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Derek Prince - Why There's So Much International Opposition Against Israel
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Derek Prince - Why There's So Much International Opposition Against Israel
Derek Prince - Why There's So Much International Opposition Against Israel
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Now one final fact about this situation which is very, very critical is what is the real issue behind it all? I mean it is absurd, approximately half the resolutions of the United Nations have been made about [...]
Derek Prince - Britain Fell As a Result of a Wrong Attitude Against Israel
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Derek Prince - Britain Fell As a Result of a Wrong Attitude Against Israel
Derek Prince - Britain Fell As a Result of a Wrong Attitude Against Israel
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Now this has a solemn message for the nations. Not least for Britain, in fact in many ways first and foremost for Britain, because Britain played a special role in all of this. Turning to Joel chapter 3 verses 1 [...]
Derek Prince - Why Israel's Almost Weekly On The News
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Derek Prince - Why Israel's Almost Weekly On The News
Derek Prince - Why Israel's Almost Weekly On The News
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Now, all this has a very important application to you and me in Britain amongst other places. If you'll turn to Isaiah chapter 11 God says what the significance of the restoration of Israel is to be for [...]
Derek Prince - God Intervenes In Israel
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Derek Prince - God Intervenes In Israel
Derek Prince - God Intervenes In Israel
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Now, I want to turn to one of the most exciting chapters for me in the Bible and that's Ezekiel chapter 36. Here is a brief stage by stage description of the return of the Jewish people to their own land. [...]
Derek Prince - God's Plan For The Land Of Israel
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Derek Prince - God's Plan For The Land Of Israel
Derek Prince - God's Plan For The Land Of Israel
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Now I want to come to possibly the most controversial topic in contemporary politics which is God's plan for the land of Israel, mistakenly called Palestine. Let me point out to you that is totally contrary [...]
Derek Prince - Everything About The Jewish People Is Foretold In The Bible
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Derek Prince - Everything About The Jewish People Is Foretold In The Bible
Derek Prince - Everything About The Jewish People Is Foretold In The Bible
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Now I'm going to point out to you another unique fact about the Jewish people, absolutely unique. Their whole history was foretold in prophecy. That's not true of any other nation, but the whole [...]
Derek Prince - Being Confused About Israel Is Being Confused About The Bible
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Derek Prince - Being Confused About Israel Is Being Confused About The Bible
Derek Prince - Being Confused About Israel Is Being Confused About The Bible
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Now we are going to try something ambitious this evening. We are going to give you a scripture quotation, which is the whole of Psalm 124. Unless the LORD had been on our side, let Israel now say... unless the [...]
Derek Prince - Why Israel?
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Derek Prince - Why Israel?
Derek Prince - Why Israel?
Now we are going to try something ambitious this evening. We are going to give you a scripture quotation, which is the whole of Psalm 124. Unless the LORD had been on our side, let Israel now say... unless the LORD had been on our side when men rose [...]
Derek Prince - God's Word Exposes Us
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Derek Prince - God's Word Exposes Us
Derek Prince - God's Word Exposes Us
We're commencing this session at the beginning of Hebrews 4. This is in the middle of one of the warning passages that I pointed out to you, the longest of all of them. It began in Hebrews 3:7 and it continues through to chapter 4, verse 13. [...]
Derek Prince - The Believer's Rest
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Derek Prince - The Believer's Rest
Derek Prince - The Believer's Rest
If you look now in your outline, Page 3/2, you'll see that this is the first occurrence of the word rest. And between this verse and chapter 4, verse 13, this word occurs 12 times. Without any question, a major theme of this particular section [...]
Derek Prince - Hearing And Obeying God
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Derek Prince - Hearing And Obeying God
Derek Prince - Hearing And Obeying God
We have arrived at Page 3/1. We'll look very briefly at the outline before we go on. This first verse of chapter 3 focuses on Jesus in two aspects: apostle and high priest. As apostle He was sent forth to perform the task of redemption. Having [...]
Derek Prince - Born Again Into A Kingly Race
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Derek Prince - Born Again Into A Kingly Race
Derek Prince - Born Again Into A Kingly Race
All right. Going on to verses 22–28: "And you shall make on the breastpiece chains of twisted cordage work in pure gold. And you shall make on the breastpiece two rings of gold, and shall put the two rings on the two ends of the breastpiece. [...]
Derek Prince - Jesus As Our High Priest
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Derek Prince - Jesus As Our High Priest
Derek Prince - Jesus As Our High Priest
In our previous session we got to the end of Hebrews 2 and we could just quickly glance again at those closing words. That is, Hebrews 2:17–18 where we have the first mention in the text of high priest which is a key point in the unfolding [...]
Derek Prince - The Only Security We Have
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Derek Prince - The Only Security We Have
Derek Prince - The Only Security We Have
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 We come to the end but let me point out one aspect of Satan's deception. We go back to Revelation 16 and we just read verse 13. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs... Here in [...]
Derek Prince - Absolute Truths of Our Faith Are Under Attack
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Derek Prince - Absolute Truths of Our Faith Are Under Attack
Derek Prince - Absolute Truths of Our Faith Are Under Attack
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 Let's go on. I didn't ever get to where I was getting to! Matthew 24:23-24. My theme is this: For false... 'Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Messiah, or [...]
Derek Prince - How Do We React To The End Time Birth Pangs
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Derek Prince - How Do We React To The End Time Birth Pangs
Derek Prince - How Do We React To The End Time Birth Pangs
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 Let's turn back now to Revelation 12 for a moment and I want to point out another aspect of that verse. Revelation 12:9: So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the [...]
Derek Prince - Do You Realize What It Means To Be A Soldier of Christ?
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Derek Prince - Do You Realize What It Means To Be A Soldier of Christ?
Derek Prince - Do You Realize What It Means To Be A Soldier of Christ?
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 We're going back to Revelation 13, we'll look a little further on, verses 6-7. Then he [this is the antichrist] opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His [...]
Derek Prince - The False Christ Will Accept Satan's Deal
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Derek Prince - The False Christ Will Accept Satan's Deal
Derek Prince - The False Christ Will Accept Satan's Deal
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 Let's go on with the picture of the beast. Verse 3 of Revelation 13: I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world marveled [...]
Derek Prince - Russia, Great Britain And Europe In The End Times
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Derek Prince - Russia, Great Britain And Europe In The End Times
Derek Prince - Russia, Great Britain And Europe In The End Times
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 There is a theory which I'm not necessarily endorsing, let me go back a moment. I want to emphasize this is a theory only. It states that in the time of Noah, angelic beings cohabited [...]
Derek Prince - How Do We Calculate The Number 666?
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Derek Prince - How Do We Calculate The Number 666?
Derek Prince - How Do We Calculate The Number 666?
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 Now, let's talk for a little while on a very interesting theme which is the name of the antichrist. Let me not anticipate what I'm going to say, let me just say it. Jesus who was the [...]
Derek Prince - Are We Living In The Last Days?
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Derek Prince - Are We Living In The Last Days?
Derek Prince - Are We Living In The Last Days?
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 We have been looking at the picture, in the Scriptures, of antichrist. I think it's perhaps good to recapitulate briefly some of the material that we've been working through. We said [...]
Derek Prince - Are You Following The Lamb Or The Beast?
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Derek Prince - Are You Following The Lamb Or The Beast?
Derek Prince - Are You Following The Lamb Or The Beast?
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 1 So, let's just continue for a moment in the time that's left in this session and look at three other titles that are given to the antichrist. You'll find two of them in 2 [...]
Derek Prince - Spirit of The Antichrist, His Distinctive Marks
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Derek Prince - Spirit of The Antichrist, His Distinctive Marks
Derek Prince - Spirit of The Antichrist, His Distinctive Marks
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 1 Now, the next thing we need to do is determine what are the distinctive marks the spirit of antichrist. How will we identify it? I suggest to you that there are three that are stated there in [...]
Derek Prince - Three Different Forms Of Antichrists In The Bible
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Derek Prince - Three Different Forms Of Antichrists In The Bible
Derek Prince - Three Different Forms Of Antichrists In The Bible
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 1 Now, I'd like to turn to 1 John again and look at three different forms that the New Testament reveals antichrist. We'll look, first of all, in 1 John 2, beginning at verse 18. [...]
Derek Prince - The Thing That Will Release The Antichrist
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Derek Prince - The Thing That Will Release The Antichrist
Derek Prince - The Thing That Will Release The Antichrist
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 1 Then in the same chapter Paul goes on to speak about an upsurge of the occult which again is one of the most dramatic changes in society in the western world since World War II. And in verses [...]
Derek Prince - This Is The Problem False Christians Have
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Derek Prince - This Is The Problem False Christians Have
Derek Prince - This Is The Problem False Christians Have
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 1 And then in the world. We have a picture in 2 Timothy 3, the first 5 verses. 2 Timothy 3, beginning at verse 1: But know this In other words, be very certain of this fact. that in the last [...]
Derek Prince - There's Very Little Outward Difference Between True And False Believers
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Derek Prince - There's Very Little Outward Difference Between True And
Derek Prince - There's Very Little Outward Difference Between True And False Believers
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 1 I want, therefore, to take a few moments to point out some of the main feature of the period before the close of the age which particularly open the way for the manifestation of antichrists. [...]
Derek Prince - Antichrist, There's More Than One
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Derek Prince - Antichrist, There's More Than One
Derek Prince - Antichrist, There's More Than One
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 1 Our theme in this session and in the next one will be 'True and False Christ.' I think it's appropriate to begin by saying a word of explanation about the word Christ, which for [...]
Derek Prince - Why Jesus Can Identify With Us
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Derek Prince - Why Jesus Can Identify With Us
Derek Prince - Why Jesus Can Identify With Us
Turning back now to Hebrews 2:11. Hebrews 2:11: "For both He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified [those who are being sanctified] are all from one". Interestingly enough, there’s no verb are there. I’ve just noticed that for the [...]
Derek Prince - But We See Him
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Derek Prince - But We See Him
Derek Prince - But We See Him
In our previous study we covered the material in Hebrews 1. It’s not possible to give a detailed recapitulation but let me just remind you briefly that this chapter opens with this sevenfold presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ in His eternal, [...]
Derek Prince - Prayers We Should Not Pray
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Derek Prince - Prayers We Should Not Pray
Derek Prince - Prayers We Should Not Pray
They soon forgot his works; they waited not for his counsel but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul. - Psalm 106:13-15, KJV That's a description [...]
Derek Prince - God In The Rock
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Derek Prince - God In The Rock
Derek Prince - God In The Rock
He opened the rock, and water gushed out; like a river it flowed in the desert. - Psalms 105:41, NIV That's a picture of God's provision for His people, Israel. In the forty years of their wandering through the wilderness, a dry and [...]
Derek Prince - Overshadowed
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Derek Prince - Overshadowed
Derek Prince - Overshadowed
He spread out a cloud as a covering, and a fire to give light at night. - Psalm 105:39, NIV This describes how the Lord guided and protected His people, Israel, on their forty-year journey through the wilderness of Sinai. He spread out a cloud as a [...]
Derek Prince - The Miracle of Redemption
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Derek Prince - The Miracle of Redemption
Derek Prince - The Miracle of Redemption
Then He brought them out with silver and gold; and among His tribes there was not one who stumbled. - Psalm 105:37, NASB This is the psalmist's inspired description of the deliverance of Israel by the Lord out of Egypt and it focuses on two [...]
Derek Prince - Tested By God's Promise
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Derek Prince - Tested By God's Promise
Derek Prince - Tested By God's Promise
God sent a man before them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. They afflicted his feet with fetters; he himself was laid in irons, until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the LORD tested him. - Psalms 105:17-19, NASB The life of Joseph [...]
Derek Prince - Measureless Love
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Derek Prince - Measureless Love
Derek Prince - Measureless Love
For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. - Psalms 103:11-12, KJV The psalmist David, there, is trying to [...]
Derek Prince - Bless God for His Benefits
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Derek Prince - Bless God for His Benefits
Derek Prince - Bless God for His Benefits
Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who [...]
Derek Prince - Created To Praise
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Derek Prince - Created To Praise
Derek Prince - Created To Praise
When the Lord shall build up Zion; He shall appear in His glory. He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer. This will be written for the generation to come, and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord. [...]
Derek Prince - The Appointed Time
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Derek Prince - The Appointed Time
Derek Prince - The Appointed Time
My days are like the evening shadow; I wither away like grass. But you, O LORD, sit enthroned forever; your renown endures through all generations. You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time [...]
Derek Prince - The Superiority of Jesus' Name
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Derek Prince - The Superiority of Jesus' Name
Derek Prince - The Superiority of Jesus' Name
We’re going to continue now in Hebrews 1:4. As your outline points out, this is the first of the seven comparisons which are contained. This time it’s a comparison between Jesus and angels. The writer sets out to show how Jesus is absolutely unique [...]
Derek Prince - God Spoke To Us In His Son
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Derek Prince - God Spoke To Us In His Son
Derek Prince - God Spoke To Us In His Son
I’m going to very briefly review the material that we covered last time. First of all, there was a preliminary explanation of how we’re going to do this. The most important thing for you to get out of that is I will be reading from the Greek New [...]
Derek Prince - Structure and Major Themes of The Book
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Derek Prince - Structure and Major Themes of The Book
Derek Prince - Structure and Major Themes of The Book
A lot of Jewish people say there is no such thing as a Jew who’s a Christian. So, Jews who believe in Jesus, of whom, thank God, there are many, have taken other forms such as "Jewish believers" or "Hebrew Christians" just to [...]
Derek Prince - How To Read God's Word
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Derek Prince - How To Read God's Word
Derek Prince - How To Read God's Word
For the first part of this first session I’m going to be giving you some preliminary explanation as to the way I will be teaching and how you can benefit best from it. Some of you may feel this is just a kind of option, that it’s not of much [...]
Derek Prince - True and False Christ - Part 2
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Derek Prince - True and False Christ - Part 2
Derek Prince - True and False Christ - Part 2
We have been looking at the picture, in the Scriptures, of antichrist. I think it's perhaps good to recapitulate briefly some of the material that we've been working through. We said that the word anti has two meanings: against and in [...]
Derek Prince - Gates of Praise
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Derek Prince - Gates of Praise
Derek Prince - Gates of Praise
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. - Psalms 100:4-5, NIV How important it is [...]
Derek Prince - Awaiting The Climax
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Derek Prince - Awaiting The Climax
Derek Prince - Awaiting The Climax
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy; they will sing before the LORD, for he comes, he [...]
Derek Prince - A New Song
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Derek Prince - A New Song
Derek Prince - A New Song
Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. - Psalm 96:1-2, NIV God exhorts us there to express our praise to Him in various ways. In particular, He says [...]
Derek Prince - Access Through Worship
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Derek Prince - Access Through Worship
Derek Prince - Access Through Worship
Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is [...]
Derek Prince - When My Foot Slips
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Derek Prince - When My Foot Slips
Derek Prince - When My Foot Slips
When I said, My foot is slipping, your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. - Psalms 94:18-19, NIV One thing I’ve always loved about the picture of God that we find in the Bible is [...]
Derek Prince - Questions and Answers
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Derek Prince - Questions and Answers
Derek Prince - Questions and Answers
This final session is a question and answer session, in which I’m seeking, by the grace of God, to answer some of the questions that have been brought to us, mainly in connection with the teaching that has been given in these previous sessions. Ruth [...]
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