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Louie Giglio - Confident In Christ's Return
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Louie Giglio - Confident In Christ's Return
Louie Giglio - Confident In Christ's Return
«I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain». Now, I don’t wanna stop all the way through, but this key to the Abyss would take us back to chapter 1 of the risen Jesus who said, «I [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Modern Signs of Christ's Return
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Rabbi Schneider - The Modern Signs of Christ's Return
Rabbi Schneider - The Modern Signs of Christ's Return
I remember when I was in Bible college, I took a class on the Book of Revelation. And I was very confused about the Book of Revelation. It didn’t make sense to me. I couldn’t understand it. It was scary to me. And then I started reading different [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Jesus Is Coming Again, Be Ready
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Peter Tan-Chi - Jesus Is Coming Again, Be Ready
Peter Tan-Chi - Jesus Is Coming Again, Be Ready
Today, I want to discuss with you the end times according to Jesus. What did Jesus have to say about the end times? Are you curious? Do you know the doctrine of the second coming of Jesus is repeated again and again in the Bible? For example, in the [...]
Louie Giglio - Jesus Is Surely Coming
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Louie Giglio - Jesus Is Surely Coming
Louie Giglio - Jesus Is Surely Coming
Revelation’s probably the least read and most intimidating book in the Bible, and it’s the most least read book because it’s the most intimidating book. Maybe Daniel would be in there as second place as intimidating books in the Bible, and a lot of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Coming Back for You
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Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Coming Back for You
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Coming Back for You
It is a joyous, celebratory time of year as a Jewish person. And those of you that aren't Jewish but know Yeshua, this should be a celebratory time of year for you, too. We are in the midst of the holy appointed days of the Lord that take place [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Jesus is Coming, Be Ready
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Peter Tan-Chi - Jesus is Coming, Be Ready
Peter Tan-Chi - Jesus is Coming, Be Ready
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I hope many of you or all of you participated in our mid-year prayer and fasting. Personally, I look forward to spending time with the Lord, and I hope you had a good time [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Are You Ready?
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Peter Tan-Chi - Are You Ready?
Peter Tan-Chi - Are You Ready?
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Today, people are asking, "Are we living in end times? What's happening"? Let me tell you why they're asking these questions. Because in our generation, for [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Are You Ready?
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Jentezen Franklin - Are You Ready?
Jentezen Franklin - Are You Ready?
If you have your Bibles, I want you to open them to Matthew 24. "Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to Him privately saying, 'Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the signs of your coming and of the end [...]
Michael Youssef - The Return of Christ
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Michael Youssef - The Return of Christ
Michael Youssef - The Return of Christ
Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us there's a great deal of difference between waiting and watching. In fact, he makes this very clear distinction between waiting and watching in both Matthew 24 and 25. It's known as the Olivet Discourse. There [...]
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David Jeremiah - Thy Kingdom Come
David Jeremiah - Thy Kingdom Come
In the aftermath of World War I, the Red Cross recruited American young men to travel to Europe to help the suffering masses over there, and one farm boy from Missouri caught the vision. He was too young to apply, but he forged the date on his birth [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Return of the King
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Rabbi Schneider - Return of the King
Rabbi Schneider - Return of the King
I want to begin just by saying this, our Father that art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, get this now, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let's take a look at this clip. During this time where everything is gearing [...]
Greg Laurie - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
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Greg Laurie - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Greg Laurie - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
The second coming of Jesus is mentioned so many times in scripture. It's mentioned over 18 times in the Old Testament, and 300 times in the New Testament. Statistically, one verse out of every 25 mentions the Lord's return. It's [...]
John Hagee - Seven Signs of His Coming
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John Hagee - Seven Signs of His Coming
John Hagee - Seven Signs of His Coming
The first sign of Jesus Christ' coming in the scripture is the sign of the scoffer. 2 Peter 3:3 and 4 says, "Knowing this, that there shall come in the last days", there's that phrase again, "That there shall come in the [...]
Sid Roth - Jesus Told This Girl About His Soon Return
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Sid Roth - Jesus Told This Girl About His Soon Return
Sid Roth - Jesus Told This Girl About His Soon Return
Sid Roth : Now my guests naturally are in the supernatural: Wesley and Stacey Campbell. And Stacey, when you were very young, you had no paradigm of God. You didn't understand anything about God, and yet, he came to you. Tell me about that. [...]
Adrian Rogers - Waiting for Jesus
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Adrian Rogers - Waiting for Jesus
Adrian Rogers - Waiting for Jesus
Turn to First Thessalonians chapter 1. And I want you to see three of the richest verses on Bible prophecy in all of the Bible. And God has put three incredible thoughts in these short verses. Look if you will in First Thessalonians chapter 1 now [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Beginning of the End
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Adrian Rogers - The Beginning of the End
Adrian Rogers - The Beginning of the End
Find in God's Word Second Thessalonians chapter 1 beginning in verse 7. Second Thessalonians chapter 1, and in a moment we begin reading in verse 7. We're thinking about the beginning of the end. The stage is set for the drama of the ages, [...]
Sid Roth - The Timing of Jesus' Return Has Been Revealed
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Sid Roth - The Timing of Jesus' Return Has Been Revealed
Sid Roth - The Timing of Jesus' Return Has Been Revealed
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest is Mark Biltz, and he has Revelation like few people that receive them. Let me give you an example. Let's supposed you lived 2,000 years ago [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Knows the End of the Story
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Knows the End of the Story
Rick Warren - A Faith That Knows the End of the Story
Hi everybody, I'm pastor Rick, and welcome back to another week in our study. You know, because Saddleback is a global international church family with members on four different continents, we have to pay attention to what's happening all [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Is The Difference Between The Rapture And The Second Coming?
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Robert Jeffress - What Is The Difference Between The Rapture And The Second
Robert Jeffress - What Is The Difference Between The Rapture And The Second Coming?
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway To Victory". No event in biblical prophecy has caused more confusion among Christians than the rapture of the church. Today I'm going to clearly outline what the Bible says about [...]
Chris Hodges - Signs of the Times
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Chris Hodges - Signs of the Times
Chris Hodges - Signs of the Times
Well, it's great to see all of you here today. welcome to week number 3 of a 4-part series called, "The Second Coming of Christ," and I'll tell you more about that in just a moment. But I always like to begin, of course, looking [...]
Chris Hodges - Here Comes the Bride
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Chris Hodges - Here Comes the Bride
Chris Hodges - Here Comes the Bride
We are in week number 2 of a 4-part series called, "The Second Coming of Christ," and I'll get to more of that in just a second. I always like to take a minute and look straight into the camera and say hello to our 23 locations all [...]
Michael Youssef - Be Ready
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Michael Youssef - Be Ready
Michael Youssef - Be Ready
Throughout history, there were people who have sought to predict precisely when the last day is and when the return of the Lord is going to be, precisely, I mean to the date. Others, of course, as we're facing today more than ever, the deniers, [...]
Chris Hodges - It's a Love Story
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Chris Hodges - It's a Love Story
Chris Hodges - It's a Love Story
All right, well, today we are starting a brand-new, month-long series called, "The Second Coming of Christ," and I'll tell you more about that in just a second. But as always, I like to look into the camera and just say hello to all [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Does The Bible Mean By The End Times?
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Robert Jeffress - What Does The Bible Mean By The End Times?
Robert Jeffress - What Does The Bible Mean By The End Times?
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Back on October 7th, our world changed forever. Militant thugs swooped into an Israeli neighborhood on foot and in the air and committed unspeakable crimes. The images [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Thief in the Night
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Adrian Rogers - A Thief in the Night
Adrian Rogers - A Thief in the Night
Would you take God's Word and find First Thessalonians chapter 5. A man parked his automobile in front of his house and he did what no man should do, he left the key in the ignition thinking he'd be right back out. When he came out, the [...]
Michael Youssef - Keep Watch
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Michael Youssef - Keep Watch
Michael Youssef - Keep Watch
This fourth and the last in the series of messages from the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24, the signs of the end of time, the signs of his return. And here there is a contrast. In fact, there are going to be several contrasts in this [...]
Michael Youssef - Global Catastrophes
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Michael Youssef - Global Catastrophes
Michael Youssef - Global Catastrophes
Throughout Christian history, as you read Christian history, you'll find that faithful, true, genuine believers in the Lord Jesus Christ throughout church history, they have waited for the day of the return of the Lord. All have looked forward [...]
Michael Youssef - Two Events
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Michael Youssef - Two Events
Michael Youssef - Two Events
In the last message, I shared with you from the Word of God what Jesus explained to the disciples when they asked the question, "What are the signs of your return"? And he talks about the labor pains of a pregnant woman. And we saw six [...]
Michael Youssef - Six Signs
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Michael Youssef - Six Signs
Michael Youssef - Six Signs
As rapid change in our society picks up speed, more and more believers are really asking, "Are we there yet"? And by that, of course, they mean, "Is this the end of time"? But the believer's question is this: "Are we [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Unfinished Story of Christmas
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Adrian Rogers - The Unfinished Story of Christmas
Adrian Rogers - The Unfinished Story of Christmas
Would you take God's precious, inspired, inerrant, wonderful Word and turn to Second Thessalonians chapter 1? We're talking today about the unfinished Christmas story, or as Paul Harvey would say, "The rest of the story". Now you [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Return of Christ
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Dr. Ed Young - The Return of Christ
Dr. Ed Young - The Return of Christ
If God took each and every one of us-every one of us over to one side and looked you and me right in the face and asked this very personal, intimate question, how would you answer it? How would I answer it? If he asked this: "What is the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?
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Jentezen Franklin - Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?
Jentezen Franklin - Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?
If you have your Bibles, I want you to open them to Matthew 24. "Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to Him privately saying, 'Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the signs of your coming and of the end [...]
David Jeremiah - Shock and Awe
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David Jeremiah - Shock and Awe
David Jeremiah - Shock and Awe
Jenna Rose Alpern and her husband had just welcomed their first child into the world, which is an exciting time for any young couple, a time of transition and change and a time of growth, and in their case, a time for a new apartment. As residents [...]
Greg Laurie - What Is The Rapture?
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Greg Laurie - What Is The Rapture?
Greg Laurie - What Is The Rapture?
I think even nonbelievers are concerned right now about the state of our world. The stakes are higher. As we're experiencing what the Bible describes is the time where there is distress of nations with no way out. Even secular futurologists are [...]
Greg Laurie - Is Jesus Coming Back Again?
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Greg Laurie - Is Jesus Coming Back Again?
Greg Laurie - Is Jesus Coming Back Again?
So I heard a story about an elderly couple that went to bed one night, and I'm not gonna say what an elderly couple is, right, but they're old, they're old. And just as they were getting ready to turn out the lights, the wife said, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Coming Back
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Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Coming Back
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Coming Back
Shalom and greetings, beloved ones. We are entering in now to one of the most beautiful and sacred times of the year. Not only do we see the leaves turning and many parts of the country where we have seasons. And that kind of gives us a sense that [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Feast of Trumpets Jesus' Return
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Rabbi Schneider - The Feast of Trumpets Jesus' Return
Rabbi Schneider - The Feast of Trumpets Jesus' Return
Revelation Chapter 22, you want to mark this in your Bible, "Behold, I come quickly..." But the truth is many of us live as if His kingdom is not near. We don't live in a supernatural awakened state to the fact that Jesus could break [...]
Derek Prince - Jesus Will Appear A Second Time
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Derek Prince - Jesus Will Appear A Second Time
Derek Prince - Jesus Will Appear A Second Time
We have arrived at Page 9/4. We have just completed a study of verses 16 and 17. We'll begin with a quick reference to verses 16 and 17, then we'll go on with the rest of this chapter and we move then to chapter 10 tonight without fail. [...]
Allen Jackson - Is Jesus Returning? - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Is Jesus Returning? - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Is Jesus Returning? - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you again. We're continuing our study on what are we to do? It's the most asked question that I receive. How do we respond to what's happening in our world today? Well in this session, we're gonna [...]
Allen Jackson - Is Jesus Returning? - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Is Jesus Returning? - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Is Jesus Returning? - Part 1
We started a new study in a previous session, really answering the question that I'm asked most frequently in the congregation here in Middle Tennessee, and then when I travel beyond here, I find the same question is repeated 100:1 over any [...]
Greg Laurie - What The Lord's Return Means To You
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Greg Laurie - What The Lord's Return Means To You
Greg Laurie - What The Lord's Return Means To You
You know, it's really important for us as Christians to understand Bible prophecy. Bible prophecy is basically what the Bible says about the end times. And not only is it important for us to know about it, but there's a blessing attached [...]
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 8
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Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 8
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 8
There's a story that was told about a wealthy lady who lived in the early part of the 1900s in one of the coastal towns in Scotland. Although she was very well off, she had a reputation in the town as being very frugal. And so, imagine the [...]
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 7
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Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 7
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 7
My good friend Chuck Colson was once lamenting the condition of the church in America, and he quoted to have said: "We have a scandalously low view of the church. We have been so suckered in by radical individualism of American culture that we [...]
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 6
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Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 6
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 6
My very first serious job was back in 1970, and it was in North Sydney, Australia, in the north of the city, right across from the Harbor Bridge. And it was in a telephone exchange, and that telephone exchange was right next door to a courthouse. [...]
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 5
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Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 5
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 5
A comment that is often made by nominal Christians and nonbelievers when they come to a funeral or a memorial service for a believer in this church, the comment is often made, "We have never been to a funeral like this before". And if I [...]
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 4
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 4
The sexual revolution that began in the '60s, where sexual morality has, ever since that time, been sliding Western civilization into moral abyss and darkness. At least, sometimes, I visualize it as a huge boulder that is hurling down a steep [...]
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 3
People even in the church have divergent views on Satan, and his operations, and his schemes, and even his existence. C.S. Lewis summarizes division in people's mind about Satan. He said: "There are two equal and opposite errors into which [...]
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 2
Quite a while back, a friend asked me a question, "How do you handle criticism"? I said, "Not very well". And then, when I got serious, I began to explain to him the very steps that I try to take in dealing with criticism and [...]
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Until Christ Returns - Part 1
There's always been interest in the end times throughout history, but that interest in the end times and the return of the Lord is not being manifested into the lives of the believers. Let me illustrate to you. There were tens of millions of [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Golden Age
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Adrian Rogers - The Golden Age
Adrian Rogers - The Golden Age
Take God's precious Word and find Revelation chapter 20, if you will. We're going to begin in the first verse in just a moment. But we're talking about the millennium, the golden age. Did you know there's coming a day right here [...]
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