessimistic, that we are not death [...]
Steven Furtick - Your Emotions Aren't In Charge
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Steven Furtick - Your Emotions Aren't In Charge
Steven Furtick - Your Emotions Aren't In Charge
We have a choice to make today. Boom! Corrupted; created. Old self; new self. Deceitful desires; divinity within. What choice am I making today? The beauty of it is which one of me… You know when you find yourself struggling and going, "All [...]
Tony Evans - The Choices of Judgement
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Tony Evans - The Choices of Judgement
Tony Evans - The Choices of Judgement
When it comes to our standing before the Lord at the judgment seat of Christ, what will matter will be choices. And to help us out in this life and in the life to come, the apostle Paul writes about choices so that the young people here get to make [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Choices We Make
Charles Stanley - The Choices We Make
Can you recall a decision or a choice you made years ago, somewhere back yonder in your life, that you really and truly regret? I heard somebody say, "Yeah". Well, why do you think you made that choice? What motivated you? That is, what [...]
Joel Osteen - Refusing Negative Seeds
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Joel Osteen - Refusing Negative Seeds
Joel Osteen - Refusing Negative Seeds
I want to talk to you today about Refusing Negative Seeds. We all have voices that are trying to keep us from our destiny. Sometimes it's people telling us what we can't become, and how we're not going to accomplish the dream. It may [...]
Steven Furtick - God Chose You! Will You?
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Steven Furtick - God Chose You! Will You?
Steven Furtick - God Chose You! Will You?
Do the new you. Get a clear picture of what God has created you to be by spending time in his presence, communing with him, putting his Word in your heart, getting the imprint of his image clearly in your mind, worshiping him, seeing him for who he [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Which Team Are You On?
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Jentezen Franklin - Which Team Are You On?
Jentezen Franklin - Which Team Are You On?
If you have your Bibles, I'd like for you to open them with me. I'm going this morning to the Book of Exodus 32. I'll cut to the chase on it in verse 16 or verse 17, "When Joshua heard the noise of the peoples, they shouted, he [...]
Allen Jackson - God or Satan - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God or Satan - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God or Satan - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you again. Our topic is "The Power to Be Different," and we're gonna complete this study on the authority over our lives. I wanna plant a seed before you begin the lesson proper. Are you trying to be a [...]
Allen Jackson - God or Satan - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - God or Satan - Part 1
Allen Jackson - God or Satan - Part 1
The gospel is a declaration of power. It's not an invitation to become a theologian or a church person or to be more tame or polite. Those things may happen but they're not the heart of the gospel. The gospel is a declaration of power. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Ouch! This Might Hurt
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Rabbi Schneider - Ouch! This Might Hurt
Rabbi Schneider - Ouch! This Might Hurt
Here is a word that I pray penetrates beloved ones our hearts. I'm reading from the book of Romans Chapter 12, verse two, the words The Apostle Paul. He writes, and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your [...]
Joel Osteen - Choosing A Good Mood
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Joel Osteen - Choosing A Good Mood
Joel Osteen - Choosing A Good Mood
I want to talk to you today about Choosing a Good Mood. God created us as emotional beings. We can all feel things: we feel joy, excitement, passion. And we can feel sadness, sorrow, discouragement. Feelings come to us all, but here's the key: [...]
Derek Prince - Are You Following The Lamb Or The Beast?
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Derek Prince - Are You Following The Lamb Or The Beast?
Derek Prince - Are You Following The Lamb Or The Beast?
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 1 So, let's just continue for a moment in the time that's left in this session and look at three other titles that are given to the antichrist. You'll find two of them in 2 [...]
Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 2
Now, I want to take the balance of our time, we got a few minutes, and see if we can glean from this, some ideas around our own courageous faith. You know, I think I gave you a couple of definitions. Courage is the ability to do something that [...]
Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Choose The Truth - Part 1
The prayers of God's people precede so often the activity of God. In fact, I have a pretty good window into your future if I could understand how you pray. Or at least your spiritual future. Because the seeds of what's in front of you [...]
Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're gonna continue our study on the choices that are necessary to change a generation. You know, we have lived for too long with the imagination that you make a profession of faith in Jesus and [...]
Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Choices To Change A Generation - Part 1
I wanna start a new series with you under this theme of "A Determined Faith," because I spent some time thinking about that and that really was the best capsule of what is in my heart as I'm looking at our world and looking at the [...]
John Bradshaw - You Don't Have to Repeat Your Parents' Mistakes
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John Bradshaw - You Don't Have to Repeat Your Parents' Mistakes
John Bradshaw - You Don't Have to Repeat Your Parents' Mistakes
If you had less than stellar parents, the good news is that you don't have to repeat their mistakes. You might inherit their hair color or eye color, but while you might be naturally predisposed to acting like them, you don't have to be [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life and Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life and Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life and Healing
We need to settle the fact that we're healed. Turn to the 27th chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy, please. Hallelujah. Deuteronomy 27. Now this is a people that had been in Egypt and they knew who they were, but they had lost sight of how to [...]
Skip Heitzig - Choosing to 'Go Dark'
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Skip Heitzig - Choosing to 'Go Dark'
Skip Heitzig - Choosing to 'Go Dark'
Thank you, Father, that you've brought us together. Thank you for the opportunity to study your word. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know one another, to get involved in smaller groups, where we can build relationships and be [...]
Robert Jeffress - Making Tough Decisions
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Robert Jeffress - Making Tough Decisions
Robert Jeffress - Making Tough Decisions
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Whether you're trying to figure out whom to marry, what job to take, or where to live, major life choices are rarely easy. So how can we be absolutely certain we're [...]
Matt Hagee - The Choice Is Yours
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Matt Hagee - The Choice Is Yours
Matt Hagee - The Choice Is Yours
We have a choice to make. We cannot decide not to decide. The graphic shows an individual at the crossroads. One path leads to blessing and the other path leads to curses. What you have to understand is that when you come to the crossroad and you [...]
John Bradshaw - The Choice
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John Bradshaw - The Choice
John Bradshaw - The Choice
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. You might not be especially amazed by this tree. It's an evergreen, a pine tree, and aside from its beauty, it looks, well, unremarkable. But this plain pine tree is, in [...]
Allen Jackson - Tale of Two Cities - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Tale of Two Cities - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Tale of Two Cities - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you again. We're going to conclude our study today, "A Tale of Two Cities". It's a comparison between the city of Nineveh and the city of Jerusalem. Nineveh repented and God showed them mercy. [...]
Allen Jackson - Tale of Two Cities - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Tale of Two Cities - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Tale of Two Cities - Part 1
The title for this session is "A Tale of Two Cities". A Tale of Two Cities. God is moving in the Earth in unprecedented ways. Please don't imagine that Russian tanks are a greater force than the Spirit of God. I assure you, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Choice Is Yours
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Rabbi Schneider - The Choice Is Yours
Rabbi Schneider - The Choice Is Yours
Greetings in the name of Messiah Yeshua beloved one. I'm going to the book of Colossians today, chapter three, hear the word of God as I read the first and second verse, therefore, Paul states, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep [...]
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