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Rabbi Schneider - Are You Truly Dedicated to the Lord?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are You Truly Dedicated to the Lord?
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Truly Dedicated to the Lord?
You know, the scripture tells us in Romans 12:1 that we should present our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord. And when we present our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord, you know what happens? The glory falls. When the temple was [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Blood Fulfilled Yom Kippur
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Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Blood Fulfilled Yom Kippur
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Blood Fulfilled Yom Kippur
God bless you and shalom, my beloved friend. Some of you may have Jewish friends and you're a bit timid about sharing your faith in Jesus with them because deep down inside you're thinking: "The Jewish people are God's chosen people. Who am [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Day of Atonement and Jesus' Sacrifice
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Rabbi Schneider - The Day of Atonement and Jesus' Sacrifice
Rabbi Schneider - The Day of Atonement and Jesus' Sacrifice
Today we're going to launch into a new appointed day of the Lord, the Day of Atonement, called in Hebrew "yom", meaning "day", or "kippur", meaning "covering". Why do we call it Yom Kippur, or the Day of [...]
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
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TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
Loving somebody gives them the power to hurt you. It means I give you my shield. I have no defense against your words. When David and Jonathan meet together in the palace and David gives Jonathan his shield, I mean, Jonathan gives David his shield [...]
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
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TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
When John the Writer writes here about God, he says that God so loved. It would be enough to say that God loved because God is love. But he says that God so loved. He had to put an adjective in front of it to modify the noun to make you understand [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
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Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
Jentezen Franklin - The Seventh Sacrifice
In Genesis 7, "The Lord said to Noah, 'Come into the Ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation.'" Now watch this, "'You shall take with you seven.'" How many? [...]
Robert Barron - Sacrifice, Covenant, Banquet
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Robert Barron - Sacrifice, Covenant, Banquet
Robert Barron - Sacrifice, Covenant, Banquet
Peace be with you. Friends, we come this weekend to the feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and the Blood of Christ. I always love the opportunity to preach on the Eucharist because, as Vatican II famously said, it's the source and summit of the [...]
Derek Prince - The Cross Is An All Sufficient Sacrifice
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Derek Prince - The Cross Is An All Sufficient Sacrifice
Derek Prince - The Cross Is An All Sufficient Sacrifice
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 1 I want to give you a number of different reasons why we need the cross at the center, why nothing else must ever be allowed to take the place of the cross in the church in general, and in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover and Tithing
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Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover and Tithing
Well, this is an important time of year as it regards to the Lord reminding us about the great themes of our redemption that are reflected in the Appointed Days of the Lord, which are recorded for us in the Torah, the first five books of our Bible. [...]
Chris Hodges - The Lamb
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Chris Hodges - The Lamb
Chris Hodges - The Lamb
Awesome, awesome. Well, we are in week number 4 of a series that we're calling "Jesus Is". We're simply answering the question, "Who is he"? and we've been using the different names or definitions that the Bible uses to describe [...]
Derek Prince - Jesus Became The Sin Offering For The Human Race
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Derek Prince - Jesus Became The Sin Offering For The Human Race
Derek Prince - Jesus Became The Sin Offering For The Human Race
This is an excerpt from: Complete Salvation And How To Receive It - Part 1 But in the course of time I made two discoveries or I found two ways of communicating this to people. There are two key words which I believe God has given me to explain [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Becoming a Living Sacrifice
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Dr. Ed Young - Becoming a Living Sacrifice
Dr. Ed Young - Becoming a Living Sacrifice
What if you decided you wanted to give something to God? What if you decided, "I want to give God something"? What could God use? What does God need? What does God want? You talk about somebody's got everything? Ehhh, somebody's got it [...]
Derek Prince - Jesus Was Both Priest and Sacrifice
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Derek Prince - Jesus Was Both Priest and Sacrifice
Derek Prince - Jesus Was Both Priest and Sacrifice
I think it would be profitable if I just read through the note outline that you have commencing at the bottom of 7/1. I don’t intend to pause but just to get our minds in gear, then we’ll go on. Chapter 7:11, I’ve commented on the need for another [...]
John Bradshaw - Alcohol, Human Sacrifice, and 666
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John Bradshaw - Alcohol, Human Sacrifice, and 666
John Bradshaw - Alcohol, Human Sacrifice, and 666
John Bradshaw : Welcome to "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we get to answer your Bible questions. You know, we can't answer them if you don't send them. So if you have a Bible question, send it our way; [...]
Doug Batchelor - Ultimate Sacrifice
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Doug Batchelor - Ultimate Sacrifice
Doug Batchelor - Ultimate Sacrifice
Blood is the liquid of life, and Jesus poured out His blood to take away the sin of the world. You know, in the Bible we read about one of the great patriarchs. His name was Abraham. And our lesson tonight is called the Ultimate Sacrifice and it's [...]
Matt Hagee - The Sacrifice of Love
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Matt Hagee - The Sacrifice of Love
Matt Hagee - The Sacrifice of Love
Ecclesiastes says, "Two are better than one". Now if you're married and you're sitting close to your spouse, that's a good time for you to score brownie points and say "Amen". Why are two better than one? For lots of reasons. [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Jesus, Our Sacrificial Lamb
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Jonathan Bernis - Jesus, Our Sacrificial Lamb
Jonathan Bernis - Jesus, Our Sacrificial Lamb
Jonathan Bernis : We are so glad you're joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined again by my co-host Ezra Benjamin. And today we're gonna dive into something that we're asked all the time. We get so many questions about this, Ezra. [...]
John Bradshaw - The Young Man Gave His Life
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John Bradshaw - The Young Man Gave His Life
John Bradshaw - The Young Man Gave His Life
When an earthquake struck, a 21-year-old Indonesian air traffic controller had a difficult decision to make, hundreds died, and many more may have, but for his bravery. When his colleagues fled from the swaying control tower as the ground split [...]
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 28-29
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Skip Heitzig - Numbers 28-29
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 28-29
Father, this is a unique evening where you call us to remember, to remember a sacrifice that was done so long ago on our behalf. Father, I pray that the Holy Spirit of God would bring things to our mind that maybe we need to deal with or confess [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Supreme Sacrifice
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Doug Batchelor - The Supreme Sacrifice
Doug Batchelor - The Supreme Sacrifice
Can you imagine stepping into the line of fire on a battlefield to save your enemy? On November 12, 1944, German Lieutenant Friedrich Lengfeld heard the desperate cries of a wounded American soldier who had been shot down in the midst of a German [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Beauty of Sacrifice
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Doug Batchelor - The Beauty of Sacrifice
Doug Batchelor - The Beauty of Sacrifice
Message today, we're going to be talking about really a very important central, core Bible theme dealing with the beauty of sacrifice. Sacrifice, and typically when we think about sacrifice, we recoil a little bit at the idea because it makes us [...]
Jack Graham - All on the Altar
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Jack Graham - All on the Altar
Jack Graham - All on the Altar
And the title of this message is "All on the Altar". I considered it later and should have entitled it this: "Is Your All on the Altar"? Because I want to make this personal like Paul made it personal. Coming off the great [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Sin, Sacrifice, and Mercy
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Rabbi Schneider - Sin, Sacrifice, and Mercy
Rabbi Schneider - Sin, Sacrifice, and Mercy
We showed you last week that the sin offering and the trespass offering was predominately for sins that were unintentional. And yet when we read in the Book of Leviticus, we read last week that many of the sins that the offering atone for, things [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Thanking God Through Sacrifice
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Rabbi Schneider - Thanking God Through Sacrifice
Rabbi Schneider - Thanking God Through Sacrifice
We are on today the second of the major offerings that are revealed in the book of Vayikra that took place inside the tabernacle. We're looking today at what we're calling the grain offering. It's also referred to as the meat offering or the meal [...]
Rabbi Schneider - A Surrendering Sacrifice
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Rabbi Schneider - A Surrendering Sacrifice
Rabbi Schneider - A Surrendering Sacrifice
Every part of the Israelites life, Beloved, was governed by the Torah, what they ate, the laws of kosher, how they dressed. Let me ask, is the way that you dressed, let me ask you this question, remember the burnt offering in Leviticus chapter 1 [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living
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Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living
In addition to studying all the pieces of furniture, which we did in our last study, we're now, Beloved, going further and we're looking at what the priests did in their worship to Yahweh inside the Tabernacle. All the instructions, Beloved, for [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Worship
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Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Worship
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Worship
As we study archeology, we find that even in the most primitive environments, the people groups that we've been able to unearth from rubbles, we find that within these people groups beloved, in their society, there are elaborate systems of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Response to Sacrifice
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Response to Sacrifice
Rabbi Schneider - God's Response to Sacrifice
In this series we're looking at the worship, the priesthood, and the sacrifices that were offered up to Yahweh in the tabernacle. Because the tabernacle wasn't an end in and of itself beloved, it was all that surrounded the tabernacle that gives us [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Dwell in the Nearness of God
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Rabbi Schneider - Dwell in the Nearness of God
Rabbi Schneider - Dwell in the Nearness of God
We're beginning a brand-new series today entitled Worship, the Sacrifices and the Priesthood. It really is a continuation of where we were in our previous broadcast. In our previous series, we looked at that time tabernacle. We studied all the [...]
Derek Prince - By One Offering He Provided For Everyone
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Derek Prince - By One Offering He Provided For Everyone
Derek Prince - By One Offering He Provided For Everyone
Hebrews 10:14, which speaks about what Jesus accomplished by His death on the cross: For by one offering, or by one sacrifice, He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. The one offering, or the one sacrifice, is the sacrifice He made [...]
Tony Evans - Jesus the Lamb of God
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Tony Evans - Jesus the Lamb of God
Tony Evans - Jesus the Lamb of God
John the Baptist said, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world". That word "behold," that means pay close attention and focus. Remove all distractions. Behold, look at that. You see that man over there? He is [...]
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TD Jakes - A Living Sacrifice
TD Jakes - A Living Sacrifice
And he is bringing them together so that, when he gets to number 3, he now brings 'em down to chapter 3, to the same playing floor when he says, "All have sinned". See how he's bringin' 'em together? He's not bringin' 'em together through [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - An Extravagant Offering
Jentezen Franklin - An Extravagant Offering
And I want to show you one of the most beautiful stories in the New Testament, in my opinion, in John 12. It says, "Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was who had been dead, whom He had raised from the [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - A Precious Offering
Jentezen Franklin - A Precious Offering
Psalms 126:5, "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth weeping, bearing precious seed". If you have a pen, I want you to underline "precious seed". "Shall doubtless..." I want you to underline [...]
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Charles Stanley - Sacrificing Your Future For The Pleasure Of The Moment
Charles Stanley - Sacrificing Your Future For The Pleasure Of The Moment
We're living in the "Now" generation. Whatever you want, most of which you can get it right now. That's both good and it's also dangerous. Many things you can't have, really spiritually, because it will destroy you. But if you really want [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Suffering Sacrifice
Kay Arthur — The Suffering Sacrifice
Do you ever feel, Beloved, that if you were to stand before a righteous God, He would have a long list of judgments against you, a long list of, certificate of, things that you have done that have violated Him and His righteousness? Does the thought [...]
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Kay Arthur — Death in Us, Life in Others
Kay Arthur — Death in Us, Life in Others
What is the spirit of this age all about? It’s all about me. We think the world revolves around us and whatever we want to do, that’s absolutely fine. Well Beloved, that really not the way it is when you belong to Jesus Christ. We need to understand [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Difference Between Material and Sprtual Sacrifice
Jesse Duplantis — The Difference Between Material and Sprtual Sacrifice
Before Jesus was crucified, He made up His mind that He would be the Spiritual sacrifice for all people—that decision forever changed the way we get rid of sin and approach the Father. We look to Jesus to find freedom, no matter what we've done. [...]
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Steven Furtick — Making Sense of Sacrifice
Steven Furtick — Making Sense of Sacrifice
It really has been a pretty great year here at Elevation Church. I don't mean we haven't had struggles. I don't mean we haven't had challenges. You've had yours, and I've had mine. We'll talk about it sometime, but today we came to appreciate that [...]
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TD Jakes — God Knows Your Sacrifices and Sufferings
TD Jakes — God Knows Your Sacrifices and Sufferings
When you go through hard times in your life, don't forget - God Knows Your Sacrifices and Sufferings. When life seems so difficult and you are ready to give up, remember - God Knows Your Sacrifices and Sufferings. In final God will reward you for [...]