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Sid Roth - Access the Spirit Realm Instantly in ONE SIMPLE STEP
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Sid Roth - Access the Spirit Realm Instantly in ONE SIMPLE STEP
Sid Roth - Access the Spirit Realm Instantly in ONE SIMPLE STEP
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow! My guest, Patsy Cameneti, grew up in a Christian home. She was intrigued by the supernatural realm from an early age. Explain. Patsy Cameneti : My parents were Pentecostal pastors. And we got to see the [...]
Sid Roth - What I Saw in the Spirit Realm Shocked Me
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Sid Roth - What I Saw in the Spirit Realm Shocked Me
Sid Roth - What I Saw in the Spirit Realm Shocked Me
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, David Tomberlin, hears specific names of people, and then they are healed. I love it. David, when you were 21, you were on top of the world. [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Every Christian Should Know About Angels and Demons - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - What Every Christian Should Know About Angels and Demons -
Robert Jeffress - What Every Christian Should Know About Angels and Demons - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". In the heart of every person, regardless of what they believe, there's an invisible battle raging. The battle is between heavenly forces and demonic forces, and [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Every Christian Should Know About Angels and Demons - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - What Every Christian Should Know About Angels and Demons -
Robert Jeffress - What Every Christian Should Know About Angels and Demons - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Have you ever felt like one of God's angels was watching over you, maybe keeping you from harm or giving you comfort? Well, you're not imagining things. [...]
Matt Hagee - Unseen Commitment: Making The Impossible Possible
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Matt Hagee - Unseen Commitment: Making The Impossible Possible
Matt Hagee - Unseen Commitment: Making The Impossible Possible
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the book of Ephesians 6:10. This morning, I want to begin this message by simply taking a moment to thank God in heaven, to thank his Son Jesus Christ to thank his precious Holy Spirit, because we've [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Are Your Thoughts Tied to Spirits?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are Your Thoughts Tied to Spirits?
Rabbi Schneider - Are Your Thoughts Tied to Spirits?
You know, we really need, you and I beloved, to more and more gain what the Bible calls, spiritual discernment. Too many of us think that thoughts are just thoughts without recognizing that thoughts are tied to spirit. So the thoughts that we have [...]
Matt Hagee - The Keys That Unlock Unseen Doors
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Matt Hagee - The Keys That Unlock Unseen Doors
Matt Hagee - The Keys That Unlock Unseen Doors
Today, I want to show you the keys that God has given us that unlock unseen doors. How many of you have ever felt like you were being kept from something: that there was more out there but you couldn't find a way to get through the problem that [...]
Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
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Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
All of us who are Christians, we want to know what heaven is like. And, of course, we have questions that we can't answer. And we will never comprehend the greatness, the grandeur, the glory of heaven until we're actually there. And yet [...]
Jack Graham - Heaven, Really?
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Jack Graham - Heaven, Really?
Jack Graham - Heaven, Really?
Heaven is awesome! Wonderful. Beyond our imagination! The place that our Lord is preparing for us defies description. And as believers and followers of the Lord Jesus, we are on our way to a place that we've never been before. Now I don't [...]
Jack Graham - What Lies Beyond
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Jack Graham - What Lies Beyond
Jack Graham - What Lies Beyond
Take your Bibles and open them, please, to the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, There is: "a time to be born, and there is a time to die". Birth brings us into time to earth; death brings us into timelessness, eternity. There is a time to [...]
Jack Graham - Priceless
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Jack Graham - Priceless
Jack Graham - Priceless
I want to talk to you today about how you can have eternal life. In this INVISIBLE series we've been talking about the invisible world all around us. There is more to life than what you see. And we now realize as believers and followers of [...]
Jack Graham - Heaven's Warriors
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Jack Graham - Heaven's Warriors
Jack Graham - Heaven's Warriors
There are all kinds of ideas and perceptions about angels. But what does the Bible say? Psalm 103 is our starting place, and verse 20: "Bless the Lord, O you his angels". Now angels are worshipers, for sure. We often find them worshiping [...]
Jack Graham - Warfare Prayer
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Jack Graham - Warfare Prayer
Jack Graham - Warfare Prayer
Take God's Word and turn with me, please, to Ephesians, the sixth chapter. Ephesians chapter 6. I want to remind you for just a moment where we've been so far in our series "Invisible: There's More to Life Than What You [...]
Jack Graham - The Battle for Your Mind
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Jack Graham - The Battle for Your Mind
Jack Graham - The Battle for Your Mind
Well, we are in a series of messages called "Invisible: There's More to Life Than What You See", and there truly is. We need to learn how to live above "see-level"; just what we see, just what we feel. Beyond our physical [...]
Jack Graham - What to Wear in the War
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Jack Graham - What to Wear in the War
Jack Graham - What to Wear in the War
We're taking a behind-the-scenes look, behind the curtain, into this invisible world because what you can't see can hurt you! What you can't see can hurt you! The devil means to do you harm, and therefore, we must not be unaware of [...]
Jack Graham - Dark Angel
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Jack Graham - Dark Angel
Jack Graham - Dark Angel
Take your Bibles, open your Bibles with me to the book of Ephesians, chapter 6. And we begin a new series today. Welcome to all of you who are watching online by the way. We have a large congregation online around the world. So we invite you to join [...]
Sid Roth - Open Your Eyes to the Unseen World Around You
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Sid Roth - Open Your Eyes to the Unseen World Around You
Sid Roth - Open Your Eyes to the Unseen World Around You
My guest sees so clearly into the invisible world, and he has imparted this gift to thousands. It makes them, are you ready? It makes them indestructible! Next! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm here with Blake Healy. Blake today is the Director of the [...]