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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Grateful for God's Sovereign Grace
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Grateful for God's Sovereign Grace
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Grateful for God's Sovereign Grace
So what’s the topic today? Be grateful for God’s sovereign grace. I want to highlight three important truths. God’s sovereign grace involves God’s election. The word «election», you all know, you choose. That’s the word for election. God chooses. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Finding Gratitude in the Feast of Tabernacles
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Rabbi Schneider - Finding Gratitude in the Feast of Tabernacles
Rabbi Schneider - Finding Gratitude in the Feast of Tabernacles
Welcome. Baruch Haba B'Shem Adonai. Welcome in the name of the Lord. I am in a spot right now. I wish you could be here. I'm in the deep forest of Colorado. In fact, I got some survival training here. And the guy that I brought over here [...]
Rick Warren - How God Blesses Grateful Hearts
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Rick Warren - How God Blesses Grateful Hearts
Rick Warren - How God Blesses Grateful Hearts
Hi, everybody. Have I told you lately that I love you? Because I do! Happy Thanksgiving! In a sense, this next week is Thanksgiving. I'm pausing my series on pain so we can prepare ourselves for Thanksgiving Day. So you know what I did this [...]
John Bradshaw - Grateful
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John Bradshaw - Grateful
John Bradshaw - Grateful
It's been said that war is hell, many don't survive it completely intact, suffering physical or psychological scarring, but if certain wars had not been fought, it's possible you might be speaking a different language today. Proverbs [...]
Mike Novotny - Even if You're Living With Pain
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Mike Novotny - Even if You're Living With Pain
Mike Novotny - Even if You're Living With Pain
I had a really good message for you today. Maybe you caught the past tense, I had one. We have been talking in this series about grumbling, and gratitude, and God, and I thought I would end these messages with one of my favorite passages on [...]
Mike Novotny - Even When You're Hurting
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Mike Novotny - Even When You're Hurting
Mike Novotny - Even When You're Hurting
So, we are here in week three of a sermon series called, "Thanks for Everything," and essentially, the point of this sermon series is to move from a default setting of grumbling to a place of extreme gratitude. And so, we have been trying [...]
Mike Novotny - Because of 14 Spiritual Gifts You Already Have
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Mike Novotny - Because of 14 Spiritual Gifts You Already Have
Mike Novotny - Because of 14 Spiritual Gifts You Already Have
Last week we kicked off this series talking about gratitude and cultivating a thankful heart, and if you heard it, I am not sure how it impacted you, but I know how it impacted me. Hearing what God has to say about gratitude, it changed me, it stuck [...]
Mike Novotny - Because of Eternal Joy
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Mike Novotny - Because of Eternal Joy
Mike Novotny - Because of Eternal Joy
There is something really, really important, that sooner or later you need to know about life. And that something is this: there is always something. Like, in your life, and in my life, in a good life, or a bad life, there is always, always, always, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Develop an Attitude of Gratitude
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Kenneth Copeland - Develop an Attitude of Gratitude
Kenneth Copeland - Develop an Attitude of Gratitude
— Hello, everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. You ought to know by now that this is Professor Greg Stephens. How many broadcasts have we done together? — When we finished this week, they told me it'll be 180. — Praise God and all of it soundly [...]
Mark Batterson - The Attitude Of Gratitude
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Mark Batterson - The Attitude Of Gratitude
Mark Batterson - The Attitude Of Gratitude
When I was a kid, one of my early memories is playing a game called Hide the Thimble. My grandparents lived in an old house with lots of nooks and crannies. And my grandma would hide one of her sewing thimbles. Now, pretty small, about the size of [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Debt of Gratitude
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Dr. Ed Young - Debt of Gratitude
Dr. Ed Young - Debt of Gratitude
Anybody here ever lived in Vermont, would you lift your hand? You've lived in the state of Vermont. Surely out of 5,000, 6,000 people, somebody's lived in Vermont. Am I not seeing your hand? Where? Back there. Stand up, Vermont, stand up [...]
Steven Furtick - List Your Victories
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Steven Furtick - List Your Victories
Steven Furtick - List Your Victories
I think it's crazy inspiring that in the Word of God they listed the victories God gave the Israelites. Let's start with the fact that it wasn't just Joshua who won these victories. When we start the book of Joshua, it's like, [...]
Matt Hagee - The Miracle That Might Have Been
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Matt Hagee - The Miracle That Might Have Been
Matt Hagee - The Miracle That Might Have Been
When you read Psalm 20:1 through 5, it begins with a series of things that only God can do. "May the Lord answer you in your day of trouble". When God moves in your day of trouble, you might declare, "It's a miracle". [...]
Allen Jackson - Gratitude and Supplication
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Allen Jackson - Gratitude and Supplication
Allen Jackson - Gratitude and Supplication
Hey, it's an honor to be with you again. Our topic today is "America, Stop Grumbling". It's important. Folks, we are the most blessed people on planet Earth. I had a meeting this week with a man from Congo, and he's given [...]
John Bradshaw - Grateful
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John Bradshaw - Grateful
John Bradshaw - Grateful
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. "It has pleased Almighty God to prolong our national life another year, defending us with His guardian care against unfriendly designs from abroad, and vouchsafing to us in [...]
Jack Graham - A Grateful Life
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Jack Graham - A Grateful Life
Jack Graham - A Grateful Life
Turn please in your Bibles to Psalm 107. By now you should know that the Psalms represent the songbook of the Bible. These great poems and songs of praise and thanksgiving to God, praising God for who he is, giving thanks for what he has done. Psalm [...]
Joyce Meyer - Gratitude and Generosity
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Joyce Meyer - Gratitude and Generosity
Joyce Meyer - Gratitude and Generosity
Well, thank you for joining me, today, for, "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, the Word of God is full of things that we are told to do or not to do, that put us in a position, if we obey them, of really, being able to enjoy our everyday [...]
Craig Smith - Be Grateful
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Craig Smith - Be Grateful
Craig Smith - Be Grateful
Christmas is coming, but before Christmas, Thanksgiving, right? This was Thanksgiving weekend and so, we’re gonna take this opportunity to talk a little bit about gratitude. And I know you’re thinking, “Whoa, breaking new ground there, Craig.” [...]
Robert Jeffress - Count Blessings Not Sheep
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Robert Jeffress - Count Blessings Not Sheep
Robert Jeffress - Count Blessings Not Sheep
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Life is full of toil, trouble and trials. And we all go through times when we wish God had dealt us a better hand. But even when life's circumstances threaten to overwhelm [...]
Andy Stanley - Give Thanks: An Attitude of Gratitude
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Andy Stanley - Give Thanks: An Attitude of Gratitude
Andy Stanley - Give Thanks: An Attitude of Gratitude
Hi everybody, welcome back and Happy Thanksgiving a few days early, right? Hey, I hope you all have an opportunity to celebrate with friends and family this week. For several years, a friend of mine and I would get up really, really early on [...]
Steven Furtick - Learning To Thank God In Every Season
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Steven Furtick - Learning To Thank God In Every Season
Steven Furtick - Learning To Thank God In Every Season
I have carefully selected the finest cut of Scripture for you today for this post-Thanksgiving meal, this feast. We're going to feast on his faithfulness, church. In Deuteronomy, chapter 8, there is a Scripture that has often drawn my attention [...]
Victoria Osteen - Express Gratitude Through Actions
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Victoria Osteen - Express Gratitude Through Actions
Victoria Osteen - Express Gratitude Through Actions
The other day, my son did something so nice for me. It was really special. He went out of his way and took his time to really make me feel good, and I did. I was so appreciative of what he did. I called him up and I said, "Jonathan, thank you [...]
Creflo Dollar - Living the Grateful Life
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Creflo Dollar - Living the Grateful Life
Creflo Dollar - Living the Grateful Life
If you have your Bibles this morning, I want to share some things with you I feel you can take with you throughout the day and it will be a blessing to your life. I want to talk to you about living the grateful life. It's not just, you know, a [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Renew Your Mind to Gratitude and Thanksgiving
Kenneth Copeland - Renew Your Mind to Gratitude and Thanksgiving
KENNETH: Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth, and this is Gloria Copeland. We welcome you today to the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. Let's have a word of prayer, and we can get right into today's Bible lesson. Father, we [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Developing a Gratitude Attitude
Kenneth Copeland - Developing a Gratitude Attitude
KENNETH: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believers Voice of Victory broadcast. Father, thank you today. We receive revelation from heaven concerning this life of faith and we ask you to help us today as we go to your word and as we develop a life [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Stop Complaining
Joyce Meyer - Stop Complaining
Well, today is a special holiday that we call thanksgiving and I hope you have a great one today. But I believe every day should be thanksgiving. I believe one of the most important things that we can do is be thankful for our lives and all that God [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Power Of Gratitude
Joyce Meyer - The Power Of Gratitude
Now, let's go back for a few minutes to this thing about all things working out for good. I mean, of course, I can, you know, I can tell you my story and just quickly say that, you know, how could anybody in their right mind stand and say, [...]
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Charles Stanley - Overflowing With Gratitude
Charles Stanley - Overflowing With Gratitude
In 1621, the settlers, those new settlers to this new land, thanked God for the tremendous crops they had that year and had the first Thanksgiving. And then we come along and George Washington in his first year of inauguration as president, he also [...]
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Robert Morris — His Thanksgiving
Robert Morris — His Thanksgiving
I want you to turn to Luke 17, and we're gonna continue our series called, "Living in His Presence". And we're really talking about worship, when we're talking about entering God's presence. And not going out from His [...]
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Steven Furtick — Graduating Gratitude
Steven Furtick — Graduating Gratitude
(1 Part) I want to talk about graduating in gratitude. Graduating in gratitude. Moses speaks to this, he's come to give us a commencement address to say that maybe what you need in your life isn't the next level of accomplishment, or the [...]
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Steven Furtick — Practicing Gratitude
Steven Furtick — Practicing Gratitude
I watch some interesting stuff on YouTube, if I can get that out there. I go on kicks. And a couple years ago, I went on a kick where I watched commencement speeches at Stanford, and Harvard, and other different little colleges. I watched a [...]
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Greg Laurie — An Attitude of Gratitude
Greg Laurie — An Attitude of Gratitude
The title of my message is, "An attitude of gratitude". I don't know what your favorite part of the thanksgiving meal is. For some it is the dessert. For others it is the extra goodies. I think pretty much everybody loves the turkey. [...]
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Steven Furtick — Graduating in Gratitude
Steven Furtick — Graduating in Gratitude
Graduating in gratitude. I watch some interesting stuff on You Tube, if I can get that out there. I go on kicks. And a couple years ago, I went on a kick where I watched commencement speeches at Stanford, and Harvard, and other different little [...]
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TD Jakes — From Guilt to Gratitude
TD Jakes — From Guilt to Gratitude
Greetings, everybody. I'm excited to have this opportunity to share the Word of the Lord with you. Have you ever gone through anything that left you feeling sad, and down, worried, depressed, at the end of your rope? Have you ever had to go on [...]