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Sid Roth - If Your Pastor Preaches This, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY
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Sid Roth - If Your Pastor Preaches This, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY
Sid Roth - If Your Pastor Preaches This, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest was raised in a traditional Jewish home. Both parents Jewish. But Scott Volk had no burden for Israel. As a young man, he was transformed by Israeli children's eyes. Eyes? Scott Volk : It [...]
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 2
I want to take two or three passages. How much time have I got? I got a bit. It’s a confusing topic, and I’m going to take just a minute. It’s a less formal service. I said one time to a group of people with whom I was traveling to Israel that the [...]
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 1
No, I’m grateful you’re here. I wanna extend the invitation from the video personally to read the gospels with us. I’m really inviting you to read the Bible, but I wanna ask you to begin the year, if you’ve never done the Bible reading with us [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Separating Fact from Fiction, Israel's War
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Jonathan Bernis - Separating Fact from Fiction, Israel's War
Jonathan Bernis - Separating Fact from Fiction, Israel's War
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. Thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. We know that many of you care about Israel and the Jewish people, but [...]
Allen Jackson - Interview with Yael Eckstein
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Allen Jackson - Interview with Yael Eckstein
Allen Jackson - Interview with Yael Eckstein
Allen Jackson : Welcome to Tennessee. Yael Eckstein : What a blessing. Shalom y'all. Allen Jackson : This is a learning season for us. So I hope you will help us a little bit. This is the high holidays in Israel, and for you to be in Tennessee [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God Has a Special Plan for Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - God Has a Special Plan for Israel
Rabbi Schneider - God Has a Special Plan for Israel
You know, many people are confused today and disturbed about what's going on with Israel, all the wars that are happening and that they've been through. And I want to read a portion of Scripture for you from the book of Ezekiel chapter [...]
Jonathan Bernis - The Israel-Hamas War: Fact v. Fiction
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Jonathan Bernis - The Israel-Hamas War: Fact v. Fiction
Jonathan Bernis - The Israel-Hamas War: Fact v. Fiction
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. Thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined, once again, by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. We know that many of you care about Israel and the Jewish people, but [...]
John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
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John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
In Romans 9, Paul presents eight distinctive features of Israel. First one: Romans 9:4, Paul says at the beginning of the verse, "My kinsmen, who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, and the covenants". Let's go to [...]
John Hagee - Israel, Abraham To Armageddon
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John Hagee - Israel, Abraham To Armageddon
John Hagee - Israel, Abraham To Armageddon
Turn with me to Genesis 12, as today we begin a new and exciting prophetic sermon series titled, "Israel: From Abraham to Armageddon". As we gather here today, the winds of war are blowing over the holy city Jerusalem, and the Middle East [...]
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
And then I brought you just a quick sampling. I think it's worth noting that, what Jesus told his friends about, they got to see. But I think it's extraordinarily naive and a very poor application of Biblical interpretation to suggest it [...]
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. We're walking through this series on learning to do difficult things in this session, we're gonna talk about the hatred of God's people. It's uncomfortable, it's unpleasant, but [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
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Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
Baruch Hashem, welcome today to the Seeds of Revelation. You know, all this doesn't happen without a team, okay. I mean, this is not something, it's just rabbi schneider doing all this stuff, I got an awesome anointed God-called team [...]
Derek Prince - A Prayer of Forgiveness For Our Wrong Attitude Towards Israel
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Derek Prince - A Prayer of Forgiveness For Our Wrong Attitude Towards Israel
Derek Prince - A Prayer of Forgiveness For Our Wrong Attitude Towards Israel
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Ruth and I worship in a church in Jerusalem which was established I think in 1840, the first Protestant Church in the Middle East. It is the product of the efforts and the giving and the praying of British [...]
Sid Roth - Last Days Prophecy Hidden in the Book of Esther
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Sid Roth - Last Days Prophecy Hidden in the Book of Esther
Sid Roth - Last Days Prophecy Hidden in the Book of Esther
Welcome, Holy Spirit. This is Your platform. I yield completely to Your promptings. We're about to celebrate Purim. This was a watershed moment when one woman, the least likely, stopped the devil's plan to destroy Judaism and, therefore, [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
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Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
Did you know that Jesus was Jewish? You might be asking, "What does that mean for your christian faith"? Watch today and discover how understanding the Jewish roots of your faith, and your connection to Israel and the Jewish people can [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Christian Anti-Semitism
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Jonathan Bernis - Christian Anti-Semitism
Jonathan Bernis - Christian Anti-Semitism
I think we all know that antisemitism has continued to raise its ugly head in our world, but were you aware that perhaps some of the most dangerous people behind this movement might be in your church? The fact is it's true, and most Christians [...]
Sid Roth - Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation Due to Antisemitism?
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Sid Roth - Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation Due to Antisemitism?
Sid Roth - Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation Due to Antisemitism?
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with Sandy Teplinsky. Sandy, you experienced at a young age, as a young Jewish girl, a lot of anti-semitism. Here in America, you think of a little, but you don't think of a lot. [...]
David Reagan - The New Anti-Semitism with Olivier Melnick
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David Reagan - The New Anti-Semitism with Olivier Melnick
David Reagan - The New Anti-Semitism with Olivier Melnick
Is Christianity guilty of anti-Semitism? What exactly is anti-Semitism? And why does anti-Semitism seem to be increasing rapidly across our nation and around the world? Stay tuned for some insights from a Messianic Jewish expert. David Reagan : [...]
Sid Roth - David McDonald Was Racist. But God Changed His Heart
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Sid Roth - David McDonald Was Racist. But God Changed His Heart
Sid Roth - David McDonald Was Racist. But God Changed His Heart
Sid Roth: This former black and Jew hater knows the future. Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth: Hello. I'm Sid Roth, your investigative reporter. I'm here with David McDonald. David, you were born in South Africa. [...]
Derek Prince - The Church Was The Main Source Of Anti-Semitism
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Derek Prince - The Church Was The Main Source Of Anti-Semitism
Derek Prince - The Church Was The Main Source Of Anti-Semitism
This excerpt is from: How Should We Prepare For His Appearing? Let’s look at the second of these two related requirements. And that is what God has planned for Israel. We’ll look in Romans 11 for a moment. Just two verses, verses 25–26. For I do [...]
Sid Roth - North American Curses Linked to Jewish People with David Demian
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Sid Roth - North American Curses Linked to Jewish People with David Demian
Sid Roth - North American Curses Linked to Jewish People with David Demian
My guest is an Egyptian who proves supernatural curses on North America are connected with the Jewish people. Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter. I'm here with David [...]
John Hagee - Israel and The Church
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John Hagee - Israel and The Church
John Hagee - Israel and The Church
We conclude our sermon series "The Battle for Jerusalem", recognizing that the cease fire between Israel and the terrorist army of Hamas appears to be holding, no one in their right mind believes this is the end of the conflict. In a few [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Final Battle is Coming
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Rabbi Schneider - The Final Battle is Coming
Rabbi Schneider - The Final Battle is Coming
We're journeying together through the Holy Land. I'm gonna be preaching today from Israel, from the place described in the Bible as Armageddon, where the last war of the world will take place. Beloved, there's some deep things that we [...]
John Hagee - The War Against the Jews
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John Hagee - The War Against the Jews
John Hagee - The War Against the Jews
Open the pages of God's word and consider God's love for Israel and Jerusalem. What does Jerusalem mean to God Almighty? Here it is in 2 Chronicles 7:16, "I (God) have chosen Jerusalem: that my name might be there forever, and my eyes [...]
Derek Prince - This Is What Happens If You Curse The Jewish People
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Derek Prince - This Is What Happens If You Curse The Jewish People
Derek Prince - This Is What Happens If You Curse The Jewish People
We’re going on from this list, Genesis chapter 12, we have God’s call to Abraham. We need to look at that because it has something significant in it. God calls Abraham out, promises various things, and in verse three (this is the end of the call) He [...]
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Rabbi Schneider - The Effect of Antisemitism
Rabbi Schneider - The Effect of Antisemitism
God bless you and Shalom, beloved ones. My name's Rabbi Schneider. Welcome today to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. We are continuing our journey in exploring how Judaism as a movement and Christianity separated from each other. I really want to [...]
John Hagee - Why Do Christians Support Israel?
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John Hagee - Why Do Christians Support Israel?
John Hagee - Why Do Christians Support Israel?
Why do Christians support Israel? Say that with me. "Why do Christians support Israel"? Now that we have received this massive amount of global media attention, people are asking a question. We're going to answer it today, because it [...]