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Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Blood Fulfilled Yom Kippur
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Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Blood Fulfilled Yom Kippur
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Blood Fulfilled Yom Kippur
God bless you and shalom, my beloved friend. Some of you may have Jewish friends and you're a bit timid about sharing your faith in Jesus with them because deep down inside you're thinking: "The Jewish people are God's chosen people. Who am [...]
Michael Youssef - Sufficient in All Circumstances
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Michael Youssef - Sufficient in All Circumstances
Michael Youssef - Sufficient in All Circumstances
The year was 1900. The city was Galveston, Texas. And that year, that storm that devastated Galveston nearly destroyed the whole city. Soon afterward, the city fathers sought the help of a very prominent and brilliant design engineer. They asked him [...]
Michael Youssef - Confess and Be Free
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Michael Youssef - Confess and Be Free
Michael Youssef - Confess and Be Free
Perhaps more than any time in my lifetime, I'm hearing more and more the statement, "victim's mentality". So many individuals and so many groups are claimed to be victimized. The problem with trivializing victimhood, is that real victims, [...]
Michael Youssef - The God Who Sees
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Michael Youssef - The God Who Sees
Michael Youssef - The God Who Sees
There was a Roman emperor by the name of Arcadius, probably less known than most emperors. He was a weak man and he was totally controlled by his wicked wife. It's almost like the Jezebel-Ahab situation. They were in the late 300s. His wife hated a [...]
Michael Youssef - The Self Worth We Need
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Michael Youssef - The Self Worth We Need
Michael Youssef - The Self Worth We Need
Back in the days of the Communist rule in East Germany, some of us have lived that history. The younger generation probably read about it in history book, but we lived it. During the terrible years when the Communists were in control of East Germany [...]
Michael Youssef - When God Says "NO"
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Michael Youssef - When God Says "NO"
Michael Youssef - When God Says "NO"
Everything in us, everything that we have learned, everything that the world tells us, everything we've been taught, is not to be poor in spirit. Feeling helpless or hopeless or unworthy, feeling totally empty is not what is going to make you a [...]
Michael Youssef - Never Out of God's Sight
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Michael Youssef - Never Out of God's Sight
Michael Youssef - Never Out of God's Sight
There are times in all of our lives when sin and pride and self-sufficiency brings us brokenness. There are times in all of our lives when our stubbornness and the stiff-neckedness bring about brokenness in our life. And when that brokenness comes [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouragement from Discouragement
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Michael Youssef - Encouragement from Discouragement
Michael Youssef - Encouragement from Discouragement
A man was convinced that he has an inferiority complex problem, and he went to see a psychiatrist. And he told the psychiatrist, "I suffer from an inferiority complex". So the psychiatrist examined him very thoroughly, very thoughtfully, [...]
Michael Youssef - Trusting God
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Michael Youssef - Trusting God
Michael Youssef - Trusting God
Today, I don't think you need to be a prophet to recognize that we live in hazardous times. We are watching with our own eyes how good is called evil and evil is called good, how the righteous is scorned and the wicked is praised. We're seeing how [...]
Michael Youssef - Lessons from a Cave
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Michael Youssef - Lessons from a Cave
Michael Youssef - Lessons from a Cave
Today, I'm gonna show you proof, evidence of David's emerging from the cave of Adullam turned into a prayer closet. He emerges, giving us evidence, giving us proof that in that prayer closet, in that cave of Adullam, David began to develop a new [...]
Michael Youssef - Peace Beyond Reason
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Michael Youssef - Peace Beyond Reason
Michael Youssef - Peace Beyond Reason
We're going to see today how David turned his cave into a prayer closet. But the truth is, I lived long enough, I talked to enough people, whether we're in the church or outside of the church, to learn that there are some people who actually thinks [...]
Michael Youssef - Where the Arrows Land
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Michael Youssef - Where the Arrows Land
Michael Youssef - Where the Arrows Land
Sir Francis Drake was a great world explorer. He sailed around the world several times. And right after his fifth voyage around the world, he got caught, or his ship got caught, in a severe storm at the River Thames when he was almost home. His [...]
Michael Youssef - Closer Than a Brother
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Michael Youssef - Closer Than a Brother
Michael Youssef - Closer Than a Brother
Everything I read of late indicates that we live in a time when genuine friendship, becoming rare. The level of loneliness has been so on the increase, and social media that's supposed to help us is making it worse. True, lasting loyalty and [...]
Michael Youssef - Soldiers for the Living God
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Michael Youssef - Soldiers for the Living God
Michael Youssef - Soldiers for the Living God
I want to tell you something very important. Listen to me very carefully, there is no such thing as a fearless person. The only difference that you find is between those who take counsel of their fears and those who refuse to do so, the only [...]
Michael Youssef - A Matter of the Heart
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Michael Youssef - A Matter of the Heart
Michael Youssef - A Matter of the Heart
Wendell Willkie was a friend of President Roosevelt, that is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. And he came to him one day in the Oval Office, and he said, "Mr. President, can I ask you a question"? He said, "Sure". He said, "Why do [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Soul Winner's Six Mighty Motivations
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Adrian Rogers - The Soul Winner's Six Mighty Motivations
Adrian Rogers - The Soul Winner's Six Mighty Motivations
Take your Bibles, please, and turn to Second Corinthians chapter 5. And when you've found it, let me tell you something. Your achievement in life will be primarily motivated by your motivations, impelled by your motivations. Now what motivates you, [...]
Jack Graham - The Blessing of a Christian
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Jack Graham - The Blessing of a Christian
Jack Graham - The Blessing of a Christian
I would invite you to take God's Word and turn to Psalm number 128. The title of this message is "The Blessing of a Christian Family". The blessing and the benefits of a Christian family. Life is all about relationships. And someone added, [...]
Joel Osteen - Dealing With Ugly Situations
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Joel Osteen - Dealing With Ugly Situations
Joel Osteen - Dealing With Ugly Situations
I want to talk to you today about Dealing With Ugly Situations. In life we all face the good, the bad and the ugly. We love the good times where we're seeing God's favor, and doors are opening. We can handle the bad, we didn't get the contract, a [...]
Robert Barron - Fruits of the Spirit, Works of the Flesh
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Robert Barron - Fruits of the Spirit, Works of the Flesh
Robert Barron - Fruits of the Spirit, Works of the Flesh
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the Feast of Pentecost along with Christmas and Easter and the greatest feast in the church year. The great celebration of the Holy Spirit. We remember that great day when the Father and the Son sent the Holy [...]
Robert Barron - Get to Work
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Robert Barron - Get to Work
Robert Barron - Get to Work
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the wonderful feast today of the Ascension of the Lord, a very important feast and one that has all sorts of interesting theological and spiritual implications. I want to draw your attention first, it's our [...]
Robert Barron - Hints of the Holy Spirit
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Robert Barron - Hints of the Holy Spirit
Robert Barron - Hints of the Holy Spirit
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the Sixth Sunday of Easter. We're getting very close to Pentecost. So what the Church does, it gives us readings that are kind of hinting at the Holy Spirit, giving us a kind of foretaste of this great feast of [...]
Robert Barron - It's Time for Some Pruning
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Robert Barron - It's Time for Some Pruning
Robert Barron - It's Time for Some Pruning
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the fifth Sunday of Easter and, boy, the Gospel is so powerful from the Gospel of John because it speaks this truth, and I've talked about it a lot before, but it's what's distinctive really to Christianity. [...]
Robert Barron - Three Qualities of a Good Shepherd
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Robert Barron - Three Qualities of a Good Shepherd
Robert Barron - Three Qualities of a Good Shepherd
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the fourth Sunday of Easter, known as Good Shepherd Sunday because Jesus says in the gospel, listen, "I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep". Now, here's what I find [...]
Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
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Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
Peace be with you. Friends, last week we looked at the twentieth chapter of Saint John's Gospel, one of the great Resurrection appearances. And this week, on the Third Sunday of Easter, we have a passage from that magnificent twenty-fourth chapter [...]
Robert Barron - Do You Struggle to Believe?
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Robert Barron - Do You Struggle to Believe?
Robert Barron - Do You Struggle to Believe?
Peace be with you. Friends, on the second Sunday of Easter, we have this marvelous inexhaustible reading from the 20th chapter of John. It's one of the accounts of the resurrection appearances of Jesus, and I've been preaching on this matter for 38 [...]
Joseph Prince - Blessed With Father Abraham's Blessings
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Joseph Prince - Blessed With Father Abraham's Blessings
Joseph Prince - Blessed With Father Abraham's Blessings
Greetings, church. We are in for an exciting time in God's Word. You know, the Lord has laid something on my heart. The Word that he has laid on my heart has been brewing there for some time, and I'm looking at different aspects of it and the Lord [...]
TD Jakes - Working Through The Hard Places
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TD Jakes - Working Through The Hard Places
TD Jakes - Working Through The Hard Places
One thing I have learned in life is keep it moving. Keep it moving. Do not sit down and bask in how you feel about it, to the degree that you delay your assignment. Investigating your emotions should not delay your assignment. The discomfort we were [...]
TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
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TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
In our text today, the king of Syria and his army are at war with the king of Israel. They're at war. This is kingly stuff. God is dealing with kingly stuff, not common stuff. Stop bringing God down into common stuff when God wants to deal with [...]
TD Jakes - Imposter Syndrome
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TD Jakes - Imposter Syndrome
TD Jakes - Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome comes with its own weight, comes with its own pressure. It's said in any given situation we can all act in a way that is harmful to ourselves, and some people respond this way more often than others. Some people get stuck in [...]
David Jeremiah - Old Age in the Golden Age
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David Jeremiah - Old Age in the Golden Age
David Jeremiah - Old Age in the Golden Age
Is it reasonable for us to hope that lifespans will increase in Christ's millennial kingdom? Yes, it's more than reasonable and we can more than hope. We can believe in the historical testimony of God's Word and we can rely on the incredible [...]
Charles Stanley - Peace With One Another
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Charles Stanley - Peace With One Another
Charles Stanley - Peace With One Another
Would you consider the environment in which you live, in which you work a peaceful environment? Or would you have to say, "No, it is an environment of conflict, there's contention. There is a sense of resentment that I feel. There's discord, [...]
Charles Stanley - How to Protect Our Peace
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Charles Stanley - How to Protect Our Peace
Charles Stanley - How to Protect Our Peace
When is the last time that you could ever remember experiencing absolute peace in your heart? How long did it last? Why did you lose it? Is that kind of peace something that just comes once in a while in your life, or is it something that is there [...]
Steven Furtick - Restoring Your Hope
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Steven Furtick - Restoring Your Hope
Steven Furtick - Restoring Your Hope
This is an excerpt from: Rescue Your Testimony I realized a long time ago that what the Devil is actually attacking when he comes to me with worry is my ability to anticipate what God might do and that every time I worry, it's a perversion of [...]
Steven Furtick - Hey Devil, God's Got My Back
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Steven Furtick - Hey Devil, God's Got My Back
Steven Furtick - Hey Devil, God's Got My Back
This is an excerpt from: Say Hey By Faith Sometimes it takes faith just to pray, because you wonder, "Is anybody even really listening, and does this matter"? That's why we sometimes can't pray for 13 seconds without losing our train of [...]
Steven Furtick - Open Your Eyes, Help Is Here
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Steven Furtick - Open Your Eyes, Help Is Here
Steven Furtick - Open Your Eyes, Help Is Here
This is an excerpt from: Think Like a Reaper Here's what I'm saying to you: you might be surprised who God uses. You might be surprised how he uses you. You might be surprised what he uses in your life. The fact of the matter is when God is using [...]
Steven Furtick - You Are Right On Schedule
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Steven Furtick - You Are Right On Schedule
Steven Furtick - You Are Right On Schedule
This is an excerpt from: The Limp Won't Make You Late I came to preach to somebody who has been limping. "I've been behind lately. I don't know what I need to know. I didn't get what I wanted to have". But watch what Paul said. "I'm [...]
Creflo Dollar - Believing the Finished Works of Christ - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Believing the Finished Works of Christ - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Believing the Finished Works of Christ - Part 2
2 Corinthians chapter 5, 2 Corinthians chapter 5, y'all, excuse me, it must have been that Baptist service we had this morning. 2 Corinthians chapter 5, verse 18 through 19 in the New Living Translation, I know baby, I got you, I got you, I got you. [...]
Creflo Dollar - Believing the Finished Works of Christ - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Believing the Finished Works of Christ - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Believing the Finished Works of Christ - Part 1
1 Peter chapter 1 verse 18 and 19. This is in the book and it's up to you to believe it. Now, you can debate about it and play these weird games with it, but regardless how you feel this is how it is, and if you believe it your whole life changes, [...]
Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Stand Up - Part 3
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Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Stand Up - Part 3
Jentezen Franklin - It's Time to Stand Up - Part 3
And I'll begin reading with 1 Samuel 6:1. I'm not gonna preach long this morning. But we're gonna get in His presence. Verse 1, "Now the ark of the Lord was in the country of the Philistines seven months. And the Philistines called for the [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - A Comforting Word for Those Who Are Overcome by the Guilt of Sin
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Frankie Mazzapica - A Comforting Word for Those Who Are Overcome by the Guilt
Frankie Mazzapica - A Comforting Word for Those Who Are Overcome by the Guilt of Sin
Thank you for tuning in today. My name's Frankie Mazzapica. The title of today's message is, "A Comforting Word for Those Who Are Overcome by the Guilt of Sin," a comforting word. I don't know if any of you have ever been there. I've been [...]
Matt Hagee - Faith, Your Access to Heaven's Power Here and Now
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Matt Hagee - Faith, Your Access to Heaven's Power Here and Now
Matt Hagee - Faith, Your Access to Heaven's Power Here and Now
The currency of the kingdom is love, and faith and hope are how you access that currency. Whenever you read in the Word of God faith, hope, and love, they're always working together. And it works together so that you will have the opportunity to [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Dragon's Prophecy with Jonathan Cahn
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Jonathan Bernis - Dragon's Prophecy with Jonathan Cahn
Jonathan Bernis - Dragon's Prophecy with Jonathan Cahn
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. A program to help you to better understand Bible prophecy, Israel and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and the Jewish roots of your Christian faith. Thank you for joining me today, I'm [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Is Israel The Bully?
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Jonathan Bernis - Is Israel The Bully?
Jonathan Bernis - Is Israel The Bully?
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. Thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Today, we're gonna focus on Israel and the current crisis that has grabbed world [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Why Won't the War End?
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Jonathan Bernis - Why Won't the War End?
Jonathan Bernis - Why Won't the War End?
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. Thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. The ongoing situation in Israel and the Middle East continues to become more and more [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Why Satan Hates the Jews?
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Jonathan Bernis - Why Satan Hates the Jews?
Jonathan Bernis - Why Satan Hates the Jews?
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I wanna thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined, once again, by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Well, anti-semitic incidents rose to historic levels in 2022 with over [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Finding Stability in Life's Chaos
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Jonathan Bernis - Finding Stability in Life's Chaos
Jonathan Bernis - Finding Stability in Life's Chaos
Jonathan Bernis : Well, shalom, and welcome to Jewish Voice, and thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. The Bible is an ancient book written thousands of years ago by various authors. [...]
Jonathan Bernis - God Revealed Week By Week
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Jonathan Bernis - God Revealed Week By Week
Jonathan Bernis - God Revealed Week By Week
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. One of the most important practices that we can do in our faith is to study the scriptures and to root ourselves in God's [...]
Jonathan Bernis - God Saved My Life
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Jonathan Bernis - God Saved My Life
Jonathan Bernis - God Saved My Life
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. Thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined today by my co-host, once again, Ezra Benjamin. Now, you may notice that I look a little different than I previously have. As [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Rest, How to Build the Habit
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Jonathan Bernis - Rest, How to Build the Habit
Jonathan Bernis - Rest, How to Build the Habit
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis and I'm joined by my co-host Ezra Benjamin. Well, as many of us approach life we struggle to find a balance between work and rest. We live in a fast-paced society and many of [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - How Can I Enter Heaven?
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Peter Tan-Chi - How Can I Enter Heaven?
Peter Tan-Chi - How Can I Enter Heaven?
The most important question that I believe you can ever ask is this: if there's a heaven, how can I enter heaven? Today if you notice, modern people, whether you like it or not, have this mindset: life someday will be judged. There will be a scale: [...]
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