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Bill Johnson - The Discipline of Thankfulness
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Bill Johnson - The Discipline of Thankfulness
Bill Johnson - The Discipline of Thankfulness
I want you to go to one of the most significant truths to really be embraced and taught on in the last 20 plus years has been the whole concept of impartation. But, what’s kind of humorous to, just forgive me for my sense of humor, again, but what’s [...]
James Merritt - Thank You Very Much (Thankfulness)
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James Merritt - Thank You Very Much (Thankfulness)
James Merritt - Thank You Very Much (Thankfulness)
Well, I wanna say good morning to those of you who are watching online, and those who are watching by television. And this is one of the largest crowds we’ve had in a long time. And I don’t get really jacked up too much. I was preaching one time at [...]
TD Jakes - How to Think Thankful Thoughts
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TD Jakes - How to Think Thankful Thoughts
TD Jakes - How to Think Thankful Thoughts
Jesus asked people questions like, "Wilt thou be made whole"? because in most cases, it's not my will to be like this. It's not my will, I didn't choose it. I didn't decide I want to be an angry Black man, or an angry [...]
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming Negative Emotions With Thanksgiving
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Creflo Dollar - Overcoming Negative Emotions With Thanksgiving
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming Negative Emotions With Thanksgiving
I wanna talk to you about Overcoming Negative Emotions With Thanksgiving. A lot of times we don't address the issue that, you know, as human beings, we have emotions and sometimes during the holidays, those emotions need to be tamed. You [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Choose to Rejoice, Give Thanks and Pray
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Rabbi Schneider - Choose to Rejoice, Give Thanks and Pray
Rabbi Schneider - Choose to Rejoice, Give Thanks and Pray
"Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus". Pray without ceasing. In everything, give thanks, for this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus: to rejoice [...]
Rick Warren - How God Blesses Grateful Hearts
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Rick Warren - How God Blesses Grateful Hearts
Rick Warren - How God Blesses Grateful Hearts
Hi, everybody. Have I told you lately that I love you? Because I do! Happy Thanksgiving! In a sense, this next week is Thanksgiving. I'm pausing my series on pain so we can prepare ourselves for Thanksgiving Day. So you know what I did this [...]
Michael Youssef - Lessons in Thanksgiving
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Michael Youssef - Lessons in Thanksgiving
Michael Youssef - Lessons in Thanksgiving
Sonny Perdue : Dr. Michael Youssef, congratulations on 75 years of a life well lived. Jane Robelot : I am so excited to wish you a happy 75th birthday. Seventy-five and going stronger than ever before. RT Kendall : Seventy-five? Oh my, that's [...]
Adrian Rogers - Give Thanks in Tough Times
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Adrian Rogers - Give Thanks in Tough Times
Adrian Rogers - Give Thanks in Tough Times
Would you find Ephesians chapter 5, we're talking on this subject, "Giving Thanks in Tough Times". Now what is the hardest thing to do? Is the hardest thing to do to try to climb a fence that's leaning toward you? Well, harder [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful and Give God Praise
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Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful and Give God Praise
Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful and Give God Praise
— Hello, everybody I'm Kenneth Copeland. You know, what's his name... No, Greg that just kind of popped out. — That's all right. — Professor Greg Stephens. — Thank you. — Glory to God. Hallelujah. He and I have a lot of fun on [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful All the Time
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Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful All the Time
Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful All the Time
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Welcome to Tuesday's edition of what? The Believer's Voice of a Victory broadcast. Every believer has a voice. And it is the Voice of Victory. Now, we'll go through all the story again [...]
Joel Osteen - Thanking God Before You See The Promise
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Joel Osteen - Thanking God Before You See The Promise
Joel Osteen - Thanking God Before You See The Promise
I want to talk to you today about Thanking God Before You See The Promise. We all have things we're believing for: to accomplish a dream, to be meet the right person, for our health to turn around. And we prayed, we believed, we stood in faith, [...]
Adrian Rogers - Giving Thanks in Dark Days
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Adrian Rogers - Giving Thanks in Dark Days
Adrian Rogers - Giving Thanks in Dark Days
Be finding the book of Habakkuk, a small book with three chapters, but I think perhaps the most pertinent book in the entire Bible for the day and age in which we live. We're living in a day in which everything that is not nailed down is coming [...]
James Merritt - Thank You Very Much
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James Merritt - Thank You Very Much
James Merritt - Thank You Very Much
Well, I want to say good morning to those of you who are watching online and those who are watching by television. And, this is one of the largest crowds we've had in a long time. And, I don't get really jacked up too much. I was preaching [...]
Adrian Rogers - What to Do When You Don't Feel Thankful
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Adrian Rogers - What to Do When You Don't Feel Thankful
Adrian Rogers - What to Do When You Don't Feel Thankful
Be finding please Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 20. And in Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 20 there is a command, which many believe, and I think I do also, may be the hardest command in all of the Bible to obey. But correspondingly and at the same [...]
Joyce Meyer - A Thankful Attitude
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Joyce Meyer - A Thankful Attitude
Joyce Meyer - A Thankful Attitude
Well, welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm so glad that you're with me today, and I pray that you're gonna really enjoy the teaching today. You know, attitudes is a very important subject, and you can change your [...]
Allen Jackson - America, Stop Grumbling - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - America, Stop Grumbling - Part 2
Allen Jackson - America, Stop Grumbling - Part 2
Hey, it's an honor to be with you again. Our topic today is "America, Stop Grumbling". It's important. Folks, we are the most blessed people on planet Earth. I had a meeting this week with a man from Congo, and he's given [...]
Allen Jackson - America, Stop Grumbling - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - America, Stop Grumbling - Part 1
Allen Jackson - America, Stop Grumbling - Part 1
Hey, it's an honor to be with you today, especially on Thanksgiving Day together with God's people. Even if we're doing it digitally, it's a great honor for me. Sometimes holidays are challenging. We imagine that they should be [...]
James Merritt - Thankful Living
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James Merritt - Thankful Living
James Merritt - Thankful Living
What I want us to learn today is how to experience thankful living. What will you do if you thankfully live your life? How can you take your life to an entirely new level? Because here's what I want you to take out the door this morning. [...]
Joel Osteen - Build Your Altar
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Joel Osteen - Build Your Altar
Joel Osteen - Build Your Altar
I want to talk to you today about Build Your Altar. We can all look back in life and see times where God made a way. He protected us from an accident, he sustained us in a slow time, he promoted us when we didn't deserve it, strengthen us when [...]
Matt Hagee - Easier Said Than Done
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Matt Hagee - Easier Said Than Done
Matt Hagee - Easier Said Than Done
"Rejoice always". Say that with me, "Rejoice always". That's easier said than done. It's easy to rejoice when you feel like it, but on the most difficult days of your life, that's when rejoicing is the most [...]
Matt Hagee - Lord, I Don't Deserve This
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Matt Hagee - Lord, I Don't Deserve This
Matt Hagee - Lord, I Don't Deserve This
Today, we begin this sermon series with the message, "Lord, I don't deserve this". And we look at the life of Job: that if he could testify to you today, he'd say, "The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever". Read [...]
Allen Jackson - Be Thankful
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Allen Jackson - Be Thankful
Allen Jackson - Be Thankful
God has blessed this nation that if our children and grandchildren are going to know freedom and the privilege of pursuing opportunities, not the opportunities the government gives us but the opportunities of what God places in our hearts, then [...]
Derek Prince - Thank Offering To God
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Derek Prince - Thank Offering To God
Derek Prince - Thank Offering To God
Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me. - Psalms 50:14-15, NIV At some time or other in our lives, we all face trouble. The psalmist [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Thankful Heart
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Creflo Dollar - The Thankful Heart
Creflo Dollar - The Thankful Heart
If you have your Bibles, 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 16 through 18. Every year I have an opportunity to look at this, it seems like I get something new, that really blesses and I hope it changes your life as well. 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, [...]
Derek Prince - The Way Out Is Up
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Derek Prince - The Way Out Is Up
Derek Prince - The Way Out Is Up
Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor Me. - Psalm 50:14, NIV There’s the divine way out of trouble. You’re in the midst of trouble, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful and Acknowledge God
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Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful and Acknowledge God
Kenneth Copeland - Be Thankful and Acknowledge God
— Oh, happy Thanksgiving, everybody. Praise God, this is Thanksgiving week. — Yes, sir. — Amen. — I don't know of another country that has a Thanksgiving holiday, but this one does. — This one does. And that's what we're supposed to [...]
Rabbi Schneider - We Really Have so Much to be Thankful For
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Rabbi Schneider - We Really Have so Much to be Thankful For
Rabbi Schneider - We Really Have so Much to be Thankful For
We are continuing today our series in the Lord's fall holy days. And today we come to the last of God's appointed days that take place in the fall season. We're in the season, beloved ones, of Sukkot, which is Hebrew for Tabernacles. [...]
John Bradshaw - Grateful
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John Bradshaw - Grateful
John Bradshaw - Grateful
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. "It has pleased Almighty God to prolong our national life another year, defending us with His guardian care against unfriendly designs from abroad, and vouchsafing to us in [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Power Of Thankfulness
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Joyce Meyer - The Power Of Thankfulness
Joyce Meyer - The Power Of Thankfulness
Ginger Stache : Hi, everyone! Welcome to Joyce Meyer's Talk It Out podcast. You are in the perfect place because this is where Joyce teaches the Word of God in her practical, wonderful way, and my friends and I talk about the real stuff of [...]
Joyce Meyer - Be Thankful and Say So
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Joyce Meyer - Be Thankful and Say So
Joyce Meyer - Be Thankful and Say So
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, I wanna talk to you about a very, very, very important subject. And that is the subject of being thankful. You know, I believe that, "Thank you," has a lot [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Thanking God Through Sacrifice
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Rabbi Schneider - Thanking God Through Sacrifice
Rabbi Schneider - Thanking God Through Sacrifice
We are on today the second of the major offerings that are revealed in the book of Vayikra that took place inside the tabernacle. We're looking today at what we're calling the grain offering. It's also referred to as the meat offering [...]
Derek Prince - The Slippery Path of Being Unthankful
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Derek Prince - The Slippery Path of Being Unthankful
Derek Prince - The Slippery Path of Being Unthankful
This excerpt is from: Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship Now we need to look at the rather dark other side to this truth, which is the opposite of being thankful, what the Bible has to say about that. And it has a great deal to say about [...]
Derek Prince - Unlocking the Miracle Power Of God
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Derek Prince - Unlocking the Miracle Power Of God
Derek Prince - Unlocking the Miracle Power Of God
This excerpt is from: Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship Then another very important fact about thanksgiving... is that it's a key that unlocks the supernatural miracle power of God. I'll give you just one very conspicuous example: the [...]
Derek Prince - What Should We Thank God For
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Derek Prince - What Should We Thank God For
Derek Prince - What Should We Thank God For
This excerpt is from: Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship And then we'll consider this question that I've already touched on, of the approach to God. The best place to look there is in Psalm 100, a very beautiful, familiar psalm. Talking [...]
Derek Prince - When We're Unthankful, We're Out Of The Grace Of God
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Derek Prince - When We're Unthankful, We're Out Of The Grace Of God
Derek Prince - When We're Unthankful, We're Out Of The Grace Of God
This excerpt is from: Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship Let me talk for the rest of this particular session on the theme of thanksgiving. I'd like to read one verse from Hebrews 12:28. It would be rather interesting, I'm reading from the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Count Blessings Not Sheep
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Robert Jeffress - Count Blessings Not Sheep
Robert Jeffress - Count Blessings Not Sheep
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Life is full of toil, trouble and trials. And we all go through times when we wish God had dealt us a better hand. But even when life's circumstances threaten to overwhelm [...]
Andy Stanley - Give Thanks: An Attitude of Gratitude
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Andy Stanley - Give Thanks: An Attitude of Gratitude
Andy Stanley - Give Thanks: An Attitude of Gratitude
Hi everybody, welcome back and Happy Thanksgiving a few days early, right? Hey, I hope you all have an opportunity to celebrate with friends and family this week. For several years, a friend of mine and I would get up really, really early on [...]
Craig Groeschel​ - Defeat Your Negative Thoughts
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Craig Groeschel​ - Defeat Your Negative Thoughts
Craig Groeschel​ - Defeat Your Negative Thoughts
I wonder how many of you are in the middle of a pretty decent life for the most part but still find yourself complaining a lot? Why is that? That our lives can be pretty special most of the time and our minds can drift to the things that we [...]
Steven Furtick - Learning To Thank God In Every Season
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Steven Furtick - Learning To Thank God In Every Season
Steven Furtick - Learning To Thank God In Every Season
I have carefully selected the finest cut of Scripture for you today for this post-Thanksgiving meal, this feast. We're going to feast on his faithfulness, church. In Deuteronomy, chapter 8, there is a Scripture that has often drawn my attention [...]
Victoria Osteen - Appreciating Every Area Of Our Life
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Victoria Osteen - Appreciating Every Area Of Our Life
Victoria Osteen - Appreciating Every Area Of Our Life
I just want to talk to us today about appreciating every area of our life. You know, when we appreciate something, we bring awareness to it. We bring value to it. And we are less likely to take it for granted. In Deuteronomy 10 through 12, God was [...]
Creflo Dollar - Living the Grateful Life
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Creflo Dollar - Living the Grateful Life
Creflo Dollar - Living the Grateful Life
If you have your Bibles this morning, I want to share some things with you I feel you can take with you throughout the day and it will be a blessing to your life. I want to talk to you about living the grateful life. It's not just, you know, a [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Thankful... For What?
Joyce Meyer - Thankful... For What?
Today, Joyce Meyer answers the question: Thankful… For What? [...]
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John Gray - The Power of Thank You
John Gray - The Power of Thank You
"For all to Jesus, I surrender all, to thee I freely give. And I will ever love and trust him in his presence daily lived, I surrender all". Some of you young people don't know this song but, "I surrender all, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, [...]
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John Hagee - The Spirit of Thanksgiving
John Hagee - The Spirit of Thanksgiving
In the life of a believer, every day should be thanksgiving day. One man said to me on one occasion, he said, "Preacher, how can I be thankful: I can't pay my bills". My answer was, "If you can't pay your bills, thank God [...]
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Joel Osteen - Recognize God's Goodness
Joel Osteen - Recognize God's Goodness
I want to talk to you today about recognizing God's goodness. When you look back over your life you can see the faithfulness of God, times where he made a way, where you didn't see a way, he opened a door and a dream came to pass. You were [...]
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David Jeremiah - Wisdom to Be Thankful For
David Jeremiah - Wisdom to Be Thankful For
Once there was an old man who lived in a tiny village. Although poor, he was envied by all for he owned a very beautiful white horse. Even the king coveted his treasure. A horse like this had never been seen before, such was its splendor, its [...]
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Leon Fontaine - The Effect of Thankfulness
Leon Fontaine - The Effect of Thankfulness
Faith is something that transcends all the covenants in the Bible. We've got the new covenant. We've got the old covenant. We have separate covenants that God made with different men. But in every case, faith was an issue. What they [...]
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Leon Fontaine - Being Thankful in the Darkness
Leon Fontaine - Being Thankful in the Darkness
Hey, everybody. It is great to have you with me today, because the topic today is crucial for you to breakthrough storms and to walk in a consistent place of miracles and success and overcoming faith, lives, etcetera. This message today is so [...]
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Greg Laurie - Don't Forget to Say Thank You
Greg Laurie - Don't Forget to Say Thank You
Hello everybody and Happy Thanksgiving. I wanna share a message with you with the title Don't Forget To Say Thank You. Remember with your kids, you probably taught them that: remember to say please and thank you. That's the title of my [...]
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Joel Osteen — Thank God in Advance
Joel Osteen — Thank God in Advance
I want to talk to you today about thanking God in advance. We all have dreams and goals that God has placed in our heart, things we're believing for, situations we're praying to turn around. These promises start off like seeds. They [...]