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Derek Prince - Taking Responsibility Precedes The Return Of Jesus
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Derek Prince - Taking Responsibility Precedes The Return Of Jesus
Derek Prince - Taking Responsibility Precedes The Return Of Jesus
This excerpt is from: How Should We Prepare For His Appearing? So let me try and wrap this up. I’m going to come back to what I believe are our responsibilities if we claim that we are awaiting eagerly the return of the Lord, if we're longing [...]
Derek Prince - We Can Hasten The Coming Of Jesus
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Derek Prince - We Can Hasten The Coming Of Jesus
Derek Prince - We Can Hasten The Coming Of Jesus
This excerpt is from: How Should We Prepare For His Appearing? Now we come to the fourth requirement. I’m not suggesting that these are exhaustive. But I’m suggesting they are main requirements of Scripture. Which is to speed or hasten the coming [...]
Derek Prince - Jesus' Second Coming
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Derek Prince - Jesus' Second Coming
Derek Prince - Jesus' Second Coming
This excerpt is from: How Should We Prepare For His Appearing? I want to recapitulate briefly what I said last night, because I want to build on that for tonight’s message. Those of you who hear my radio teaching regularly will have noticed that [...]
Derek Prince - How Should We Prepare For His Appearing?
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Derek Prince - How Should We Prepare For His Appearing?
Derek Prince - How Should We Prepare For His Appearing?
I want to recapitulate briefly what I said last night, because I want to build on that for tonight’s message. Those of you who hear my radio teaching regularly will have noticed that recapitulation is part of my teaching. My aim is to teach, you [...]
Derek Prince - Nature Is More Excited About Jesus' Coming Than The Church
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Derek Prince - Nature Is More Excited About Jesus' Coming Than The Church
Derek Prince - Nature Is More Excited About Jesus' Coming Than The Church
This is an excerpt from: Why Should We Be Longing for Jesus' Appearing? Now I just want to read a couple of passages from the psalms to close tonight, trying to show you that if you’re not excited, nature is. From Psalm 96 first and then from [...]
Derek Prince - We Shall Be Caught Up In The Air
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Derek Prince - We Shall Be Caught Up In The Air
Derek Prince - We Shall Be Caught Up In The Air
This is an excerpt from: Why Should We Be Longing for Jesus' Appearing? Not only will the coming of the Lord mark the consummation of our union with Him. It will also mark the consummation of our union with one another. If you turn to 1 [...]
Derek Prince - Are You Excited About The Second Coming?
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Derek Prince - Are You Excited About The Second Coming?
Derek Prince - Are You Excited About The Second Coming?
This is an excerpt from: Why Should We Be Longing for Jesus' Appearing? The second reason why all Christians should be longing for the Lord’s appearing is that it will mark the consummation of our union, two ways. First of all, with Christ [...]
Derek Prince - Why Should We Be Longing For Jesus' Appearing?
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Derek Prince - Why Should We Be Longing For Jesus' Appearing?
Derek Prince - Why Should We Be Longing For Jesus' Appearing?
A theme which has become very important to me. It’s one which God impressed upon me, sometime in the latter part of last year. And it’s kind of lingered in my mind. It’s been the subject of meditation. A subject of study from the Scripture. And it [...]
Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 4
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Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 4
Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 4
Bible prophecy in fact, does mention deadly viruses or pestilence. That's what pestilence is. It does mention about viruses and pestilences. However, does the Bible specifically mention or predict the coronavirus or COVID-19? Does it, does the [...]
Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 3
Let's begin this morning as we're talking about "Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus"? And we started this last week, and we decided not to try to get deep with all of the, you know, foreshadowing. Just read the Bible, see what [...]
Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 2
He's coming back. He's coming back. He's coming back. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is the Lord and the King of kings. He's coming back I tell you. See, I don't know if you understand, first [...]
Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Are You Ready for the Return of Jesus? - Part 1
So, I call this series with a question, Are You Ready For The Return Of Jesus Christ? Because I'll show you some things today that kind of identify where we are. But let's start off in the Book of Hebrews chapter 9, Hebrews chapter 9 and [...]
Craig Smith - The Back Of The Book
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Craig Smith - The Back Of The Book
Craig Smith - The Back Of The Book
Good morning. What? Weird today… I’m so glad you are here for our last and final week on the Book of Daniel. I’m going to be honest, today was probably the hardest message I have ever prepared. And it’s not because the big idea that God wants us to [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Prepare the World for Jesus
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Rabbi Schneider - Prepare the World for Jesus
Rabbi Schneider - Prepare the World for Jesus
Did you know that Paul said in the Book of Colossians that he had been made a minister of the Gospel, he said, which for ages had been hidden. And then he went on to say, and the mystery of it. And he began to reveal to, reveal to us mysteries. We [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Direct Access to God
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Rabbi Schneider - Direct Access to God
Rabbi Schneider - Direct Access to God
The Holy Land. I'm gonna bring you now to three very powerful places in the land of Israel. We're gonna go to the Western Wall. We're gonna go the Garden Tomb. And we're gonna go to the Garden of Gethsemane. As a Jewish person [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Signs of Jesus' Return
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Rabbi Schneider - Signs of Jesus' Return
Rabbi Schneider - Signs of Jesus' Return
I'm standing on the Mount of Olives right outside Jerusalem. You can see all around me all these grave stones. The reason, beloved ones, there are so many grave stones up here is because Jewish people and Christians alike believe that when [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Be Ready for Jesus' Second Coming
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Rabbi Schneider - Be Ready for Jesus' Second Coming
Rabbi Schneider - Be Ready for Jesus' Second Coming
So many people are interested in the Book of Revelation. I mean, people that aren't even Christians, they're mystified, they're curious. What is the Book of Revelation all about? And through this series, beloved, I am gonna transmit [...]
David Jeremiah - An International Prophecy, Globalism
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David Jeremiah - An International Prophecy, Globalism
David Jeremiah - An International Prophecy, Globalism
A story recently spread over the Internet saying that the United Nations was quietly working on a shadowy plan to create a New World Order and a One World Government. Among other items under discussion was a global currency, a central bank, the end [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How to Be Ready for the Return of Jesus
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Rabbi Schneider - How to Be Ready for the Return of Jesus
Rabbi Schneider - How to Be Ready for the Return of Jesus
Beloved ones, last time we were together through television during this series, I was talking about Armageddon, called Harmageddon, or Har Maggido. This last great world war will be the climax of world history as it pertains to God finally stepping [...]
Joseph Prince - The Rapture, Your Blessed Hope In Dark Times
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Joseph Prince - The Rapture, Your Blessed Hope In Dark Times
Joseph Prince - The Rapture, Your Blessed Hope In Dark Times
Praise God. With all that we see happening around the world today, that I was telling the pastors just the other day that the devil is outplaying his hand. By causing the focus to be on Israel in these last days is actually helping to fulfill Bible [...]
John Hagee - What a Difference a Day Makes
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John Hagee - What a Difference a Day Makes
John Hagee - What a Difference a Day Makes
Your life can change forever in the fraction of a day. Look at America's history. What a difference a day makes. Remember the day of Pearl Harbor that changed our lives forever, December 7, 1941. How many of you were alive then? A precious few. [...]
Robert Jeffress - The King Is Coming
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Robert Jeffress - The King Is Coming
Robert Jeffress - The King Is Coming
Hi I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. When the seven years of tribulation finally end, when the final battle is over, when God administers his final judgment on those who reject him, a peace will descend upon the [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Coming King
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Robert Jeffress - The Coming King
Robert Jeffress - The Coming King
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress. And welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In 2011, it was estimated that over a 100 million people around the world tuned in to watch the royal wedding ceremony between Prince William and Kate Middleton. It was arguably [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Coming Kingdom
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Robert Jeffress - The Coming Kingdom
Robert Jeffress - The Coming Kingdom
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Ever since the fall of man, Satan has enjoyed a measure of power and dominion over the earth, spreading evil and chaos wherever possible. But the Bible teaches that during the [...]
Billy Graham - The Second Coming of Christ
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Billy Graham - The Second Coming of Christ
Billy Graham - The Second Coming of Christ
Now I want you to turn with me to the passage that Ralph Bell read to us. The third chapter of II Peter. I wish I had an opportunity to go verse by verse in this chapter because it‘s one of the most important chapters concerning the coming again of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Why Is the World So Negative?
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Rabbi Schneider - Why Is the World So Negative?
Rabbi Schneider - Why Is the World So Negative?
Do you know that the last thing that Jesus spoke to us was, "behold, I'm coming quickly". The last words that Jesus left us are, "I am coming quickly". The reality is that you and I need to be woken up to Jesus's [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Why Is Religion Being Attacked Today?
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Rabbi Schneider - Why Is Religion Being Attacked Today?
Rabbi Schneider - Why Is Religion Being Attacked Today?
You see, sin has defiled all of creation. The fact that people die, this is the result of sin. The fact that people get sick, this is the result of sin. All the evils that are happening in the world, it's all a result of sin. Things have gone [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Are the Signs of Jesus' Return?
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Rabbi Schneider - What Are the Signs of Jesus' Return?
Rabbi Schneider - What Are the Signs of Jesus' Return?
What is happening on planet Earth today that tells us that Jesus is getting ready to come back? I'm not talking about the things that many of us have heard of. We've all heard about the earthquakes, and the tsunamis, and nations rising [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Is Jesus Coming Back?
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Rabbi Schneider - Is Jesus Coming Back?
Rabbi Schneider - Is Jesus Coming Back?
When we truly recognize in a conscious way that Jesus is coming back, that we're gonna stand before him, that we're gonna have to give an account of our lives, it causes us, beloved ones, to become more like him. And that's what we [...]
Derek Prince - Are You Hastening Jesus' Coming?
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Derek Prince - Are You Hastening Jesus' Coming?
Derek Prince - Are You Hastening Jesus' Coming?
Then we’ll go back to 2 Peter chapter 3 and look at the second requirement: looking for the coming of the day of God. I just want to turn to two Scriptures. The first is in Titus, chapter two, verses 11, 12 and 13. Titus 2:11-13: For the grace of [...]
Derek Prince - An Essential Part In Our Preparation For Jesus' Return
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Derek Prince - An Essential Part In Our Preparation For Jesus' Return
Derek Prince - An Essential Part In Our Preparation For Jesus' Return
All right, we’re coming to the next, this is number three. This is worse still! Do you know what it is? It’s waiting. The importance of waiting is almost totally overlooked in the contemporary church, at least by the kind of people I mix with. And [...]
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Rabbi Schneider - Foundations of the End Times: Return and Reign
Rabbi Schneider - Foundations of the End Times: Return and Reign
Beloved on today's message Foundations of the End Times, the Reign and Return of Messiah Jesus, I'm gonna take you inside Lion of Judah World Outreach Center where I preached a message about the rise of the Antichrist, but also about the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why Your Future Matters Today?
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Robert Jeffress - Why Your Future Matters Today?
Robert Jeffress - Why Your Future Matters Today?
Perhaps you are familiar with the novel "Futility" by author, Morgan Robertson. The book tells the story of a magnificent ocean liner named "The Titan" that strikes an iceberg in the middle of the Atlantic and sinks. Now you may [...]
John Hagee - The Signs of His Coming
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John Hagee - The Signs of His Coming
John Hagee - The Signs of His Coming
Where is America going? Our text in Matthew 24 is the spine of prophecy. It is presented by Jesus Christ to his disciples on the Mount of Olives just a few days before the end of his life. The disciples listened to the greatest prophecy teacher who [...]
David Jeremiah - The Victor
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David Jeremiah - The Victor
David Jeremiah - The Victor
Orbiting the Earth for more than two decades, the Hubble telescope opened up new heavenly vistas for us that were never before seen or even imagined. Hubble changed the face of astronomy, ushering in a new chapter in exploration of the universe. The [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Final Chapter
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Robert Jeffress - The Final Chapter
Robert Jeffress - The Final Chapter
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. This is a great day to join us because today, we're wrapping up our study in the book of Daniel. Over the last few weeks, we've been walking through this fascinating [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Day Jesus Came To Church
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Robert Jeffress - The Day Jesus Came To Church
Robert Jeffress - The Day Jesus Came To Church
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Skeptics often argue that Jesus never claimed to be the Son of God, and how could Jesus be the Messiah if he never himself made such an assertion? Well, those who [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Beginning Of The End
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Robert Jeffress - The Beginning Of The End
Robert Jeffress - The Beginning Of The End
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". When we read the latest headlines or watch the evening news, it appears as if the world is spinning out of control. While our country continues down a path of moral [...]
Robert Jeffress - Making Sure You're Not Left Behind
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Robert Jeffress - Making Sure You're Not Left Behind
Robert Jeffress - Making Sure You're Not Left Behind
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. For generations, people have used the Bible to concoct some pretty wild ideas about the end times. Many have tried to predict the dates for the second coming of Christ and the end [...]
Robert Jeffress - Jesus On The End Times
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Robert Jeffress - Jesus On The End Times
Robert Jeffress - Jesus On The End Times
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. There's no doubt about it, we are living in what the Bible calls the end times. People are rising up causing civil unrest. Christians are under attack in all parts of the [...]
Robert Jeffress - It's Later Than You Think
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Robert Jeffress - It's Later Than You Think
Robert Jeffress - It's Later Than You Think
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Nobody really looks forward to being jolted awake by the alarm clock in the morning. But when that alarm goes off, you know it's time to get up and get ready-fast! And in the [...]
Robert Jeffress - History's Most Important Event
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Robert Jeffress - History's Most Important Event
Robert Jeffress - History's Most Important Event
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. For two thousand years, Christians have wondered when will Jesus return to consummate his kingdom on earth? No one knows the day or the hour. But the Bible contains hundreds of [...]
John Hagee - The Question Jesus Could Not Answer
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John Hagee - The Question Jesus Could Not Answer
John Hagee - The Question Jesus Could Not Answer
The most exciting, earth-shaking event the earth has seen since the birth of Christ in Bethlehem's manger is about to happen. It is the rapture of the church of Jesus Christ. It is imminent. What is the rapture? Saint Paul puts pen to parchment [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - Eagerly Awaiting
Jentezen Franklin - Eagerly Awaiting
Look in 1 Thessalonians 1, and I'll begin reading with verse 8. "For from you, the word of the Lord has sounded forth not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God has gone out. So that we do not need to [...]
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Greg Laurie - The Rapture And Revival
Greg Laurie - The Rapture And Revival
Why don't you grab your Bibles and turn to 1 Thessalonians chapter 4. If you don't know where that is, it's right after 1 Thessalonians chapter 3. The title of my message is the rapture and revival. So we're talking about what is [...]
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David Reagan - Looking For Jesus
David Reagan - Looking For Jesus
New Year's greetings to all of you! As we begin this new year let me ask you a question: Are you yearning for the return of Jesus? Are you hoping this will be the year when He will appear in the heavens? If not why not? Stay tuned for a [...]
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John Hagee - What Will Be The Sign Of Your Coming?
John Hagee - What Will Be The Sign Of Your Coming?
Matthew 24:1-3, read with me, please. "Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple. And his disciples came to him to show him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said to them, 'do you not see all these things? Assuredly I say to [...]
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Levi Lusko - This Same Jesus
Levi Lusko - This Same Jesus
Well, we're taking some time this spring to go through the Apostles' Creed. And we're discovering what the load-bearing walls are of our faith. If we call ourselves Jesus followers, we're trying to answer this question: what does [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Victor Who Returns
David Jeremiah - The Victor Who Returns
The message of hope in the Bible is a message that's sorely needed in our day. And oftentimes, when people think of the end times they don't realize that if you're a follower of Christ that's the message of hope. What does the [...]
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Charles Stanley - Anticipating The Lord's Return
Charles Stanley - Anticipating The Lord's Return
How often do you think about Jesus's return? Do you sometimes doubt that He's coming back because, after all, it's been two thousand years? You might have a reason to doubt that. And He said He was going to return, but two thousand [...]
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