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Jeff Schreve - Overcoming The Financial Feud
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Jeff Schreve - Overcoming The Financial Feud
Jeff Schreve - Overcoming The Financial Feud
Money is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master, and a wrong view of money can create all kinds of problems in your marriage and family. Hey, would you like to experience financial peace in your home? Join me, today, to learn how to use money [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Budget Always Tight?
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Peter Tan-Chi - Budget Always Tight?
Peter Tan-Chi - Budget Always Tight?
What does it mean to have Financial Freedom? Can you whisper to your neighbor quickly, in your own understanding, what does it mean to have Financial Freedom? For most people, Financial Freedom means "I am free..." of course, "...from [...]
Adrian Rogers - Family Finances
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Adrian Rogers - Family Finances
Adrian Rogers - Family Finances
Take your Bibles, find First Timothy chapter 6, and when you've found it, let me talk to you a little bit about your family and the finances of your family. I can say without a shadow of a doubt or equivocation that money is a root of all kinds [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Divine Health In Your Finances
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Kenneth Copeland - Divine Health In Your Finances
Kenneth Copeland - Divine Health In Your Finances
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Anyway, we just walked up on her dad's porch. This is our first date. We walked up on her porch and I said, "Gloria, will [...]
Robert Morris - Passing the Prosperity Test
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Robert Morris - Passing the Prosperity Test
Robert Morris - Passing the Prosperity Test
All right, we are continuing the Dream to Destiny series. I know that you think this is an eternal series, but this is the eighth message, and there are ten. So I have two more after this week that I'll be doing the next two weeks. All right? [...]
Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
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Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
This is a clip from the full sermon The Christian And His Money. We might think, some of us, that a tenth is a lot to give to God. You know, if I earn 200 pounds, I've got to give God 20 pounds. That sounds a lot. Well, let's look at [...]
Derek Prince - Giving Starts With Giving Yourself
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Derek Prince - Giving Starts With Giving Yourself
Derek Prince - Giving Starts With Giving Yourself
The second principle is that we do not gain God's favor by giving. God doesn't want us to give first of all of our material means. He wants us to give ourselves to Him. Again, the Corinthians were an example. Or rather an example is [...]
Derek Prince - If God Touches Your Heart, He Will Also Touch Your Bank Account
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Derek Prince - If God Touches Your Heart, He Will Also Touch Your Bank Account
Derek Prince - If God Touches Your Heart, He Will Also Touch Your Bank Account
In this talk, I want to lay out five important principles of right giving, all of them based on Scripture. The first one is that what we as Christians do with our money is not a matter of law. It's not based on commandment. But, it is by grace [...]
Derek Prince - Use Your Money To Make Friends For Eternity
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Derek Prince - Use Your Money To Make Friends For Eternity
Derek Prince - Use Your Money To Make Friends For Eternity
And then in Luke 16, Jesus had more to say along this line. I'll begin at verse 9: And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail - or the alternative reading is, when it fails - they may receive you [...]
Derek Prince - If You Love Money, You Hate God
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Derek Prince - If You Love Money, You Hate God
Derek Prince - If You Love Money, You Hate God
Jesus Himself had a lot to say about money. I want to just turn to a couple of passages in the gospels where He deals with this question of money. The first is in the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 6:24: No one can serve two masters; for either he [...]
Derek Prince - You Cannot Separate Your Love From Your Money
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Derek Prince - You Cannot Separate Your Love From Your Money
Derek Prince - You Cannot Separate Your Love From Your Money
The next thing I want to say is brought out in a statement in the prophet Haggai, just before the prophet Zechariah, if you know where he lives. Haggai 2, just one or two verses. The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, says the LORD of hosts. [...]
Derek Prince - Is Money Good Or Evil?
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Derek Prince - Is Money Good Or Evil?
Derek Prince - Is Money Good Or Evil?
This will be the first in a series of three short talks on the theme: The Christian and His Money. This particular first talk, the subtitle which I have given it, is: Money is Important. I think it's necessary to stress that because some [...]