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James Meehan - Your Most Powerful Leadership Tool
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James Meehan - Your Most Powerful Leadership Tool
James Meehan - Your Most Powerful Leadership Tool
Hello, today we are going to talk about why most people fail in their goals and their resolutions every year, and why so many people give up on following Jesus when it gets hard. And what I’m gonna present to you is the suggestion that it is the [...]
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. Our topic is "Leading with Our Faith in the Holidays". You know, they tell us that faith and politics are not appropriate for polite company. I disagree. I think we have to bring our faith with [...]
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. Our topic is "Leading with Our Faith in the Midst of the Holidays". You know, it's an important time of the year. You're gonna be gathered with friends and family and co-workers, all sorts [...]
Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 2
The Bible says that we entertain angels. And then, we're so, that our situational awareness is so lacking that we're completely unaware that we've been in the presence of an angel. There's some fun prayers you can start to pray. [...]
Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 1
The message tonight, it's really on leadership. I think, you know, just watching the events as they've unfolded in these last few days and the last couple of weeks, I think it's abundantly clear that... how important it is to have [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 2
I gave you a couple of essential characteristics. They worked on 'em in some earlier sessions. I suggested to you in some detail, I'm not gonna take the time to recapitulate. That if I had to look for one essential characteristic, it would [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 1
This little series we've been working through really started, we spent the better part of the last two weeks in the land of Israel. There were 80 of us that traveled together for, on one level, a tour, on another level, to do our best to [...]
Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
I believe we must develop a greater awareness and dependence upon the helper whom the father has provided. I'm not suggesting something new or extra biblical. I'm suggesting a different pattern, a different type of trust, a more personal [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
You know, our wars are thousands of miles away and for the overwhelming majority of us, we send others. In Israel, if the balloon goes up with Hezbollah in the north, it's 75 or 80 miles from Jerusalem. It's not some great long distance [...]
Robert Barron - Don't Demonize (or Divinize) the Powerful
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Robert Barron - Don't Demonize (or Divinize) the Powerful
Robert Barron - Don't Demonize (or Divinize) the Powerful
Peace be with you. Friends, I love the opportunity today to talk about the church's social teaching and the prompt comes from readings one and two, because they beautifully show, if you want, both sides of the church's social teaching, the [...]
Robert Barron - How to Be a Good Leader
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Robert Barron - How to Be a Good Leader
Robert Barron - How to Be a Good Leader
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading and our Gospel center around this familiar biblical theme of sheep and shepherding. So it's an ancient symbol for leadership, the shepherd and the sheep. Our first reading is from the book of the [...]
Gregory Dickow - Champions. Forward-Focused
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Gregory Dickow - Champions. Forward-Focused
Gregory Dickow - Champions. Forward-Focused
Well, welcome back to Think Like a Champion, a podcast designed and dedicated to help you win in every way and to enjoy every day. Listen, now the joy is in the journey, not in the arrival. Many people are fighting for the arrival, but never [...]
Gregory Dickow - You ARE a Leader. Now Lead
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Gregory Dickow - You ARE a Leader. Now Lead
Gregory Dickow - You ARE a Leader. Now Lead
Well, I want to welcome you to the inspirational podcast. Think Like a Champion. You know, we exist to create a community of champions, and that includes you. And we want to build a culture of champion level thinking. God made us more than [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Leadership, The Five Stones
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Samuel Rodriguez - Leadership, The Five Stones
Samuel Rodriguez - Leadership, The Five Stones
How many check their social media platforms: Instagram, X, whatever it maybe? First thing you do, and I was guilty of this, so this coming from a person that went through a restorative, repentance process. First thing you do, intimacy is, first [...]
Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. We wanna complete our discussion on "The Courage to Lead with Faith". You know, the real test of my Christianity is not who I am when I'm at church, who I am when I'm standing on a [...]
Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. Our theme is "The Courage to Lead with Faith". You know, we have been educated, most of us, way beyond our level of obedience to the Lord. I believe what's been lacking, for the most part, in [...]
Allen Jackson - Leadership School - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Leadership School - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Leadership School - Part 2
So, one of the things we wanna do is begin to say to the Spirit of God, help me strengthen my faith. I may have had faith to be born again. I may have had faith that there's a heaven and I wanna participate in the kingdom of God. I may have had [...]
Allen Jackson - Leadership School - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Leadership School - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Leadership School - Part 1
You know, faith has different expressions. Some of you have faith in your physical strength and some have faith in your intellect and some have faith in your education. And those things aren't inherently evil. Even in the context of your [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Power of Positive Leadership (with Jon Gordon)
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Craig Groeschel - The Power of Positive Leadership (with Jon Gordon)
Craig Groeschel - The Power of Positive Leadership (with Jon Gordon)
It's really hard in many ways. One, there's just so much negativity, and it seems like you can't please everyone. You have to be willing to be unpopular to make the hard decision. And leadership is based on principle, not [...]
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you. We're gonna continue our study on humility, courage, and leadership. I think we've avoided humility. We thought somehow it was about weakness. I don't believe humility means you don't think [...]
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you. Our topic is humility, courage, and leadership. I'll give you a secret to sustain success in your life, it's humility. It's not typically information or adaptability or resources, if we can [...]
Allen Jackson - Leadership Matters
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Allen Jackson - Leadership Matters
Allen Jackson - Leadership Matters
It's a privilege to be with you. Our topic: "Leadership Matters". Sometimes in the church we step away from that, we think it's secular. I don't think so. You know we understand in athletics a good coach makes a difference. [...]
Andy Stanley - Count Me In for the Next Gen
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Andy Stanley - Count Me In for the Next Gen
Andy Stanley - Count Me In for the Next Gen
I think we should give the invitation now, Bill? Yeah. One of the things that I've always been so proud of is inviting, Sandra and I both, inviting people to any of the environments at our church, whether it's Sunday morning service or the [...]
Allen Jackson - Awkward Truths of Leadership - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Awkward Truths of Leadership - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Awkward Truths of Leadership - Part 2
Influence, leadership in the kingdom of God is not primarily about power, or privilege, or unique opportunities, or being treated specially. Understand the essence of it, the foundation of it is about sacrifice and service and knowing what you [...]
Allen Jackson - Awkward Truths of Leadership - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Awkward Truths of Leadership - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Awkward Truths of Leadership - Part 1
We've been walking through this topic of leading with our faith, and the principles are pretty simple. You're leaders. You're people of influence in your professions, in your communities, in the hobbies that you've chosen, in the [...]
Allen Jackson - A Matter Of Influence - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Matter Of Influence - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Matter Of Influence - Part 2
Now, I made a comment last week, and I had enough comment about it. I wanted to come back and take a couple of minutes with it. I made the suggestion that inadequacy is actually something that commends you to leadership in the kingdom of God, that, [...]
Allen Jackson - A Matter Of Influence - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Matter Of Influence - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Matter Of Influence - Part 1
I want to continue a theme that we began last weekend under this general notion of leading with our faith, and the premise is pretty simple. You're world-class leaders. You lead in your home in influencing your children, in your families, in [...]
Allen Jackson - Leadership Essentials - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Leadership Essentials - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Leadership Essentials - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're going to continue our study on leadership essentials. We're going to talk about influence. Leadership at the end of the day is about influence. It's not about titles, or positions, or [...]
Allen Jackson - Leadership Essentials - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Leadership Essentials - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Leadership Essentials - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. We're gonna talk today about leadership essentials. There is a spiritual conflict that has enveloped our world. It's not an American conflict or a Western conflict, it's a conflict that's [...]
Allen Jackson - You Are Designed To Lead
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Allen Jackson - You Are Designed To Lead
Allen Jackson - You Are Designed To Lead
And when I think about coming back outside, it seemed like an appropriate time to try to understand where we are a bit. I was given some counsel many years ago, and I think it's appropriate as we begin this new series in our fall festival, they [...]
Steven Furtick - Find Out What's Really In You
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Steven Furtick - Find Out What's Really In You
Steven Furtick - Find Out What's Really In You
Development on demand. What it means is that to really find out what's in you, which I think is something everybody in this room wants. I think that's part of what attracted you to ministry. To really find out what God has deposited in [...]
Craig Groeschel - Earning Respect as a Leader
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Craig Groeschel - Earning Respect as a Leader
Craig Groeschel - Earning Respect as a Leader
— And I was so driven and so competitive and I wanted to be good and I wanted to win, but what I realized is in the process, I was a terrible teammate. — Well, Tim, welcome aboard, man. — Thank you so much. Thanks for having me. This is my first [...]
Allen Jackson - Leadership Lessons From Life - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Leadership Lessons From Life - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Leadership Lessons From Life - Part 2
I want to take the minutes we've got left and share with you some of my observations from camp. As I walked around campus last week and listened to the kids and watched what was happening and interacted with the parents, there were some things [...]
Allen Jackson - Leadership Lessons From Life - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Leadership Lessons From Life - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Leadership Lessons From Life - Part 1
And I want to begin with just a simple idea, but I think it's very important in this season. I think we're getting a little bit of tragedy fatigue. Do you feel like that? And I'm like, just enough already, you know? Go home and [...]
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith
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Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith
It's an honor to be with you again. Our topic today is to lead with faith. You know, we are in a leadership crisis, and it's not about political parties or politicians or the business community. Leadership begins with character. It's [...]
Craig Groeschel - It Will Change Your Life
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Craig Groeschel - It Will Change Your Life
Craig Groeschel - It Will Change Your Life
I wanna ask those of you who are followers of Christ, and I don't want you to raise your hand, but I wonder how many of you would say that there's a time in your life that you are closer to God then than you are now? I wonder how many of [...]
Allen Jackson - Time To Lead
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Allen Jackson - Time To Lead
Allen Jackson - Time To Lead
It's good to be with you again. Our topic in this session is "Time to Lead". Folks, in my opinion, we have a leadership deficit in our nation, and I'm not talkin' about Washington, D.C. I think we have to start in our own [...]
Allen Jackson - Leading In Two Worlds - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Leading In Two Worlds - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Leading In Two Worlds - Part 2
So let's take a few minutes and talk about some components of leadership in the spiritual arena. There's a lot of good counsel in Scripture. It's not always exciting. You gotta keep your focus on that therefore part, what God's [...]
Allen Jackson - Leading In Two Worlds - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Leading In Two Worlds - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Leading In Two Worlds - Part 1
We're working through a little series under this general theme of "Time to Lead". And I believe that's true. We are in a leadership deficit. And I don't mean principally in Washington. I think we're in a leadership [...]
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith - Part 2
Hey, it's Pastor Allen, and we're continuing our study on "Leading With Faith". You know, leadership is about influence in our world, and we desperately need people of faith who can exert that leadership. We're in a truth [...]
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. Our topic today is to lead with faith. Now, we are in a leadership crisis, and it's not about political parties, or politicians, or the business community. Leadership begins with character. It's not [...]
Joseph Prince - Leadership Keys (NCC Leadership Conference)
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Joseph Prince - Leadership Keys (NCC Leadership Conference)
Joseph Prince - Leadership Keys (NCC Leadership Conference)
This the crucial point that I want to bring across is many people, they think that they're building a church of grace, but they don't get the DNA, you know? They don't realize that we are strong on correction as well among our [...]
Craig Groeschel - Leading with Authenticity
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Craig Groeschel - Leading with Authenticity
Craig Groeschel - Leading with Authenticity
— Hey, shout out to our YouTube community. Welcome to the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast. I'd love to know where you're watching from. If you wanna just drop in the comment section wherever you are, it's an honor to have you with [...]
Craig Groeschel - High-Impact Habits for Successful Leaders
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Craig Groeschel - High-Impact Habits for Successful Leaders
Craig Groeschel - High-Impact Habits for Successful Leaders
Let's dive into new leadership content. The title of today's episode is High-Impact Habits. What are we gonna do? For this episode and the upcoming two, we're gonna talk for a total of three episodes about your habits. Why so much on [...]
Craig Groeschel - Leading with Crazy Faith
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Craig Groeschel - Leading with Crazy Faith
Craig Groeschel - Leading with Crazy Faith
— Well today, we have a guest coming back on the show. He's "New York Times" bestselling author of the book "Relationship Goals". He's the pastor of Transformation Church. He's a great husband to his wife, Natalie, [...]
Craig Groeschel - Leading Through Insecurity
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Craig Groeschel - Leading Through Insecurity
Craig Groeschel - Leading Through Insecurity
— Hey, welcome to another episode of the "Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast," where we're incredibly passionate about helping you become a leader that people love to follow. Today, I've got a fantastic guest who's been a [...]
David Reagan - Leadership Transition
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David Reagan - Leadership Transition
David Reagan - Leadership Transition
At the beginning of this new year of 2020, we are celebrating 40 years of God’s faithfulness here at Lamb & Lion Ministries. Stay tuned. Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy! Well, as I said at the [...]
Robert Jeffress - A Leader Worth Following
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Robert Jeffress - A Leader Worth Following
Robert Jeffress - A Leader Worth Following
Hi I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Whether it's in the workplace, the church, or in your home, every one of us is a leader. And at the same time, each one of us is being influenced by other leaders as well. So [...]
Andy Stanley - Because
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Andy Stanley - Because
Andy Stanley - Because
Now, there are, and you know this, there are a lot of things that are worth carrying forward in our lives from one season to the next, one year to the next, good friends, good habits, and then there are some things that we should leave behind, [...]
Leon Fontaine - Joy, The Strength of A Leader
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Leon Fontaine - Joy, The Strength of A Leader
Leon Fontaine - Joy, The Strength of A Leader
Christmas. Now, if you've ever heard me speak any time at the end of the year, you know I absolutely love Christmas. I've just been raised that way, I love everything about it, from buying presents to sitting on Santa's knee, to all [...]
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