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Bobby Schuller - The #1 Thing That Ruins a Perfectly Successful Life
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Bobby Schuller - The #1 Thing That Ruins a Perfectly Successful Life
Bobby Schuller - The #1 Thing That Ruins a Perfectly Successful Life
Today is a great day to become a Christian. You know, there's some days it's not the best day, just kidding, but today feels particularly good. I read a book recently by a guy named Felix Dennis. You might recognize the name. He's a wealthy guy, I [...]
Jack Graham - Success God's Way
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Jack Graham - Success God's Way
Jack Graham - Success God's Way
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Genesis chapter 41, and I want to speak to you today on the subject "God's Way to Success". Now what is success? Is it title? Is it position? Is it rank? Is it celebrity? Is it fortune and fame? None of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith, the Secret to Success
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith, the Secret to Success
Kenneth Copeland - Faith, the Secret to Success
Faith, the secret to success, why preach so much of it? Impossible to please God without it. Can't be saved without it. Can't live the Christian life without it. Can't overcome the world without it. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Faith begins [...]
Allen Jackson - A Triumphant Life - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Triumphant Life - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Triumphant Life - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. We're continuing our discussion on worship, praise, and thanksgiving. Worship in our lives is so important. It's a catalyst for the power of God moving in our world, and we desperately need his help in our [...]
Allen Jackson - A Triumphant Life - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Triumphant Life - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Triumphant Life - Part 1
The topic is "Worship, Thanksgiving & Praise". We began this discussion in the previous session. If you have the time to go back and listen, it will add some momentum to what we will do, but in this particular segment, I wanna talk [...]
Greg Laurie - How To Live A Successful Christian Life
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Greg Laurie - How To Live A Successful Christian Life
Greg Laurie - How To Live A Successful Christian Life
We all remember the day that Jesus Christ came into our life, right? It's a big day, a day you don't forget. It was like we went from darkness to light. It's like we went from black and white to color. I remember, I'm old enough to remember when [...]
Joseph Prince - Wisdom For Financial Success
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Joseph Prince - Wisdom For Financial Success
Joseph Prince - Wisdom For Financial Success
Praise the Lord. You all ready for God's Word? Luke 19, verse 1: "Jesus entered Jericho and made his way through the town". Jericho is known as the city of the curse, ever since Joshua conquered the city, Joshua pronounced a curse upon the [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Succeed In Balancing Life
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Peter Tan-Chi - Succeed In Balancing Life
Peter Tan-Chi - Succeed In Balancing Life
Today we continue our series on life goals. Do you realize why this topic is so important? The reality is this: No matter where I go, people often ask me: When there are leadership seminars abroad or in the Philippines, the most common question I am [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Redefine Success
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Peter Tan-Chi - Redefine Success
Peter Tan-Chi - Redefine Success
This morning we're starting a new series. It’s called life goals redefining success. You have to redefine success and all of us have goals. Believe it or not, before I give you a test, I want to ask all the group leaders to please stand up. All the [...]
Greg Laurie - The Secret To Spiritual Success
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Greg Laurie - The Secret To Spiritual Success
Greg Laurie - The Secret To Spiritual Success
I think we all want to succeed spiritually. Sadly, we all know someone, maybe more than one, who are walking with the Lord and then crashed and burned in the worst imaginable way. Then we know others who just continue to grow and mature and develop [...]
James Merritt - Stress for Success
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James Merritt - Stress for Success
James Merritt - Stress for Success
Well, I wanna just say a good morning to all of you here at our room, and those of you watching live, watching by TV, thanks for joining. Just a little quick aside, just before I walked in here, you talking about making my day. I get a text from my [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Be Successful
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Adrian Rogers - How to Be Successful
Adrian Rogers - How to Be Successful
Be finding Proverbs chapter 3, if you will. In just a few moments, we're going to read beginning in verse 5. Proverbs chapter 3 and we're going to begin in verse 5. The question, I suppose, that is asked more than any other question when a pastor is [...]
Joseph Prince - Encounter True Grace And Experience Success
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Joseph Prince - Encounter True Grace And Experience Success
Joseph Prince - Encounter True Grace And Experience Success
Listen carefully. The Bible teaches honor for people, like in the Book of Romans, the apostle Paul taught the believers let every soul be subject to the higher powers. Amen? The government at that time. At that time, the government was the Romans. [...]
Gregory Dickow - Success Is Knowing Who You Are
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Gregory Dickow - Success Is Knowing Who You Are
Gregory Dickow - Success Is Knowing Who You Are
Welcome to "The Power to Change Today". I'm Gregory Dickow, and if there was one secret to having success in every area of your life, wouldn't you want to know what it is? Of course. Well, that's what today's program is all about. No [...]
Joseph Prince - Pray For Good Success Today
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Joseph Prince - Pray For Good Success Today
Joseph Prince - Pray For Good Success Today
The year of kairos, the kairos year of right time, right place, amen. And the verse we're gonna start off with for today's Word from God is Ecclesiastes 3, verse 11. "He has made everything beautiful in His time". He has made everything [...]
Joseph Prince - Experience Success When You Rely On His Favor
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Joseph Prince - Experience Success When You Rely On His Favor
Joseph Prince - Experience Success When You Rely On His Favor
This is an excerpt from: Prosperity With A Purpose One of the saddest things is that, I feel like there's a whole new generation. You know, they look at favor, and they this favor message and all that, it is some, you know, preachers who try to [...]
Joseph Prince - How God Sets You Up For Good Success
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Joseph Prince - How God Sets You Up For Good Success
Joseph Prince - How God Sets You Up For Good Success
This is an excerpt from: The Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place - Part 2 Another thing, "qarah," right time, right place, I mean, logically, right time, right place gives you what? Success, right? Right? But then later on when he [...]
Joseph Prince - Want Good Success? Depend On God's Grace!
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Joseph Prince - Want Good Success? Depend On God's Grace!
Joseph Prince - Want Good Success? Depend On God's Grace!
This is an excerpt from: The Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place - Part 2 So we go to Genesis 24 because we shared last week about Genesis 24, Abraham's servant. It's a very beautiful story. You know that Genesis 22 is about the father's love [...]
Joseph Prince - Pray For QARAH And See Good Success
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Joseph Prince - Pray For QARAH And See Good Success
Joseph Prince - Pray For QARAH And See Good Success
This is an excerpt from: The Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place - Part 1 Now we go to Abraham's servant. Abraham's servant is from the chapter, 24 of Genesis. Just to let you all know, okay, Genesis 24 is one, long chapter. Longest chapter of [...]
John Hagee - Success For The New Year
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John Hagee - Success For The New Year
John Hagee - Success For The New Year
Turn to Proverbs 25:28, as we talk today about the secret of success for the new year. The question is: are you going to have a happy new year, or will the social, moral and political corruption continue to destroy your peace of mind and hopes for [...]
Robert Jeffress - Affirmative Action
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Robert Jeffress - Affirmative Action
Robert Jeffress - Affirmative Action
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Everyone has his own opinion about what it means to be successful in life. For some, it's having a well-paying job, or raising a good family, or living in a beautiful home. Well, those [...]
Joseph Prince - Lay Hold Of God's Word And See Good Success
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Joseph Prince - Lay Hold Of God's Word And See Good Success
Joseph Prince - Lay Hold Of God's Word And See Good Success
This excerpt is from: Be Occupied With The Word Not The Enemy, preached on Oct 16, 2022. God even told Joshua at the commencement of his ministry or his career as the captain of God's people to bring them into the promised land, the land flowing [...]
Leon Fontaine - Programmed To Succeed
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Leon Fontaine - Programmed To Succeed
Leon Fontaine - Programmed To Succeed
Hey everybody, it's so great to have you with me today on our program. Today is a very interesting message. I addressed our school, and all of the teenagers in the high school classes, and I did a chapel for them. So I want you to hear this message [...]
Jack Graham - Choosing Success Over Failure
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Jack Graham - Choosing Success Over Failure
Jack Graham - Choosing Success Over Failure
I always think about the greatest coach of all time, certainly in basketball. One of the legends in American sports history and that is Coach John Wooden. Many studied his strategies and coaching skills. But what many do not know is that when he [...]
Derek Prince - Success Will Not Provide Security
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Derek Prince - Success Will Not Provide Security
Derek Prince - Success Will Not Provide Security
This is an excerpt from: Father God The third thing that comes through knowing the Father is total security. In John 10:29. Am I right? Matthew 10:29: Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from [...]
Joseph Prince - Set Apart For Lasting Success
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Joseph Prince - Set Apart For Lasting Success
Joseph Prince - Set Apart For Lasting Success
Welcome, once again, New Creation Church, and everyone all over the world that is following us online. You know, I believe that every time, every time you tune in, God has a fresh Word for you in your situation, and the amazing thing about God's [...]
Steven Furtick - When Success Feels Empty
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Steven Furtick - When Success Feels Empty
Steven Furtick - When Success Feels Empty
This is an excerpt from “What It Means Is Up To Me” Short-term success sometimes is the ultimate failure. Have you ever seen somebody who got in really good physical shape but did it the wrong way? Then it ended up creating this cycle to where they [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Love Is the Key to Your Success
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Kenneth Copeland - Love Is the Key to Your Success
Kenneth Copeland - Love Is the Key to Your Success
Kenneth Copeland : Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Hey. Now, some of you may not have seen this. That's the real thing. Before, we just had a picture up there. Greg Stephens : Right. — [...]
Craig Smith - The Seduction of Success
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Craig Smith - The Seduction of Success
Craig Smith - The Seduction of Success
Good morning. Welcome to Mission Hills, fourth of July coming up. It’s weird when the fourth of July is on Wednesday, right? Because like which exactly is the Fourth of July? We sort of picked this one arbitrarily. How many of you have the next [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Art of Living Well
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Robert Jeffress - The Art of Living Well
Robert Jeffress - The Art of Living Well
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Success is a wonderful thing, but most of the time we feel frustrated by our inability to achieve it. Well, in Solomon's ancient book of Proverbs, we find pearls of wisdom for success [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Love-Fueled Faith Brings Success
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Kenneth Copeland - Love-Fueled Faith Brings Success
Kenneth Copeland - Love-Fueled Faith Brings Success
Let's go now to Galatians 5. "Stand fast". Are we standing fast this morning? "Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty". What is this country? It is a nation of liberty, freedom. Stand fast in that liberty. Praise God. "Stand [...]
Kenneth Copeland – The Soldier's Promise of Success
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Kenneth Copeland – The Soldier's Promise of Success
Kenneth Copeland – The Soldier's Promise of Success
I want to talk to you about love, the secret to success. The God kind of love. The agape love, not the phileo love. Agape, the God kind of love, is love on purpose. It doesn't have, it doesn't need. It's not necessary for it to feel good about [...]
Leon Fontaine - More Than Success
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Leon Fontaine - More Than Success
Leon Fontaine - More Than Success
As a young teenager, I have avid memories of me getting interested in God's Word. My mom and dad had taught me the Word literally from a baby up. But in my early teens, I began to understand clearer the principles in the Word and so many people who [...]
Joseph Prince - Biblical Meditation, An Easy Way To Get Started
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Joseph Prince - Biblical Meditation, An Easy Way To Get Started
Joseph Prince - Biblical Meditation, An Easy Way To Get Started
This excerpt is from: The One Thing That Brings Success In Every Area (14 Feb 2016) The one thing that you do, that will cause you to prosper. Whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Meditate! When you read your Bible, it’s not possible to be reading [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 8
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 8
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 8
There's a fifth consequence for the absence of servanthood in your life. Number five, the absence of a servant's heart leads to playing power games, or spiritual king of the mountain. Power games, you know, when everybody wants to be served, and [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 7
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 7
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 7
We've been talking about "Servanthood: The Pathway To Success". And one of the things we've discovered so far is if servanthood matters to Jesus, and it does, it should matter to us. And so, we're going to read from the Book of Mark [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 6
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 6
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 6
The world is searching for significance in all of the wrong places and in all of the wrong ways, and a search for significance, what it does, it naturally produces the opposite of servanthood. When all you're in it for is meaning in your life and [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 5
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 5
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 5
We're gonna dig in this, and we're gonna deal with part 3. We're in a series on "Servanthood: The Pathway to Success," and this is part 3. "Servanthood: The Pathway to Success". Let's begin in our key Scripture for this series, [...]
Joseph Prince - The One Thing That Brings Success In Every Area
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Joseph Prince - The One Thing That Brings Success In Every Area
Joseph Prince - The One Thing That Brings Success In Every Area
Today I want to share with you one thing, just one thing that you can do that will cause you to prosper in every area of your life. How many would like to know that? Just one thing. Just one thing that you'll do, and I learned this when I was about [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 4
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 4
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 4
A servant in submission to God will now seek to meet the real needs of others or of the person who needs serving. That's a guy who's submitted to God: wanting to meet the needs of others. Servanthood is the condition, or the state, of being a [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 3
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the Book of Mark chapter 10. Mark chapter 10 and verse 45; Mark 10:45. We're talking about "Servanthood: The Pathway To Success". "Servanthood: The Pathway To Success". Now, one of the [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 2
There is a blessing when you go down the pathway of servanthood. There is a blessing when you go down the path of servanthood. For those that do this, they will be blessed. They will be happy. They will be prosperous. They will be blessed. God will [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Pathway to Success - Part 1
At this time, if you would, go to your Bibles to the book of Mark chapter 10, Mark chapter 10. And today I wanna minister something to you that hopefully will change your leadership style or hopefully will help you to evaluate who you are, but I [...]
#632 Joseph Prince - Keys To Good Success
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Joseph Prince - Keys To Good Success
Joseph Prince - Keys To Good Success
Two weeks ago, I had a dream. I'd just finished recording the "Hazon Vision" message, and I went home, slept, and I looked forward to a good rest, especially after preaching. I expect to be a non-eventful night, but that night I had a [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Change Failure to Success
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Jimmy Evans - How to Change Failure to Success
Jimmy Evans - How to Change Failure to Success
The Word of God transforms our minds. It completely changes the way that we think, and therefore the way that we live, so in this message, we're going to talk about success and failure. The world has a way to think about success. We've got to change [...]
Steven Furtick - A New Definition of Success
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Steven Furtick - A New Definition of Success
Steven Furtick - A New Definition of Success
Do you know what kind of success sucks? The one you project but it's not real and you don't really possess it; when you need to appear a certain way. What happens is sometimes we get so addicted to the approval that comes from others we cannot [...]
Creflo Dollar - God's Commitment to Your Success
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Creflo Dollar - God's Commitment to Your Success
Creflo Dollar - God's Commitment to Your Success
We've been talking to you about clarity versus spiritual blindness, or "Spiritual Blindness vs. Clarity" and, frankly, I thought I was through with it. There were four Scriptures left and I'm thinking, "Well, there are just four [...]
Robert Jeffress - To Succeed More, Fail More
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Robert Jeffress - To Succeed More, Fail More
Robert Jeffress - To Succeed More, Fail More
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Just walk into any library or bookstore, and you'll find countless books on how to find success in your marriage, your finances, and every other area of life. But worldly advice always [...]
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Joyce Meyer - If at First You Don't Succeed, You're Normal
Joyce Meyer - If at First You Don't Succeed, You're Normal
If at first you don't succeed-you're normal. Amen? Everybody is gonna go outta here feeling better about yourself tonight than you did when you came in. How many of you walked in here tonight feeling guilty about something? Okay, that's better than [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - Your Failure Is Not Final
Jentezen Franklin - Your Failure Is Not Final
I want to talk to you for a few moments tonight on something a little bit different. For me, in a conference like this, I've done a lot of these, and our conference and other conferences like this, and I know what I'm supposed to do, but also know [...]
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