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Rabbi Schneider - There Must Be Justice
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Rabbi Schneider - There Must Be Justice
Rabbi Schneider - There Must Be Justice
We're picking up right now, beloved ones, if you have your Bible, we're picking up in chapter 1. And I'm going to pick up today in verse number 11. Here we go. Paul is speaking and he says, "...we have obtained an inheritance, that's you and I, [...]
Dr. Ed Young - A Broken Court
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Dr. Ed Young - A Broken Court
Dr. Ed Young - A Broken Court
The law is circular. In our legislature, State Senate, House, Senate House, Washington, all of it that's there, it's circular. The lawyers primarily are elected to public office, right? They make the laws, right? And you go into a court; it's a [...]
Tony Evans - God And Justice And Righteousness
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Tony Evans - God And Justice And Righteousness
Tony Evans - God And Justice And Righteousness
In the book of Psalms, chapter 89, verse 11, "The heavens are yours. The earth is yours". That ought to establish the fact that God's in charge of the whole universe. The world and all it contains, you have founded them. You own them, [...]
John Bradshaw - Rights and Wrongs
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John Bradshaw - Rights and Wrongs
John Bradshaw - Rights and Wrongs
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. The prophet Jeremiah was called by God to give an unpopular message to Judah, which he did. Now, as a result, he was accused of treason, and there were calls that Jeremiah be executed. [...]
David Jeremiah - Vengeance (Someone Like You)
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David Jeremiah - Vengeance
David Jeremiah - Vengeance
Have you ever seen a movie or read a book or witnessed a play where one of the characters was getting away with such grave injustice that you could hardly wait for the conclusion so that the evil character would get what was coming to him? Some [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Forgiveness of Sin and the Justice of the Lord
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Rabbi Schneider - The Forgiveness of Sin and the Justice of the Lord
Rabbi Schneider - The Forgiveness of Sin and the Justice of the Lord
Beloved, the tabernacle, the mishkan is a pattern for walking in intimacy with God today. In giving instructions for the tabernacle, the Lord told Moses in the Book of Exodus or Shemot in Hebrew, chapter 25 verse number 8, that it should be built, [...]
Craig Smith - Why Justice Isn't Good Enough?
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Craig Smith - Why Justice Isn't Good Enough?
Craig Smith - Why Justice Isn't Good Enough?
So, Jesus wants us to be vulnerable. He wants us to give more than is required. He wants us to serve our enemies. He wants us to practice unfailing generosity. Let me ask you this: What do all these things have in common? Join us as Craig unpacks [...]
Joel Osteen - Settled Accounts
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Joel Osteen - Settled Accounts
Joel Osteen - Settled Accounts
I want to talk to you today about Settled Accounts. We all have to deal with unfair situations and people that do us wrong. You can't live very long without someone being jealous, talking badly about you, being cheated in a business deal, a friend [...]
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Joel Osteen — God Will Bring Justice Into Your Life
Joel Osteen — God Will Bring Justice Into Your Life
I want to talk to you today about how God will bring justice into your life. We all go through situations that are unfair. It doesn't seem fair that that person could lie about you and damage your reputation. Doesn't seem fair that but you can't [...]
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Patricia King — Social Justice
Patricia King — Social Justice
Stacey Campbell joins Patricia King to discuss the outcry of the level of injustice in the world today. [...]
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Sid Roth — God's Justice Plan!
Sid Roth — God's Justice Plan!
John Paul Jackson considers his revelation on "justice" the most important end time revelation God has ever given him. Isn't it time you have God's justice in your family, finances, health and intimacy with God? God wants you to recover [...]
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Bill Winston - Your Day of Justice
Bill Winston - Your Day of Justice
In Psalm 102, this is a scripture that we use for this year's basically a word that God had given for this year's ministry. He said in Psalm 102 in verse 13, for thou shall arise and have mercy upon Zion. Zion symbolizes the church. For the time to [...]
Bill Winston - The Authority of God's Justice
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Bill Winston - The Authority of God's Justice
Bill Winston - The Authority of God's Justice
God is establishing authority because there's a higher authority than the national authority in the land. There is a higher authority than the U.S. Supreme court. There is a higher authority than the Congress of the United States. There is a higher [...]