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Paul Daugherty - Where Courage Comes From?
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Paul Daugherty - Where Courage Comes From
Paul Daugherty - Where Courage Comes From
Look at verse two of Acts chapter four. It says the leaders were very disturbed. They weren't just disturbed because they were preaching about the resurrection. They were disturbed because Peter and John were operating in their God given [...]
Paul Daugherty - Uniting the Divided State of the Church
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Paul Daugherty - Uniting the Divided State of the Church
Paul Daugherty - Uniting the Divided State of the Church
The Bible says that in the last days, the love of many will grow cold and that offenses will turn rampant. This is among believers. This is among God fearing people. That people will get divided, defensive, will get into strife, there will be [...]
Paul Daugherty - This Pain Has Purpose
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Paul Daugherty - This Pain Has Purpose
Paul Daugherty - This Pain Has Purpose
Jericho was the vision that Joshua had seen. Jericho was the vision that the spies had seen. It was their next step. It was the place that they had been praying for. It was the dream they had been waiting on. It was the vision that they had circled. [...]
Paul Daugherty - Revenge or Restore - Part 2
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Paul Daugherty - Revenge or Restore - Part 2
Paul Daugherty - Revenge or Restore - Part 2
Number four, trauma can have negative effects on our lives if we don't deal with it. I remember my dad telling this story that when gran-gran lost her husband, she was, she was in a lot of pain. And that was his dad. And she was all alone, all [...]
Paul Daugherty - Revenge or Restore - Part 1
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Paul Daugherty - Revenge or Restore - Part 1
Paul Daugherty - Revenge or Restore - Part 1
How many of y'all in this room have ever been hurt by someone? Anyone ever just been, your feelings were hurt by someone? All right, 100% participation right there. I didn't even have to beg for that. There's certain questions you ask [...]
Paul Daugherty - Real Change
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Paul Daugherty - Real Change
Paul Daugherty - Real Change
Peter and John at chapter three are walking. Peter and John are walking. This is a picture of the church right now, that Peter and John are heading to pray. How many are thankful to have brothers and sisters that will pray with you? Come on, this is [...]
Paul Daugherty - Medicine for the Weary Soul
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Paul Daugherty - Medicine for the Weary Soul
Paul Daugherty - Medicine for the Weary Soul
We’re starting a new series this month called Wonderful World. It’s a series about really seeing the world the way God wants us to see it, and really seeing our lives through his perspective. It’s a series that will stir up joy, thanksgiving, hope, [...]
Paul Daugherty - Jesus Is Calling You Out
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Paul Daugherty - Jesus Is Calling You Out
Paul Daugherty - Jesus Is Calling You Out
I wanna preach a message to you called, «Jesus Is Calling You Out». Jesus, turn to someone next to you and say, «Jesus is calling you out». Are you at Mark chapter 10? Mark chapter 10, verse 46. Turn to verse 46, it’s kind of far back in chapter 10. [...]
Paul Daugherty - Jesus' First Sermon
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Paul Daugherty - Jesus' First Sermon
Paul Daugherty - Jesus' First Sermon
We’re starting a new series called Red Talks, Red Talks, not Ted Talks, but Red Talks. And red is the color of the words of Jesus in your Bible. If you have a Bible that’s been translated New King James Version, NIV, NLT, King James Version, [...]
Paul Daugherty - It's Your Move - Part 2
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Paul Daugherty - It's Your Move - Part 2
Paul Daugherty - It's Your Move - Part 2
How many of y’all experienced just an encounter with Jesus this week in some way? Whether you got healed, you just felt a touch from God, you got direction, you felt you got a word from God this week? We had another guy, last week I was telling [...]
Paul Daugherty - It's Your Move - Part 1
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Paul Daugherty - It's Your Move - Part 1
Paul Daugherty - It's Your Move - Part 1
One of the guys that got baptized right here, come on up here. He, in the last 10 days, has experienced a life change. Jordan, just hop up on stage here and um…real quick. Ten days ago I met you at a church service here. You came down to the altar [...]
Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 2
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Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 2
Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 2
That's what happens, when I don't forgive you, it hurts me more than it hurts you. It hurts me, it robs me of life, it robs me of joy, it robs me of peace. So Joseph sees them, and look at Genesis 45:1. Finally, he can't handle it any [...]
Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 1
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Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 1
Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 1
But Stephen was witnessing, He was sharing the gospel and people got angry. At the end of Acts 6, he was thrown in a circle of group called the Sanhedrin. They were looking intently at Stephen. They were frustrated, they were bitter, they were mad [...]
Paul Daugherty - Here's to The Dreamers
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Paul Daugherty - Here's to The Dreamers
Paul Daugherty - Here's to The Dreamers
Turn to someone next to you say "Here's to the dreamers". Part one of the Joseph series. A dreamer is someone who sees something in their heart and moves towards it to make it a reality. Proverbs 29:18 says without a dream people [...]
Paul Daugherty - God Still Wants You - Part 2
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Paul Daugherty - God Still Wants You - Part 2
Paul Daugherty - God Still Wants You - Part 2
God's heart beats for people. It beats for you. It beats for your family, your parents, your grandparents, your children, your grandchildren. This is the gospel, the good news. So here, Peter is dealing with shame. And the blood of Jesus is [...]
Paul Daugherty - God Still Wants You - Part 1
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Paul Daugherty - God Still Wants You - Part 1
Paul Daugherty - God Still Wants You - Part 1
The message today is God still wants you. Turn to someone next to you and say, God still wants you. Even with all your stuff, and turn to the other person that you didn't say it to and say, and you too, he wants you too. And you too. How many [...]
Paul Daugherty - God Seekers
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Paul Daugherty - God Seekers
Paul Daugherty - God Seekers
Revelation 2, I wanna title this message, God Seekers, God Seekers. Any God seekers in the room today? Come on, our nation seeks a lot of things. We chase after a lot of things. We pursue a lot of things, and you could see it with where our nation [...]
Paul Daugherty - Get Your Vision Back
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Paul Daugherty - Get Your Vision Back
Paul Daugherty - Get Your Vision Back
So let's talk about getting our vision back. You know, Saul later on became Paul the Apostle and he wrote a book called Ephesians and he wrote in Ephesians 1 verse 18, a prayer. He said, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, [...]
Paul Daugherty - Get Your Power Back
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Paul Daugherty - Get Your Power Back
Paul Daugherty - Get Your Power Back
At the end of Acts 1, Jesus had told his disciples, stay in Jerusalem, stay in Jerusalem, stay in the place where you've experienced your biggest heartache, your biggest disappointment. Jerusalem represented a place where these disciples wanted [...]
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Paul Daugherty - Favor In Frustration - Part 2
Paul Daugherty - Favor In Frustration - Part 2
Anyone else want a chocolate milk? My man right there chocolate milk over here, Chocolate milk back there. Just call me Joseph, just call me Joseph. So Joseph was the top. Come on we have fun at Victory Church. Y'all are like, what is happening [...]
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Paul Daugherty - Favor In Frustration - Part 1
Paul Daugherty - Favor In Frustration - Part 1
We've been talking about this guy in the old Testament named Joseph, and he was favored by his father. He got a beautiful coat. He had a dream to lead his family. He had more than one dream, all about leadership and all about being an impact to [...]
Paul Daugherty - Don't Miss Your Moment
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Paul Daugherty - Don't Miss Your Moment
Paul Daugherty - Don't Miss Your Moment
A Luke chapter 2, verse 1. And I wanna title this message, "Don't Miss Your Moment". Don't Miss Your Moment. Turn to someone next to you and say, "Don't miss your moment". The story of Christmas is a story of time. [...]
Paul Daugherty - Death to Maybe
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Paul Daugherty - Death to Maybe
Paul Daugherty - Death to Maybe
Revelation 3, Jesus was speaking to his church, and he was speaking specifically to a couple different churches, and he had a word to say. There was one church, and they were, they were kind of riding the fence with their lives with God. You know, [...]
Paul Daugherty - Dear God
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Paul Daugherty - Dear God
Paul Daugherty - Dear God
David actually poured himself out to God and God loved it. In fact, God made sure that that book was in the Bible, right in the center, Psalms, prayers to God. Not every song in the book of Psalms was written by David, but over 80% of those 150 [...]
Paul Daugherty - Coming Out of Confusion - Part 2
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Paul Daugherty - Coming Out of Confusion - Part 2
Paul Daugherty - Coming Out of Confusion - Part 2
All right, number two, confront your emotions and feelings. Now, this one might get personal for some of us in the room, your feelings aren't always right. Just because you feel it doesn't mean it's the right thing. The world says, [...]
Paul Daugherty - Coming Out of Confusion - Part 1
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Paul Daugherty - Coming Out of Confusion - Part 1
Paul Daugherty - Coming Out of Confusion - Part 1
I wanna title this message "Coming Out of Confusion". Coming Out of Confusion. And this is a word, I've really felt like God gave me this word for someone this week, that it's time to come out of confusion. In 1 Samuel 30, David [...]
Paul Daugherty - Closer to His Presence
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Paul Daugherty - Closer to His Presence
Paul Daugherty - Closer to His Presence
In verse one of Exodus 33, the Lord said to Moses, "Leave this place, you and all the people with you who have come out of Egypt, and go up to the land that I promised". I wanna stop right there. What God was trying to tell Joshua here. [...]
Paul Daugherty - Citizens of Heaven
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Paul Daugherty - Citizens of Heaven
Paul Daugherty - Citizens of Heaven
If you got a Bible go to Philippians, chapter three you can make some noise this morning. Paul gives us this term citizens of heaven because he's talking to a group of people who are Roman citizens. And they take pride in being Roman citizens. [...]
Paul Daugherty - Acts Chapter One - Part 2
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Paul Daugherty - Acts Chapter One - Part 2
Paul Daugherty - Acts Chapter One - Part 2
Just because the world might put labels on you and say, "You're done, you're disqualified. You're too old, you're too young. You're not the right person. You didn't graduate from the right school. You don't [...]
Paul Daugherty - Acts Chapter One - Part 1
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Paul Daugherty - Acts Chapter One - Part 1
Paul Daugherty - Acts Chapter One - Part 1
If you got a Bible, go to Acts chapter one. Yes, we are starting a new series this weekend on the book of Acts. And I'm so pumped about it. This book has changed my life. It's the first book after the gospels, it's page 991 in case [...]