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Derek Prince - Religion and It's Relation to Witchcraft
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Derek Prince - Religion and It's Relation to Witchcraft
Derek Prince - Religion and It's Relation to Witchcraft
This is a clip from the full sermon: The Nature of Witchcraft Now, why does Satan want to obscure the cross? Let me just interject this: I personally, as I travel around most of the earth and I minister to Christians of many different backgrounds, [...]
John Bradshaw - Dancing With the Devil
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John Bradshaw - Dancing With the Devil
John Bradshaw - Dancing With the Devil
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. If you go to a live performance at your local theater, you'll see a live orchestra, a musician, maybe, a team of gymnasts, or a troupe of Shakespearean actors, something [...]
Sid Roth - I Killed a Witch Doctor Then This Happens
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Sid Roth - I Killed a Witch Doctor Then This Happens
Sid Roth - I Killed a Witch Doctor Then This Happens
Sid Roth : Now some of you, this is a new area. Others understand. But I'm telling you, this is lifesaving, essential end-time information. Becky Dvorak, define the demon of death. Becky Dvorak : The spirit of death, it's a demon. And [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw a Witch Doctor Shapeshift in Front of Me
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Sid Roth - I Saw a Witch Doctor Shapeshift in Front of Me
Sid Roth - I Saw a Witch Doctor Shapeshift in Front of Me
Sid Roth : Now, David Hogan has spent over 40 years helping unreached people groups in Mexico. And in fact, you were told the exact city you were to go to, region you were to go to! How did that happen? David Hogan : Uh, an angel of the Lord came. [...]
Sid Roth - Witches Who Come Against Him Are Struck Dead
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Sid Roth - Witches Who Come Against Him Are Struck Dead
Sid Roth - Witches Who Come Against Him Are Struck Dead
When a witch doctor came against my guest, the witch was struck dead. Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth : Hello. Sid Roth your investigative reporter. There is going to be a power encounter between you and the invisible realm [...]
Sid Roth - A Witch Placed Her Image on My Cancerous Tumor
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Sid Roth - A Witch Placed Her Image on My Cancerous Tumor
Sid Roth - A Witch Placed Her Image on My Cancerous Tumor
Can a witch cause cancer? Can a witch place her image on a tumor? Yes, and you will see it. Next on this edition of "It's Supernatural"! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter. I'm here with Joan and Bob [...]
Derek Prince - Witchcraft Within The Church
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Derek Prince - Witchcraft Within The Church
Derek Prince - Witchcraft Within The Church
Now we come to the third area of this subject, which is witchcraft or sorcery within the church. And here is an area where some Christians have no idea what is really going on. I want to turn to Galatians chapter 3 and read the first five verses. O [...]
Derek Prince - Witchcraft is the Religion of Fallen Humanity
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Derek Prince - Witchcraft is the Religion of Fallen Humanity
Derek Prince - Witchcraft is the Religion of Fallen Humanity
This is the second talk in our series on The Enemies We Face. In our previous talk we looked at the nature and the structure of Satan’s kingdom and we saw that his kingdom operates on two levels. The upper level is in the heavenlies, somewhere in [...]
Derek Prince - Witchcraft as an Expression of Man's Rebellion Against God
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Derek Prince - Witchcraft as an Expression of Man's Rebellion Against God
Derek Prince - Witchcraft as an Expression of Man's Rebellion Against God
And there is one particular way that fallen man has to relate to a satanic kingdom. The generic word is witchcraft, which is prevalent in all pagan societies under different forms. You can hardly go to any major section of the human race which still [...]
Derek Prince - The Trademarks of Witchcraft
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Derek Prince - The Trademarks of Witchcraft
Derek Prince - The Trademarks of Witchcraft
Now I want to give you a little picture of what witchcraft is like. This is something that God has given me when I took, I could call a post-graduate course in. I didn’t apply for it. I just got enrolled. Ruth and I got enrolled together. As a [...]
Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Sorcery
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Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Sorcery
Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Sorcery
Then there is sorcery. Sorcery, I think, and this is not always used this way, operates through objects: potions, charms, anything that is called lucky, like a lucky horseshoe, all that is occult. People carry things that give them luck. It also [...]
Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Curses
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Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Curses
Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Curses
Now let’s look at witchcraft as a spiritual power. Now we are talking about something that’s supernatural. It’s more than human ability. It is very important to understand that not all supernatural comes from God. A lot of it comes from Satan. There [...]
Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Fortunetelling
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Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Fortunetelling
Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Fortunetelling
All right, then we look at divination, which in most modern translations is called fortune-telling. This is the knowledge element of witchcraft. The product is not now power, but it is knowledge which, as I pointed out, is the first that led man [...]
Derek Prince - The Root of Witchcraft
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Derek Prince - The Root of Witchcraft
Derek Prince - The Root of Witchcraft
So there is a direct connection between rebellion and witchcraft. When I say rebellion, I mean rebellion against God. This is brought out very clearly in 1 Samuel 15:23. These are words that were spoken by the prophet Samuel to King Saul after Saul [...]
Derek Prince - The Nature of Witchcraft
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Derek Prince - The Nature of Witchcraft
Derek Prince - The Nature of Witchcraft
This is the second talk in our series on The Enemies We Face. In our previous talk we looked at the nature and the structure of Satan’s kingdom and we saw that his kingdom operates on two levels. The upper level is in the heavenlies, somewhere in [...]
Derek Prince - Man's Desire to Control Things
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Derek Prince - Man's Desire to Control Things
Derek Prince - Man's Desire to Control Things
And when your eyes are opened, it is so much easier to deal with it. One of the most common tricks of witchcraft is to make you feel guilty. “Why didn’t you come to see me when I was sick? There I was all alone!” They never regard the fact that the [...]
Derek Prince - Curses Pronounced By Servants Of Satan And Occult Tokens
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Derek Prince - Curses Pronounced By Servants Of Satan And Occult Tokens
Derek Prince - Curses Pronounced By Servants Of Satan And Occult Tokens
And then there are curses pronounced by servants of Satan. And there are various different words for such servants in different languages. In English I think we call them witch doctors. In America they call them medicine men. In Swahili it’s called [...]