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Rabbi Schneider - The Significance of Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - The Significance of Israel
Rabbi Schneider - The Significance of Israel
How important is Israel, both the nation and the people of Israel, right now, today, and going into the future? You see, many of us have spiritualized God's call upon Israel. We think somehow that the promises that once pertained to Israel now [...]
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 24-25
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Skip Heitzig - Numbers 24-25
Skip Heitzig - Numbers 24-25
We're doing what I believe the early church did when in the book of Acts it says, "They devoted themselves to the apostle's doctrine," the apostle's doctrine. If you think about it, the apostles didn't have a Bible like [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Importance of Blessing and Supporting Israel
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Jentezen Franklin - The Importance of Blessing and Supporting Israel
Jentezen Franklin - The Importance of Blessing and Supporting Israel
Hello and welcome to a very special edition of Kingdom Connection. First of all, I wanna say, thank God for each and every one of you who join us every week or every day, even, in some areas for this telecast. We deeply, deeply appreciate you taking [...]
Derek Prince - Promises For Israel
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Derek Prince - Promises For Israel
Derek Prince - Promises For Israel
Going back to Romans 11, this is now an exciting verse, verse 15: For if their rejection be the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? Through the rejection of the Jewish people the Gentiles had the [...]
Derek Prince - Israel Is Not Cast Away
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Derek Prince - Israel Is Not Cast Away
Derek Prince - Israel Is Not Cast Away
This is the fourth and final session in this four part series of teaching on Romans chapters 9, 10 and 11. At the end of the third session we had just got somewhere into the beginning of chapter 11. And Paul had pointed out that there is amongst the [...]
Sid Roth - Satan's Next Attack Imminent! Do This NOW!
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Sid Roth - Satan's Next Attack Imminent! Do This NOW!
Sid Roth - Satan's Next Attack Imminent! Do This NOW!
Sid Roth : Barry and Batya Segal are amazing pioneers who live in Israel. They're Jewish believers in Yeshua. Israel was a nation established by God, Himself. Barry. Barry Segal : Yes, Shalom Sid! God has shown me in His Word. God said to [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Secret to Being Blessed
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Jentezen Franklin - The Secret to Being Blessed
Jentezen Franklin - The Secret to Being Blessed
I wanna preach today on the secret to blessing, the secret to being blessed, and even prosperous in every area of your life. When a church, when a nation, when a family, when an individual decides to bless Israel, the Bible teaches that a [...]
John Bradshaw - Life In Ancient Israel
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John Bradshaw - Life In Ancient Israel
John Bradshaw - Life In Ancient Israel
John Bradshaw : This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. As you read the Bible, you read some of the great stories of all of history. Accounts that God has placed into the Bible for us to learn not only their history, [...]
Derek Prince - God Decides Who Are His People
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Derek Prince - God Decides Who Are His People
Derek Prince - God Decides Who Are His People
Now we’re going to continue with the next section which begins at verse 6 and continues through verse 13. And the heading that I’ve chosen for this section is God’s Choice Determines Who Are His People. Here we are now dealing with the sovereignty [...]
Derek Prince - A Concern For Israel
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Derek Prince - A Concern For Israel
Derek Prince - A Concern For Israel
This is the first of four teaching sessions in which we will be working through Romans chapters 9, 10 and 11. We will work through them systematically. You’ve been provided with an outline which will help you to follow, and you need an open Bible in [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Finding The Lost Tribes of Israel
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Jonathan Bernis - Finding The Lost Tribes of Israel
Jonathan Bernis - Finding The Lost Tribes of Israel
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice and thank you for joining me. I'm Jonathan Bernis. The lost tribes of Israel, are they just a myth or do they really exist? If they are real, who are they? Where are they? And how did they [...]
Allen Jackson - Jew and Gentile
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Allen Jackson - Jew and Gentile
Allen Jackson - Jew and Gentile
You know, it wasn't too long ago, a couple of years or so, that there were historic peace accords being made in the Middle East on a very regular basis. Israel and her surrounding nations that had never had formal peace processes were signing [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel and God's Promises - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Israel and God's Promises - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Israel and God's Promises - Part 2
Well, in John chapter 4, it's a part of Jesus's ministry. Do you remember when he visited the village in Samaria? The Samaritans are still occupying that biblical heartland, the mountains of Israel, and the Samaritans and the Jews had [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel and God's Promises - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Israel and God's Promises - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Israel and God's Promises - Part 1
I'd like to spend a few sessions and explore a little bit with you Israel, the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, and God's promises. I think, in general, the Christian church and particularly the American church, it's where I [...]
Jack Graham - Israel, America and the Road to the Future
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Jack Graham - Israel, America and the Road to the Future
Jack Graham - Israel, America and the Road to the Future
Now take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Genesis, chapter 12. Genesis, the twelfth chapter. And the title and topic of the message today is "Israel, America and the Road to the Future". I know we have people from around the [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
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Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
Did you know that Jesus was Jewish? You might be asking, "What does that mean for your christian faith"? Watch today and discover how understanding the Jewish roots of your faith, and your connection to Israel and the Jewish people can [...]
John Hagee - Jerusalem: Path To Prosperity
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John Hagee - Jerusalem: Path To Prosperity
John Hagee - Jerusalem: Path To Prosperity
Why pray for peace in Jerusalem? This is a command. It's not a request. I want you to get that in your mind. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" does not say, "Will you please consider doing it"? It says, "Pray for the [...]
John Hagee - Jerusalem: The City Of Peace
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John Hagee - Jerusalem: The City Of Peace
John Hagee - Jerusalem: The City Of Peace
Everything that's dear to Christianity has its roots in Jerusalem, including unstoppable prosperity. Say those two words: "Unstoppable prosperity". How many of you would like to experience unstoppable prosperity? It all begins with [...]
John Hagee - Jerusalem And WWIII
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John Hagee - Jerusalem And WWIII
John Hagee - Jerusalem And WWIII
I was in Israel visiting the heads of state and experiencing one of the most gratifying weeks of my life. The most thrilling moment was standing on the tarmac of the Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv at 1 o'clock in the morning, waiting for that [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Why Standing with Israel Matters?
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Jonathan Bernis - Why Standing with Israel Matters?
Jonathan Bernis - Why Standing with Israel Matters?
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice and thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis and today on the program my co-host Ezra Benjamin is back with me and we're gonna discussing a topic, Ezra, I think this is [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Jerusalem Rising
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Jonathan Bernis - Jerusalem Rising
Jonathan Bernis - Jerusalem Rising
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice, and thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, with my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Well, our current events regarding Jerusalem and Israel as a nation actually fulfilling Bible [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Israel The Land
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Jonathan Bernis - Israel The Land
Jonathan Bernis - Israel The Land
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome Jewish Voice, and thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis. Now, you might be aware that there are 193 nations in the world. Some are large, like the United States, China, Russia. They have [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. When Jesus died on the cross, he opened the door for everyone to have a relationship with God, Jew and gentile alike. But now that salvation is available to all, does that mean [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Why The Jew Is Important To You? - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. The Old Testament is filled with detailed prophecies about the coming of Messiah. And yet when Jesus finally arrived, the majority of Jews failed to receive him as their king. [...]
Sid Roth - Biblical Cloud Protects Israel
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Sid Roth - Biblical Cloud Protects Israel
Sid Roth - Biblical Cloud Protects Israel
Israeli news footage has been uncovered about the Shekinah glory with this headline, "Biblical cloud protects Israel from ISIS over the Golan Heights". Sid Roth : Barry and Batya Segal are amazing pioneers who live in Israel. They're [...]
Sid Roth - God's End Time Prophetic Plan for America and Israel
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Sid Roth - God's End Time Prophetic Plan for America and Israel
Sid Roth - God's End Time Prophetic Plan for America and Israel
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth you investigative reporter here with John McTernan. And he has spotted something so phenomenal. It appears as though every time there are three things that occur in the United States of America there are horrific [...]
David Reagan - Israel in Prophecy with Tim Moore
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David Reagan - Israel in Prophecy with Tim Moore
David Reagan - Israel in Prophecy with Tim Moore
Is there any hope for Israel, or is it destined to destruction by the Arab nations that surround it? For a fascinating discussion of Israel’s past, present and future from a biblical viewpoint, stay tuned. David Reagan : Greetings in the name of [...]
Robert Jeffress - It Begins and Ends with Israel, Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - It Begins and Ends with Israel, Part 2
Robert Jeffress - It Begins and Ends with Israel, Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. The word Genesis means the origin or the beginning, and in the Bible's very first book, the Book of Genesis, we find plenty of beginnings: the beginning of the world, the [...]
Robert Jeffress - It Begins and Ends with Israel, Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - It Begins and Ends with Israel, Part 1
Robert Jeffress - It Begins and Ends with Israel, Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. From the very beginning, it's been clear that God has a special plan and purpose for the nation of Israel. So what does the future of this ancient nation have to do with the [...]
David Reagan - The Greatest Event of the 20th Century
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David Reagan - The Greatest Event of the 20th Century
David Reagan - The Greatest Event of the 20th Century
The 20th Century was full of momentous events that no one could have foreseen in 1900. Looking back on that century, what would you consider to be the most important event from a biblical perspective — particularly from the viewpoint of Bible [...]
David Reagan - Why Take a Pilgrimage to Israel
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David Reagan - Why Take a Pilgrimage to Israel
David Reagan - Why Take a Pilgrimage to Israel
I have been to Israel 45 times, and my spiritual life has been blessed and deepened by each visit. Before I went the first time, back in 1979, I was told that a pilgrimage to the Holy Land would transform the Bible for me from black and white into [...]
Sid Roth - We Found the Lost Tribes of Israel with Rick Amato
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Sid Roth - We Found the Lost Tribes of Israel with Rick Amato
Sid Roth - We Found the Lost Tribes of Israel with Rick Amato
The rabbis say the lost tribes of Israel must return to Israel before the last great world war. Now all the lost tribes have been found; it’s documented. Next on this edition of "It's Supernatural"! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth [...]
David Reagan - Jan Markell on Israel
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David Reagan - Jan Markell on Israel
David Reagan - Jan Markell on Israel
Do the Jewish people have any right to the land of Israel, or did they steal it from the Palestinian people? Are the Palestinians an oppressed people who are being denied their rights by Israel? Is there really any hope for peace in the Middle East? [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Destiny for Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Destiny for Israel
Rabbi Schneider - God's Destiny for Israel
I'm going to show you today how important the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament was for Jesus and His followers, and how Jesus and His followers used the Old Testament to reveal who the Messiah would be and then showed how Jesus is that person. [...]
David Reagan - Israel's 70th Anniversary
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David Reagan - Israel's 70th Anniversary
David Reagan - Israel's 70th Anniversary
Throughout this year, the Jewish people worldwide are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the re-establishment of the state of Israel on May 14th, 1948. What is the spiritual significance of this event and why should Christians be interested in it? [...]
David Reagan - Myths About Israel, Part 2
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David Reagan - Myths About Israel, Part 2
David Reagan - Myths About Israel, Part 2
Is it true that the Palestinians living within Israel are an oppressed and persecuted people? Is it true that Israel is an apartheid state? These are serious allegations that are made against Israel every day, even by the United Nations. Are they [...]
David Reagan - Myths About Israel, Part 1
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David Reagan - Myths About Israel, Part 1
David Reagan - Myths About Israel, Part 1
Is it true that the Jewish people stole the land of Israel from the Palestinians? Is it true that the Jewish people have no historical claim over either the land of Israel, or the city of Jerusalem? The answer to these questions is very simple. The [...]
David Reagan - The Birth of Israel
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David Reagan - The Birth of Israel
David Reagan - The Birth of Israel
The greatest miracle of the 20th Century was one that clearly signaled that we are living in the season of the Lord’s return when He will reign over this world for a thousand years from Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. What was that great miracle? Stay tuned. [...]
David Reagan - Book Israel in Bible Prophecy
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David Reagan - Book Israel in Bible Prophecy
David Reagan - Book Israel in Bible Prophecy
Have you ever wondered why end time Bible prophecy seems to focus on the Jewish people and the nation of Israel? And why should a Gentile Christian be concerned about what is happening among the Jewish people today? For a discussion of these [...]
Derek Prince - When Nations Turn Against Israel
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Derek Prince - When Nations Turn Against Israel
Derek Prince - When Nations Turn Against Israel
This is an excerpt from: Pressures, Tests & Challenges Now let’s go to the fourth category in Matthew 25, which is the sheep and the goat nations. Starting at verse 31 now. When the Son of Man comes in His glory and all the holy angels with [...]
David Reagan - The Preservation of the Jews
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David Reagan - The Preservation of the Jews
David Reagan - The Preservation of the Jews
The greatest miracle in history was the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. What would you say is the second greatest miracle? Well, the miracle I’m going to talk with you about today would certainly be a contender. Stay tuned. David Reagan: [...]
David Reagan - US-Israel Relations
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David Reagan - US-Israel Relations
David Reagan - US-Israel Relations
Since the establishment of Israel in May of 1948, which American political party has shown the most favor to the Jewish state? And spiritually, what difference does it make? I think you will be surprised by the answers to both questions. Stay tuned. [...]
David Reagan - Calics on Evangelism in Israel
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David Reagan - Calics on Evangelism in Israel
David Reagan - Calics on Evangelism in Israel
What kind of evangelism, if any, is going on in Israel today? Is there freedom to share the Gospel? Are there Messianic congregations composed of believing Jews? Is there any kind of media outreach with the Gospel to the Jewish people? For the [...]
David Reagan - Frazier on the Miracle of Israel
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David Reagan - Frazier on the Miracle of Israel
David Reagan - Frazier on the Miracle of Israel
Why do Bible prophecy ministries give so much significance to the re-establishment of the state of Israel? And why do they often stress that the re-establishment of Israel is a miracle of God? Also, when you consider the fact that the state of [...]
David Reagan - Interview with Rabbi Baruch Korman
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David Reagan - Interview with Rabbi Baruch Korman
David Reagan - Interview with Rabbi Baruch Korman
What is it like to be a Jewish believer in Israel? Is there constant harassment? Is there freedom to evangelize? And how open are the Jews of Israel to the Gospel? For a fascinating interview with a Messianic Jewish leader from Israel, stay tuned. [...]
David Reagan - Koenig on US-Israel Relations
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David Reagan - Koenig on US-Israel Relations
David Reagan - Koenig on US-Israel Relations
After eight years of the stormiest relationship with Israel in our history, do better days lie ahead? Is the Middle East on the verge of war? Will the Trump Administration trash the deal that Obama made with Iran? Will ISIS attack Israel? And will [...]
David Reagan - The End Times Focus on Israel, Part 2
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David Reagan - The End Times Focus on Israel, Part 2
David Reagan - The End Times Focus on Israel, Part 2
What in the world is going on in the Middle East? Why is the region embroiled in such turmoil? What is ISIS all about, and how does the rise of ISIS relate to the regathering of the Jewish people to their homeland? And what is the biblical [...]
David Reagan - The End Times Focus on Israel, Part 1
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David Reagan - The End Times Focus on Israel, Part 1
David Reagan - The End Times Focus on Israel, Part 1
Do the Jewish people have any right to the land of Israel? Did they steal that land from the Palestinians? Did they create the modern day state of Israel in violation of international law? Is there any hope for real peace in the Middle East between [...]
David Reagan - Mizrachi on Evangelism in Israel
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David Reagan - Mizrachi on Evangelism in Israel
David Reagan - Mizrachi on Evangelism in Israel
Did you know that the Gospel is being proclaimed throughout Israel today? And did you know that both Jews and Arabs in Israel are responding to it? My special guest today is a Messianic Jewish leader from Tel Aviv, stay tuned. David Reagan: [...]
David Reagan - Jewish Aliyah
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David Reagan - Jewish Aliyah
David Reagan - Jewish Aliyah
The Hebrew word, Aliyah, means going up, and it is used in Israel to refer to a person going up to Jerusalem since that city is located on one of Israel’s high hills. The term is also used to refer to people immigrating to Israel. Thus a person [...]
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