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Tony Evans - Giving to God First
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Tony Evans - Giving to God First
Tony Evans - Giving to God First
Proverbs 3, verses 9 and 10. Proverbs 3, verses 9 and 10, "Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce, so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine". A preacher one day was [...]
Rick Warren - God's Promises About Giving
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Rick Warren - God's Promises About Giving
Rick Warren - God's Promises About Giving
Now if you pull out your message notes, today, we're gonna begin a new series for the summer that I'm very excited about. And I wanna begin by telling you that the words promise and promises are actually used over 1,000 times in different English [...]
John Bradshaw - Once Saved Always Saved, Tithe on Gross or Net, and Jesus in Hell
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John Bradshaw - Once Saved Always Saved, Tithe on Gross or Net, and Jesus in
John Bradshaw - Once Saved Always Saved, Tithe on Gross or Net, and Jesus in Hell
John Bradshaw : Thank you for joining us. This is "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we answer your Bible questions, questions that have been submitted to us at It Is Written. We have a great time doing it. [...]
Robert Morris - Passing the Prosperity Test
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Robert Morris - Passing the Prosperity Test
Robert Morris - Passing the Prosperity Test
All right, we are continuing the Dream to Destiny series. I know that you think this is an eternal series, but this is the eighth message, and there are ten. So I have two more after this week that I'll be doing the next two weeks. All right? This [...]
Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
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Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
This is a clip from the full sermon The Christian And His Money. We might think, some of us, that a tenth is a lot to give to God. You know, if I earn 200 pounds, I've got to give God 20 pounds. That sounds a lot. Well, let's look at Israel under [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You Stop Holding Back
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Craig Groeschel - When You Stop Holding Back
Craig Groeschel - When You Stop Holding Back
I read an article that was written in 2007. We're talking way back in the olden days, 2007. This is before Instagram. This is before Netflix originals. This was before the Cash App. How did we live? This article written in 2007 told us that back [...]
John Hagee - Feast of the First Fruits
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John Hagee - Feast of the First Fruits
John Hagee - Feast of the First Fruits
God demands to be first. The Bible says, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things"... Say that with me. "And all these things". What does that mean? That means the cornucopia of God, the three [...]
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Joseph Prince - The Truth About Tithing Under Grace
Joseph Prince - The Truth About Tithing Under Grace
Hallelujah, how y'all doing today? All right, greet at least two or three persons around you, tell them something good, okay? Y'all know what is something good, right? Like, "You look kind of good", is not good. Say, "You look [...]
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TD Jakes - Make Room
TD Jakes - Make Room
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house, and prove me," provoke me, put me to the test, and see, "saith the Lord of hosts". And here's the five things that he says I will do. Number one, [...]
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Joseph Prince - God's Plan To Prosper You In The End Times
Joseph Prince - God's Plan To Prosper You In The End Times
Praise God, How y'all doing? I just want to say to all of you that you are very precious to me, the church. Lately, I've been just thinking about y'all and you know, as a pastor, let me just give you a little glimpse of what it's like to have the [...]
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John Hagee - The Power to Get Wealth
John Hagee - The Power to Get Wealth
Everything God does on the earth comes from the principle of seedtime and harvest. The Bible says in Genesis 8:22 that as long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest are the principles through which the prosperity of God is demonstrated. Genesis [...]
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David Jeremiah - Starting With Why
David Jeremiah - Starting With Why
In one of the most talked about business books written in the last decade, and the title of the book is, "Start with Why," Simon Sinek tells this story. He says: Armed with every ingredient for success, Samuel Pierpont Langley set out in [...]
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Robert Morris — Don't Rob God
Robert Morris — Don't Rob God
I'm going to preach a message that when I say the title you're going to think you've heard it before. In other words, not this message, but you've heard someone preach on this before, but I've never shared what I'm going to share, and I am going to [...]
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Robert Morris — Breaking the Spirit of Mammon
Robert Morris — Breaking the Spirit of Mammon
We are in a series called "The Blessed Life". And I want you to turn to Luke 16. That's the only passage I'm going to ask you to turn. And we're going to talk this weekend about breaking the spirit of Mammon. Breaking the spirit of Mammon. [...]
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Robert Morris — The Principle of First
Robert Morris — The Principle of First
I want you to turn your Bibles to one passage of scripture. We'll go through some others. But, we'll just look at one. Exodus 13. We'll just go to one. Exodus 13, and as you're getting to Exodus 13, let me just say this. This is in my opinion the [...]
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Robert Morris — What Test?
Robert Morris — What Test?
Turn to two passages, please, Malachi 3. Last book of the Old Testament, Malachi 3 and then 2 Chronicles 31, we'll go over there in a moment. And we're going to go through a lot of Scripture in this message. And I want to show you that tithing is [...]
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TD Jakes - Turn it on a Dime!
TD Jakes - Turn it on a Dime!
Greetings, brothers and sisters, in the name of Jesus Christ the King. We're sharing a word from the Lord I believe you really need to hear. It is a very powerful illustration of a very biblical concept. The concept is tithing. The message is [...]
Joseph Prince - Discover God's Way to Bless You
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Joseph Prince - Discover God's Way to Bless You
Joseph Prince - Discover God's Way to Bless You
We started a series many, quite many weeks ago now because the first time I touched on was actually talking about 3 John 2, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers". Remember, I was [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Tithing Reveals Your Trust in God
Creflo Dollar — Tithing Reveals Your Trust in God
Find out today how tithing reveals your trust in God. Your atitude to money reveals your atitude to God. Enjoy today with pastor Creflo Dollar this powerful sermon! [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Free To Tithe
Creflo Dollar — Free To Tithe
The idea of tithing, which is giving 10 percent back to the Lord, originated in the Old Testament when the people lived under the Law. We still tithe, even though we are under grace. [...]