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Allen Jackson - Followers of Jesus - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Followers of Jesus - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Followers of Jesus - Part 2
We're gonna complete our discussion on being followers of Jesus. Let me make a suggestion. Don't allow your spiritual life to be defined by the congregation where you worship, the tradition, denomination, you belong to, the translation of the Bible [...]
Allen Jackson - Followers of Jesus - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Followers of Jesus - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Followers of Jesus - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. We're working through a series on clarifying our identity in Christ. In this session, specifically, what it means to be a follower of Jesus. You know, the most important decision you and I can make is to say yes [...]
Michael Youssef - Consistent Fellowship
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Michael Youssef - Consistent Fellowship
Michael Youssef - Consistent Fellowship
Hello my friends. Saying yes to Jesus is just the first step. It's like a baby being born. In fact, Jesus calls it being born again. That baby needs nourishment, needs safety, needs warmth, and security. And the only place where that can happen is [...]
Leon Fontaine - Fellowship With God
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Leon Fontaine - Fellowship With God
Leon Fontaine - Fellowship With God
Hey, everybody! It's so good to have you with us again. We've been talking lately about prayer. A whole new look at prayer for people because so much of the Christian world prays unbelief. They pray begging, bugging prayers. And so we've already [...]
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Beth Moore - Staying Afloat on the Fellow Ship
Beth Moore - Staying Afloat on the Fellow Ship
All right, would you sit down and would you turn with me to Colossians chapter 4, Colossians chapter 4, written to the brothers and sisters in Colossi, where he had never been, but had many relationships and it is believed probably because of the [...]