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Rabbi Schneider - Gulu, Healed from the Inside
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Rabbi Schneider - Gulu, Healed from the Inside
Rabbi Schneider - Gulu, Healed from the Inside
Now, Jesus said that by His stripes we are healed. And what God told us through His work is that when Jesus hung on the cross, He took our sin and our sickness into His own body. That by His stripes we are healed. Rabbi Schneider : Praise God. [...]
Sid Roth - I Asked God, "Was Jesus Your Son?" His Answer Shocked Me
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Sid Roth - I Asked God, "Was Jesus Your Son?" His Answer Shocked Me
Sid Roth - I Asked God, "Was Jesus Your Son?" His Answer Shocked Me
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guests, June and Shelly Volk, were both raised in Jewish homes and did not know Jesus as their Messiah. June's family was more conservative, Reformed. Shelly's family, Orthodox. June, how [...]
Steven Furtick - Rescue Your Testimony
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Steven Furtick - Rescue Your Testimony
Steven Furtick - Rescue Your Testimony
How many came for a word from God today? God's got you. Remain standing for one moment. I'm going to be sharing today from Romans 5:1-9, and then I'm going to go to one other Scripture as well. Fair warning. I overstudied this week. [...]
John Bradshaw - One Foot in the Church, One Foot in the World
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John Bradshaw - One Foot in the Church, One Foot in the World
John Bradshaw - One Foot in the Church, One Foot in the World
John Bradshaw : So when you were back, were you back or did you?... Heidi Tompkins : No, I was like one foot in the church and one foot in the world still. I joined the church choir and I decided I was going to be involved in church, but because of [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Testimony
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Jonathan Bernis - Testimony
Jonathan Bernis - Testimony
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. Thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined today by my co-host, once again, Ezra Benjamin. Now, you may notice that I look a little different than I previously [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Greatest Power
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Creflo Dollar - The Greatest Power
Creflo Dollar - The Greatest Power
Christian people sometimes are made to feel like if they go through any sickness or a challenge in their health, they must ascend. Sharing this testimony today, is so vital to me because I learned that it's not a sin to go to the doctor, I [...]
Michael Youssef - Michael Youssef's Testimony
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Michael Youssef - Michael Youssef's Testimony
Michael Youssef - Michael Youssef's Testimony
Lorna Dueck : Dr. Michael Youssef was a young scholar when he left Egypt on his way to Australia, then to America, and he has since traveled around the world, teaching the Bible more than 32 times around the world. And Dr. Youssef, we are so [...]
Steven Furtick - Timing Your Testimony
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Steven Furtick - Timing Your Testimony
Steven Furtick - Timing Your Testimony
I want to tell you a story today from the Bible, from 2 Kings, chapter 8. You might not have heard this one before. It's really good. The Scripture records this: "Now Elisha had said to the woman whose son he had restored to life, 'Go [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Is the Connector to Miraculous Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Is the Connector to Miraculous Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Is the Connector to Miraculous Healing
Thank you Lord Jesus. Praise you Lord Jesus. I thank you Lord. That healing is the children's bread and I'll have my meal this morning. I sit at the table. God has prepared my Lord Jesus. El Shaddai in the flesh has prepared a table before [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Let Your Test Become Your Testimony
Joyce Meyer - Let Your Test Become Your Testimony
Let your test become your testimony. Everybody likes a testimony. We overcome the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, and it's good to be able to testify to the veracity and the truth of God's word. Life sometimes [...]
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Leon Fontaine - The Power of Your Testimony
Leon Fontaine - The Power of Your Testimony
I wanna talk to you today about your story. Your story. There is something you have that is so powerful and people don't use it. It's your own story. You know, over the last year so I've been watching the American election and then [...]
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Patricia King — Testimonies of Miracle Healing
Patricia King — Testimonies of Miracle Healing
Patricia King introduces several remarkable first hand testimonies of miracles. A woman testifies to the deliverance from epilepsy [...]
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Patricia King — Testimonies Of God Encounters
Patricia King — Testimonies Of God Encounters
Patricia King lays a biblical foundation about encounters with the Living God and heavenly beings. Charlie Robinson testifies. [...]
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Patricia King — A Hell Story
Patricia King — A Hell Story
Patricia shares the story of Howard Storm who dying and went into hell and came back to tell his story and gave his heart to Jesus. [...]