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Watch Online Sermons 2025 » Bishop T. D. Jakes
TD Jakes - Crazy Like a Fox
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TD Jakes - Crazy Like a Fox
TD Jakes - Crazy Like a Fox
The reason I step into this text is because David is in a quandary again over how to fight what he has to fight. This is the story of his life: when he gets ready to fight Goliath, Saul wants to put him in his armor, and David has to choose weapons. [...]
TD Jakes - How to Think Thankful Thoughts
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TD Jakes - How to Think Thankful Thoughts
TD Jakes - How to Think Thankful Thoughts
Jesus asked people questions like, "Wilt thou be made whole"? because in most cases, it's not my will to be like this. It's not my will, I didn't choose it. I didn't decide I want to be an angry Black man, or an angry [...]
TD Jakes - Working Through The Hard Places
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TD Jakes - Working Through The Hard Places
TD Jakes - Working Through The Hard Places
One thing I have learned in life is keep it moving. Keep it moving. Do not sit down and bask in how you feel about it, to the degree that you delay your assignment. Investigating your emotions should not delay your assignment. The discomfort we were [...]
TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
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TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
TD Jakes - The Prophetic Prayer
In our text today, the king of Syria and his army are at war with the king of Israel. They're at war. This is kingly stuff. God is dealing with kingly stuff, not common stuff. Stop bringing God down into common stuff when God wants to deal with [...]
TD Jakes - Imposter Syndrome
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TD Jakes - Imposter Syndrome
TD Jakes - Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome comes with its own weight, comes with its own pressure. It's said in any given situation we can all act in a way that is harmful to ourselves, and some people respond this way more often than others. Some people get stuck in [...]
TD Jakes - The Convergence
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TD Jakes - The Convergence
TD Jakes - The Convergence
I'm amazed at the text itself because now Paul has matured. I won't waste your time going through the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 chapter of the book of Romans as he deliberates back and forth from chapter to chapter between Gentile and Jew [...]
TD Jakes - A Blind Date
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TD Jakes - A Blind Date
TD Jakes - A Blind Date
God finally set up a house called Solomon's Temple, and he set up Solomon's Temple so that we would have a stabilized place to meet. It means my wandering is over, my search is over. I come to a place of stability. Solomon's Temple [...]
TD Jakes - Look For It
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TD Jakes - Look For It
TD Jakes - Look For It
Stress is a silent killer. Stress affects your mind and your emotions. Stress affects your body and your organs. Stress affects your blood pressure and your blood sugar. Stress affects everything about you. Stress is a silent killer. It creates [...]
TD Jakes - One Thing Gets Everything
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TD Jakes - One Thing Gets Everything
TD Jakes - One Thing Gets Everything
The Bible says that the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker. Now, you will remember Saul was king over Israel, and he got jealous of David because of David's anointing that he tried to kill David over and over again. And even when David had [...]
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
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TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
Loving somebody gives them the power to hurt you. It means I give you my shield. I have no defense against your words. When David and Jonathan meet together in the palace and David gives Jonathan his shield, I mean, Jonathan gives David his shield [...]
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
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TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
When John the Writer writes here about God, he says that God so loved. It would be enough to say that God loved because God is love. But he says that God so loved. He had to put an adjective in front of it to modify the noun to make you understand [...]
TD Jakes - Get Out of Your Feelings
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TD Jakes - Get Out of Your Feelings
TD Jakes - Get Out of Your Feelings
It matters whether you get along with the other singers. It matters whether the drummer likes the guitar player. It changes the atmosphere. When there's ought against your brother the Bible said, leave your gift at the altar. I don't care [...]
TD Jakes - Keep The Peace
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TD Jakes - Keep The Peace
TD Jakes - Keep The Peace
In other words, don't let what you're going through get to you. When Jesus was sleep on the bow of the ship, when Jesus was sleep in the bottom of the ship and the storm was raging around the ship, and Peter gets flustered and Peter lets [...]
TD Jakes - Winning at Home
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TD Jakes - Winning at Home
TD Jakes - Winning at Home
TD Jakes : Because once people respect you and then found out you are human, they reject you. Am I talking good? So, winning at home implies it's a fight. You can't win if it's not a fight. And let me tell you something, I know you [...]
TD Jakes - Storm Drains
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TD Jakes - Storm Drains
TD Jakes - Storm Drains
I wanna make you to understand that when you start talking about Gadarene, it's an adjective that means, in the Greek, it means to move rapidly and without control. To move rapidly and without control. That's the name of the area: To move [...]
TD Jakes - Steady in the Storm
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TD Jakes - Steady in the Storm
TD Jakes - Steady in the Storm
The one thing I can guarantee you that all of us will face, male or female, is a storm. Single or married, is a storm. Divorced or not, is a storm. There is nobody you're going to meet, or greet, or fall in love with, or fall out of love with, [...]
TD Jakes - Real Men Pour In
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TD Jakes - Real Men Pour In
TD Jakes - Real Men Pour In
Jesus does not discuss how the Father made him rich or famous. He talked about how the Father loved him. When you take the father's love from the child or the father doesn't know how to give love to the child outside of the woman, the [...]
TD Jakes - Joseph's Tears
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TD Jakes - Joseph's Tears
TD Jakes - Joseph's Tears
Joseph's tears are amazing. They threw him in the pit and he didn't cry. They stripped him of his clothes and he didn't cry. They ripped his coat of many colors and he didn't cry. They separated him from the love of his father [...]
TD Jakes - Nothing in Your Life is Wasted With God
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TD Jakes - Nothing in Your Life is Wasted With God
TD Jakes - Nothing in Your Life is Wasted With God
Little did he know that today would not be like any other day when they led blind Bartimaeus to his spot and set him down out of the way, close enough to the traffic to attract attention but not so close that he would be trampled on by the crowd. He [...]
TD Jakes - God is Still Working on You
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TD Jakes - God is Still Working on You
TD Jakes - God is Still Working on You
Let's talk about the historic feasts and parties of ancient Israel and understand that the harvest seasons were huge events, not just work events. They were moments of elaborate celebrations, and people would come from miles and miles around to [...]
TD Jakes - Your Pain Won't Last Forever
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TD Jakes - Your Pain Won't Last Forever
TD Jakes - Your Pain Won't Last Forever
And when the angel came to get in, he found him in the wine press. The wine press is the strip club of grapes. It is the place where grapes disrobe and uncover themselves, for it is not the skin of the grape that is the most important thing. [...]
TD Jakes - If it Happens Fast, it Will Not Last
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TD Jakes - If it Happens Fast, it Will Not Last
TD Jakes - If it Happens Fast, it Will Not Last
And so it was amazing for me that, in the same year, the first time I made my first trip to the motherland, to the land of my ancestors, when I first got off the plane, to hear the gentlemen say in a deep, African accent, "Welcome home," [...]
TD Jakes - You Have to Keep Going
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TD Jakes - You Have to Keep Going
TD Jakes - You Have to Keep Going
Not long ago, my wife had a medical problem that slipped upon us like a thief in the night. In the midst of doing our daily tasks and going through our routines, she collapsed on the bedroom floor, and we had to call 9-1-1, and it was just the [...]
TD Jakes - When You Let God Lead You, Everything Shifts
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TD Jakes - When You Let God Lead You, Everything Shifts
TD Jakes - When You Let God Lead You, Everything Shifts
So the Lord called me, and I became aware of it around 17, though I didn't say, "Yes," to him until I was 19. And it's funny because, when we talked about the Lord calling us, it's like it's this one-time experience [...]
TD Jakes - God Has Chosen You
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TD Jakes - God Has Chosen You
TD Jakes - God Has Chosen You
The Bible says that we are "A chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people," that we didn't just wander in to him. We were chosen. He said, "You have not chosen me. I have chosen you. I picked you out. [...]
TD Jakes - How Are You Talking to Yourself?
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TD Jakes - How Are You Talking to Yourself?
TD Jakes - How Are You Talking to Yourself?
This is the end. You're going to lose everything. You won't come out of this. You're not smart enough. You're not bright enough. You waited too late. You start should have started younger. Those are the kind of voices that we all [...]
TD Jakes - God Uses Imperfect People
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TD Jakes - God Uses Imperfect People
TD Jakes - God Uses Imperfect People
When I was 17 years old I laid down and went to sleep, and while I was sleeping I dreamed I was reading a verse that I didn't know existed at the time. God was saying to a young man, before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee or I ordained [...]
TD Jakes - Can You Trust God if He Doesn't Answer?
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TD Jakes - Can You Trust God if He Doesn't Answer?
TD Jakes - Can You Trust God if He Doesn't Answer?
And so I had sat on a plane for about 12 hours, left the beautiful city of Dallas, flew to London, got out in Heathrow, walked the corridors, made the change, and then flew another 9 or 10 hours to Lagos, Nigeria, and then, by car, I traveled out [...]
TD Jakes - How God Turns Your Pain Into Purpose
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TD Jakes - How God Turns Your Pain Into Purpose
TD Jakes - How God Turns Your Pain Into Purpose
You know the funniest thing to me is that poor people think that rich people don't get crushed. They think that if they had money, they'd have everything. But crushing is the one thing in the world that you can count on to be totally [...]
TD Jakes - God Is Doing Something Amazing in Your Life
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TD Jakes - God Is Doing Something Amazing in Your Life
TD Jakes - God Is Doing Something Amazing in Your Life
It is a misnomer to think that if you walk with God and serve good and do his will and work that you won't have any trouble. The reality is they that live godly shall suffer persecution. And you don't get to pick when or how or what the [...]
TD Jakes - God Is With You in Your Storm
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TD Jakes - God Is With You in Your Storm
TD Jakes - God Is With You in Your Storm
So I was building my church, the church of my dreams, the church beyond my dreams, the church that I never thought I would ever get to build, the church that was valued out at millions and millions of dollars that I didn't have, but I had the [...]
TD Jakes - We Are the Body
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TD Jakes - We Are the Body
TD Jakes - We Are the Body
I love the holidays, any kind of holiday, thanksgiving, I'll make up a holiday. I love holidays 'cause you have great food, and you have great fun. People come over. I like to entertain and have a good time. Fourth of July is one of those [...]
TD Jakes - Blessed By The Best
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TD Jakes - Blessed By The Best
TD Jakes - Blessed By The Best
Abram is not the Abraham that you are accustomed to hearing about. He is out of Mesopotamia, he is a Chaldean, he is carnal, he is an idolater, his family is all into idolatry because Abram is just a few generations from the sons of Noah, who had [...]
TD Jakes - Prep Before Promise
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TD Jakes - Prep Before Promise
TD Jakes - Prep Before Promise
Whereas you want blessings just so you can brag about that you got them, God gives blessings to people who will take action. And if you're not going to use it, why would God give it to you? And so, he designed it that if you didn't use it [...]
TD Jakes - Potent Faith
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TD Jakes - Potent Faith
TD Jakes - Potent Faith
When life seems crazy, when life is confusing, when it's unfair, when you lose your baby, it defines a moment. When your husband walks away, it defines a moment. When you lose your job, it defines a moment. When you feel like you're about [...]
TD Jakes - Daddy I See The Wood
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TD Jakes - Daddy I See The Wood
TD Jakes - Daddy I See The Wood
Let us not forget that it is by his stripes we are healed, that he was wounded for our transgressions, and he was bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace was upon him. And with his stripes, we are healed. And let us not be so [...]
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 4
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TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 4
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 4
There are four classes of people, I want you to get this good so you can figure out which one are you because it tells the kind of ground you are. The first class, the enemy stole it before they could flourish, even to the point of salvation. You [...]
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 3
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TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 3
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 3
"Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed". You gotta be strong to receive seed. Especially if the seed is strong, the ground has got to be strong enough to receive the seed. Are you hearing what I'm saying [...]
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 2
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TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 2
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 2
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word about Christ. Are you hearing what I'm saying to you? The Word that sticks, the Word that sticks, the Word that sticks. I'm still living off of [...]
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 1
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TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 1
TD Jakes - The Conception of Faith - Part 1
The book of Hebrews, the 11th chapter, is considered the hallmark of faith, the Hall of Fame, the hall of faith, filled with different men and a few women out of different eras who had notable accomplishments by faith. The phrase "by [...]
TD Jakes - Torn Between The Two
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TD Jakes - Torn Between The Two
TD Jakes - Torn Between The Two
Sometimes we are loyal to a fault. Have you ever been loyal to a fault? All the loyal people say amen. Yeah, it takes something for you to break away even when you know you should break away because you are loyal to a fault. The Pharisees were loyal [...]
TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 4
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TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 4
TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 4
He carries both the title of prophet and priest. The Bible talks in Hebrews, put my text back up here for a minute. Hebrews 1, let's go back to it. Going down past verse 1, yeah, maybe about verse 2, yeah, in the, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, [...]
TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 3
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TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 3
TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 3
There are many today that would have us to think that we cannot speak ethnically and be a part of a church which is unity. But the church is comprised of great diversity. It does not hide nor shy away that every tongue and kindred shall be gathered [...]
TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 2
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TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 2
TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 2
There are three books in the Bible that start with God and none of them explain him. Stop trying to explain God. Just stop trying to explain God. He that cometh to God, must first believe that he is, that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them [...]
TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 1
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TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 1
TD Jakes - The Timeless Thesis of God - Part 1
You may be seated. Well, it might be redundant to say so, but I think it's important that we define what is a thesis. In philosophy, years of your thesis will state a position or a claim. It will state a position or a claim. It's to take a [...]
TD Jakes - Prep to Promise
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TD Jakes - Prep to Promise
TD Jakes - Prep to Promise
There is a small, minute phrase in the text that I started to pull up, but you can look it up whenever you want to. It's a simple little sentence, but it has great impact, it has the force of a sledgehammer. It says, "And then the manna [...]
TD Jakes - I've Got The Hook Up
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TD Jakes - I've Got The Hook Up
TD Jakes - I've Got The Hook Up
And so there is this war going on and it is a war so brutal that Paul writes him, at one point in his letter, he says, who hath bewitched you? What kind of spell did they put on you that you forgot your God, that you're so easily turned away [...]
TD Jakes - It's a Faith Thing
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TD Jakes - It's a Faith Thing
TD Jakes - It's a Faith Thing
The problem with you receiving the promises of God is that sometimes God promises you the most illogical stuff. As long as I've been walking with God, God said something to me a few years ago, I wrestled with him about three years telling him, [...]
TD Jakes - Keep Sweeping
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TD Jakes - Keep Sweeping
TD Jakes - Keep Sweeping
There are three characters in the story. There are two scriptures in the text. There is the woman, the broom, and the coins, and that's all we have to work with is a woman, the broom, and the coins. That's all we have. The coins, the [...]
TD Jakes - Numerology and Social Equity
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TD Jakes - Numerology and Social Equity
TD Jakes - Numerology and Social Equity
This is an introductory moment in the ministry of Jesus Christ. I emphasize the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because this is as much about Spirit as it is about anything else. And when you refer to the Spirit, of course, you understand that [...]
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