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Sid Roth - WARNING! Most Believers Miss This End-Time Revelation
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Sid Roth - WARNING! Most Believers Miss This End-Time Revelation
Sid Roth - WARNING! Most Believers Miss This End-Time Revelation
Sid Roth : The Holy Spirit is welcome here. Go and flow. My guests, Grant and Hali Berry are Messianic Jewish believers. Their story evolves from one who was an entrepreneur in the high fashion world of cosmetics, while the other came from a [...]
Sid Roth - This Revelation on the Four Winds Will BLOW You Away
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Sid Roth - This Revelation on the Four Winds Will BLOW You Away
Sid Roth - This Revelation on the Four Winds Will BLOW You Away
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Dr. Francis Myles, recently wrote a book about the wind of God. Few have ever been taught this wind revelation. Explain the Biblical understanding of wind. I've never heard of books being [...]
Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Pray THIS PRAYER
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Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Pray THIS PRAYER
Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Pray THIS PRAYER
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here, with Katie Souza. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural! Hard to believe as I talk to Katie that she was into drugs, had her own meth lab, high speed car chases with guns, she was a colg debts, [...]
Sid Roth - How I Ascend to Heaven and Get Prayers Answered
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Sid Roth - How I Ascend to Heaven and Get Prayers Answered
Sid Roth - How I Ascend to Heaven and Get Prayers Answered
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural! My guest, Katie Souza was a career criminal. It's hard to believe Katie, you were in movies, in television and modeling. And got into the fast crowd, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Effective Gentleness
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Rabbi Schneider - Effective Gentleness
Rabbi Schneider - Effective Gentleness
Now as we approach chapter four, beloved ones, Paul moves from the theological to the practical. And so we’re moving now into the practical. Now knowing what we know, how should we then live? And so let’s pick up now with this practical application, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God, The Perfection of Beauty
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Rabbi Schneider - God, The Perfection of Beauty
Rabbi Schneider - God, The Perfection of Beauty
Isn’t God beautiful? I love God’s beauty. David said, «One thing I’ve desired of thee and one thing do I ask to be in Your sanctuary and to behold Your beauty all the days of my life». One of the attributes I love most about God is His beauty. I [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Jew and Gentile Alike
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Rabbi Schneider - Jew and Gentile Alike
Rabbi Schneider - Jew and Gentile Alike
I’m picking up now in the 17th verse of chapter 2. Hear the word of God. «He came,» speaking of Yeshua, «and preached peace to you who were far off and away, to those who are near». Let me read that again. «He came and preached peace to you who were [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Father is the Origin of Everything
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Rabbi Schneider - The Father is the Origin of Everything
Rabbi Schneider - The Father is the Origin of Everything
Sometimes we're made aware of a truth and we wonder how in the world we missed it. Sometimes the most simple truths we can overlook. I'm going to read now from the book of second Corinthians chapter one, verse number three. I'm just [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Gulu, Healed from the Inside
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Rabbi Schneider - Gulu, Healed from the Inside
Rabbi Schneider - Gulu, Healed from the Inside
Now, Jesus said that by His stripes we are healed. And what God told us through His work is that when Jesus hung on the cross, He took our sin and our sickness into His own body. That by His stripes we are healed. Rabbi Schneider : Praise God. [...]
Greg Laurie - Hope For Lahaina
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Greg Laurie - Hope For Lahaina
Greg Laurie - Hope For Lahaina
So I want to talk to you a little bit tonight about hope for Lahaina, but more specifically hope for you. So maybe for some of you, it was a day like any other day. You got out of bed, you had breakfast, and then «it» happened, that unexpected [...]
James Merritt - Don't Kid Yourself
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James Merritt - Don't Kid Yourself
James Merritt - Don't Kid Yourself
I wanna begin by asking you a question. How many of you have ever heard of what’s called the placebo effect? How many of you have heard of that? How many of you don’t have a clue what that is? All right. Let me explain it to you. The placebo effect [...]
Jack Graham - God's Amazing People
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Jack Graham - God's Amazing People
Jack Graham - God's Amazing People
In our DISTINCTIVES FOR DISCIPLES series we should say that we know what we believe and why we believe it. We learned this and we live this through the ministry and the mission of God’s Church. And if you are a disciple, a follower of Jesus, you [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Remove Mountains
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Adrian Rogers - How to Remove Mountains
Adrian Rogers - How to Remove Mountains
Would open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 17? When I was a young Christian in the church that I attended, we used to sing a chorus, maybe you remember it, «Have you any rivers that seem to be uncrossable? Have you any mountains you cannot tunnel [...]
Joyce Meyer - Why Mentorship Matters - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Why Mentorship Matters - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Why Mentorship Matters - Part 2
Ginger Stache : Hey everyone, welcome to, «Enjoying Everyday Life». Today, sit down and talk with Joyce and Grammy winner, Cece Winans. We’re continuing our conversation about the incredible value of mentorship. It’s a discussion that will enrich [...]
Joyce Meyer - Why Mentorship Matters - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Why Mentorship Matters - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Why Mentorship Matters - Part 1
Ginger Stache : Welcome to, «Enjoying Everyday Life». We have so much to learn from one another, and you have a lot to teach others. So today, we’re talking about enriching your life through mentorship. It’s an important concept. You’ve probably [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed: You Have Victory Over Death
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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed: You Have Victory Over Death
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed: You Have Victory Over Death
Hello everybody, I’m Kenneth Copeland, and right there on your screen does it say Victory Channel? Back in the radio days, because of what I heard… languages and so forth, how can we get total immersion? And then total immersion in the Victory [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Fear and Destruction
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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Fear and Destruction
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Fear and Destruction
Thank You, Lord Jesus. We just praise You and thank You, Father. Holy Spirit, we humble ourselves before You again today. And thank You that You’ve taken me in directions that I didn’t plan to do. And I praise You for that, because You always do [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed to Enjoy a Long Life
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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed to Enjoy a Long Life
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed to Enjoy a Long Life
Father, thank You. We rejoice that we, through Jesus, You’re our very own Father. And in my case, I’m Your very own, Your son, because Jesus is my blood brother. And I pray it and thank You for it in the name of Jesus. Amen. All right. Let’s go to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Sickness and Disease
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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Sickness and Disease
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Sickness and Disease
Now, let’s go back to my routine, and I told you, I’m saying to Gloria, «Good night, my love. I love the Lord, my God, with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, and all my strength. And I love my neighbor as myself, fulfilling all the law and the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - What Are You Redeemed From?
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Kenneth Copeland - What Are You Redeemed From?
Kenneth Copeland - What Are You Redeemed From?
Hello everybody, I’m Kenneth Copeland and this is the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast. Every believer has a voice and it is the voice of victory. Praise God, you believe that? Father, we thank You this morning. We thank You Lord Jesus and we [...]
Joseph Prince - Jesus Brings Life to Dead Places
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Joseph Prince - Jesus Brings Life to Dead Places
Joseph Prince - Jesus Brings Life to Dead Places
Remember this, let’s not be discouraged. You sit in a church, a good church. We just finished two weeks of preaching from Melchizedek and Abraham and how these two things were distinguishably seen very clearly, you know, right, elucidated even in [...]
Joseph Prince - Take Communion With Revelation, Not Routine
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Joseph Prince - Take Communion With Revelation, Not Routine
Joseph Prince - Take Communion With Revelation, Not Routine
Greetings, church. Love every one of you, amen. Are you ready for the Word? Now let’s go to the story of the meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek because God wants to emphasize something for us today. Are you ready? Abraham heard that his brother was [...]
Joseph Prince - The Secret to Receiving Through the Holy Communion
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Joseph Prince - The Secret to Receiving Through the Holy Communion
Joseph Prince - The Secret to Receiving Through the Holy Communion
Let’s dive right into the Word, I’ve got lots to share with you and I believe it’s going to bless you. It’s one of those messages that I feel that the Lord has for us that he wants us to listen to again and again, especially when you’re going [...]
Joseph Prince - How to Walk in Divine Health
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Joseph Prince - How to Walk in Divine Health
Joseph Prince - How to Walk in Divine Health
So we are continuing our series on the grain, the wine, and the oil. And this is what I want to show you. Look at Matthew chapter 26 first. In Matthew 26, it says here, «Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, 'Drink [...]
Joseph Prince - Right Now, Jesus Is Ready to Help You
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Joseph Prince - Right Now, Jesus Is Ready to Help You
Joseph Prince - Right Now, Jesus Is Ready to Help You
All the promises of God in Jesus is yes and amen unto us, and watch out that you don’t see any blessings and then you push it to the future. The only thing I see that is pushed to the future is our glorified body that we receive in the rapture, but [...]
Joseph Prince - Make Jesus Your Priority and Prosper
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Joseph Prince - Make Jesus Your Priority and Prosper
Joseph Prince - Make Jesus Your Priority and Prosper
Today, I want to share something that I think in that light, you will see light. Let’s go straight to Exodus 25 verse 31. «Let them make Me a sanctuary,» God says, «that I may dwell among them,» mikdash in the Hebrew. «According to all that I show [...]
Joseph Prince - How God's Favor Sets You Apart
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Joseph Prince - How God's Favor Sets You Apart
Joseph Prince - How God's Favor Sets You Apart
It seems like God is very concerned over you prospering in every area of your life. And I even shudder to use the word «prosper» because it is so shunned, even today, by the church world. In some places, they advocate it strongly. They are still [...]
Steven Furtick - God, How Am I Supposed to Do This?
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Steven Furtick - God, How Am I Supposed to Do This?
Steven Furtick - God, How Am I Supposed to Do This?
This is an excerpt from: Source Material There may be a place in your life today where you’re saying to yourself…not out loud, but you’re saying to yourself…"How am I supposed to do that when all I have is this»? «How am I supposed to do that? [...]
Steven Furtick - How to Restore Your Spiritual Sight
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Steven Furtick - How to Restore Your Spiritual Sight
Steven Furtick - How to Restore Your Spiritual Sight
This is an excerpt from: New Number Same Name I started realizing a lot of us don’t have a supply problem; we have a sight problem. It’s not that God hasn’t spoken; we just can’t see. Realizing that one of the most frequent miracles Jesus performed [...]
Steven Furtick - You Can't Change What Happened, But...
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Steven Furtick - You Can't Change What Happened, But...
Steven Furtick - You Can't Change What Happened, But...
This is an excerpt from: Bent Knees Break Chains The more we separate the event from the decision, the more room it gives God to move in our situation. I'll go a little deeper. Here's one. I thought of a bunch of them, but I won't [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Through the Lens of Prophecy
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Rabbi Schneider - Through the Lens of Prophecy
Rabbi Schneider - Through the Lens of Prophecy
We have to understand, beloved, that when God said to Israel that He chose them out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, that the covenant that He made with them is irrevocable. Despite Israel’s unbelief, God said to Israel, The gift and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He Has Compassion for You
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Rabbi Schneider - He Has Compassion for You
Rabbi Schneider - He Has Compassion for You
I’m going to share a verse with you, beloved children of God, that should melt our hearts. Hear the word of God. Psalm 103 verses 13 and 14, does this touch you? If it does, make sure you comment in this YouTube because this is just so beautiful. I [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Heart of My Mission
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Rabbi Schneider - The Heart of My Mission
Rabbi Schneider - The Heart of My Mission
Over 20 years ago, not long after the Lord called me to start Discovering The Jewish Jesus, I was ministering in a church and I was there for three days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And after my time of ministry there, the pastor had a fellowship meal [...]
Matt Hagee - His Victorious Church
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Matt Hagee - His Victorious Church
Matt Hagee - His Victorious Church
Ephesians 3:20–21 are two verses that cannot be taught separate from one another. When you read Ephesians 3:20, everybody gets excited because the first thing that it says is, «Now to him who is able». And without a doubt, we can talk for days, and [...]
Matt Hagee - You Better Believe It
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Matt Hagee - You Better Believe It
Matt Hagee - You Better Believe It
John 5 tells us very quickly and clearly, the power of belief and the danger of unbelief. You have to understand that there are consequences to both. And truly, in this world, it really doesn’t matter what the topic is, there’s only two types of [...]
Matt Hagee - Are You Out of Your Mind?
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Matt Hagee - Are You Out of Your Mind?
Matt Hagee - Are You Out of Your Mind?
You need to know that you were created to overcome. You were not born to lose. God did not breathe the breath of life in you so that you could be overwhelmed and walked upon in this world. He gave you the life that you have so that you could live [...]
Tony Evans - The Intercessor
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Tony Evans - The Intercessor
Tony Evans - The Intercessor
I want to challenge you to ask a question, to make a request: «Lord, whatever you do, make me more like Jesus». So God allows circumstances external to conform us in order that he might transform us internally. So if he’s pressing you, stretching [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - But It Happened On The Sabbath
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Samuel Rodriguez - But It Happened On The Sabbath
Samuel Rodriguez - But It Happened On The Sabbath
John 5, «Afterward, Jesus returned to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish holy days. Inside the city near the sheep gate, was the pool of Bethesda with five covered porches. Crowds of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, lay on the porches waiting for a [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Jewish Man Sparks Revival
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Jonathan Bernis - Jewish Man Sparks Revival
Jonathan Bernis - Jewish Man Sparks Revival
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom, and welcome to Jewish Voice, thank you for joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined with a dear friend, my co-host today, and Messianic Jewish leader, Scott Volk. Well, in February of 2023, we saw [...]
Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Move
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Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Move
Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Move
Hello, I’m Jentezen Franklin and I’m so thankful that you’re joining us today on Kingdom Connection. I really appreciate you watching because I believe today, I’m gonna get the chance to build your faith to a whole new level. I wanna build your [...]
Rick Warren - Who's Pushing Your Buttons - Part 2
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Rick Warren - Who's Pushing Your Buttons - Part 2
Rick Warren - Who's Pushing Your Buttons - Part 2
How do you deal with the crazy makers who push your buttons? How do you deal with your own anger and not get angry back? And how do you deal with their anger at you when they won’t come out and admit that they’re angry? What do you do in disarming [...]
Rick Warren - Who's Pushing Your Buttons - Part 1
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Rick Warren - Who's Pushing Your Buttons - Part 1
Rick Warren - Who's Pushing Your Buttons - Part 1
You know, one of the amazing things about the crazymakers in your life is how quickly they can flip you from being happy to angry. Have you noticed this? I mean, you could be going through a typical day and you actually are having a pretty good day. [...]
Rick Warren - Resolving Conflict - Part 2
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Rick Warren - Resolving Conflict - Part 2
Rick Warren - Resolving Conflict - Part 2
The only way to resolve a conflict is to face it. I’m sorry, but the only way to resolve it is to face it. We don’t like that, and in order to face it, number 2 is confess my part of the conflict, that’s the biblical thing to do. Now, they may be [...]
Rick Warren - Resolving Conflict - Part 1
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Rick Warren - Resolving Conflict - Part 1
Rick Warren - Resolving Conflict - Part 1
This weekend, I want to talk about one of the most important skills you never learned. It is the skill of resolving conflict. You know, as your pastor for over 30 years, as I look back over all of the people, individuals, and couples that I’ve [...]
Greg Laurie - The Future Is Written
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Greg Laurie - The Future Is Written
Greg Laurie - The Future Is Written
Okay, let's grab our Bibles and turn to James chapter 5, we're starting a brand new series on the End Times, and the title of the message is "The Future Is Written," "The Future is Written". So I travel quite a bit. And [...]
Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 2
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Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 2
Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 2
God takes your sin. He throws 'em into the sea of forgetfulness, and he posts a sign that says, "No fishing allowed". Your sins can be forgiven and your sins can be forgotten tonight, no matter what they are. If you'll put your [...]
Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 1
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Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 1
Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 1
Waves. Disturbances in the ocean that transmit energy from one place to another. Mostly generated by wind, waves move across open ocean maintaining a constant speed, unaffected by death until they reach shallow water. Ranging from melodic, peaceful [...]
Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 2
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Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 2
Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 2
Gary Sinise: My life is not full in spite of the disappointments, it's full because of them. Jeremy Camp : You know what's amazing about the Lord is that he's so longsuffering because it wasn't like he was saying, "Okay, [...]
Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 1
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Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 1
Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 1
Our life is like a movie. It has a beginning middle, and end, full of surprises, the twists and turns, the storm clouds of darkness, but beauty and light still exists. We all have questions about this movie that we're in. Is this movie a [...]
Creflo Dollar - Understanding the Foundation of Righteousness - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding the Foundation of Righteousness - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Understanding the Foundation of Righteousness - Part 2
How many of you know Christ is not Jesus’s last name? Somebody say, «What’s Jesus’s last name»? «Christ, I believe». No, Christ is the anointed one. He said, «Thou art the anointed one, the Son of the living God». All right, now watch this. «But my [...]
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