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Jentezen Franklin - Defeating the King of Pride - Part 2
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Jentezen Franklin - Defeating the King of Pride - Part 2
Jentezen Franklin - Defeating the King of Pride - Part 2
So, I'm gonna preach from Job 41, turn there with me. "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook", Leviathan is, if you look it up in commentary, some say a sea monster, some say a marine animal, a serpent, a sea serpent. Ancient sailors [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Defeating the King of Pride - Part 1
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Jentezen Franklin - Defeating the King of Pride - Part 1
Jentezen Franklin - Defeating the King of Pride - Part 1
I wanna share something today that I ran across in 1999, and I preached part of what I'm gonna share today, but I saw more this week as I looked into it. Whether you think this relates to you or not, I promise you that before you leave here, you're [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Problem with Pride
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Adrian Rogers - The Problem with Pride
Adrian Rogers - The Problem with Pride
Find Proverbs chapter 16 and then verse 18. And we're going to look at that in just a moment, we're going to be speaking today on the problem with pride. How many of you have a problem with pride? All right, I'm going to be preaching to you today, [...]
Mike Novotny - Even if I'm Prideful?
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Mike Novotny - Even if I'm Prideful?
Mike Novotny - Even if I'm Prideful?
Like, think of your childhood, think of your school years, think of your romantic life, think of your professional life, think of athletics, think of academics. Doesn't so much of how we feel about ourselves come down to that simple question, [...]
Mike Novotny - I Might Have Too Much Pride
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Mike Novotny - I Might Have Too Much Pride
Mike Novotny - I Might Have Too Much Pride
Now, all these professors and teachers that I had in Bible college and in Seminary, they taught me that at the very heart of the Christian faith is a God who flips it. But if you honestly look at the things that Jesus said, and the people to whom he [...]
Michael Youssef - Antidote to Pride
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Michael Youssef - Antidote to Pride
Michael Youssef - Antidote to Pride
The only people who do not have pride are those who have died. Every human being is created with pride, now do we call it ego in the psychological world, or whatever the name of it is, it is what it is. So, the question is, is my pride out of [...]
Mike Novotny - More Me Makes a Mess
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Mike Novotny - More Me Makes a Mess
Mike Novotny - More Me Makes a Mess
So if there is one prayer that I could pray and I would be guaranteed that God would answer yes, this would be my prayer: "Father, bless me with less me". In fact, if there's one prayer that I could pray for you, for us, for our church, [...]
Derek Prince - This Is How Deception Gets Into Church
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Derek Prince - This Is How Deception Gets Into Church
Derek Prince - This Is How Deception Gets Into Church
This is an excerpt from: The Headship of Jesus - Part 2 And then one more safeguard. Check against Scripture. Whatever you believe to be the revelation or the leading of God, check it against your Bible. Because, all Scripture is given by [...]
Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 2
I'll tell you a story that I think's interesting. My daughter went to the grocery store, and she had left her purse in her car. And so, when she got in the checkout, she didn't have her credit card. And so, she told the girl, she said, "If [...]
Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 1
I wanna talk to you this morning, afternoon, whatever it is, less of me, more of Jesus. Amen? And, read you, here, what John the Baptist said. John, chapter 3, verse 22, "After this, Jesus and his disciples went into the land and (the [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Prince of Pride - Part 2
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Doug Batchelor - The Prince of Pride - Part 2
Doug Batchelor - The Prince of Pride - Part 2
For nine months between 1898 and 1899 two famous man-eating lions of Sabo terrorized workers employed in the construction of a railway bridge in Uganda. As the death toll rose, construction was brought to a virtual standstill. The workers said they [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Prince of Pride - Part 1
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Doug Batchelor - The Prince of Pride - Part 1
Doug Batchelor - The Prince of Pride - Part 1
Many legends and stories from around the world talk about flying dragons, and some may even contain a kernel of truth. Paleontologists have discovered the fossilized bones of giant flying reptiles called pterosaurs or winged lizards. They've got [...]
Robert Morris - Passing the Pride Test
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Robert Morris - Passing the Pride Test
Robert Morris - Passing the Pride Test
Hey, everyone. Good to see you. Glad to be back. Thank you, thank you. I'm glad to be back. Thank you. And all the campuses, all the Gatherings. If you don't know, so every June and July, I take a vacation, then a study break. And so I've been [...]
Robert Jeffress - Testimony of a King
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Robert Jeffress - Testimony of a King
Robert Jeffress - Testimony of a King
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. It's perfectly natural to take pride in your work or to be proud of your child's accomplishments, but if we're not careful, our modest self-esteem can escalate into something much [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Let God Deliver You from Pride
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Rabbi Schneider - Let God Deliver You from Pride
Rabbi Schneider - Let God Deliver You from Pride
What I'm doing is I'm helping to route you in the understanding of who God is in a way that can only be perceived by knowing the Hebrew Scriptures. You see, two-thirds of our Bible are what we call the Old Testament, which we refer to in Hebrew as [...]
Craig Smith - Humility
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Craig Smith - Humility
Craig Smith - Humility
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So glad you’re with us, whether you’re joining us in person or online or a Mission Hills Watch Party. So, so good to have you with us. If you are in person, feel free to go ahead and have a seat right now. We’re [...]
Craig Smith - Pride
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Craig Smith - Pride
Craig Smith - Pride
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills and week number three of our Potholes Series. If you’re just joining us, I’ll catch you up real quick. What we’re doing in the series is kind of on a search for wisdom from the Book of Proverbs in the Bible for how to [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Solomon was the richest and wisest man of his day. Yet, in his book of Proverbs, he wrote that true success comes not from being prominent, but from being humble. Today, [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Most people think that the surest way to achieve success is to be ambitious, get noticed and climb the ladder to the top. But as we'll discover in the book of Proverbs the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Choosing Humility Over Pride
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Robert Jeffress - Choosing Humility Over Pride
Robert Jeffress - Choosing Humility Over Pride
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Did you know that God hates pride more than any other sin? It's at the top of his list. Why do you think that's true? Well, it's because pride harms our soul. And today we're going to [...]
Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride
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Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride
Joseph Prince - Win Over Fear And Pride
All right, show them 2 Thessalonians 1, verse 6 to 10. Okay, verse 6, "Since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you". Now, this is an awesome statement. All right, God says, it will be righteous [...]
Robert Jeffress - Don't Celebrate The Summit
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Robert Jeffress - Don't Celebrate The Summit
Robert Jeffress - Don't Celebrate The Summit
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Have you ever watched a pet hamster running on its spinning wheel? Their little feet become a blur because they're running so fast. Well, in the same way, many people are racing on a [...]
Derek Prince - Satan's Main Influence On Us
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Derek Prince - Satan's Main Influence On Us
Derek Prince - Satan's Main Influence On Us
That’s Satan. Wherever pride enters the human heart, for that’s the influence that caused Satan to rebel against God, pride brings us under the control of Satan. It doesn’t matter whether we are Pentecostals, Baptists, Catholics, that’s not the [...]
Derek Prince - Satan's First Sin
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Derek Prince - Satan's First Sin
Derek Prince - Satan's First Sin
And then we get the real motivation of Satan, or Lucifer. Let's call him Lucifer until he becomes Satan. Verse 17: Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. What was the initial motivation [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - Three Lessons From Lucifer's Fall
Jentezen Franklin - Three Lessons From Lucifer's Fall
In the book of Ezekiel, the 28th chapter, it talks about Lucifer and the pipes and timbrels and musical instruments that were created inside of him. It talks about how that he was created to worship. How that he was created to praise God. And today [...]
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Robert Morris - The Reversal of Pride
Robert Morris - The Reversal of Pride
All right, we're going to finish our series today called "The Kings of Babylon", and we're gonna be talk about the fourth king, which is Cyrus, and I'm going to just give you a little bit of history on the Book of Daniel, first, and then [...]
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Robert Morris - The Deception of Pride
Robert Morris - The Deception of Pride
We're talking about that when we as believers are going through a difficult time, even an adjusting or correcting time from the Lord, the enemy is always trying to take us into captivity or into bondage. And even though the Jewish people were in [...]
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Robert Morris - The Stubbornness of Pride
Robert Morris - The Stubbornness of Pride
We're in a series called, "The Kings of Babylon", and we're talking about the four kings that reigned during the 70 year exile when Israel was in captivity of Babylon, and today we're going to talk about Belshazzar. Now, let me just let [...]
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Robert Morris - The Seduction of Pride
Robert Morris - The Seduction of Pride
We're gonna begin a series called, "The Kings of Babylon". There were four kings of Babylon during the exile. The exile is the 70 year time when God took Israel out of the land of Israel and took em captive into the land of Babylon. Now, [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Pride And Humility
Joyce Meyer - Pride And Humility
Tonight, I'm speaking about pride and humility. Now, Andrew Murray wrote a book simply called "Humility". And I recommend it. It's a small book but it's very, very, very powerful. People don't really understand how dangerous pride is and [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Fingers of God
David Jeremiah - The Fingers of God
The story begins in the massive banquet hall of Belshazzar's palace, as he is hosting a feast for more than 1.000 attendees. Meanwhile, outside the walls of Babylon, the Persian armies have laid siege to the city, and Cyrus was about to execute his [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Wolf-Man
David Jeremiah - The Wolf-Man
If I were to take all of the scripture and lay it all out on a table and say, "Here is the chapter that tells you about pride and what happens to those who get involved in it," the chapter I would have to pick is the one we have opened our [...]
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Robert Morris — The First Open Door
Robert Morris — The First Open Door
So, we've been talking about open doors, and a few weeks ago we talked about pride. Well, I want to talk to you today about the first opened door. Pride would have been the first door Satan opened, but this is the first door mankind opened, Adam and [...]
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Robert Morris — Permission Granted
Robert Morris — Permission Granted
Alright, the title of today's message is "Permission Granted," permission granted. And I want you to turn to two scriptures. Obviously, Luke 22; we'll start there... Luke 22. And then, put a marker at Job 1. These are the first two points. [...]