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Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 2
In our head, there’s a leaving behind, there’s some separation that has to come. It’s a disciplined life. The kingdom of God, Jesus said, «It’s difficult to enter». You gotta live with that, a little bit, and expect it to be difficult. You not [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Declined - Part 1
We’ve been working through a study on breakthroughs, those points where God intervenes in our lives. Outcomes that can only be explained by God’s participation, when you arrive at a place in your life and there’s really no imagined outcome that’s [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 2
So we’re gonna look at some people that don’t get it right and maybe it’ll help us gain some momentum in saying yes. Acts chapter 13, the church is just trying to get their legs underneath them. The pressure in Jerusalem has grown to the point that [...]
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 1
We’ve been doing a series on breakthroughs. I’ve done several sessions prior to Christmas around these ideas of breakthroughs and how to open our lives more fully to these interventions of God, because I don’t understand them to be random. I believe [...]
Steven Furtick - The Breakthrough You Need
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Steven Furtick - The Breakthrough You Need
Steven Furtick - The Breakthrough You Need
This is an excerpt from: Don't Let The Funeral Fool You When you are hurting, your interpretations become distorted. When you are hurting, your interpretations cannot be trusted. When you are hurting, you will see the best thing as the worst [...]
Bill Johnson - Inheriting Breakthrough
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Bill Johnson - Inheriting Breakthrough
Bill Johnson - Inheriting Breakthrough
Grab your Bibles, if you would, and open to Psalms 16, the 16th Psalm. And I’m gonna do something a little bit different today in that I wanna take a Psalm and actually read through verse by verse and talk. I do have a specific theme that we’ll [...]
Jentezen Franklin - When God Puts You On Hold
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Jentezen Franklin - When God Puts You On Hold
Jentezen Franklin - When God Puts You On Hold
Acts 16, and I wanna read verse 25. «But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there came a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and [...]
Steven Furtick - Your Breakthrough Is Close
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Steven Furtick - Your Breakthrough Is Close
Steven Furtick - Your Breakthrough Is Close
This is an excerpt from: The God of Already What I really couldn't get over about this passage… I don't know if you noticed it. It said, "…they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards". Wait. So, let's do some math. [...]
Matt Hagee - The Parable of Breakthrough
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Matt Hagee - The Parable of Breakthrough
Matt Hagee - The Parable of Breakthrough
So, the purpose of the parables was not for Jesus to present God in a way that you would agree with him, but for Jesus to introduce you to the God of heaven that you needed to understand. And therefore, he is teaching the disciples a principle about [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - True Repentance Brings Breakthrough
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Peter Tan-Chi - True Repentance Brings Breakthrough
Peter Tan-Chi - True Repentance Brings Breakthrough
2018 has just begun, and the fact is: you will face challenges, and many of us will need a spiritual breakthrough. What do I mean by spiritual breakthrough? For example, how many of you struggle, don't raise your hands right now, how many of [...]
Gregory Dickow - Grace for Your Breakthrough
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Gregory Dickow - Grace for Your Breakthrough
Gregory Dickow - Grace for Your Breakthrough
Judges chapter one, verse one, remember, it says, "After the death of Joshua, the children of Israel said, 'Who shall go up first for us into the Canaanite land to fight against them?'" Now that Joshua is dead, what do we do [...]
Joseph Prince - This Is Blocking Your Breakthrough
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Joseph Prince - This Is Blocking Your Breakthrough
Joseph Prince - This Is Blocking Your Breakthrough
This is an excerpt from: Hear Your Way Out Of Every Weakness Let's go in Galatians right now, and that's a problem that every church will have to battle with, have to experience. If they're asking, "Why is there no revival? Why [...]
Joseph Prince - Hear Your Way Out Of Every Weakness
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Joseph Prince - Hear Your Way Out Of Every Weakness
Joseph Prince - Hear Your Way Out Of Every Weakness
Praise the Lord. The Word of God, how precious it is, amen. And how many of you have experienced kairos moments in your life? I'm surprised that my son is picking up. Every little good thing that happened, "It was a kairos moment. I had a [...]
Joseph Prince - Don't Give up! Your Breakthrough Is Coming
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Joseph Prince - Don't Give up! Your Breakthrough Is Coming
Joseph Prince - Don't Give up! Your Breakthrough Is Coming
This is an excerpt from: The Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place - Part 1 Now, let's go to the New Testament and see how kairos is used, okay? We saw already in Acts 13 in the sermon, on Pentecost when, Peter preached, and he says that [...]
Gregory Dickow - Breakthrough Living, The Miracles of Communion
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Gregory Dickow - Breakthrough Living: The Miracles of Communion
Gregory Dickow - Breakthrough Living: The Miracles of Communion
I want to start in First Corinthians, chapter 11:23, and I'm going to read this to you from the English Standard Version of the Bible, and then what I want to do is I want to share with you the Word of God. The Bible says, "Faith comes [...]
Steven Furtick - Unbelief Will Block Your Breakthrough
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Steven Furtick - Unbelief Will Block Your Breakthrough
Steven Furtick - Unbelief Will Block Your Breakthrough
This is an excerpt from: Embracing Limitation: Gates of Change. It is our unbelief that blocks our blessing, not others. Some of us block ourselves by blaming others. We stay locked in prisons of offense, and we miss blessings because we would [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Continuing to Overcome
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Rabbi Schneider - Continuing to Overcome
Rabbi Schneider - Continuing to Overcome
The power for breakthrough resides in each one of us. And the reason I say that, beloved one, to you is this. Jesus lives in you. And Jesus is the God of breakthrough. Think about it. He was put to death. His heart stopped beating. His blood stopped [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Made for Breakthrough
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Rabbi Schneider - Made for Breakthrough
Rabbi Schneider - Made for Breakthrough
If you think about it, as human beings, we were made for breakthrough. Think about us for a second. Even as infants, remember we came out of our mother's womb, and we learned how to stretch our bodies. In a sense, we were getting breakthroughs. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Called to Breakthrough
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Rabbi Schneider - Called to Breakthrough
Rabbi Schneider - Called to Breakthrough
I've got a special message for you that I'm calling Called to Breakthrough. Now the reason this is an important message, beloved one, is because the Holy Spirit actually spoke to me approximately two and a half years ago audibly when I was [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Greatest Breakthrough
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Rabbi Schneider - The Greatest Breakthrough
Rabbi Schneider - The Greatest Breakthrough
I have a special anointing on my life for breakthrough. I don't say that lightly. There is something that the Lord has placed upon me, which has propelled me to enter into places that others have not yet entered into. And I believe that the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - When Under Attack
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Rabbi Schneider - When Under Attack
Rabbi Schneider - When Under Attack
Beloved, I believe there's a supernatural unction, a supernatural mandate and anointing on my life for breakthrough. And I believe the unction for breakthrough that Father has placed upon my life could be imparted unto you. And I believe that [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Prepared for Battle
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Rabbi Schneider - Prepared for Battle
Rabbi Schneider - Prepared for Battle
Some time back, I was deep in the mountains of Colorado. And I went to sleep one night in this tiny little cabin at over 10,000 feet altitude. And this night, the Lord spoke to me by His Spirit. It was clear. It was audible. There was no mistake in [...]
Sid Roth - Breakthrough, The Untold Story
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Sid Roth - Breakthrough, The Untold Story
Sid Roth - Breakthrough, The Untold Story
Sid Roth : Jason. Your father is a pastor. And of course today you're a pastor. Jason Noble : Yes. Sid Roth : At age 8 you become a believer. And it was almost a normal type of thing. You go to Sunday school at 9 and what happens? Jason Noble [...]
Sid Roth - Need a Breakthrough Right Now? Watch This Video with Jenny Weaver
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Sid Roth - Need a Breakthrough Right Now? Watch This Video with Jenny Weaver
Sid Roth - Need a Breakthrough Right Now? Watch This Video with Jenny Weaver
Hello! Sid Roth here. Welcome, welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural! My guest had no self-worth I mean really! Let me explain why. She was a cutter, lesbian, witch, and drug addict. Many times life was too difficult. She [...]
Levi Lusko - A Dry Run On A Stormy Sea
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Levi Lusko - A Dry Run On A Stormy Sea
Levi Lusko - A Dry Run On A Stormy Sea
Well, welcome to week number 5 of our series. The Last Supper On The Moon. We welcome you at every location, church online, every church joining in. In this seven-part series, we're discussing this book, which is all really our attempt to [...]
Joyce Meyer - Why Is My Breakthrough Taking So Long?
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Joyce Meyer - Why Is My Breakthrough Taking So Long?
Joyce Meyer - Why Is My Breakthrough Taking So Long?
Well, welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I really hope and pray, that the word that I'm gonna share today, helps you. You know, God's got a great life for you, and he wants you to live it to the fullest. Sometimes, we just [...]
Joseph Prince - His Strength Flows In Our Weaknesses
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Joseph Prince - His Strength Flows In Our Weaknesses
Joseph Prince - His Strength Flows In Our Weaknesses
Greetings, church. Welcome back to the study of God’s Word. The most exciting study that you can ever be involved in. You know, I want all of you to become like people like revelation addicts, you know, you are looking for fresh revelations from [...]
Joseph Prince - How To See Accelerated Breakthroughs In 2022
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Joseph Prince - How To See Accelerated Breakthroughs In 2022
Joseph Prince - How To See Accelerated Breakthroughs In 2022
Welcome to the Year of Rest and Acceleration! I believe it is going to be a very special year for you. The things that you have asked God for that is scriptural, that is grace based, that you have not seen the manifestation thereof, or the harvest [...]
Sid Roth - Secrets for Supernatural Wealth with Craig Hill
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Sid Roth - Secrets for Supernatural Wealth with Craig Hill
Sid Roth - Secrets for Supernatural Wealth with Craig Hill
My guest says there are forces in the invisible world that cause people to obtain tremendous wealth or paralyzing poverty. Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter and I have a [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Walk In Breakthrough Power
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Rabbi Schneider - Walk In Breakthrough Power
Rabbi Schneider - Walk In Breakthrough Power
We began several weeks ago. I talked about the mystery of receiving, and talking about how it all begins by simply learning how to receive from Jesus. You see, my life radically changed over ten years ago. I'd already been walking with the [...]
Joyce Meyer - Keys to Breakthrough - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Keys to Breakthrough - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Keys to Breakthrough - Part 2
The first thing you must do if you ever intend to have any freedom over bondages is you have to take 100% responsibility for where your life is at right now. But do you know how hard that is because you know how long it took me to get there? I mean, [...]
Joyce Meyer - Keys to Breakthrough - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Keys to Breakthrough - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Keys to Breakthrough - Part 1
Is there anybody in this building today, or in the overflows, or watching by television that you need a breakthrough in your life? How many of you are asking God to give you a breakthrough? Well, I said last night was gonna be a happy night, you [...]